View Full Version : Favorite cheesy love songs?

Aug 30, 2012, 1:19 AM
This one has been getting under my skin lately.
Sparky sounds like he gargles broken glass but I still love him.

Anyone else got one?

Warrior Poet 69
Aug 30, 2012, 1:43 AM
Not ashamed to admit I always kinda dug the pina colada song!

Long Duck Dong
Aug 30, 2012, 3:11 AM
the Ballard of tom jones is a love song with a difference


Aug 30, 2012, 3:47 AM
Try this one. I was a child of the 80's and 90's Hair Metal. Dokken, Ratt, Whitesnake, Megadeth, Motley Crue, Skid Row, Mr. Big, Great White, and these guys - Firehouse


This was sung at more weddings in the 90's than any song I can think of.

Aug 30, 2012, 4:13 AM
LOl A couple of our guys do this one at Karaoke night. Brings the tavern down in laughter..;)


Aug 30, 2012, 10:41 AM
Oh my, love the ones posted, this is one LDD sang to me.. yeah it's cheesy but I love it.


Aug 30, 2012, 10:50 AM

I sing this to my husband, sometimes while being sexual with him, Every time, because he's the only one who knows who I am.

Aug 30, 2012, 11:15 AM

I'm biased....lol

Aug 30, 2012, 11:19 AM
I just LOVE this version of this song....

Aug 30, 2012, 11:28 AM

I guess mine are a bit personal......and also show my age. See what music can do to us......mmmmmmm

Aug 30, 2012, 11:31 AM
That's what loves songs are, Chica....PERSONAL! Doesn't matter who else likes them....but for the record....I like them!! Guess I'm showing my age as well! :tongue:

Aug 30, 2012, 11:33 AM
This to me was the ultimate love song when I heard it.. .gotta love the whole go an extra mile if you got to, just get here.


Aug 30, 2012, 11:51 AM

Love the piano...the environmental message is a bonus.

Aug 30, 2012, 12:45 PM

Gotta say, I think that country might have the cheesiest but also the sexiest love songs... enjoy

Aug 30, 2012, 1:12 PM

I guess we can only post one vid in a post? But.. This is a Cheesy and favorite of mine, I love musicals.

Aug 30, 2012, 1:16 PM

maybe the cheesiest "love" song lol

Aug 30, 2012, 3:08 PM
Gene (lock up your daughters) Pitney, inventor and bar setter of TMI when dumping your SO (In a fekin LETTER no less!).:rolleyes: Pop history was made at 1:20 in the vid when Gene gave us THE 'look' that says it all. "She said 'ok'", and then THE look.;) To all hetero/bi males and bi/gay women THAT needs no more said, we KNOW what Gene is saying there, we're picking up what he's laying down, we got the full low down of that lady in the cheap motel and know things will turn out for Gene, oh yes we get the drift.lol
The horny little bugger!

Aug 30, 2012, 3:57 PM
Better than the Last Night of the Proms ne way.. cheesy as it is,, me dad saw Dusty at the Albert Hall in 79.. mayb even this very performance... I was all cosy and curled up in a nice ball inside me mum's tum.... she couldn't get there... swollen ankles.... it was the old bugger's fave cheesy song...:bigrin:


Aug 30, 2012, 5:23 PM
Ok HERE is one of the all time great cheeseball love songs of all times. This was on so many peoples' "our song" list in the US in the 80's -


Aug 30, 2012, 5:28 PM
I was hooked on this song for a very long time after a friend shared it with me, just something about it..


Cast Iron
Aug 30, 2012, 5:51 PM

This song certainly wasn't cheesy at the time. I lost my virginity to a gorgeous woman from San Diego and this song is just so HER.

Aug 30, 2012, 6:06 PM
This isn't very cheesy... I don't think so anyway...it actually means something to me about a member of this site I had a huge thing for a long time ago... I tried to send it to her over me old clunky PC which ran like treacle.. so for her..very belatedly....in memory of a luffly lil while.. from 1 cheesy tart.. one beautiful now sadly lil ole lady with an exquisite voice singing one beautiful song for another beautiful girl who fibbed 'bout her age when she signed up for .com an' so turning Fran into cradle snatcher *laffs* I will never forget:bigrin:...


Aug 30, 2012, 6:18 PM
and this is for Kate... my Kate.. mother of our children... who I loved lost found lost and after what seemed ever such a long, long time found again.. same beautiful lil ole lady as b4... no song has ever had me cry myself to sleep as this or brought on such surges of emotion.. not cheesy.. and any1 who sez so will get cyber clip round lug'ole...:)


Aug 30, 2012, 6:21 PM
I first heard this song and thought my goodness what cheesy lyrics then I saw Katarina Witt skate to this song and my jaw dropped. So enjoy


Aug 30, 2012, 6:34 PM

Not that cheesy, but compelling regardless. Incredible guitarist.

Aug 30, 2012, 7:28 PM
I am still waiting for the ultimate, cheesy, bad love song, but nobody has posted it yet. It was sung by a duo from the 70's. See if you can guess who and which song it was.

Aug 30, 2012, 8:12 PM
I am still waiting for the ultimate, cheesy, bad love song, but nobody has posted it yet. It was sung by a duo from the 70's. See if you can guess who and which song it was.

Not "Muskrat Love" by Captain and Tennille??

Aug 30, 2012, 8:34 PM
I am still waiting for the ultimate, cheesy, bad love song, but nobody has posted it yet. It was sung by a duo from the 70's. See if you can guess who and which song it was.
Has to be the Carpenters but I refuse on a matta of principle to ruin folk's enjoyment of this site an' so will not even lower mesel 2 name it!!!! Forgive me peeps for even remindin' u of it...

Aug 30, 2012, 8:36 PM
Not "Muskrat Love" by Captain and Tennille??
Grim and cheesy Mumsie.. but reckon it is still the Crapenters...

Aug 30, 2012, 10:46 PM
KATE GETS THE BOOBY PRIZE!!!!! Muskrat <<puke>> Love was what I was thinking.
A cheesier, cornier song was never written, nor sung by any duo who deserved it so much.

To be properly done and given the true tribute the song deserves, it could have only been more appropriate to have it sung by . . . Alvin & The Chipmunks! lol

Aug 31, 2012, 3:05 AM
Before I get the foot in my ass, I just have to let this out. Falcondfw; you have to be the biggest fucking douchebag I have ever fucking had the mispleasure of reading. Drew, you're a cunt, but even the guy in your ass calls you that. Drew is a troll himself, he goes by _someone_ and quite a few more. Darkeyes, thinking of you being raped by a British Royal Marine would only be your hottest fantasy. I seriously have to say that I have never been around a bigger collection of fucking nitwits in my entire life. If no one has got it, after the thread that got TBV and Aeon banned, has anyone noticed how many latent members it conjured up?.......talk about trolls. So who else does Drew post as?

Aug 31, 2012, 4:49 AM
Please, don't repost the rantings of an idiot for those of us who put him on ignore. We did it for a reason.

you are truly a sad individual if you can't attack me better than that.
The offensiveness of your post is only dwarfed by the limited intellect you show.
May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits.

Aug 31, 2012, 5:15 AM

at the time it wasn't cheesy but looking back.. yeah

Aug 31, 2012, 5:29 AM
Ah s'pose it depends on how one defines cheese, but... The Cure is cheese. Wonderful, beautiful cheese. The Brie of new wave/synth pop.


Aug 31, 2012, 5:30 AM

I don't think it's cheese but someone else might, still one of my fave one hit wonders.

Aug 31, 2012, 5:42 AM
I don't think it's cheese but someone else might, still one of my fave one hit wonders.
Cheese? Nahhh. I did enjoy it, though.
Perhaps we should articulate the boundaries of what constitutes musical fromage :tongue:

That said, this one always gets my panties in a bunch :oh: It would be soooo nice if I could sleep. Six Newcastles deep and I'm still wired :(


Aug 31, 2012, 9:43 AM
Debate what's cheesy??? LOL as if this forum could keep from debating ANYTHING. But cheesy vids do get better with age just like a nice wine (http://youtu.be/0ZoI1QKI1KY) who could forget the wine???


Aug 31, 2012, 9:49 AM

I'm stickin' with the love part....the cheese stands alone.

Aug 31, 2012, 10:47 AM
My buddy thinks this song's cheesy, but I've never heard it played with more feeling.


Aug 31, 2012, 1:36 PM
Talk about cheese... I was bout 6 or 7 and every time I went in2 me big sister's room this was playing... just heard it on radio.. God... awful it is.... like the nice dutiful and luffin sister I am, I did wot only 1 who is ver fond of 'er big sister should... waited till one Tuesday mornin and after me dad put out the rubbish bins.. in it went as I tripped off 2 school....well I had to save 'er ears didn't I? The nice men took away the rubbish and so Elaine and Babs went in back of their lorry down 2 tip wer they belonged.....

Couple of days later.. Fran was sat on by big sister and tortured agonisingly an' battered 2 confess and give back 'er cassette... no amount of pain would get me to confess owt and 2 this day tho she has 'er sussies.. she has had 2 accept offical version that she just mislaid it... me dad came to rescue, hauled big sister off an bollocked 'er for being big bully... didn't even ask me if Id seen it.. he luffed 'is babba girl... and knew she wud neva do owt untoward with her big sisters stuff.. oooo my daddy. I knew him so well:).... do miss him...:(

To ne who think me a rotten cow... within days and 'er 1st pocket money, she replaced it... was threatened wiv me fave teddy being "harmed"... don't mind me bein' battered but not me teddy!!! Got me own back a few years ago tho... stood on a brand new CD purely by accident and cracked it.. on it was this God awful song... an it really wos an accident cos I didnt know wot was on the damn thing...ne way.. being all grown up and nice an by then mature, I coffed up the money 2 replace it.. she coulda got stuffed if I still lived with her... dont have to listen to it now so things r cool...:impleased


Aug 31, 2012, 2:37 PM
not sure what might be the cheesiest thing.. I'm thinking outfit..


Aug 31, 2012, 3:24 PM
Fran wrote: "Talk about cheese........"

I'm sorry, but as a music critic, you suck!

After what you said to me, about Sarah Brightman's looks and singing, I lost all faith your judgement!

Wonder if I can get you banned for that?

(Snidely Whiplash snicker)

Aug 31, 2012, 11:44 PM
Do Elvis Presley's I Cant Help Falling in Love and The Righteous Brothers' Unchained Melody qualify as cheesy? I think they still work.

Sep 1, 2012, 5:20 AM
Fran wrote: "Talk about cheese........"

I'm sorry, but as a music critic, you suck!

After what you said to me, about Sarah Brightman's looks and singing, I lost all faith your judgement!

Wonder if I can get you banned for that?

(Snidely Whiplash snicker)
We all have diff tastes Realist me luffly.. and I can't help it if the sound of Sarah Brightman's voice sounds to me lug 'oles like like an old hen having its neck rung... me partner agrees as it happens and she comes from a much more nobby family than do I... lookswise well... she should stop eating quite so many sherbet lemons.. in my life I have seen a great deal of opera.. proper opera.. not operetta, tho I do luff Gilbert and his m8 dearly and have seen many productions and wanna c more... this is not a performance of high opera but an old French folk song by an old Dame I think has the voice of an angel, and one I have also seen many several times in concert and if but only once in opera when I was very young.. this is what I call singing,.. I happen to think it rather cheesy as a song... but it is very high quality mature variety and not soggy plastic cheese out of tube...:bigrin:..just for u Realist cos I think u r luffly...if lacking in musical judgement... I give Dame Kiri... now knock me for this babes if ya can. and at end of playing the vid...wait a sec and u should get the choice of Brightman singing same song.... play it...have lil listen.. and then tell me Sarah Brightman can sing... convincingly... then me luffly ole darlin' man, tell Fran she is a bit duff as a critic...:kiss:..an' mean it...:)

LAyyyydeeeeesss an' Gennulmens... just for Den... presented by Fran (who is still lil tipsy from last nites doin's..) with much luff.... the great an' 1 an only, producer of high quality wondrous cheese...... Dame Kiri te Kanawaaaaaaa


....an' she is also a pretty sexy ole dame an' all doncha think hmmmm?????

Sep 1, 2012, 5:29 AM
Spare me the hate mail...but here goes....I prefered them during this time rather than later when Saturday Night Fever came along....


Sep 1, 2012, 5:58 AM
We all have diff tastes Realist me luffly.. and I can't help it if the sound of Sarah Brightman's voice sounds to me lug 'oles like like an old hen having its neck rung... me partner agrees as it happens and she comes from a much more nobby family than do I... lookswise well... she should stop eating quite so many sherbet lemons.. in my life I have seen a great deal of opera.. proper opera.. not operetta, tho I do luff Gilbert and his m8 dearly and have seen many productions and wanna c more... this is not a performance of high opera but an old French folk song by an old Dame I think has the voice of an angel, and one I have also seen many several times in concert and if but only once in opera when I was very young.. this is what I call singing,.. I happen to think it rather cheesy as a song... but it is very high quality mature variety and not soggy plastic cheese out of tube...:bigrin:..just for u Realist cos I think u r luffly...if lacking in musical judgement... I give Dame Kiri... now knock me for this babes if ya can. and at end of playing the vid...wait a sec and u should get the choice of Brightman singing same song.... play it...have lil listen.. and then tell me Sarah Brightman can sing... convincingly... then me luffly ole darlin' man, tell Fran she is a bit duff as a critic...:kiss:..an' mean it...:)

LAyyyydeeeeesss an' Gennulmens... just for Den... presented by Fran (who is still lil tipsy from last nites doin's..) with much luff.... the great an' 1 an only, producer of high quality wondrous cheese...... Dame Kiri te Kanawaaaaaaa


....an' she is also a pretty sexy ole dame an' all doncha think hmmmm?????

Fran, honestly what does what someone look like or their weight have to do with their singing? That's just being snide about someone who is talented and recognized by most of the world as talented. Now you may not like her singing but it really doesn't give you the right to just debase her on the basis of her LOOKS. That's shallow and I really thought better of you. I thought this thread was about posting music not judgements on weight or looks. If you don't like her talent, that's your opinion and you are welcome to it, but to post it in such a way as to slam the person for weight is just wrong.

Sep 1, 2012, 6:14 AM
and just for the record.. someone who knocked Simon Cowell for a loop when he was judging her solely based on looks...


and another opera


Sep 1, 2012, 6:29 AM
Fran, honestly what does what someone look like or their weight have to do with their singing? That's just being snide about someone who is talented and recognized by most of the world as talented. Now you may not like her singing but it really doesn't give you the right to just debase her on the basis of her LOOKS. That's shallow and I really thought better of you. I thought this thread was about posting music not judgements on weight or looks. If you don't like her talent, that's your opinion and you are welcome to it, but to post it in such a way as to slam the person for weight is just wrong.
I think u should read again.. I mentioned not a word about Sarah Brightman's weight... the reference to sherbet lemons has nowt to do with her bloody weight as anyone who has ever eaten a sherbet lemon would know......Realist raised the issue of her looks as a result of a previous private conversation about her attractiveness and I responded to that honestly.. I do not think Sarah Brightman to be very talented, and could spend an hour explaining that in detail.. for ease I put up the Dame Kiri Vid..which leads on to a Brightman so the two can be compared singing the same song... I don't give a sod about what person looks like when it comes to their singing... I do care about their singing... and in my opinion Sarah Brightman is a lady of very modest talent who happened to be married to the right man at the right time... shades if I may say of "Citizen Kane".. personal view.. but an honest one..

If u don't like my humour that's how it goes... some peeps get so offended about the least little thing and half the time it's cos they haven't a clue about what the convo is about anyway...

Sep 1, 2012, 6:35 AM
I think u should read again.. I mentioned not a word about Sarah Brightman's weight... the reference to sherbet lemons has nowt to do with her bloody weight as anyone who has ever eaten a sherbet lemon would know......Realist raised the issue of her looks as a result of a previous private conversation about her attractiveness and I responded to that honestly.. I do not think Sarah Brightman to be very talented, and could spend an hour explaining that in detail.. for ease I put up the Dame Kiri Vid..which leads on to a Brightman so the two can be compared singing the same song... I don't give a sod about what person looks like when it comes to their singing... I do care about their singing... and in my opinion Sarah Brightman is a lady of very modest talent who happened to be married to the right man at the right time... shades if I may say of "Citizen Kane".. personal view.. but an honest one..

If u don't like my humour that's how it goes... some peeps get so offended about the least little thing and half the time it's cos they haven't a clue about what the convo is about anyway...

No, Fran, your remark about sherbert lemons was as in she ate too many...maybe you didn't mean it to be spiteful but it sure looked as such. And you did directly comment on looks both negative for Sarah and positive for Dame Kiri... now you are upset you are called shallow. Perhaps if you are responding to private messages you should hit the reply to PRIVATE message rather than post publicly if you don't want comments.

Sep 1, 2012, 6:44 AM
No, Fran, your remark about sherbert lemons was as in she ate too many...maybe you didn't mean it to be spiteful but it sure looked as such. And you did directly comment on looks both negative for Sarah and positive for Dame Kiri... now you are upset you are called shallow. Perhaps if you are responding to private messages you should hit the reply to PRIVATE message rather than post publicly if you don't want comments.
I am not upset about being called shallow.. I get irked at those who have had their sense of humour removed and make huge issue where there is none on what is supposed to be a fun thread and Jeez does this site need a few of those..... u can comment publicly all u like.. if I post publicly I expect people to tell me what they think... I don't run away and press ignore buttons...

My response was to a public message which made reference to a long past private message... if I felt it required a private reply Realist would have had a private reply.. it didn't... and it seems u too have been eating far too many sherbet lemons...

Sep 1, 2012, 6:49 AM
I am not upset about being called shallow.. I get irked at those who have had their sense of humour removed and make huge issue where there is none on what is supposed to be a fun thread and Jeez does this site need a few of those..... u can comment publicly all u like.. if I post publicly I expect people to tell me what they think... I don't run away and press ignore buttons...

My response was to a public message which made reference to a long past private message... if I felt it required a private reply Realist would have had a private reply.. it didn't... and it seems u too have been eating far too many sherbet lemons...

You have no idea, Fran, when you sober up I'll talk more to you.

Sep 1, 2012, 7:43 AM
You have no idea, Fran, when you sober up I'll talk more to you.
Am relatively sober tyvm... honest enuff 2 admit I am recovering a lil from the nite b4... but me faculties r fine ta.....wudn't bother if I were u cos I wont say owt different... end of argument..

Sep 1, 2012, 11:55 AM
Me mum's fave rave circa 1965... talk about cheese... :eek2: Embarrassin innit?:tongue: Awful an all... no wonder 'e gave up singin' an took up actin'.. she still goes weak at knees bout 'im an 'e has been dead years...


Sep 1, 2012, 12:52 PM
Well, Fran, like you said, each of us have our own opinions...this time it's about music.

Sorry, I'm standing by Sarah, she outshines Ms Kiri ......as far as I'm concerned, in both talent and looks. I didn't care for Dame Kiri's voice is too shrill for my ear. I love the instrumental Bolero, though. I'm not a huge Opera fan............My favorite opera was The Student Prince!

Susan Boyle's song was amazing; to hear that beautiful voice stirred me. Reminds me: My mother had a friend like Susan, she wasn't physically pretty, but her personality and voice made her absolutely beautiful.

The couple, Charlotte and Jonathon, did a magnificent job.........but, more than that, I loved the way they stood up for each other! She is definitely his champion and I suspect would fight anyone, who tried to bully him.

I must say I enjoy hearing other people's music and never condemn their opinions. What may sound wonderful to one, may be a racket to another. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I don't! And, sometimes the kinds of music that attracts my interest surprises me.

We can't all like the same things, can we?

Sep 1, 2012, 1:03 PM
Well, Fran, like you said, each of us have our own opinions...this time it's about music.

Sorry, I'm standing by Sarah, she outshines Ms Kiri ......as far as I'm concerned, in both talent and looks. I didn't care for Dame Kiri's voice is too shrill for my ear. I love the instrumental Bolero, though. I'm not a huge Opera fan............My favorite opera was The Student Prince!

Susan Boyle's song was amazing; to hear that beautiful voice stirred me. Reminds me: My mother had a friend like Susan, she wasn't physically pretty, but her personality and voice made her absolutely beautiful.

The couple, Charlotte and Jonathon, did a magnificent job.........but, more than that, I loved the way they stood up for each other! She is definitely his champion and I suspect would fight anyone, who tried to bully him.

I must say I enjoy hearing other people's music and never condemn their opinions. What may sound wonderful to one, may be a racket to another. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I don't! And, sometimes the kinds of music that attracts my interest surprises me.

We can't all like the same things, can we?
Nope babes we can't... just as well innit, cos if we did we wud all look same and music wud b so much more borin'... don't mind u preferrin' wot u do in least.. wetha we r talkin looks, music, books, politics, sex or owt else.. will just say this.. ur taste is wer the sun dont shine!!! *laffs*.. but babes.. it is ur taste... an life 2 short 2 fall out over taste.. unless of course ya expect me 2 dress like ole frump in cheapo market rags or the trash they sell at Primark or ASDA an listen 2 Sarah Brightman.....:kiss:

Sep 1, 2012, 1:39 PM

Showing my age here, used to watch this show.

And one of the most overplayed songs when it came out, still is if you are watching commericials. I actually liked it first time I heard it, but by the 100th in one day... I was turning the radio to country.


Sep 1, 2012, 5:05 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jC3JFVKJtyM This was soo over played back in 1975 that we all got sick of it..lol Still a nice song tho..:}

Sep 1, 2012, 5:43 PM
Well, Fran, like you said, each of us have our own opinions...this time it's about music.

Sorry, I'm standing by Sarah, she outshines Ms Kiri ......as far as I'm concerned, in both talent and looks. I didn't care for Dame Kiri's voice is too shrill for my ear. I love the instrumental Bolero, though. I'm not a huge Opera fan............My favorite opera was The Student Prince!

Susan Boyle's song was amazing; to hear that beautiful voice stirred me. Reminds me: My mother had a friend like Susan, she wasn't physically pretty, but her personality and voice made her absolutely beautiful.

The couple, Charlotte and Jonathon, did a magnificent job.........but, more than that, I loved the way they stood up for each other! She is definitely his champion and I suspect would fight anyone, who tried to bully him.

I must say I enjoy hearing other people's music and never condemn their opinions. What may sound wonderful to one, may be a racket to another. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I don't! And, sometimes the kinds of music that attracts my interest surprises me.

We can't all like the same things, can we?

Susan Boyle's rendition of the classic Cry Me a River is absolute dynamite! I watched her story, I Dreamed a Dream one week-end. The woman is gifted.:paw:

Sep 2, 2012, 8:01 AM
Susan Boyle's rendition of the classic Cry Me a River is absolute dynamite! I watched her story, I Dreamed a Dream one week-end. The woman is gifted.:paw:
Mari Wilson did what for me is the most smouldering version of the song, Maybe not the best but there are few better...it was the theme for an old Brit telly series in the 90s called "McCallum" with John Hannah ( did I really fancy him?? God... the shame *laffs*)...Pepper... it is on me music for naughties list... and don't think it cheesy, but for u and all those who like the song.. here is Mari.. (dontcha just luff the hair???)


Long Duck Dong
Sep 2, 2012, 8:19 AM
lol realist, NZers that know kiri te krappycow, are quick to tell you that shes a very conceited bitch indeed.... hayley westernra is a NZ singer that was rubbished by dame kiri as not worthy of calling herself a singer

this is hayley westernra and you can decide for yourself if she can sing or not

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Lgtod-et24 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Lgtod-et24)

Long Duck Dong
Sep 2, 2012, 8:29 AM
grayson hugh - talk it over in bed


Sep 2, 2012, 8:50 AM
Fran...loved Mari Wilson...but that hair! Did we ever think that was hot?

LDD...... Hayley is a little angel! Great song, too.

Sep 2, 2012, 8:55 AM
I remember when this song came out, I was a teen in the 80's and this song just made me want to go find someone to shake down :D


Sep 2, 2012, 9:13 AM
Fran...loved Mari Wilson...but that hair! Did we ever think that was hot?

Dunno babes.. but the top of 'er head musta been roastin' wiv all that thatch on top!:tongue:

Sep 2, 2012, 10:06 AM
THIS is what happens when you leave your lesbian porn mixed up with your gay porn in a cosmic ray shower.
Porn that gives you a headache!:eek2:

curious married m
Sep 3, 2012, 1:15 AM
Better than the Last Night of the Proms ne way.. cheesy as it is,, me dad saw Dusty at the Albert Hall in 79.. mayb even this very performance... I was all cosy and curled up in a nice ball inside me mum's tum.... she couldn't get there... swollen ankles.... it was the old bugger's fave cheesy song...:bigrin:


Awwwwww ya lil tart, I now see why I luffs ya so much. It is not just to dream of a FFM 3some with you and CK, It is the passion that I shared for Dusty Springfield with yer dear ole Dad. Many a night in my youth did I dream of Dusty and Marianne Faithful. LOL MUAH

Sep 3, 2012, 7:49 AM
Just for me luffly ole Curio.. I like Marianne... she has spunk.. not like insipid lil cow she wos back wen u an me dad wer kids.. also think she is a bloody sight more sexy even as lil ole lady.. wrinkles an all...


Sep 3, 2012, 5:19 PM
Not really a cheesy love song but we already had a music thread per se so not starting a new one. Saw the thread about heading to bakersfield and by free association I remembered Baker Street. I saw that Gerry Rafferty passed away Jan 4, 2011 so RIP Gerry thanks for a great song.


Sep 3, 2012, 7:55 PM
If anyone dares call Leonard Cohen cheese I'll..... I dunno. Do something irrational I suppose. Later... :stoned:


Sep 3, 2012, 8:54 PM

Been around the world and I-I-I.....

Sep 3, 2012, 8:57 PM

Sep 4, 2012, 8:17 AM

Sep 4, 2012, 4:27 PM


Sep 5, 2012, 5:02 PM

I love this song, one of the best booty call songs ever

Sep 6, 2012, 12:17 AM
This one is not a funny or cheesy love song---but one of the best love songs ever, coming from the male perspective--this song was written by the late, great and almost unknown beyond a relative few---Townes Van Zandt---a singer song writer from Texas. This version was done by Lyle Lovett and first was featured on his two CD record set, "Step Inside This House" that featured cover versions of songs done by those who either inspired or mentored Lovett when he was young.



Sep 6, 2012, 12:43 AM
Some other "love songs" from Lyle:


This song was also on Step Inside this House-another Texan singer songwriter wrote this one--David Rodriguez It's called "The Ballad of the Snow Leopard and the Tanqueray Cowboy."

This next song came from another Lovett album, "Joshua Judges Ruth," I have heard this song called by one radio DJ--"the most beautiful song I have ever heard," Its called "North Dakota" :

Sep 19, 2012, 2:49 AM

Sep 20, 2012, 7:42 AM

Sep 20, 2012, 11:38 AM
I do think that the song from The Captain and Tennile---"Muskrat Love" has to be one of the most cheesiest love songs ever!!

Sep 20, 2012, 4:42 PM

Sep 21, 2012, 9:41 AM

Fuckin' dreadful.. but I dont haff luff it!

Sep 21, 2012, 10:21 AM
Love at first sight? Cheesy? YUP!:rolleyes: