View Full Version : Hey Look : THey're Talking About Bi-Erasure In Chicago !

Aug 27, 2012, 9:52 PM
Here is a link from The Huffington Post story about Chicago Gay TV doing a segment about Bi-phobia and Bi-erasure : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/waymon-hudson/bisexual-community_b_1821343.html?utm_hp_ref=bisexual

Aug 28, 2012, 1:31 AM
Hey djones
Good to hear from you! How are the New York bi events going?

I think that the following from the article is significant as far as bi erasure is concerned.

"Bisexuals experience high rates of being ignored, discriminated against, demonized, or rendered invisible by both the heterosexual world and the lesbian and gay communities. Often, the entire sexual orientation is branded as invalid, immoral, or irrelevant. Despite years of activism, the needs of bisexuals still go unaddressed and their very existence is still called into question. This erasure has serious consequences on bisexuals' health, economic well-being, and funding for bi organizations and programs."

Brother Michael Oboza was mentioned. I had not heard of this man but he is apparently a bi activitist leader with the bisexuals of Chicago.

I googled him and found him interviewed on a podcast.

One thing that he said that I agree with is that we(bisexuals) can not go to gay people to find out about ourselves.

We can not go to heterosexuals to find out about ourselves because they are not bisexual.

It starts within our community.

We can not wait for gays and lesbians to get their rights and then our rights will come.

If you are not one of us, you can not speak for us.

You can hear his podcast below in the middle of the page. Just click it on.


Aug 28, 2012, 10:42 PM
hoy ! Getting events going for the Bi community has been, in the words of one of our now too busy co-hosts, like herding cats ! Sadly, I don't have enough time to do it all on my own.

The quote you pull up from the podcast highlights why this is truly a sad scenario - unless we as Bisexuals can cobble together some form of community, we won't have a place where we can learn from each other. These forums help, and discussion groups help as well, but a real social scene is lacking. A relaxed, non politicized social environment - outside of the gay community - is desperately needed.

With an active community, we won't be so invisible.

I haven't given up on trying to make something happen - but I do need help !
Here's hoping !

Aug 28, 2012, 11:08 PM
Thanks for sharing that.

- Drew :paw:

Aug 29, 2012, 9:44 AM
Ugh. Frustrating. I have other bisexual friends that I can be open with. But outside of my close friends and siblings, no one knows of my bisexuality. In college I ran into judgement and criticism from straight and gay individuals. This uptight Midwest! Grrr. This is why I appreciate having this site.