View Full Version : Bisexual Beards

Aug 28, 2012, 12:56 AM
I posted this as a blog this morning, but I think it's better here:
The Bisexual Beard http://www.bisexual.com/forum/images/styles/lifeElement/cms/edit_small.png (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/blog_post.php?do=editblog&b=408)http://www.bisexual.com/forum/images/styles/lifeElement/misc/progress.gifRate this Entry (javascript://)


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, Today at 10:32 AM (17 Views)

I stood in front of the mirror this morning, carefully trimming my beard, and continued a long, drawn-out thought process I've been having with that guy. I used a clippers attachment that left each strand at about a half inch covering my chin, running a narrow hedge around my mouth, and under my nose. My razor took a careful swipe under my nostrils, and edged along the outline of the rest. No sideburns, no jowl cover: An ovular, symmetrical patch of attractive fur. And what did it remind me of? Another attractive area; an area I've enjoyed visiting time and time again! And then it finally dawned: I've created for myself a signal beacon for all traditionally sexual people! Straight women would admire the careful detailing perhaps, noting the fine snipping and carefuly outlining and be orally drawn to its promise. Straight men would feel a stir at its sight, wondering where they've delighted in the shape and suggestive countenence. And bisexuals of both parties would smile, and know that the signal was for them.
As I finish cleaning up, showering, and go out into the day, I smile, knowing now just why I've picked my style, and hoping others will get the message. The bisexual beard--gives me new eyes to view those others of the male sort who donn the same, and a great yearning to know the thoughts of the women I meet when I notice them notice it!
Any thoughts?

Aug 28, 2012, 2:17 AM
Do you have a photo of this "ovuluar symmetrical patch of fur"?(minus the rest of your face so as for you to have privacy) ;)

Aug 28, 2012, 2:46 AM
I'll give it a shot . . .8017better than my own . . . didn't think about illustrating!

Aug 28, 2012, 5:38 AM
Kudos MtnMan,

Thought provoking to say the least.

Having seen the title, I thought "How does that work?" Of course, it raised thoughts of the homosexual beard, the convenient wife of the gat man, who marries him so he can fit into a business or community situation.

Imagine my surprise when your first words create the visage of gazing on the creation of a facial pubic patch while devilishly voicing the thoughts and sexual stirrings which your perfectly shaped growth might evoke from men and women alike.

With my own full beard having entered its 38th year, I must admit that I have never thought of it is such a unique way. Perhaps it is because although I keep it close-cropped (about half an inch, like yours), I retain the jowl covering and sideburns (a good contrast to the shaved head).

While never having thought of my flocculent guise as a beacon, I have often enjoyed the reactions of others in close proximity when I had the opportunity to enjoy and savor the taste and feel of a playmate during a quick interlude prior to racing to a meeting or event with their essence stirring my libido with each breath. Ladies often recognize the bouquet of their sisterhood but rarely allow more than a quizzical look or a knowing smile. Bisexual ladies seem to possess greater freedom of expression, sometimes an "Mmmmmm," "I like it," or "Good choice" and once, only once, I received an "I'd like to meet her." The male sense of smell seems less developed. Aside from the occasional slap on the back and a winking nod and the rare "You Devil," men usually fail to react. The retained musk of a man is much more subtle. Generally, no reaction other than a very rare quizzical look from either a man or a woman. I'm convinced that if one desired to evoke a reaction following an encounter with a male, it would be necessary for the beard to retain the same type of tell-tale evidence found on Monica Lewinsky's dress.

At any rate, enjoyed your post and the ramblings it brought to mind.

Happy thoughts as you test your newly identified beacon.


Aug 28, 2012, 6:44 AM
GOD I fekin love a moustached pair of lips. My mouth literaly salavates looking at those stray bristles overhanging the lips like that. I can already feel them with my very sensitive lips, and in person ............:tongue:
YES I'm all for that as a craze! I can't muster much on my face, but am never without some fluff on it.lol

Aug 28, 2012, 10:22 AM
Thanks bityme and Gearbox. Evoking is my middle name (which doesn't get me into many clubs)! My ponderings are satisfied. I was going to launch into the inevitable string of compare and contrast ("yet the bald face could be a come-hither for those nude-pube types, the fully-engulfed the hirsute, the tatted and punctured to the New Wave"), but I had to get on with my day. D.H. Lawrence may have gotten me into this, and it's my destiny to wander his pathways. And bityme; I'm tucking "beard as sopping sponge" in my pocket for later, and it brought up a recent incident of it on Kauai when, after a fairly long night of soaking my own display in the fragrant fountain, I dashed to a small grocery store and pressed through the morning hive to the dairy case and a few of the jostles seemed sensuously stirred.

Aug 28, 2012, 10:34 AM
Sorry but looks like a regular old goatee to me!!!!
Am I missing something?

Aug 28, 2012, 10:55 AM
Very nice, MtnMan....Just be sure to keep those hairs directly under your bottom lip trimmed nicely. Those hairs can sometimes cause a bit of discomfort when you.....uhhhh.....how can I say it.....are engaged in something where your mouth is firmly placed in a certain spot and, since I can't think of a better way to say it.....going at it! :bigrin:

Aug 28, 2012, 10:58 AM
Very nice, MtnMan....Just be sure to keep those hairs directly under your bottom lip trimmed nicely. Those hairs can sometimes cause a bit of discomfort when you.....uhhhh.....how can I say it.....are engaged in something where your mouth is firmly placed in a certain spot and, since I can't think of a better way to say it.....going at it! :bigrin:Sometimes???:yikes2: *laffs*

Aug 28, 2012, 11:08 AM
Sometimes???:yikes2: *laffs*

Depends on my level of awareness at the time....sometimes I just don't notice LOL!!!!

Aug 28, 2012, 11:31 AM
I keep mine shaped at each side, with a band about 3/4" down the center. I find that, rather than jutting my jaw during the encounter, I open wide, letting the moss-like surfaces of my tongue and lower lip engage first. Haven't had complaints using that method! Of course, over the years there have been those occasions when the receiver seems to want to yank all the hair out of the top of my head and bounce my offering at some aboriginal rhythm contrary to my bolero. What's up with that? :tongue:

Aug 28, 2012, 1:30 PM
So what was the point of trimming your facial hair to resemble a man's hairy asshole? Do you really like to eat ass or something?

Aug 28, 2012, 1:46 PM
nope, dave, that wasn't it.

Aug 28, 2012, 7:27 PM
Depends on my level of awareness at the time....sometimes I just don't notice LOL!!!!
Never let furry faces get close 2 me to have owt 2 notice Mumsie... slightest jagginess of the chops and gave them the choice.. shave clean, go home or I wax their mush!! Worked every time wiv Brian... like a new born babba's bum wen 'e came 2 bed expecting 'is naughties!!!:tongue: Was always bit problematical for spontaneous rumpy tho... didnt get much of that wiv guys... had them in bathroom gettin' shot of all that fuzz b4 they had me over the kitchen table...;)

Aug 29, 2012, 8:12 AM
I don't like the overly hairy goatee (but a lot depends on the face it's attached to, as it sometimes does look right on the person imo). I can never connect mine from stache to chin, so I keep mine trimmed to just a little more than a stubble, which works for me. You can see it, but can't store stuff in it, if you know what I mean.

Aug 29, 2012, 6:51 PM
I like the Sam Elliot look! OMG the idea of his mustache gliding down my neck to as far south as he wants to go makes me hotter than hell! 8057

Aug 29, 2012, 11:33 PM
Check out this bi guy's beard and tell me what you think.