View Full Version : I barred two members today

Aug 24, 2012, 11:02 AM
The site owners and I had a Board Meeting today, in our underwear, over coffee, and voted two people off the island. The vote was 1 - 0 in both cases for booting. The members were The Bisexual Virgin and Aeonpax.

Honestly, I am not sure I did the right thing but it is done and is permanent unless I have a complete about face and come to the conclusion I was very wrong. It was a very tough decision. I don't want the site to become too "cliquey" - I want it to be a forum for ideas, even unpopular ones. But eventually the accumulation of them telling other members of the site over and over they aren't really bisexual was too much.

Here is the definition of bisexual:
A person who has attractions to both genders.

That is the definition the world uses. That is the definition that is the basis of the site.

You can think of the site as: bisexual.com == a-person-who-has-attractions-to-both-genders.com

Non-bisexuals (people who are completely straight or completely gay) are welcome on the site of course, but science deniers, and those who advocate to re-write the definition of bisexual, are not particularly welcome.

If you disagree with my decision, then feel free to let me know. It was a very tough decision. I will continue to work hard to try to make sure the site does not become too cliquey and all people are welcome.

- Drew :paw:

Aug 24, 2012, 11:06 AM
Just hands Drew another cup of coffee and pretends not to notice underwear.

Aug 24, 2012, 11:18 AM
Thank you Drew. Honestly it was about time something was done about their behavior. I am fine with people disagreeing, but they took things way too far.

Aug 24, 2012, 11:19 AM
I agree with your decision on Virgin, not so much with Aeon. I think there are even more foul creatures more deserving. Appears some can't realize that sock puppets run amok in the forum and a Diamond ______ (fill in the blank) is the puppet master. There is where most of the discourse lies.

EDIT: Since they are barred, would you kindly deactivate their personal ads completely. For example: Aeon has personal pics in hers that people should no longer have access to. It's just a respect thing for me.

Aug 24, 2012, 11:26 AM
I agree with your decision on Virgin, not so much with Aeon. I think there are even more foul creatures more deserving. Appears some can't realize that sock puppets run amok in the forum and a Diamond ______ (fill in the blank) is the puppet master. There is where most of the discourse lies.

I have always suspected this....as have many others. As for the member bans, you have the right to do as you must, Drew. There comes a time when a member's behavior must be met with consequences and when said behavior attacks the very mission of a site, it must be dealt with harshly.

Aug 24, 2012, 11:26 AM
I agree with your decision. As a bisexual man who has viewpoints that differ from others I understand the difficulty. The biphobia aspect needs to be discussed. Some posters repeated that accusation a bit too much but it was true imo.

I'm saddened for BV if she is genuine in her beliefs but they did seem too much.

Any pictures of the Board meeting?...in underwear...lol ..uh....purely for historical reasons..;)

Aug 24, 2012, 11:38 AM
Drew - Can I get barred too please? This place is overrun with idiots so I have no interest in participating. You clearly don't want this to be a forum for smart people.

As a dramatic end. . .I'd like to get banned. Thanks.

Aug 24, 2012, 11:39 AM
i can understand the decision being a difficult one, considering you want this to be a place where ppl are comfortable sharing their perspectives and opinions. for this community, it was a good one. i see this as a safe haven for bisexuals to freely express themselves and embrace their sexuality in an outlet not possible in the tangible world. there is enough criticism and judgement against bisexuality. why would it exist here? seems silly. if ppl enjoy debating, there are plenty of topics to delve into. the argument whether someone is bisexual or not definitely does not belong here.

Aug 24, 2012, 11:54 AM
for this community, it was a good one. i see this as a safe haven for bisexuals to freely express themselves and embrace their sexuality in an outlet not possible in the tangible world. there is enough criticism and judgement against bisexuality. why would it exist here?

This is a ridiculously immature opinion. The biggest problem with this forum, the reason it fails, is because of its polarization. This forum is simply people who think that if they share a common delusion, that makes it's normal or healthy.

What you've said above is "I want a forum free from reality". Criticism and judgement are reality.

This forum suffers from all the same group-think issues that affect conservative politics.

You can't take the hardcore idiots like Tenni, Drugstore Cowboy, ExSailor/MelissaPDX and suggest to me that they've contributed a single valuable piece to this forum in all their time here. They're just here to have their delusions confirmed rather than challenged. This is why I'm waiting to get banned.

Aug 24, 2012, 12:02 PM
ahhh Slip, You managed to name 3 puppets. But there are more. I have watched this forum long enough to know.

Aug 24, 2012, 12:05 PM
i hope you don't get banned. i enjoy being challenged. as long as it's intelligent. lol.

i'd be happy with a forum of a different reality, not free from it.

Aug 24, 2012, 12:11 PM
I've been a member since around July 2006 (first as artjock). I'm no sock puppet. I know some of your views. Your sexual behaviour is your choice. If you want to get banned would you please slur someone else.

Aug 24, 2012, 12:34 PM
This is a ridiculously immature opinion. The biggest problem with this forum, the reason it fails, is because of its polarization. This forum is simply people who think that if they share a common delusion, that makes it's normal or healthy.

What you've said above is "I want a forum free from reality". Criticism and judgement are reality.

This forum suffers from all the same group-think issues that affect conservative politics.

You can't take the hardcore idiots like Tenni, Drugstore Cowboy, ExSailor/MelissaPDX and suggest to me that they've contributed a single valuable piece to this forum in all their time here. They're just here to have their delusions confirmed rather than challenged. This is why I'm waiting to get banned.

Couldn't have said it better myself. I understand why Bi Virgin was banned, I suggested to her a couple of times that she should tone down her rhetoric. It was far to extreme and unfounded. Yet there are others here that go after people who challenge their point of view. The attacks go on and on. As soon as it becomes clear that challengers won't back down, they are told to go elsewhere, the are biphobic, ignorant, backward, etc. etc. It doesn't matter how long someone has been a member, if this site is for all who wish to share ideas and offer support, then the vicious attacks need to be addressed. If this site is to help those that seek it, attempts to railroad people off of this site shouldn't be tolerated. There is a huge issue of a select few strong arming others who don't fall in line with their way of thinking.

Aug 24, 2012, 12:57 PM
drew said they were barred because "eventually the accumulation of them telling other members of the site over and over they aren't really bisexual was too much". why would someone who is bisexual do that to others on a bisexual website? that's just odd. as for comparing maturity, slipnslide, you are lacking in it as you throw a tantrum on this thread about wanting to get banned. just disappear if you feel that way. i liked aeon. i'm sad to see her go. but if ppl felt she was continually attacking a man's bisexuality, then for the community, it was probably for the best.

Aug 24, 2012, 1:13 PM
I know this was a tough decision for you. I have run dating sites in the past (not that this is a dating site) where a few members just would rip into anybody, especially newbies, for the tiniest, implied slight. I had to ban them there. Very hard to do, because you want your site to grow and prosper. But think of it this way. Those two disagreed vehemently with most other members on most anything they could find that didn't fit their narrow definition of reality. They scared off new members. If by banning those two, you gain 100 new members who are no longer scared off, haven't you achieved your growth goals?
Telling people they are not bisexual, when they come here because they feel they are is just plain stupid, without getting to know them first.
I am not naive enough to think we all have to pull a Rodney King ("can't we all just get along?), but there is a right way and a wrong way to disagree with and debate others. I try to follow these rules (I don't always succeed).

1. Debate the ideas, not the person.
2. Never personally attack someone, unless they insistently attack you personally. Defend yourself, but try not to attack personally.
3. However tempting, try not to use sarcasm in a debate, unless it is very obviously sarcasm. Sarcasm does not translate well over the flat internet medium.
4. ALWAYS make a new person feel welcome, unless they are an obvious troll. You never know. You may be meeting your new best friend for life.
5. EVERYONE has a right to their viewpoint, whether you agree or disagree with it.
6. There is enough cutting people down and making them feel bad in the real world. People don't need that kind of crap online too.

Just my two cents.

Aug 24, 2012, 1:46 PM
So be it. I came back from shopping saw this thread opened it and and was dumbfounded.. I have always said that I do not like barring people.. the lgbt is mature enough to take dissent and debate or it is not.. it seems that the owner of the site feels that the dissent sewn, if that is the right word by two members is too much to bear... if members were deserving of being banned there were and are far more deserving cases but I would defend them also even although I loathe so much of their opinions and their manner of debate

In the case of bisexual virgin csrakate said this.
NO SHIT!!!!!! I have to wonder....do you feel the same way about bisexual women? Seems odd to me that you can't have a modicum of empathy towards bisexual men and yet you call yourself bisexual. I have the greatest love and respect for Kate, my Mumsie, but this was an unwise respose to a girl with a problem.. her problem? Bisexual men.. the reply Kate gave was in response to BV admitting she had a problem.. correct me if I am wrong but do we disown and boot into touch people with alcohol or drug problems? the first step to recovery is admitting we have a problem.. and this BV has done. This site in large part was set up I thought was to help people come to grips with their problems and come to terms with the prejudices of others and with their own.. obviously I was wrong... and so a girl who has a problem is kicked out and left to sink.. of course there are oother places to go where she can come to terms with her problem.. but by booting her from this site what has been done is her prejudice against bisexual men has not been helped but is more llikely to have been exacerbated... it is after all a bisexual man man who has taken the decision. I hope you are all pleased because I think what has been shown here is an appalling lack of compassion and tolerance for someone with a problem.. and I hold my hands up.. I have been as irritated as most everyone else with her and could and should have dealt with her diifferently.. but I would never have dreamt of complaining about her to the owner and certainly not of demanding she be expelled from membership..

æonpax is a whole different kettle of fish.. and she has a style which is even more abrasive and sometimes intolerant of any opposition and argument.. I thought I was her friend and she ended that quite suddenly, curtly and unpleasantly, but that does not stop me both having affection and respect for her as an independent free thinker because I am big enough to take the decisions of others about me and about the things in which I believe... when I was a child I used to run to my elder brother and have him sort out my troubles.. even into my middle 20s I could be easily freaked and break down in tears even on this site by aggro and hassle. This site and the people on helped me grow up and begin to be much less sensitive and to stand my ground and argue back without curling up into a little ball.. it seesm the site has yet to learn to stand on its own two feet without doing that...æonpax could be insulting and offensive, argued and acted in ways which made me wince, but she was not and is not any of the things she was accused of being.. I did not and do not agree with much of her writing and of decisions she made for her own life.. but neither do I believe she was deserving of such high handed expulsion.. she made people think.. and grasp.. and gasp.. and love her or hate her she had.. has value if only for that..

We debate or we do not... this is a free and open site or it is not... Drew has shut down threads before now because he felt they got out of hand and I have argued about that because I do not like curtailment of debate or censorship... we have freedom of speech or we do not, and it is not up to us because of our sensitivities to censor or end the right of people to speak freely about the things in which they believe.. the site owner is not normally heavy handed yet does have the occasional rush of blood to the head.. he owns the site and he can do what he likes.. but that does not make it right..æonpax suffers when others, at least equally responsible for one thread going on far too long and ending up going round in circles.. yet it was not she who stalked them around other threads which had nothing to do with the issue of that mess of a thread and ranted and made exactly the dame points repeatedly they made on that one thread..

Let me make this clear.. it is not that they are women u argue this.. allthough some will think that to be the case... I argued when several men, tenni being one, was banned that he should not have been, and I would argue about Ian bortwhick, Drugstore Cowboy et all should it ever happen to them.. even although we are poles apart and some of those others are among the most destructive debaters on site.

I ask Drew to reconsider.. implore him. We all see people differently, God knows I certainly do... this isn't a threat, merely a sad statement of something I will regret but feel I am forced into doing, but I too will have to reconsider my participation on this site because quite simply it has lost its heart. It has meant much to me.. but today's developments are too much for me to bear..

Aug 24, 2012, 1:56 PM
Fran, I love you but if you are going, then please just go without the fanfare of the last few times you posted the same. There is a time for talk there is a time for action and this was Drew's time for action, we tried over and over to tell her that the ideas BV was espousing were not accurate for all men yet she ignored us and continued denying even the possibility of bisexuality in men.

Aeon was another issue, she was abrasive but at times she was crossing the line defending herself. Several others could be banned at any time for doing the same but it was the repeated pattern that set the precedent of Drew creating a thread to explain. He doesn't owe us any explanations, it is his site and all are welcome here but there are rules for a reason and contined flauting of those rules should always be dealt with forcefully otherwise it allows others to think they can do the same. It has already gotten to the point that people have slowed down posting on here. Why? Because of two banned and a few others that continually look for a fight no matter what is posted. There are certain posters who can't even let someone post a "the sky is a lovely shade of blue" without arguing that it isn't really blue at all. Those people know exactly who I speak of.. yet they call it debating ROFLMAO. Someone needs to go back to debate school and learn the proper way to disagree with someone not just saying "you're wrong" that just invites an argument, but then again.. those posters just look for one, now don't they?

And don't take this the wrong way, Fran, like I said I love you dearly but I have heard the same song and dance way too many times. I'll miss you if you go but if you want to do so that's your choice, no one is making the decision for you.

Aug 24, 2012, 2:05 PM
I am an older guy who checks out the site daily and sure enjoyed Aeonpax for both her comments and also her pictures. Never contacted her as our age differences made me feel that it was not the right thing to do. I have never heard of this being done before but it isn't my site.

Aug 24, 2012, 2:11 PM
If you decide to go, it will be a sad day. We disagree on so much, and once in a blue moon our discussions have gotten "out of hand". But for the most part, we disagree civilly and it is fun to have an exchange of ideas and debate the merits of both, even though we know we will never change each others' mind.
That being said, I think you are dead wrong about aeon. She was beyond offensive and attacked almost everyone she met personally, instead of debating the ideas. Further, for her to tell people on their first day here that they are "not really bisexual" crosses the line and scares people away. This is not the aeon believers club. It is a site for ALL bisexuals, and I would dare say, other sexuals, as well. Aeon never respected that and she made sure everyone knew that she felt if they did not follow the same path as her, they did not belong here. That is wrong. It is not her site. It is Drew's.
As for BiVirgin, I really cannot say, because I never had that much interaction with her. Although I did read posts that she made on threads, nothing really sticks out in my mind. So, I did not personally see the behavior Drew is referring to. But if she did the same thing as Aeon, then she was just as wrong.
Banning people is never easy as a site owner (for most people). You want your site to grow. You want to create that feeling of community. However, there comes a time when you have to weigh those few bad apples with the number of potentially new members they are scaring off. Inclusiveness does not mean blindness.
Fran, if you go, I will miss you and wish you all the best in everything you do. The world is a more interesting place because you are in it.

Aug 24, 2012, 2:18 PM

And don't take this the wrong way, Fran, like I said I love you dearly but I have heard the same song and dance way too many times. I'll miss you if you go but if you want to do so that's your choice, no one is making the decision for you.[/QUOTE]
We are talking principle.. not emotion or piss offedness... and principle.. if I say it I mean it... and it happens

Aug 24, 2012, 2:24 PM
Kudos Drew. I see a job well done.
Play nice or be banned.
Why is that so hard to understand?

I'm certain that folks like BV and aeonpax conduct themselves in a similiar manner in their real worlds. It's their personalities.
Abrasive, overbearing and harsh aren't the most desirable traits.
Seeing themselves on the outside looking in is probably something they are used to.
Live and learn.
Or get used to being banned.


Aug 24, 2012, 2:48 PM
This is a ridiculously immature opinion. The biggest problem with this forum, the reason it fails, is because of its polarization. This forum is simply people who think that if they share a common delusion, that makes it's normal or healthy.

What you've said above is "I want a forum free from reality". Criticism and judgement are reality.

This forum suffers from all the same group-think issues that affect conservative politics.

You can't take the hardcore idiots like Tenni, Drugstore Cowboy, ExSailor/MelissaPDX and suggest to me that they've contributed a single valuable piece to this forum in all their time here. They're just here to have their delusions confirmed rather than challenged. This is why I'm waiting to get banned.

I can't agree that the forum has failed. There has, however, been the development of some polarization which I think is because when faced with a personal attack many feel compelled to respond and the contention between points of view and individuals escalates.

Are you saying that you believe bisexuality is a "common delusion" shared by those who profess it? If so, can't the same be said of heterosexuality or homosexuality? I find it interesting that you would classify human interaction as a delusion that others perceive as natural and is also found in other species that lack the ability to communicate with humans (often referred to as less intelligent).

While criticism and judgment are indeed a reality, they are often destructive rather than productive. Open discussion and respect for another's opinions, even those diametrically opposed to our own, are much more productive and promote greater understanding.

There are many things in life that varying portions of the population find undesirable, offensive or repugnant, but to deny their existence or label them a delusion does not mean they aren't real. Certainly, there can be a difference of opinion as to whether or not a sexual orientation is normal/healthy or not. It strikes me, however, that such discussion would be best when directed at certain practices, not necessarily the orientation as a whole. If both heterosexuality and homosexuality is viewed as normal and healthy, shouldn't bisexuality also be? Yet within any orientation, a practice that one views as injurious to others will always be susceptible to the criticisms of being abnormal or unhealthy (e.g., pedophilia).

There is a great difference between challenging one's intellect by engaging in thought provoking discussions and challenging the individual in the sense of creating a confrontation by denying the existence of or their right to have a viewpoint different than your own.

Hopefully, Drew's action will lessen confrontations between individuals and promote greater understanding and exchange of ideas,


Aug 24, 2012, 2:48 PM
...but I too will have to reconsider my participation on this site because quite simply it has lost its heart. It has meant much to me.. but today's developments are too much for me to bear..

Maybe we need to move on and create the type of forum we want somewhere else

Aug 24, 2012, 2:50 PM
Several things: Drew, I admire you for the manner in which you notified the members. I have opinions about the appropriateness of choices made and not made, but they're irrelevant, personal, and won't be seen here.

Second: One person's "delusion" is another person's "fact" -- and sometimes, the World's fact. Cuts both ways, of course.

Third: Drew: Would you consider banning for having diarrhea of the keyboard here?

Aug 24, 2012, 2:52 PM
Drew: I just realized that you have to actually read all the drivel that's posted here -- my condolences.

Aug 24, 2012, 2:53 PM

Thanks for the opportunity to hang out on your website, chat, read and share ideas with others who are likewise interested in the same. I think this website is well organized, well thought out, and well managed. I think you set the conditions to proved a greater service to people in this community, and opened the door for many people, here, to express themselves where they otherwise could not. I hope you can continue to do great work.

With that said, I also wish to be banned from the site along with Aeonpax.

I've read "every" and "all" postings by Aeonpax, and find her to be articulate, bright, insightful, well reasoned, and researched. Her opinion is her own opinion and I think she had a right to express herself just as exsailor, drug store cowboy, gearbox, tenni, et. al.. The problem for those who find her offensive is that she voices opinions that are provocative; and, she is quick witted, well read, articulate and she is tenacious. Her tenacity to defend her opinion deserves nothing but meritorious praise as she sticks by her guns and adjusts her arguments to the counter arguments. Her dynamic ability to provoke was demonstrated by her compelling an, otherwise, thin threaded statement, into 17 pages of debate. This is not a frail, confused, whimsical, lost girl with an identity crisis, rather, this is a smart, articulate and empowered female who is not afraid to take on tough debate in a tough forum. She was able to easily string along a thread in the face of very harsh criticism from some very strong personalities. I respect her, not so much for her agility to masterfully compel those to continue to banter the points, but she didn't back down and break.

Joan takes her arguments well beyond the bedroom sexual banter of the "chatroom" and into what she sees as bisexual intellectual enlightenment. She wasn't arguing against any one person, or anyone's identity, rather, she was arguing and making a statement against the intellectually lazy and stupid. Joan spits hairs and definitions, not to antagonize and humiliate, but rather, to get at the heart of the other person's position and their core argument. Moreover, she doesn't dislike bisexual men; Joan likes debate, and she likes men and women that can formulate clear, concise and well reasoned arguments.

Joan hit the nail square on the head when she identified Exsailor, Drug Store Cowboy and a few others as misogynistic. Their harsh criticism of her and her position was far less about her position, than it was the fact she is not afraid of them, and demonstratively, she refused to back down from intimidation. These men's contempt is rooted in the fact that they know Joan doesn't respect them as individuals, nor does she respect their intellect. Their response is to dismiss her argument, and clamor around the idea that she hates and is afraid of bisexual men, rather than address their own belligerency. Joan made a broad statement about an idea, and not an individual; their only response to quell the argument was to turn it on her personally.

The smartest person in the room, isn't the first person who shoots up a knee jerk reaction and starts calling me names, disparaging me, and dismissing my statements; rather, its the person who will go back and read "every" and "all" the posts by AeonPax/Joan, then formulate a well reasoned and articulate response. I fully expect to be disparaged and dismissed by the above named individuals, but thats acceptable.

I want to thank and say thanks to some very good people I've met on this web site:

Peg, Jorja, Shyguy, Showme, Aut17, Volduger, Beefeater, Dark Eyes, AeonPax, Bluegirl789, and many others.

-- SJMurph

Aug 24, 2012, 3:44 PM
We found that the ignore list works. If people are that upset just add them to your ignore list. When nobody listens to them anymore they will go away.

Aug 24, 2012, 4:09 PM

Thanks for the opportunity to hang out on your website, chat, read and share ideas with others who are likewise interested in the same. I think this website is well organized, well thought out, and well managed. I think you set the conditions to proved a greater service to people in this community, and opened the door for many people, here, to express themselves where they otherwise could not. I hope you can continue to do great work.

With that said, I also wish to be banned from the site along with Aeonpax.

I've read "every" and "all" postings by Aeonpax, and find her to be articulate, bright, insightful, well reasoned, and researched. Her opinion is her own opinion and I think she had a right to express herself just as exsailor, drug store cowboy, gearbox, tenni, et. al.. The problem for those who find her offensive is that she voices opinions that are provocative; and, she is quick witted, well read, articulate and she is tenacious. Her tenacity to defend her opinion deserves nothing but meritorious praise as she sticks by her guns and adjusts her arguments to the counter arguments. Her dynamic ability to provoke was demonstrated by her compelling an, otherwise, thin threaded statement, into 17 pages of debate. This is not a frail, confused, whimsical, lost girl with an identity crisis, rather, this is a smart, articulate and empowered female who is not afraid to take on tough debate in a tough forum. She was able to easily string along a thread in the face of very harsh criticism from some very strong personalities. I respect her, not so much for her agility to masterfully compel those to continue to banter the points, but she didn't back down and break.

Joan takes her arguments well beyond the bedroom sexual banter of the "chatroom" and into what she sees as bisexual intellectual enlightenment. She wasn't arguing against any one person, or anyone's identity, rather, she was arguing and making a statement against the intellectually lazy and stupid. Joan spits hairs and definitions, not to antagonize and humiliate, but rather, to get at the heart of the other person's position and their core argument. Moreover, she doesn't dislike bisexual men; Joan likes debate, and she likes men and women that can formulate clear, concise and well reasoned arguments.

Joan hit the nail square on the head when she identified Exsailor, Drug Store Cowboy and a few others as misogynistic. Their harsh criticism of her and her position was far less about her position, than it was the fact she is not afraid of them, and demonstratively, she refused to back down from intimidation. These men's contempt is rooted in the fact that they know Joan doesn't respect them as individuals, nor does she respect their intellect. Their response is to dismiss her argument, and clamor around the idea that she hates and is afraid of bisexual men, rather than address their own belligerency. Joan made a broad statement about an idea, and not an individual; their only response to quell the argument was to turn it on her personally.

The smartest person in the room, isn't the first person who shoots up a knee jerk reaction and starts calling me names, disparaging me, and dismissing my statements; rather, its the person who will go back and read "every" and "all" the posts by AeonPax/Joan, then formulate a well reasoned and articulate response. I fully expect to be disparaged and dismissed by the above named individuals, but thats acceptable.

I want to thank and say thanks to some very good people I've met on this web site:

Peg, Jorja, Shyguy, Showme, Aut17, Volduger, Beefeater, Dark Eyes, AeonPax, Bluegirl789, and many others.

-- SJMurph

well said!! please message me your email so that we may stay in contact.

Aug 24, 2012, 4:55 PM
Just curious. Is it a ban on just username/password/email.... Or IP address... Or Hardware Identification??.... Because the first one just allows new name, new email, new password to be created. Therefor a new account. That's is how so many sockpuppets of Diamond_______ (Fill in the blank) are still roaming around. He feels so snug as a bug here that he accuses others of being trolls. It's almost amusing.

Aug 24, 2012, 5:14 PM
Well it's sad and tragic, but hardly surprising. Two fine outstanding ladies cut loose into cyberland sea of iniquity, out there spreading their wisdom, like that bloke in The Watermargin.
They could be on a Catholic.com site right now, BiVirg posting that they are realy closet athiests, and Aeon posting that she's veying off from male Catholics as they are riddled with syph & leprosy etc.:rolleyes:
It was Kane or something. Bald bloke! big stick.

Aug 24, 2012, 5:25 PM
So be it. I came back from shopping saw this thread opened it and and was dumbfounded.. I have always said that I do not like barring people.. the lgbt is mature enough to take dissent and debate or it is not.. it seems that the owner of the site feels that the dissent sewn, if that is the right word by two members is too much to bear... if members were deserving of being banned there were and are far more deserving cases but I would defend them also even although I loathe so much of their opinions and their manner of debate

In the case of bisexual virgin csrakate said this. I have the greatest love and respect for Kate, my Mumsie, but this was an unwise respose to a girl with a problem.. her problem? Bisexual men.. the reply Kate gave was in response to BV admitting she had a problem.. correct me if I am wrong but do we disown and boot into touch people with alcohol or drug problems? the first step to recovery is admitting we have a problem.. and this BV has done. This site in large part was set up I thought was to help people come to grips with their problems and come to terms with the prejudices of others and with their own.. obviously I was wrong... and so a girl who has a problem is kicked out and left to sink.. of course there are oother places to go where she can come to terms with her problem.. but by booting her from this site what has been done is her prejudice against bisexual men has not been helped but is more llikely to have been exacerbated... it is after all a bisexual man man who has taken the decision. I hope you are all pleased because I think what has been shown here is an appalling lack of compassion and tolerance for someone with a problem.. and I hold my hands up.. I have been as irritated as most everyone else with her and could and should have dealt with her diifferently.. but I would never have dreamt of complaining about her to the owner and certainly not of demanding she be expelled from membership..

Bisexual Virgin admitted NOTHING except that she had a problem with bisexual men....and note that she never admitted that her attitude towards bisexual men was a problem. In order to help someone, they have to acknowledge a problem and want help. I tried numerous times to show her positive examples of bisexual men in relationships but she always pushed that aside. I implored her to open her mind and let herself experience a bit more life before she made such conclusions about an entire group of men. Bisexual Virgin was totally satisfied with her assessment of bisexual men and never once saw her comments as disruptive or rude. I am sorry you are disappointed in me, dear one....but my words to her stand. We all know where she stands....we all know how she feels. She says she has a problem with bisexual men....NO SHIT!!!!

As for Joan/Aeon....another example of someone who refused to listen to anyone else. I defended her against the Diamond Puppets and I believe their treatment of her was nothing short of a full on harassment but she gave just as good as she got to others and never hesitated to bring someone down a notch. She was always so ready to refute any statement with her list of "sources" but she never, ever LISTENED! She used her words as a rapier and she often cut deep. And while I found her intelligent and well-read, she was socially inept and very close minded. I am sorry that she got banned, but I refuse to believe that she didn't know what she was doing and like Bisexual Virgin, she refused to ever consider the words of others. If you can't play nice on the playground, you simply cannot be allowed to go to recess!

Aug 24, 2012, 5:50 PM
I don't know who is a puppet or not. I would prefer to look at it as just different perspectives about being bisexual.

I do know that the range of bisexuality is wide. I know that most bi.com members seem to be bisexual men. I know that bi men experience more discrimination and attacks than biwomen. I know that many bisexuals on this site seem to be living in a hetero/bisexual relationship and have certain attitudes towards being bisexual.

I know that I am not living the hetero bi couple lifestyle at this point in my life. I know that my views on bisexuality are different from some other vocal posters. It should not be surprising that we have different views and some of the people that are being called sock puppets are not living a hetero bi lifestyle. Most of us are just trying to be happy in life and comfortable with our sexuality.

I think that it is sad that there is this fear of sock puppets on this site for bisexuals.

Aug 24, 2012, 6:05 PM
I don't know who is a puppet or not. I would prefer to look at it as just different perspectives about being bisexual.

I do know that the range of bisexuality is wide. I know that most bi.com members seem to be bisexual men. I know that bi men experience more discrimination and attacks than biwomen. I know that many bisexuals on this site seem to be living in a hetero/bisexual relationship and have certain attitudes towards being bisexual.

I know that I am not living the hetero bi lifestyle. I know that my views on bisexuality are different from some other vocal posters. It should not be surprising that we have different views and some of the people that are being called sock puppets are not living a hetero bi lifestyle.

I also noticed one poster here is asking a lot of questions and been a member for five years with 13 posts. I checked and found that she posted in 2009 referring to others as morons on a similar topic about "sock puppets". Just the facts mme.

I think that it is sad that there is this fear of sock puppets on this site. Doesn't make anyone feel warm and comfy to post something different than a more hetero lifestyle.

Feel free to refer to me by name instead of "one poster", you sound so inhumane and dismissive at times. Since you want to try and throw a stone, I will teach you how to aim. The sock puppet referred to back in 2009 was once a friend of mine, Who had a mental break down, almost schizophrenic, and during his break down he created his own sock puppets which he even announced them to be sock puppets with his intention of bringing down Bisex.com and enlightening us all. His friend was trying to help him, but in the wrong fashion. He had already told me in an email he was Bezerker since we emailed back and forth to each other. His name was Tom, he loved to cook and share recipes. He was a sweet and funny guy till he snapped. And even till this day I miss him and hated it all had to end the way it did. When he snapped he was also friends with Diamond_______ (fill in the blank) who helped feed the disease Tom had at the time.

So there ya go in a nutshell. I am sure other long timers will remember when Tom was here. You on the other hand, probably can't.

Now as to our current puppets. You pat one or two on the back at times. You may not have even know, or perhaps you suspected. But they are here, and easily spotted. I, Aeon, Void, Kate, have seen and even said so in the forums. How many posts one has made in how ever many years is irrelevant to their authenticity or accuracy.

Aug 24, 2012, 6:38 PM
I'm sorry outintheworld. I did remove that section before you posted. I realized that I can not wonder about accusations about sock puppets and then fall wacko to think that another poster is also a sock puppet. As I stated it seems particular to this site. Then again, I don't know a lot of sites.

I don't know what you mean by I pat one or two on the back at times? If my view is similar it is similar. Is it the view or the poster that you react to? I try not to express my view too harshly and I am sometimes surprised who thinks like me. The point is that we are different but all still bisexual. I have found some other posters inhumane as well. Aeon was a new member, yet you give her the ability to recognize on going sock puppets or perhaps you mean something different?

Aug 24, 2012, 6:50 PM
I'm sorry outintheworld. I did remove that section before you posted. I realized that I can not wonder about accusations about sock puppets and then fall wacko to think that another poster is also a sock puppet. As I stated it seems particular to this site. Then again, I don't know a lot of sites.

I don't know what you mean by I pat one or two on the back at times? If my view is similar it is similar. Is it the view or the poster that you react to? I try not to express my view too harshly and I am sometimes surprised who thinks like me. The point is that we are different but all still bisexual. I have found some other posters inhumane as well. Aeon was a new member, yet you give her the ability to recognize on going sock puppets or perhaps you mean something different?

When I refer to you giving one or two a pat on the back. It's not a slight to you personally. It just my way of letting you know, that sock puppets will continue to exist as long as they get "fed" whether positive or negative feed back is given. Just like any other animal, if there is no food, it will either migrate or simply die. My credit given to Aeon, simply means, she was observant enough of people and their habits to recognize what I and others have. Multiple accounts with one owner. A.k.a. Sock puppets.

Aug 24, 2012, 7:01 PM
Feel free to refer to me by name instead of "one poster", you sound so inhumane and dismissive at times. Since you want to try and throw a stone, I will teach you how to aim. The sock puppet referred to back in 2009 was once a friend of mine, Who had a mental break down, almost schizophrenic, and during his break down he created his own sock puppets which he even announced them to be sock puppets with his intention of bringing down Bisex.com and enlightening us all. His friend was trying to help him, but in the wrong fashion. He had already told me in an email he was Bezerker since we emailed back and forth to each other. His name was Tom, he loved to cook and share recipes. He was a sweet and funny guy till he snapped. And even till this day I miss him and hated it all had to end the way it did. When he snapped he was also friends with Diamond_______ (fill in the blank) who helped feed the disease Tom had at the time.

So there ya go in a nutshell. I am sure other long timers will remember when Tom was here. You on the other hand, probably can't.

Now as to our current puppets. You pat one or two on the back at times. You may not have even know, or perhaps you suspected. But they are here, and easily spotted. I, Aeon, Void, Kate, have seen and even said so in the forums. How many posts one has made in how ever many years is irrelevant to their authenticity or accuracy.

I do recall Tom. He was here before I was void, and used ddbm (I think) as a handle. I recall speaking with him at times via messages here. He indeed did love cooking. I also recall roughly when he started creating puppets. Did not realize Diamond __ was part of that, and will not say with certainty I've seen Diamond __ use puppets. That is not to say he did not, nor did. He may well have, I did have some reservations towards him. I've seen others use puppets. Some have done so constructively. Some destructively. I think using puppets may be a bit unfair, immature. Not here to 'play games'.

Normally context and subtext can reveal puppets. People exhibit their own 'voices' and often puppet 'voices' reflect upon and 'smoke out' the ruse/s.

To clarify, my rational for a handle switch came from forgetting the log in information. It happens to the best and worst. It was not due to some sinister or dubious ulterior motive.

Aug 24, 2012, 7:01 PM
Now as to our current puppets. You pat one or two on the back at times. You may not have even know, or perhaps you suspected. But they are here, and easily spotted. I, Aeon, Void, Kate, have seen and even said so in the forums. How many posts one has made in how ever many years is irrelevant to their authenticity or accuracy.

Yes... I too have noticed our puppets and mentioned it on numerous occasions... almost too numerous to mention, and there they sit with huge gloating smiles across their faces..all saying the same thing in the same style.. and that is what makes it so unfair... that alone should be sufficient reason for both Joan and Virgin to be given the benefit of the doubt. The puppet master turns the puppets into the puppet masters and the membership of the site into puppets and worse.. the owner... once such as they were banned now they do the banning.. how the world and the worm turns.. destructive, repetitive, appallingly vindictive..

Once on this site for a quite a long time I was played as a puppet.. not quite as they are played or they play others.. but a puppet I was... young, stupid, still pretty impressionable and unhappy due to a devastating love affair which turned my life upside down, he played me as his puppet and came to think of me as his private property.. and as I increasingly felt threatened and rebelled and began to object to his manipulation he became ever more unpleasant and possessive... others on site had gotten pee'd off with him and he did disappear for quite a while and slowly I began truly to get to know the generosity of so many on this site and saw the real strength of it... people such as my luffly curio, mumsie, allbi,chookie, rana and others all played their part in welcoming me and even loving me,, laffs in abundance lots of risque chat and always support when it was needed... I truly loved this site then..

One night as I was chatting and having a good laugh my pm box opened and a blast from the past scared the shit out of me... "hello, remember me.." it said. I froze... and for a few seconds didnt know what to say or do.. remembrance of old fears returned and I felt haunted...but in my panic I reacted blindy and in the main room I exploded.. I don't remember the words... but it was something like.. "Get away from me u.. fuck off... leave me alone...". It hadnt been meant for the main room but it was too late... he went.. shocked I think.. but those around at the time will remember him.. the same Tom? I have no idea nor do I care... but maybe..

I am not the child I was then.. huh.. child at 25/26.. but I was a child nonetheless.. this site and its members did much to get me through Tom and the crap in my life.. they werent alone of course cos I have loving friends and family who did so much in my life to help me through.. but as much as anyone this site and the people on it got me through a horrible break up with Kate and a long fucking separation and misery.. got me through the ending of my bisexuality for they told me I was lesbian and for a long time I wouldn't.. couldn't accept it..... they got me through so many trials, prevented me several times acting completely foolishly,and helped me get through two recent personal losses, first my dad and then Linnet, the girl in the love affair I mentioned earlier.. they offered and I accepted the simple gift of friendship..that is the truth of this place and what it can be... not this nit picking shite we have experienced of late.. support love and friendship.. that hasn't truly gone I don't believe but it is well buried and is becoming ever more deeply buried.. and recent developments have made it worse..

...for now the puppets have the upper hand but it need not be... I only hope I am around to see them get their come-uppance but that alas is looking decidedly unlikely...as the members of this site take back what may be owned by Drew, but is equally owned by them in quite different and for them, much more meaningful way.. because if u don't,,Joan and Virgin wont be the last victims...anyone who incurs their displeasure especially those who stand up to them will also find themselves the target of their bile... and they too will be lied about, their words twisted, accused of what they are not and because they get away with it and their victims pay the price... this site will be further removed from any real sense of reality or of worth...this will no longer be ur site..but theirs...

Aug 24, 2012, 7:31 PM
Nice thing about having a fairly open society and freedom to choose, is that you don't have to volunteer to be banned, you can just write the admin or owner and tell them enough is enough you are leaving, would they please close out your access and profile. Being mature enough to do that saves the general membership all the Springeresque drama some seem to crave as they ask to be disappeared.

Aug 24, 2012, 7:51 PM
I can't agree that the forum has failed. There has, however, been the development of some polarization which I think is because when faced with a personal attack many feel compelled to respond and the contention between points of view and individuals escalates.

Are you saying that you believe bisexuality is a "common delusion" shared by those who profess it? If so, can't the same be said of heterosexuality or homosexuality? I find it interesting that you would classify human interaction as a delusion that others perceive as natural and is also found in other species that lack the ability to communicate with humans (often referred to as less intelligent).

While criticism and judgment are indeed a reality, they are often destructive rather than productive. Open discussion and respect for another's opinions, even those diametrically opposed to our own, are much more productive and promote greater understanding.

There are many things in life that varying portions of the population find undesirable, offensive or repugnant, but to deny their existence or label them a delusion does not mean they aren't real. Certainly, there can be a difference of opinion as to whether or not a sexual orientation is normal/healthy or not. It strikes me, however, that such discussion would be best when directed at certain practices, not necessarily the orientation as a whole. If both heterosexuality and homosexuality is viewed as normal and healthy, shouldn't bisexuality also be? Yet within any orientation, a practice that one views as injurious to others will always be susceptible to the criticisms of being abnormal or unhealthy (e.g., pedophilia).

There is a great difference between challenging one's intellect by engaging in thought provoking discussions and challenging the individual in the sense of creating a confrontation by denying the existence of or their right to have a viewpoint different than your own.

Hopefully, Drew's action will lessen confrontations between individuals and promote greater understanding and exchange of ideas,


A very well thought out, mature attitude. Many people on many forums could benefit by your wisdom. As could I.

Aug 24, 2012, 7:57 PM

Thanks for the opportunity to hang out on your website, chat, read and share ideas with others who are likewise interested in the same. I think this website is well organized, well thought out, and well managed. I think you set the conditions to proved a greater service to people in this community, and opened the door for many people, here, to express themselves where they otherwise could not. I hope you can continue to do great work.

With that said, I also wish to be banned from the site along with Aeonpax.

I've read "every" and "all" postings by Aeonpax, and find her to be articulate, bright, insightful, well reasoned, and researched. Her opinion is her own opinion and I think she had a right to express herself just as exsailor, drug store cowboy, gearbox, tenni, et. al.. The problem for those who find her offensive is that she voices opinions that are provocative; and, she is quick witted, well read, articulate and she is tenacious. Her tenacity to defend her opinion deserves nothing but meritorious praise as she sticks by her guns and adjusts her arguments to the counter arguments. Her dynamic ability to provoke was demonstrated by her compelling an, otherwise, thin threaded statement, into 17 pages of debate. This is not a frail, confused, whimsical, lost girl with an identity crisis, rather, this is a smart, articulate and empowered female who is not afraid to take on tough debate in a tough forum. She was able to easily string along a thread in the face of very harsh criticism from some very strong personalities. I respect her, not so much for her agility to masterfully compel those to continue to banter the points, but she didn't back down and break.

Joan takes her arguments well beyond the bedroom sexual banter of the "chatroom" and into what she sees as bisexual intellectual enlightenment. She wasn't arguing against any one person, or anyone's identity, rather, she was arguing and making a statement against the intellectually lazy and stupid. Joan spits hairs and definitions, not to antagonize and humiliate, but rather, to get at the heart of the other person's position and their core argument. Moreover, she doesn't dislike bisexual men; Joan likes debate, and she likes men and women that can formulate clear, concise and well reasoned arguments.

Joan hit the nail square on the head when she identified Exsailor, Drug Store Cowboy and a few others as misogynistic. Their harsh criticism of her and her position was far less about her position, than it was the fact she is not afraid of them, and demonstratively, she refused to back down from intimidation. These men's contempt is rooted in the fact that they know Joan doesn't respect them as individuals, nor does she respect their intellect. Their response is to dismiss her argument, and clamor around the idea that she hates and is afraid of bisexual men, rather than address their own belligerency. Joan made a broad statement about an idea, and not an individual; their only response to quell the argument was to turn it on her personally.

The smartest person in the room, isn't the first person who shoots up a knee jerk reaction and starts calling me names, disparaging me, and dismissing my statements; rather, its the person who will go back and read "every" and "all" the posts by AeonPax/Joan, then formulate a well reasoned and articulate response. I fully expect to be disparaged and dismissed by the above named individuals, but thats acceptable.

I want to thank and say thanks to some very good people I've met on this web site:

Peg, Jorja, Shyguy, Showme, Aut17, Volduger, Beefeater, Dark Eyes, AeonPax, Bluegirl789, and many others.

-- SJMurph

SJ Murph,
Speaking of reading, I think you need to go back and re-read this thread from its beginning.
Joan was not banned for her controversial ideas, not even for her dislike of bisexual men. She was banned for attacking new people on this web site and invalidating them as people, before getting to know them. She belittled them and made them question themselves even more than they already were, instead of welcoming them and trying to help them solve their problems. To put it bluntly, she scared people off, not because of her ideas, but because she was rude, crude, gruff, and uncaring towards brand new people who were only looking for an answer.
That kind of attitude is not welcomed on any forum I have ever been a member of and Drew tolerated it for a very long time. I don't know if he personally warned Joan, but a lot of regular members did.

Aug 24, 2012, 7:59 PM
We found that the ignore list works. If people are that upset just add them to your ignore list. When nobody listens to them anymore they will go away.

Offensive people can be blocked.
But if you are brand new and do not know who to ignore, it is hard to do.
The first impression of this site should not be getting attacked for posting a question.

Aug 24, 2012, 8:06 PM
Nice thing about having a fairly open society and freedom to choose, is that you don't have to volunteer to be banned, you can just write the admin or owner and tell them enough is enough you are leaving, would they please close out your access and profile. Being mature enough to do that saves the general membership all the Springeresque drama some seem to crave as they ask to be disappeared.
The one thing I do not wish is to be banned.. but neither do I wish to a party to a witch hunt and that is what I see as being the case here.. and the real witches run free. by doing nothing and allowing this witch hunt to stand, we become as guilty of hunting the witch and as responsible for the sticking in of needles, ducking the stool, and lighting the pyre as those witchfinders and their witchfinder general who sit sneering in the shadows.

Springeresque it may be.. but some things are more important than ourselves.. when and if I go, I go with my head held high, knowing and believing in the rightness of my cause, and Drew will indeed get my little missive telling him to close down my account.. and if it is indeed Springeresque.. it is not we who have made it so... but those who sit gloating in those murky shadows convinced of their victory and pouring more from the cup of poison with which they plan to kill off their next victims.. melodramatic? Maybe.. maybe not.. time will tell...

I may go into the night, disappear and be forgotten and my passing little mourned.. but I will not go quietly...

Aug 24, 2012, 8:14 PM
It's getting to be like a realy bad script for a Batman film here. Sock Puppets?:eek2: Was it the Sock Puppets that drove BiVirgin and Aeon to post all they posted against their will or something?
I've watched just about every episode of Columbo there is, and I can tell you that just coz somebody springs up and mentions 'sock puppets', doesn't mean they are innocent.;):suave::rolleyes:;):tongue:
I sugest we move in packs of 3 and stay close to the candles.lol

The first impression of this site should not be getting attacked for posting a question.
100% agree there. Nor should there be ANY discrimination here no matter what. We don't have to march in the streets waving flags for each other, but we can exersise a tactfull tolerance of our varied situations etc. I'm talking about cheaters etc.
Not adding that aimed at you Falcon! (just in case you think I'm mean it sarcasticaly.lol)

Aug 24, 2012, 8:29 PM
We have all had times where we disagree with others in many settings including here, work, with family, friends and those who are less than friends. Many of us have strong personal points of view and are convinced we are correct. That does not mean we have the rights to take that to the level of being disagreeable and offensive with others. I am not sure what I would have done but am glad that someone else had to make that decision. My choice was simple and like with many threads before it I simply ignored it and moved on. Drew as the site owner did not have that luxury and had to make a decision to do what he felt was best even if some disagree and leave. We can be respectful even if our opinions are different.

Aug 24, 2012, 8:39 PM
The one thing I do not wish is to be banned.. but neither do I wish to a party to a witch hunt and that is what I see as being the case here.. and the real witches run free. by doing nothing and allowing this witch hunt to stand, we become as guilty of hunting the witch and as responsible for the sticking in of needles, ducking the stool, and lighting the pyre as those witchfinders and their witchfinder general who sit sneering in the shadows.

Springeresque it may be.. but some things are more important than ourselves.. when and if I go, I go with my head held high, knowing and believing in the rightness of my cause, and Drew will indeed get my little missive telling him to close down my account.. and if it is indeed Springeresque.. it is not we who have made it so... but those who sit gloating in those murky shadows convinced of their victory and pouring more from the cup of poison with which they plan to kill off their next victims.. melodramatic? Maybe.. maybe not.. time will tell...

I may go into the night, disappear and be forgotten and my passing little mourned.. but I will not go quietly...

Dark, I was stunned by these recent developments, just as you; and I think I can empathize with what you're feeling right now. I see several personal ironies going on but I won't elaborate, at least not right now. I have always felt my days on this site were numbered, especially lately. If you go....I will miss you also. I mean this sincerely....you are the first atheist I've actually grown fond of, although when I first encountered you, you seriously rubbed me the wrong way. That's one irony. As I told you once before, if this were Reader's Digest....you'd be one of "my most unforgettable" characters.:)

Aug 24, 2012, 8:41 PM
I do recall Tom. He was here before I was void, and used ddbm (I think) as a handle. I recall speaking with him at times via messages here. He indeed did love cooking. I also recall roughly when he started creating puppets. Did not realize Diamond __ was part of that, and will not say with certainty I've seen Diamond __ use puppets. That is not to say he did not, nor did. He may well have, I did have some reservations towards him. I've seen others use puppets. Some have done so constructively. Some destructively. I think using puppets may be a bit unfair, immature. Not here to 'play games'.

Normally context and subtext can reveal puppets. People exhibit their own 'voices' and often puppet 'voices' reflect upon and 'smoke out' the ruse/s.

To clarify, my rational for a handle switch came from forgetting the log in information. It happens to the best and worst. It was not due to some sinister or dubious ulterior motive.

Ok. I know I am this big fancy web developer and stuff, but sometimes, I guess I am a bit naive. Can anyone explain to me what the heck is meant by "puppets"?

Aug 24, 2012, 8:48 PM
I hate to drop the veil but recent events have forced me to. First of all- Yes, I am bipolar type one. Yes I had a breakdown and went on a hack and slash adventure a few years ago. BUT- since then I have done nothing but occasionally lurk. I think Diamonddog is behind this. When there were tasteless threads posted by one "beserker"- what was disclosed was stuff I only told to diamonddog in IM chats.

I don't really care if anyone believes me or not. I'm taking my pills and doing my best these days. I wish you all well.

Oh, and Fran- whoever contacted you was not me. For real.


Aug 24, 2012, 9:29 PM
I hate to drop the veil but recent events have forced me to. First of all- Yes, I am bipolar type one. Yes I had a breakdown and went on a hack and slash adventure a few years ago. BUT- since then I have done nothing but occasionally lurk. I think Diamonddog is behind this. When there were tasteless threads posted by one "beserker"- what was disclosed was stuff I only told to diamonddog in IM chats.

I don't really care if anyone believes me or not. I'm taking my pills and doing my best these days. I wish you all well.

Oh, and Fran- whoever contacted you was not me. For real.


Hey Tom, Remember me? Glad to see you are good and getting better. I know this is the real you. I believe you and in you.

Aug 24, 2012, 9:56 PM
It's getting to be like a realy bad script for a Batman film here. Sock Puppets?:eek2: Was it the Sock Puppets that drove BiVirgin and Aeon to post all they posted against their will or something?
I've watched just about every episode of Columbo there is, and I can tell you that just coz somebody springs up and mentions 'sock puppets', doesn't mean they are innocent.;):suave::rolleyes:;):tongue:
I sugest we move in packs of 3 and stay close to the candles.lol

100% agree there. Nor should there be ANY discrimination here no matter what. We don't have to march in the streets waving flags for each other, but we can exersise a tactfull tolerance of our varied situations etc. I'm talking about cheaters etc.
Not adding that aimed at you Falcon! (just in case you think I'm mean it sarcasticaly.lol)

Also a lover of Columbo; have also seen every episode, some several times! Other than Holmes, one of the greatest detective characters ever created. :bigrin:

Aug 24, 2012, 10:28 PM
Ok. I know I am this big fancy web developer and stuff, but sometimes, I guess I am a bit naive. Can anyone explain to me what the heck is meant by "puppets"?

Same here! I know what a puppet ruler is & have learned what ( I think) "trolls" are.

Aug 24, 2012, 10:46 PM
SJ Murph,
Speaking of reading, I think you need to go back and re-read this thread from its beginning.
Joan was not banned for her controversial ideas, not even for her dislike of bisexual men. She was banned for attacking new people on this web site and invalidating them as people, before getting to know them. She belittled them and made them question themselves even more than they already were, instead of welcoming them and trying to help them solve their problems. To put it bluntly, she scared people off, not because of her ideas, but because she was rude, crude, gruff, and uncaring towards brand new people who were only looking for an answer.
That kind of attitude is not welcomed on any forum I have ever been a member of and Drew tolerated it for a very long time. I don't know if he personally warned Joan, but a lot of regular members did.

Well, I'm sure everyone here is familiar with the maxim about 1st impressions. Aeon/Joan was yes, very intelligent & mine was that she made sure everyone here knew it. I clashed with her initially with what appeared to be her highly condescending attitude. Eventually, she became more civil toward me; we even shared some very meaningful PMs; same with Bisexual Virgin. I actually had a playful flirtation going on with her; doesn't like bisexual men? Could've fooled me.

Aug 24, 2012, 10:49 PM
I hate to drop the veil but recent events have forced me to. First of all- Yes, I am bipolar type one. Yes I had a breakdown and went on a hack and slash adventure a few years ago. BUT- since then I have done nothing but occasionally lurk. I think Diamonddog is behind this. When there were tasteless threads posted by one "beserker"- what was disclosed was stuff I only told to diamonddog in IM chats.

I don't really care if anyone believes me or not. I'm taking my pills and doing my best these days. I wish you all well.

Oh, and Fran- whoever contacted you was not me. For real.

Tomewo Tom... if u are who I think u are I hope an trust u are well.. whatever.. the past is the past.. and we should always look forward...u seem to be doin' fine and am truly glad 2 know it.. all we can do is our best and no 1 can ask ne more... I saw ur post earlier.. and couldn't believe me eyes tbh.. I went to bed but couldn't rest cos ur post kept going through my mind.. so here I am saying hi...and keep it going fine willya? :bigrin:

Aug 24, 2012, 11:32 PM
Hey, I support Drew's decision, the people he banned were full of hate, its one thing to express your opinion ,but when your opinion is blatant hatred for a certain group ,than yes, action must be taken but....

I hope these members getting banned doesn't discourage, people from posting real concern, opinion ,story's and ideas.

And I understand what the people who said ban me too are trying to do...there standing up for what they believe is right, but...its simple if you don't like Drew's decision than leave !
It's simple the straight people who come here say they are here to get a better understanding of bisexuality or need to vent.

But if your here to spew hateful remarks about a certain group or support those people than maybe this isn't the site for you.

Aug 25, 2012, 12:39 AM
I'm forced to concur with biblkman. No one should be allowed to come here and spew hate with impunity, and they did so for far longer than anyone else I have seen get away with it, and it was far more blatant. Calling it "intelligent" simply because Joan knew some catchphrases(and used them inaccurately) and could quote-mine badly(which is a form of lying) got too many to be impressed with her and think her wise. As for BiVirgin, I had her on ignore for so long I forgot she was around until she was banned, but the same thing holds true for her. Had she been a HE, the banning would have come about 200 posts sooner.

I'm sorry they felt the way they do and sorry they were hurt as they were to lash out int he fashion they did. I hope they find some measure of peace someday and that this will all be swept aside in their hearts and minds, stage a place for a new beginning and going forth they will have a better time of it.

Anyway, that's my two cents. I'll be going back to lurking also and reading occasionally, but not really posting as before things went strange.

Aug 25, 2012, 1:00 AM
Why am I not fucking banned yet?

Come on Drew, get the dick out of your mouth and do your job.

Aug 25, 2012, 1:05 AM
Why am I not fucking banned yet?

Come on Drew, get the dick out of your mouth and do your job.

Slip, based on what you have posted here, you are a complete ass and Drew would do well to be rid of you.
But you do not need to go to these extremes. Just delete your account and ask that Drew deletes all your posts and threads. Never come back and you will not know if he deleted things or not. Seems to me that you just want attention. Otherwise, you would already be gone.

Aug 25, 2012, 1:19 AM
Slip, based on what you have posted here, you are a complete ass and Drew would do well to be rid of you.
But you do not need to go to these extremes. Just delete your account and ask that Drew deletes all your posts and threads. Never come back and you will not know if he deleted things or not. Seems to me that you just want attention. Otherwise, you would already be gone.
I am drawing attention to the fact that this is a community of idiots policed by idiots.

Aug 25, 2012, 1:25 AM
I am drawing attention to the fact that this is a community of idiots policed by idiots.

Then you truly do need to be banned. There are a lot of intelligent people who debate and express their opinions in a civil manner here. I am sorry that you cannot get along in a community. You might have had some good contributions to the group.

Aug 25, 2012, 1:26 AM
I agree, Drew. I was a member on a site in our more-or-less local area near Sacramento that was ruined first by a member who started rude, then became ruthless. The site was eventually abandoned by its creator because of the havoc this one jerk created, and the rest of us were saddened by it. We all have to be careful of censoring, but there is a correct time and place for it, and you used your powers wisely.

Aug 25, 2012, 1:30 AM
Then you truly do need to be banned. There are a lot of intelligent people who debate and express their opinions in a civil manner here. I am sorry that you cannot get along in a community. You might have had some good contributions to the group.

I see in your profile that you're a fat guy. Your opinion is meaningless to me.

Aug 25, 2012, 1:32 AM
I see in your profile that you're a fat guy. Your opinion is meaningless to me.

And what, exactly, does that have to do with anything?
If those are the limits of your intelligence or your conversational ability, then you are truly sad.
Good riddance.
My first and everlasting opinion of you has proven to be correct.
You are truly, a total, anti-social ass.

Aug 25, 2012, 1:34 AM
I agree, Drew. I was a member on a site in our more-or-less local area near Sacramento that was ruined first by a member who started rude, then became ruthless. The site was eventually abandoned by its creator because of the havoc this one jerk created, and the rest of us were saddened by it. We all have to be careful of censoring, but there is a correct time and place for it, and you used your powers wisely.

Damn. That is truly sad, MtnMan.
Did people try to communicate their displeasure to this person?

Aug 25, 2012, 2:07 AM
To Slip...realy...get your head out of your ass !

Why are you not banned yet even though you so beg for it....well maybe its cause Drew isn't gonna waist time on you and your fight the power attitude when on this site there is no fight the power...or maybe Drew is hoping you will just go away like I'm sure so many people here wish you would
Fine you want to take a stand ...but calling Drew or anyone names cause you feel like it will hit home and your point will be validated is just childish

And no Slip....your drawing attention to yourself...and calling everyone on this site idiots is out there...fine you disagree with a lot of people but damn Slip...were all idiots and the site is run by idiots.

We are free to have our opinion but you are going left field...I get it you feel ganged up on...not true, the idiots here are just trying tolign people like you the ones who got banned and anyone who truly wants to get a better understanding of sexuality


Aug 25, 2012, 2:08 AM
Enlighten...sorry, my phone is stupid

Aug 25, 2012, 2:18 AM
@ IanBorthwick......what do you mean " I'm forced to agree with biblkman " forced...? LOL

Aug 25, 2012, 2:20 AM
Drew....you did what you had to do....those of us who understand why did what you did support you!

Aug 25, 2012, 2:31 AM
To Slip...realy...get your head out of your ass !

Why are you not banned yet even though you so beg for it....well maybe its cause Drew isn't gonna waist time on you and your fight the power attitude when on this site there is no fight the power...or maybe Drew is hoping you will just go away like I'm sure so many people here wish you would
Fine you want to take a stand ...but calling Drew or anyone names cause you feel like it will hit home and your point will be validated is just childish

And no Slip....your drawing attention to yourself...and calling everyone on this site idiots is out there...fine you disagree with a lot of people but damn Slip...were all idiots and the site is run by idiots.

We are free to have our opinion but you are going left field...I get it you feel ganged up on...not true, the idiots here are just trying tolign people like you the ones who got banned and anyone who truly wants to get a better understanding of sexuality


Who the fuck even asked you?

Shut up.

Aug 25, 2012, 3:29 AM
Slip, don't be angry. Message me, and we can talk.

Aug 25, 2012, 3:49 AM
Chill Slippy. 'tis better 2 walk than 2 be pushed.... :)

Aug 25, 2012, 5:52 AM
I hate to drop the veil but recent events have forced me to. First of all- Yes, I am bipolar type one. Yes I had a breakdown and went on a hack and slash adventure a few years ago. BUT- since then I have done nothing but occasionally lurk. I think Diamonddog is behind this. When there were tasteless threads posted by one "beserker"- what was disclosed was stuff I only told to diamonddog in IM chats.

I don't really care if anyone believes me or not. I'm taking my pills and doing my best these days. I wish you all well.

Oh, and Fran- whoever contacted you was not me. For real.


Good to see you. *hug*

Aug 25, 2012, 5:56 AM
Ok. I know I am this big fancy web developer and stuff, but sometimes, I guess I am a bit naive. Can anyone explain to me what the heck is meant by "puppets"?

Take person A, they come the site and get account A, then account B, C, D, E and so on. They now have a cadre of 'users' they may post through. These accounts are not used for anything save an agenda, usually something shitty.

Aug 25, 2012, 10:59 AM
Chill Slippy. 'tis better 2 walk than 2 be pushed.... :)

No! This is a way funnier story to tell people.

Aug 25, 2012, 11:38 AM
@ IanBorthwick......what do you mean " I'm forced to agree with biblkman " forced...? LOL

I normally do not like to censor anyone and stifle ideas or opinions, especially in the hope of edifying them enough to get them out of the rut they are in. Plenty of examples here in the past few days and you can take your pick of them. But when they go overboard and pound away with talking points that are invalid, accuse, use the opinion as fact tactic, ad hom, and shaming continuously, then I am forced to relent my stance and agree that they must go and are truly unsalvageable.

Aug 25, 2012, 12:08 PM
No! This is a way funnier story to tell people.

Were you not already banned for a bit with Mikey 3000? You were allowed back and he was not. Same behaviour that you are presenting here. Its too bad because I suspect that there is a really nice guy telling others to fuck off.

Aug 25, 2012, 1:20 PM
Kudo's and kisses to Drew. You have to do what you have to do when you own or mod different groups. Healthy debate is one thing, but when you cant control your emotions and conduct yourself as a reasonable, respectful adult without resorting to immature name calling and disrespect, then you deserve what you get. Its that simple.
Hey Drew? You still in yer undies? Come over an sit next top me, Sugar. You gots coffee, I gots cookies...lol
Ya'll behave. :}
Your Cat

Aug 25, 2012, 1:34 PM
Were you not already banned for a bit with Mikey 3000? You were allowed back and he was not. Same behaviour that you are presenting here. Its too bad because I suspect that there is a really nice guy telling others to fuck off.

Please. I think drew likes it. I can't get banned from here.

I'm tired of perpetuating this character anyhow. Time for a new one.

Aug 25, 2012, 1:36 PM
Good to see you. *hug*

Right back 'atcha, Ben :P

Aug 25, 2012, 1:38 PM
ewo Tom... if u are who I think u are I hope an trust u are well.. whatever.. the past is the past.. and we should always look forward...u seem to be doin' fine and am truly glad 2 know it.. all we can do is our best and no 1 can ask ne more... I saw ur post earlier.. and couldn't believe me eyes tbh.. I went to bed but couldn't rest cos ur post kept going through my mind.. so here I am saying hi...and keep it going fine willya? :bigrin:
As I said, doing the best I can. It's good to hear from u, Fran.

Aug 25, 2012, 3:43 PM
Well, as the owner of the site---if Drew wants to boot anyone---he every right to do so. I really didn't know Bisexual Virgin all that well and did sort of like the stuff (at least early on) that Aeon posted up--but she could go over the top sometimes--but then again-the same could probably be said about me at some points.

Its too bad that both of them went off on their funky tangents as they apparently did and resorted to the sorts of negative actions that people have talked about.

When it comes to to those who vex us here at this site----the one that really came to bug me in a big time way---I first knew as BisexualinSoCal----I think it was him that wound up taking up many guises---the sad thing was---whoever he was---he started out to be a nice person and sort of just whacked out---and some of the things that we had talked about in what I thought were private sorts of conversations when we were on good terms--he wound up trying to use those things against me.

I do think that he has been gone now for a few years---he was someone who really did need some help--and I sincerely hope that he got it.

Aug 25, 2012, 4:01 PM
I never understood BV's thought process. The things she wrote, in my opinion, were extremely convoluted. If she truly was a Bisexual Virgin, she really needed some experience. Her opinions would surely change, then.

I kind of hated to see Aeon go. I liked her, but I can see where some would have resented some things she wrote.

Aug 25, 2012, 4:04 PM
Kudo's and kisses to Drew. You have to do what you have to do when you own or mod different groups. Healthy debate is one thing, but when you cant control your emotions and conduct yourself as a reasonable, respectful adult without resorting to immature name calling and disrespect, then you deserve what you get. Its that simple.
Hey Drew? You still in yer undies? Come over an sit next top me, Sugar. You gots coffee, I gots cookies...lol
Ya'll behave. :}
Your Cat

Hopefully we are back to fun and things will again pass and... Drew... Cherokee may tell you her offer to sit next to you included a typo but you may need to ask her in private.

Aug 25, 2012, 7:02 PM
I am happy to say, I have fine-tuning idiots out to an exact science.

However, a few people that were vulnerable because they weren't at that point in life to be comfortable with themselves have left the site because of assholes. I'm sad to not see the anymore, and like to think in time, they found their comfy zone and would be able to fine tune people out like me.

So I dunno what to think, other than at the very least maybe some people will stick around a little longer and find their zen zone, but at the same time, without assholes we can never get to the point of learning how to ignore them.

Aug 25, 2012, 8:16 PM
I have just spent the past 30 min reading everyone's posts and points of view. I see someone making a tough decision on weather to keep or ban someone. I see support with a reasoning as to why I also see those who don't agree and beg to be ban also. I haven't been a member long or as long as some in this thread but there is an old saying with age comes wisdom.

First I respect Drew for his explanation as to why he ban'ed the two people. I have read some of there posts in the past and viewed it as possibly someone with little experience in the world or possibly just limited in there vision. Second instead of saying that the sight has lost its purpose or vision give it a new direction. Don't criticize someone for a decision they made. Are you not doing the same thing your complaining about?

I came to this site to interact with other like-minded people. I am bisexual I have been in relations with men for extended times and women. I have lived in and around the gay community where I was told you are either gay or straight there is no such thing as bisexual. Funny I am. I have lived around people who shun the LGBT community saying its wrong. I didn't like it.

I think we all have valid points, that's what makes us human, difference. I enjoy some stimulating stories weather there real or fiction. I enjoy chatting with others about there interest. I don't judge based on what they like or dislike. I simply understand that they feel diffreny about it than I do and consider myself lucky to have learned something new.

I am far from being a sheep. I don't see the affirmation of my sexuality. I see men and women lesbians gays bisexuals and transgendered sharing different points of views right or wrong. We are a group who are going through life in different ways and only seek the company of those we can have a common background with.

Aug 25, 2012, 8:23 PM
Hey homos. Still waiting to get banned.

Aug 25, 2012, 8:28 PM
Hey homos. Still waiting to get banned.

7942 Once you get it all out, You should start feeling better, If not please seek emergency care. Other symptoms are diarrhea of the mouth, and gusts of hot air that spawn uncontrollably. So please use caution when operating heavy machinery or driving a automobile.

Aug 25, 2012, 10:38 PM
7942 Once you get it all out, You should start feeling better, If not please seek emergency care. Other symptoms are diarrhea of the mouth, and gusts of hot air that spawn uncontrollably. So please use caution when operating heavy machinery or driving a automobile.

"Curvey" is code for "fatty" right?

Aug 25, 2012, 10:46 PM
"Curvey" is code for "fatty" right? How would I know? I'm not fluent in "Dickhead".

Aug 25, 2012, 11:26 PM
How would I know? I'm not fluent in "Dickhead".

So you wrote your own profile in dickhead? Yet you don't understand it?

Aug 25, 2012, 11:47 PM
I don't know if you are being an ass just to get banned or if you are really this way in life.
If you are really this way, someone will knock you out. Hopefully soon.

Aug 26, 2012, 12:30 AM
I don't know if you are being an ass just to get banned or if you are really this way in life.
If you are really this way, someone will knock you out. Hopefully soon.

I just want to get banned. I don't know what I have to do.

Aug 26, 2012, 12:41 AM
People sure seem to let their buttons get pushed around here.

I can see a person getting banned for technical issues, like if he tried to bring the site down by hacking it or overwhelming it with thousands of messages an hour.

But banning a person because he's obnoxious, stupid, hateful, etc? Nah.

I've not looked around, but I assume there's a way for any "person x" to put any "person y" on ignore from the perspective of "person x" (but in a way that lets others still see "person y" contributions.

Perhaps a feature could be created that shows how many people have placed "person y" on ignore. It might be a good feature for newcomers to see so they can get an idea of whom to be leary of.

But to ban "person y" because of what he thinks/feels/says? Even if he's capable of pushing peoples' buttons? Nah. We can do better than that.

Aug 26, 2012, 1:02 AM
People sure seem to let their buttons get pushed around here.

I can see a person getting banned for technical issues, like if he tried to bring the site down by hacking it or overwhelming it with thousands of messages an hour.

But banning a person because he's obnoxious, stupid, hateful, etc? Nah.

I've not looked around, but I assume there's a way for any "person x" to put any "person y" on ignore from the perspective of "person x" (but in a way that lets others still see "person y" contributions.

Perhaps a feature could be created that shows how many people have placed "person y" on ignore. It might be a good feature for newcomers to see so they can get an idea of whom to be leary of.

But to ban "person y" because of what he thinks/feels/says? Even if he's capable of pushing peoples' buttons? Nah. We can do better than that.

Read the forum dude. Unless you're promiscuous and irresponsible you're not wanted here.

Aug 26, 2012, 1:32 AM

"But banning a person because he's obnoxious, stupid, hateful, etc? Nah. "

Congratulations, you just described slip. And yes, it is easy to put someone on ignore. Unfortunately, new people do not have the inside knowledge of who to put on ignore. That is what Aeon was banned for and that is why slip is being such an ass.

Joan (Aeon) was banned for attacking first posters on the forums and saying they were not really bisexual (maybe, because they did not follow the exact path joan thought bisexuals should follow, which included hating men, especially bisexual men, thinking every bisexual man had aids or was at least hiv+ and would pass it on to her if they breathed the same air she did, and a host of other things.). In fairness to joan, she seemed an intelligent lady, but used that intelligence to advance her agenda. And when people disagreed with her, that is when she got personal.

Oh. and ignore what slip says. All are welcome here, even assholes like him. What he is too flustered (or dumb) to realize is if he really wants to get banned, he only has to not come back here. Seems pretty simple to me. But then, people like slip enjoy the drama and holding up the whole site to try and become a martyr. In reality, it only makes them pathetic.

Aug 26, 2012, 1:50 AM

"But banning a person because he's obnoxious, stupid, hateful, etc? Nah. "

Congratulations, you just described slip. And yes, it is easy to put someone on ignore. Unfortunately, new people do not have the inside knowledge of who to put on ignore. That is what Aeon was banned for and that is why slip is being such an ass.

Joan (Aeon) was banned for attacking first posters on the forums and saying they were not really bisexual (maybe, because they did not follow the exact path joan thought bisexuals should follow, which included hating men, especially bisexual men, thinking every bisexual man had aids or was at least hiv+ and would pass it on to her if they breathed the same air she did, and a host of other things.). In fairness to joan, she seemed an intelligent lady, but used that intelligence to advance her agenda. And when people disagreed with her, that is when she got personal.

Oh. and ignore what slip says. All are welcome here, even assholes like him. What he is too flustered (or dumb) to realize is if he really wants to get banned, he only has to not come back here. Seems pretty simple to me. But then, people like slip enjoy the drama and holding up the whole site to try and become a martyr. In reality, it only makes them pathetic.

I've already asked that all my posts and account be deleted. I want nothing more to do with shitheads like you.

I came here as a joke. A laugh. Create a character and fuck with bi peoples heads. It has been funny at times but the crowd here now is sad. Ugly, I've checked out the profiles, and sad.

Aug 26, 2012, 2:04 AM
Someone apparently did try to hack and spam this site yet they're still allowed to post here. Notice how a sock puppet outintheworld is writing about another person who made a sockpuppet? Even this sock puppet of the hacker/spammer who is severely mentally ill claims he did not contact someone in the chat room on this site when he probably did but was manic.

I am curious as to how you jump to the conclusion that Tom was a Hacker? He said he went on a hack and slash, which would mean to me, and probably most sane people, a tirade or meltdown. You point your finger at an awful lot of people. Aeon, virgin and outintheworld included, you called them trolls/puppets and what not. You know the old adage about if you point your finger at someone? There are 4 pointing right back at you.

You appear to be telling on yourself by the sound of it all.

Aug 26, 2012, 2:47 AM
I've already asked that all my posts and account be deleted. I want nothing more to do with shitheads like you.

I came here as a joke. A laugh. Create a character and fuck with bi peoples heads. It has been funny at times but the crowd here now is sad. Ugly, I've checked out the profiles, and sad.

Go home. Yo mama is callin ya. And as for ugly, just look in the mirror. Better yet, examine your personality. It is about the ugliest thing remaining on this forum.
And why can't you seen to understand in that thick head of yours. Drew doesn't need to ban you. You just need to go away and stop coming here. That is all it takes to fulfill your wish.

Aug 26, 2012, 2:50 AM
I am sorry this thread has taken these turns. You made a post about a difficult situation in which you felt you were forced to ban some long time, well known members. The thread has been hijacked and twisted every which way. I was part of that twisting and I apologize. This will be my last post on this thread.

Aug 26, 2012, 8:40 AM
Drugstore Cowboy- I notice how you carefully deleted most of what I said in your quote. Well played. Whatever. I'm not here to impress the likes of you.

Also, I have spoken truth with my original post. I've been dormant for a long time, and just wanted people to know that I am not behind this chaos.
The expression 'hack and slash' comes from Dungeons and Dragons. I believe it refers to unfocused mayhem in the absence of a carefully executed plan.

I simply made the mistake of trusting some people I should have avoided who ended up getting inside my head. The rest is history.

Aug 26, 2012, 9:19 AM
Drugstore Cowboy- I notice how you carefully deleted most of what I said in your quote. Well played. Whatever. I'm not here to impress the likes of you.

Also, I have spoken truth with my original post. I've been dormant for a long time, and just wanted people to know that I am not behind this chaos.
The expression 'hack and slash' comes from Dungeons and Dragons. I believe it refers to unfocused mayhem in the absence of a carefully executed plan.

I simply made the mistake of trusting some people I should have avoided who ended up getting inside my head. The rest is history.

You don't need to explain yourself to Drugstore Cowboy of all people....we all know where he comes from. I can vouch for you Tom...I was present during that time and I had contact with you afterward. You were not yourself during that time....and you did manage to apologize to those you hurt. It's time to let that part of our history go and look to the future of this site as a more congenial, affable place to hang out.

And if I can impart any wisdom from this most recent chain of events....do NOT engage those who make it their business to speak out against individuals on this site. They are easy to recognize and quite often speak out against circumcision, bisexuals in the closet and POZphobia and quite often they launch attacks against people who are overweight, straight and married to bi's, or just simply FEMALE. I have been the target of this group over the years and were it not for the rest of the members here, I would have been long gone. We need to IGNORE them and remember who and what they are.....puppets who exist purely to wreak havoc among this membership. Their posts seem to make us all cranky....myself included. I am embarrassed that I have been far more combative these last few months than ever before...sticking my two cents in whether it makes a difference or not...That is not who I am....nor is it who I want to be.

I implore you all to put these people on ignore....do NOT engage them....do NOT argue with them....Do not feed into the vitriol they spew!

I'm off my soap box now....My pancakes are ready!!:tongue:

Aug 26, 2012, 9:23 AM
Dang, that's a good one, Little Ray!

Well said, Kate.

It certainly wouldn't be a bad thing, if we all were a little more polite and considerate of each other.

Aug 26, 2012, 9:48 AM
Drugstore Cowboy- I notice how you carefully deleted most of what I said in your quote. Well played. Whatever. I'm not here to impress the likes of you.

'Tis his way Tom... is what he does... and splice together things u did say to make them say something completely different.. to wheedle, twist, corrupt what those who disagree with him and stand up to him say... unscrupulous, dishonest...

Aug 26, 2012, 10:06 AM
And if I can impart any wisdom from this most recent chain of events....do NOT engage those who make it their business to speak out against individuals on this site. They are easy to recognize and quite often speak out against circumcision, :tongue:
Uhuh mumsie,,, I see.... as 1 who often has... and will never stop... wherever I am..;):kiss:

Aug 26, 2012, 10:17 AM
Uhuh mumsie,,, I see.... as 1 who often has... and will never stop... wherever I am..;):kiss:

My bad, little tart....I guess I misspoke...I should have said that they love to start and agitate the threads about circumcision because it always gets heated....they love to point fingers at individuals who have less than popular opinions so that the argument stays contentious.....they very often resurrect old threads so that the forum is filled with threads about the subject. My apologies to those with strong beliefs about circumcision on either side of the debate who may think I was talking about them......this was not my effort to start up the debate. It's just that the circumcision debate seems to be part of their agenda and they like to keep it running.

Aug 26, 2012, 10:29 AM
My bad, little tart....I guess I misspoke...I should have said that they love to start and agitate the threads about circumcision because it always gets heated....they love to point fingers at individuals who have less than popular opinions so that the argument stays contentious.....they very often resurrect old threads so that the forum is filled with threads about the subject. My apologies to those with strong beliefs about circumcision on either side of the debate who may think I was talking about them......this was not my effort to start up the debate. It's just that the circumcision debate seems to be part of their agenda and they like to keep it running.
Wos playin' wivya Mumsie... but u kno that methinks...

...but 2 those who may not b aware.. Mumsie is dead rite.... they do make a big thing about circumcision and while I agree with what they say..how they say it, what they argue... and what they do is as counter productive my side of the debate as if I personally conducted circumcimsions myself..the kind of support they provide is support I can very well and would rather do without... and tbh.. me own personal view? They are plants... put there to discredit.. trolls.. ringers... but whichever side they are truly on... I think all of us would rather they didn't bother and would slink back under the slime covered rock never to be seen again.....

Aug 26, 2012, 10:40 AM
'Tis his way Tom... is what he does... and splice together things u did say to make them say something completely different.. to wheedle, twist, corrupt what those who disagree with him and stand up to him say... unscrupulous, dishonest...
Didn't you just carefully delete most of what Adria and Berserker said in his/hers/their quote?
"Well played"?

Aug 26, 2012, 11:03 AM
Didn't you just carefully delete most of what Adria and Berserker said in his/hers/their quote?
"Well played"?
Yes. but not with any intention of corrupting or changing meaning.. u know what I was doing.. don't play the smart arse with me, me luffly lil welsh windbag!!!:tongue:

Aug 26, 2012, 11:04 AM
"You point your finger at an awful lot of people."

This is the confusing part for me. Some are bad puppets in some people's viewpoint while others see them not puppets but different viewpoints. Isn't it all about making judgments about other people's intentions?

"do NOT engage those who make it their business to speak out against individuals on this site."

Ok. That makes a lot of sense. It is the issue and not the person.

"They are easy to recognize and quite often speak out against circumcision, bisexuals in the closet and POZphobia and quite often they launch attacks against people who are overweight, straight and married to bi's, or just simply FEMALE."

Some of this makes sense to me and some of it leaves me scratching my head.

The obvious are attacks on people. What should be done when a person posts biphobic and anti bisexual messages though? What should happen when they deny that their words are slurs against bisexuals regardless of their gender or sexuality?

People do have differing viewpoints on circumcision, bisexuals who are politically out (to change it a bit ;) and POZphobia. I would add Biphobia and Bi Invisibility. What should happen when views differ about bisexual behaviour and non bisexuals attempt to impose monosexual values? (aka this site is for everyone argument and they have as much right to comment about bisexuals etc.) The monosexuals who state that there are no bisexual values or morality..there are just morals? Again though the issue and not the person.

Oh..sorry I just read Cskate's next post 108...my bad...maybe

Aug 26, 2012, 11:13 AM
Yes. but not with any intention of corrupting or changing meaning.. u know what I was doing.. don't play the smart arse with me, me luffly lil welsh windbag!!!:tongue:

I'm a big supporter of the near hour edit window regardless who self edits their words or thoughts ;)

Editing another person's post to respond to is ok with me...usually...gee kinda hard to decide. What did she leave out Gear that you think that she should not have?

Aug 26, 2012, 11:43 AM
It's about multiple personas on a site....personas that post information verbatim as different people....you KNOW it's from the same person. It's not always an issue that they attack...they also attack certain people and certain groups. I know this is an alien concept to you and I know it sounds like some sort of crazy conspiracy theory, but as someone who has been the butt of their attacks in the past, I have made it my business to follow the trend of these posters and it's no secret that it's the same person or group of persons posting over and over again. I say this also because I was privy to some information at another site of which I was a moderator which disclosed that this same person or group of people did the very same thing at THAT site. It's not about wanting to suppress information, it's about wanting to keep the peace and allow the forum to be a place where issues can be FAIRLY debated without the agitation of some malcontent who's only aim is to disrupt since they do nothing to positively promote any agenda. It's about people feeling comfortable to be here....without fear of being attacked or told they aren't truly bisexual if they are in the closet. It's about wanting to share and learn without someone poking fingers into places they don't belong...and I don't mean in a good way. We aren't here to make personal attacks and I can promise you that this certain person/group enjoys provoking such attacks.

Aug 26, 2012, 11:50 AM
It's about multiple personas on a site....personas that post information verbatim as different people....you KNOW it's from the same person. It's not always an issue that they attack...they also attack certain people and certain groups. I know this is an alien concept to you and I know it sounds like some sort of crazy conspiracy theory, but as someone who has been the butt of their attacks in the past, I have made it my business to follow the trend of these posters and it's no secret that it's the same person or group of persons posting over and over again. I say this also because I was privy to some information at another site of which I was a moderator which disclosed that this same person or group of people did the very same thing at THAT site. It's not about wanting to suppress information, it's about wanting to keep the peace and allow the forum to be a place where issues can be FAIRLY debated without the agitation of some malcontent who's only aim is to disrupt since they do nothing to positively promote any agenda. It's about people feeling comfortable to be here....without fear of being attacked or told they aren't truly bisexual if they are in the closet. It's about wanting to share and learn without someone poking fingers into places they don't belong...and I don't mean in a good way. We aren't here to make personal attacks and I can promise you that this certain person/group enjoys provoking such attacks.

Bingo, it's not hard to see that when it's the same thing over and over it's obviously the same person. One even used the same picture til both profiles removed it. Shame.. I guess they think we are all just idiots. Problem is they come in claiming to be bisexual yet telling others they aren't bisexual if they aren't out sleeping around on partners or currently have one hand on a cock and the other around a boob, as was originally posted by Drew his definition is the ultimate one for this site. It's about attraction, you can argue til the cows come home about whether it is emotional or sexual but it's bottom line an attraction, however fluid, to both genders. Now can we just stop the argument here, two are gone, one good riddance, one.. jury still out in my mind but there are other issues I think about with that one and the posts, but we can move on as a site and continue to discuss bisexuality and the issues that affect bisexuals and their partners as well as world issues that affect all of us. Just my two cents...

Aug 26, 2012, 11:56 AM
Yes. but not with any intention of corrupting or changing meaning.. u know what I was doing.. don't play the smart arse with me, me luffly lil welsh windbag!!!:tongue:
You both left out what Drugstsore was quoting from AND why he was quoting. It's not me who's being a smart arse, as from ONE QUIP - "Well played" your old friend gave YOU the inspiration to go slag off Drugstore, AND in what area too: Manipulation.LOL Which is brilliant I really must say!:bowdown:
Aeon did that with a finesse and you couldb't see it! You let yourself treat Aeons unlikables with utter contempt for WHO they were and not WHAT they were saying.
Go read that thread in a while and maybe you'll see things differently.

Aug 26, 2012, 12:11 PM
but we can move on as a site and continue to discuss bisexuality and the issues that affect bisexuals and their partners as well as world issues that affect all of us. Just my two cents...

I don't think you can yet. There's an undefined standard here of what opinions are allowed. Look at how I can get away with murder yet others get banned for an unpopular opinion. What is the standard? How is this acceptable on a site that takes payments now? So if I pay to be here and my opinion is deemed unacceptable do I lose that money? Do people who pay get more flexibility in their opinions?

I'd rather see the group of people I actually like on here pack up and move to a better forum. If this forum software supported voting down posts most of Drugstore Cowboy and ExSailor nonsense would get buried. Then we wouldn't even have to see it let alone go through the Ignore process. And when their stuff is consistently buried they move on. I guess I'm suggesting this community needs better self-policing.

Aug 26, 2012, 12:52 PM
You both left out what Drugstsore was quoting from AND why he was quoting. It's not me who's being a smart arse, as from ONE QUIP - "Well played" your old friend gave YOU the inspiration to go slag off Drugstore, AND in what area too: Manipulation.LOL Which is brilliant I really must say!:bowdown:
Aeon did that with a finesse and you couldb't see it! You let yourself treat Aeons unlikables with utter contempt for WHO they were and not WHAT they were saying.
Go read that thread in a while and maybe you'll see things differently.
I am not blind to Joan's faults.. although I think what I perceive to be her faults and u do are likely to be different in many instances.. and if I may say so.. her "finesse" as u put it was the finesse of the proverbial bull in a china shop.. not see it? Don't kid yourself...

..my editing is never intended to deceive... that's the difference.. u can take issue with that if u like.. u know why it was done and to distract by hinting at something else is something I am surprised at from u Gear... and I am sick to the back teeth of reading that fucking thread... like many mostly everyone else.. that she had utter contept for what some, maybe all were saying is ture, and I include me in that... but mostly for what they had to say also.. but Gear we can argue this too.. having contempt for who people are and what they have to say is not, in my opinion something which can be aimed solely at Joan... she pays the price.. but guilt is not hers alone... and we can also argue whether or not she should have been banned for it...we are on opposite sides of the fence regarding that too.. just as we would be if u argued that those equally as guilty should be banned long with her...

Aug 26, 2012, 1:39 PM
I am not blind to Joan's faults.. although I think what I perceive to be her faults and u do are likely to be different in many instances.. and if I may say so.. her "finesse" as u put it was the finesse of the proverbial bull in a china shop.. not see it? Don't kid yourself...

..my editing is never intended to deceive... that's the difference.. u can take issue with that if u like.. u know why it was done and to distract by hinting at something else is something I am surprised at from u Gear... and I am sick to the back teeth of reading that fucking thread... like many mostly everyone else.. that she had utter contept for what some, maybe all were saying is ture, and I include me in that... but mostly for what they had to say also.. but Gear we can argue this too.. having contempt for who people are and what they have to say is not, in my opinion something which can be aimed solely at Joan... she pays the price.. but guilt is not hers alone... and we can also argue whether or not she should have been banned for it...we are on opposite sides of the fence regarding that too.. just as we would be if u argued that those equally as guilty should be banned long with her...
I very rarely hint at anything. I was pointing out how easily led you are, although you'll refute that.lol And you maybe right to, too!
By Aeons 'finesse' I meant her tacticts to tell you there are groups of people here. Those which deserve contempt for WHO they are!: "The Usual Suspects" was her favourite buzzword. That gave the goahead to stop reading what people were saying and just slag them off, or just dehumanise them with a few snubs.
If they didn't agree with Aeon, they belonged to a group.
Aeon posted a thread about how male bisexuals are too sexually dangerouse to have sex with (on a bisexual site). Not only that, but any bisexual male (an all else) that claimed otherwise was treated to her special brand of 'debate', which was mindless attack in reality. So contempt foe Aeon? I expect there was, but SHE harvested it deliberately IMO. Those she attacked, didn't deserve it. So no! There are none equally as guilty IMO.

It would be nice if we left those 'groups' die, and treat people on what they say, instead of who or what they are.:)

Aug 26, 2012, 1:46 PM
" "The Usual Suspects" was her favourite buzzword. That gave the goahead to stop reading what people were saying and just slag them off, or just dehumanise them with a few snubs."

Yes..."unsual supsects" was dismissive. This has become a practice on this site by some to stiffle dissent and dismiss a poster's credibility rather than discuss the issue. Other terms that seem permissible to dismiss a perspective is to label the person as "misogynist", "bully" and "having an agenda". There is the repeated use of these terms by a few posters. Maybe, those posters are puppets as they use the same terms and phrases too? Or they are correct and so wise?

Why is it permissible to identify member posters on this thread as puppets ? Is that not a personal attack? Are certain posters ok to slur? (as long as you see them as puppets?)

Aug 26, 2012, 1:47 PM
"You point your finger at an awful lot of people."

This is the confusing part for me. Some are bad puppets in some people's viewpoint while others see them not puppets but different viewpoints. Isn't it all about making judgments about other people's intentions?

I apologize I simply don't have the time nor the energy to explain everything that confuses you.

But Simply put, I made a statement and asked a question. Finished off with a well known cliche as a point of reference. Nothing sinister was said but yet...... And yet...... He came back and attacked. As this puppet is known to do. He attacked Tom with use of his mental condition (showing psychophobia and mentalism) and accused him of being a hacker. Something that was never claimed in any fashion by anyone other than his puppet self. He then attacked me as having a sever mental disorder when I never said what meds I was taking and what for. Could be for cancer, could be for HIV, could be for osteoarthritis, or how about for Cardiovascular health. But none of that matters, just his attack. He rampages so as to even accuse me of having a sock puppet. Which I find amusing, cause for anyone that knows me, I can surely stir the shit better than that (no offense outintheworld)

Attacks and points fingers. Not what would be considered someone that is here to discuss or share thoughts with others. Wouldn't you agree?

Aug 26, 2012, 4:37 PM
If this forum software supported voting down posts most of Drugstore Cowboy and ExSailor nonsense would get buried. Then we wouldn't even have to see it let alone go through the Ignore process. And when their stuff is consistently buried they move on. I guess I'm suggesting this community needs better self-policing.

Wait, lolwut? Weren't you against censorship, then you come out and want to the ability to censor? don't censor my friends, let me censor my enemies? Hypocritical, don't you think? Not to mention you're assuming that they would have been down voted out of view because you assume you're in the position of majority lead not the minority...and with all those speaking sense to you, or TRYING, you're not looking reality too closely in the eye.

Aug 26, 2012, 5:24 PM
Wait, lolwut? Weren't you against censorship, then you come out and want to the ability to censor? don't censor my friends, let me censor my enemies? Hypocritical, don't you think? Not to mention you're assuming that they would have been down voted out of view because you assume you're in the position of majority lead not the minority...and with all those speaking sense to you, or TRYING, you're not looking reality too closely in the eye.

Based on the private messages I get from people who aren't comfortable posting, yes, those people would regularly be modded down.

Filtering their noise is not censorship either. The messages are still there, you just need to go through extra steps if you really want to read them.

Aug 26, 2012, 6:02 PM
Wos playin' wivya Mumsie... but u kno that methinks...

...but 2 those who may not b aware.. Mumsie is dead rite.... they do make a big thing about circumcision and while I agree with what they say..how they say it, what they argue... and what they do is as counter productive my side of the debate as if I personally conducted circumcimsions myself..the kind of support they provide is support I can very well and would rather do without... and tbh.. me own personal view? They are plants... put there to discredit.. trolls.. ringers... but whichever side they are truly on... I think all of us would rather they didn't bother and would slink back under the slime covered rock never to be seen again.....

I see you have your own measure of craftiness, Dark; enough to make you a "flybugger?":smilies15

Aug 26, 2012, 7:02 PM
Other terms that seem permissible to dismiss a perspective is to label the person as "misogynist", "bully" and "having an agenda". There is the repeated use of these terms by a few posters. Maybe, those posters are puppets as they use the same terms and phrases too? Or they are correct and so wise?

Why is it permissible to identify member posters on this thread as puppets ? Is that not a personal attack? Are certain posters ok to slur? (as long as you see them as puppets?)

First, not censoring you tenni. I often cut bits and pieces as bearing relevance, out of habit in responding to email.

Second, I may have suggested someone had an agenda a few times. I can however discuss other issues. One thing which comes to mind off the bat is the lacking of romance in the world, now. I would like to discuss that sometime.

Third, a puppet would interject themselves into a discussion like that. The thread would devolve into a pissing war, probably over who is most romantic, how bisexuals are not romantic, if romantic is a bi to be trusted? A genuinely intelligent discussion among mature adults would not be allowed to flourish, or thrive.

I can see other various directions such a discussion could take. We could institute a day of romance on the site. Maybe a sect of like minds would create a secret admirers club to romance folks, even if nothing became of it save for friendly flirting. I'm sure you could see other ideas too. But such a discussion won't happen here. Thank you 'gamers', 'puppets', 'trolls'.

Aug 26, 2012, 8:19 PM
First, not censoring you tenni. I often cut bits and pieces as bearing relevance, out of habit in responding to email.

Second, I may have suggested someone had an agenda a few times. I can however discuss other issues. One thing which comes to mind off the bat is the lacking of romance in the world, now. I would like to discuss that sometime.

Third, a puppet would interject themselves into a discussion like that. The thread would devolve into a pissing war, probably over who is most romantic, how bisexuals are not romantic, if romantic is a bi to be trusted? A genuinely intelligent discussion among mature adults would not be allowed to flourish, or thrive.

I can see other various directions such a discussion could take. We could institute a day of romance on the site. Maybe a sect of like minds would create a secret admirers club to romance folks, even if nothing became of it save for friendly flirting. I'm sure you could see other ideas too. But such a discussion won't happen here. Thank you 'gamers', 'puppets', 'trolls'.

There you go again with your penchant for finger pointing, labeling & name calling; not to mention your negativism & defeatism. You're part of the problem, not the solution.

Aug 26, 2012, 9:13 PM
There you go again with your penchant for finger pointing, labeling & name calling; not to mention your negativism & defeatism. You're part of the problem, not the solution.

Who did I call a name? I was explaining to tenni, about the negative effects some people have. And I do not feel a conversation like I spoke of would be possible here and now. This opinion comes from past experience of these people whom act as trolls, puppets or gamers. I did not point fingers, or call names.

Apologies if you think my opinion is negative. I am still entitled to have that opinion. You're entitled to your own opinion. If you think a discussion like I spoke of could happen, go for it. More power to you. I'd be happy to join such a discussion. I do not think it likely to happen as people would ruin it. This has happened a lot in the past.

Also, I do believe that there were some constructive suggestions made as well. Sure, I'm the problem. You may need to reread that post.

Aug 26, 2012, 10:13 PM
Yes; virtually everyone. Unlike most good forum sites, newfriends was quite localized, so that we had opportunities to familiarize ourselves through geographic as well as subject-matter references, then carried that on to physical meets on several occasions. I made the effort to meet couples as well as a few like-minded men after "finding" them there. That made the foul-up with one jerk that much more maddening. It was a case of stalking in the worst sense.

Aug 27, 2012, 5:19 AM
There you go again with your penchant for finger pointing, labeling & name calling; not to mention your negativism & defeatism. You're part of the problem, not the solution.

Also, now that I think about it, thank you for proving my point.

Aug 27, 2012, 8:28 PM
I think Slipnslide has a very good point in that it appears the overriding attitude here is that "if you're not with us, then you are against us." And to that end, you cannot be with us unless you believe in our specific brand of bisexuality. I have no issue with Drew's base line definition, that is the distilled variant that bisexuality is simply an attraction to both sexes, what I find perplexing is the clear intolerance to a genuine discussion. But more importantly, why is it that rather than ask for clarification of a position, many will resort to name calling. That is a rhetorical question I think, as it really speaks for itself.


Aug 27, 2012, 8:30 PM
I think Slipnslide has a very good point in that it appears the overriding attitude here is that "if you're not with us, then you are against us." And to that end, you cannot be with us unless you believe in our specific brand of bisexuality. I have no issue with Drew's base line definition, that is the distilled variant that bisexuality is simply an attraction to both sexes, what I find perplexing is the clear intolerance to a genuine discussion. But more importantly, why is it that rather than ask for clarification of a position, many will resort to name calling. That is a rhetorical question I think, as it really speaks for itself.


My over-the-top name calling and nonsense was to demonstrate that for some reason that bullshit is tolerated, but different opinions are not.

Aug 27, 2012, 8:33 PM
Slipnslide, your point was well taken and clearly accurate in your approach to demonstrating hypocrisy. I thought that was well done and a clever approach. Good work.

Aug 27, 2012, 9:44 PM
Drug Store Cowboy,

Did I disrespect you? I'm not sure why you are trying to harangue me. I open to an explanation however.


Aug 28, 2012, 4:07 PM
Wow...bisexual.com drama.

Cast Iron
Aug 28, 2012, 5:17 PM
I'm not doing anything to you æon. Give it up. Nobody cares about your bigoted agenda against bisexual men, people with HIV, and everything else you don't like.

I can assure you, SJMurph is not Aeonpax.

Aug 28, 2012, 5:36 PM
I can assure you, SJMurph is not Aeonpax.Why are you she;)? *laffs* Sorry.. a bit of levity.. it was a bad joke...but a bit of levity is badly needed today I think..:bigrin:

..by accusing SJ as being Joan it serves to cast doubt and so the intention is to descredit..

Sep 2, 2012, 3:09 AM
did u really kick them out because they weren't bisexual? or did i totally misunderstand?

please no, say it not so.. for that is madness...pure and simple, madness.

i think i must have missed some stuff here.

Sep 2, 2012, 8:27 AM
did u really kick them out because they weren't bisexual? or did i totally misunderstand?

please no, say it not so.. for that is madness...pure and simple, madness.

i think i must have missed some stuff here.
Missed it u did Daffy.. no, I don't think he is saying that.. not quite.. but then I am absolutely unsure of just what he is saying because Drew's decision and its reasons are clear as mud and it's one sidedness woeful to behold.... so madness there is indeed, babes..

Sep 2, 2012, 8:40 AM
hmm darkeyes and poor daffy

post 1 from drew
"Here is the definition of bisexual:
A person who has attractions to both genders.

That is the definition the world uses. That is the definition that is the basis of the site.

You can think of the site as: bisexual.com == a-person-who-has-attractions-to-both-genders.com

Non-bisexuals (people who are completely straight or completely gay) are welcome on the site of course, but science deniers, and those who advocate to re-write the definition of bisexual, are not particularly welcome.

candidate X was constantly posting that bisexual men are really gay (denier)

candidate Y apparently stated to new comers that they were not bisexual (denier)

So, daffy no drew did not kick them off because they were not bisexual. He kicked them off for saying others were not bisexual and (I think) personal attacks(attack the issue and not the person)? It seems less uh...stressful without them..and the other two or three?(Slip, Cast Iron, SMurph) who were also booted.

Sep 2, 2012, 9:08 AM
hmm darkeyes and poor daffy

post 1 from drew
"Here is the definition of bisexual:
A person who has attractions to both genders.

That is the definition the world uses. That is the definition that is the basis of the site.

You can think of the site as: bisexual.com == a-person-who-has-attractions-to-both-genders.com

Non-bisexuals (people who are completely straight or completely gay) are welcome on the site of course, but science deniers, and those who advocate to re-write the definition of bisexual, are not particularly welcome.

candidate X was constantly posting that bisexual men are really gay (denier)

candidate Y apparently stated to new comers that they were not bisexual (denier)

So, daffy no drew did not kick them off because they were not bisexual. He kicked them off for saying others were not bisexual and (I think) personal attacks(attack the issue and not the person)? It seems less uh...stressful without them..and the other two or three?(Slip, Cast Iron, SMurph) who were also booted.
I can and do take issue with much of that tenni me luffly.. actually..almost all of it.. but for now sit on me hands cos we do need a relative while of calm... the bit where u state it is less stressful now they have gone?? I have me own view why that is, and it does have to do with them not being around, but I doubt it is the same view as u hold... there are sufficient little post banning niggles for us if we are honest, to know that there is far more to it than u and Drew and others make out... my posting this no doubt will disturb the calm a little, but not too much I hope.. so I will say no more for now... any further disturbance will not be of my making but in time I have no doubt it will come..

Sep 2, 2012, 9:47 AM
franny wanny (kid'n :)
We are both entitled to our opinions and agree to disagree on some things. I thought that it got a lot disturbingly wackier after the ban initially. Then it has become less crazy..or our normal crazy...which makes it look calm..by comparison.. ;)

Annika L
Sep 2, 2012, 7:12 PM
franny wanny (kid'n :)
We are both entitled to our opinions and agree to disagree on some things. I thought that it got a lot disturbingly wackier after the ban initially. Then it has become less crazy..or our normal crazy...which makes it look calm..by comparison.. ;)

Tenni, it is true that things have gotten quieter since Slippy and SJMurph were been banned (following the initial madness when Joan and BV were banned). But I think we may be submitting to misdirection if we *attribute* the recent quiet to those bans. It is also true that things are much quieter now that DC has not been posting (for reasons unknown...and probably largely uncared-about) for some time. It was his proddings, insisting that SJMurph was Joan against all reason, for instance, that led SJ to go off the rails...and I have little doubt that if DC had been posting his usual crap this weekend, there would still be chaos here.

I agree with Kate (in another thread) that I don't see how DC wasn't banned. His insistance to Kate that she wasn't bi unless she was experiencing cunnilingus with another woman (he expressed it with more vulgarity of course) certainly sounded like trying to rewrite the definition of bisexuality that Drew gave in this thread (that you cite above). Drew makes it pretty clear with his statement that such people are not particularly welcome here. But I would be surprised if that's why DC (and hence possibly the site) has been quiet.

Meh, in any case, as Depeche Mode might say...Enjoy the Silence!

(while it lasts)

Sep 5, 2012, 9:08 AM
I reckon this site is for bis/gays or people who arent sure what they are yet, you did the right thing :)

Sep 5, 2012, 9:46 AM
I reckon this site is for bis/gays or people who arent sure what they are yet, you did the right thing :)
I would say that this site is for people of all sexualities. Especially those who are either bi, or in a relationship with a bi person. BiVirgin was making very unfair blanketed statements about bi men and that they don't exist. Aeonpax was I think a harder call, but she seemed to have the feeling that only bi and gay men had stds and they are totally responsible for the passing of stds into every other group, not to mention she was extremely harsh and used name-calling against everyone who disagreed with her, even those who did not call her a name or even made comments directed towards her.

I know that Drew welcomes people of all sexualities, just not those who are hostile to the whole or part of (the male half in Bisexual Virgin's case) the bisexual community.

Sep 15, 2012, 6:41 PM
Darwi sweetheart, you've stopped taken them haven't you?:rolleyes:

Sep 15, 2012, 6:52 PM
Amen and I think this should mean if you're banned you're banned for life. I know that there are a few members that have been banned but then have been let back on. Not a good idea.

Sep 15, 2012, 7:10 PM
What would Darwi even do with the screen shots? lol. I am a woman and I do not feel like this site is anti-woman. I have seen some members that have said some things that could be considered anti-woman and some members who have said things that are anti-man, maybe even some other prejudice thrown in, but never from Drew. I think he is a little lax on the rules sometimes, but hey, it is his site and he can manage it how he darn well pleases.

Sep 15, 2012, 7:29 PM
This is directed at Drew. We've spent a lot of time here taking screen shots and gathering information about this site and its purpose from the forums.

We have come to the conclusion you represent an aggressive anti female group.

When it was well within your power to close certain threads, you deliberately kept them open and in effect, encouraged if not secretly participated in the exchange of meaningful discourse here. You instead chose an anti female course.

Be advised that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

We do not forgive, we do not forget.

What I say to this is Shit or Get off the pot, you got em, POST EM. Cause it didn't happen.

Sep 15, 2012, 7:50 PM
This is directed at Drew. We've spent a lot of time here taking screen shots and gathering information about this site and its purpose from the forums.

We have come to the conclusion you represent an aggressive anti female group.

When it was well within your power to close certain threads, you deliberately kept them open and in effect, encouraged if not secretly participated in the exchange of meaningful discourse here. You instead chose an anti female course.

Be advised that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

We do not forgive, we do not forget.

It's pretty stupid to post an obvious threat in writing on a public forum. Law enforcement loves open and shut cases. In fact, it is such a stupid thing to do, I doubt you even have the intelligence to know HOW to take a screenshot (unless you are actually using a nikon and taking a picture of the screen).

Sep 16, 2012, 12:17 AM
Too bad there aren't any photos of the meeting that took place. ;)

Sep 16, 2012, 12:52 AM
It is probably a shame I am no longer clamoring, or entranced by Anonymous. Learned something about them a while back from a trusted mate whom would know. Knowing this, the post which falcon deems a threat seems nothing more than a joke at best.

Sep 16, 2012, 1:47 AM
It is probably a shame I am no longer clamoring, or entranced by Anonymous. Learned something about them a while back from a trusted mate whom would know. Knowing this, the post which falcon deems a threat seems nothing more than a joke at best.

What are you talking about? There is no post on this thread I consider a threat. Not that I remember (and no, i am not going to go back and read the whole bloody thread unless I absolutely have to).
But while I am at it, this thread has deviated so far from Drew's original post that we should all be disgusted with ourselves for hijacking his thread.
Commenting on what he wrote is one thing. This is ridiculous.
If people do not have enough courage of conviction to start their own thread, they need to shut up and stop hijacking other's threads.

Sep 16, 2012, 3:39 AM
Falcon I just had a really intense deja-vu whilst looking at ur profile...anyway

I actually started a thread of its own devoted to complaints of thread hijacking, which can be still searched for, this year some time. It was intended as a repository of thread hijacking comments so that threads wouldn't get hijacked by people who started complaining about people who hijacked threads. It was around around the time when loads of people were unwittingly hijacking threads by telling people not to hijack and to stick to the thread. The 'Hijack Thread' thread failed and was forgotten, but now, everytime someone mentions thread hijacking, it makes me chuckle. May I hazard a guess that people against thread hijacking alphabeticalise their Blu-ray/DVD collections, and can't stop reading a book in the middle of a chapter?

Sometimes threads work best as they flow onto other ideas naturally like word association games .. or conversation.. Also other threads require a slight deviation away from how intense, heated, and stressful they can become here (yeah) because, before you know it, somebody has dug their feet in, or got backed up against a wall and the word 'troll' gets bandied around and people go mental.

Thread hijacking may indeed be necessary to avoid a big flaming drama, just as a winking smiley is necessary after a lot of trite;)

Sep 16, 2012, 4:02 AM
This is directed at Drew. We've spent a lot of time here taking screen shots and gathering information about this site and its purpose from the forums.

We have come to the conclusion you represent an aggressive anti female group.

When it was well within your power to close certain threads, you deliberately kept them open and in effect, encouraged if not secretly participated in the exchange of meaningful discourse here. You instead chose an anti female course.

Be advised that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

We do not forgive, we do not forget.

but thats hilarious. Its got to be a wind-up right?
who takes this stuff seriously? its harmless.

'One foul post and Im pushin' the PRINT screen-key'
She sounds like a snippping tool if you ask me.

equal and opposite reaction? hmmm. .. so thats like forming a 'pro-male group', to combat 'the anti-female group'...smart idea, I'm in. We're equal, yet opposite.
Anything's better than the threat of finding mis-quoted pieces from the S.C.U.M. manifesto scattered across the forum.

you gotta keep these people on here, not least for entertainment....god knows we need a laugh. especially if you read her post aloud whislt with a Dalek voice.

Sep 16, 2012, 4:57 AM
but thats hilarious. Its got to be a wind-up right?
who takes this stuff seriously? its harmless.

'One foul post and Im pushin' the PRINT screen-key'
She sounds like a snippping tool if you ask me.

equal and opposite reaction? hmmm. .. so thats like forming a 'pro-male group', to combat 'the anti-female group'...smart idea, I'm in. We're equal, yet opposite.
Anything's better than the threat of finding mis-quoted pieces from the S.C.U.M. manifesto scattered across the forum.

you gotta keep these people on here, not least for entertainment....god knows we need a laugh. especially if you read her post aloud whislt with a Dalek voice.

AH! I did not recognize it! But yes, the Dalek voice is so needed in reading the threatening post.
OR. The Borg voice. Much more sinister so you actually feel threatened. Or maybe the voice of Megatron.
Picard defeated the Borg. Optimus defeated the decepticons. This bitch will be defeated too.
An even more appropriate voice!
Alvin and the Chipmunks!

Sep 16, 2012, 9:10 AM
What are you talking about? There is no post on this thread I consider a threat. Not that I remember (and no, i am not going to go back and read the whole bloody thread unless I absolutely have to).
But while I am at it, this thread has deviated so far from Drew's original post that we should all be disgusted with ourselves for hijacking his thread.
Commenting on what he wrote is one thing. This is ridiculous.
If people do not have enough courage of conviction to start their own thread, they need to shut up and stop hijacking other's threads.

It's pretty stupid to post an obvious threat in writing on a public forum. Law enforcement loves open and shut cases. In fact, it is such a stupid thing to do, I doubt you even have the intelligence to know HOW to take a screenshot (unless you are actually using a nikon and taking a picture of the screen).

You said it was a threat, yourself. I get so tired of people weaseling. You say you think it's a threat, you mean it's a threat. So, don't say "that's not how I meant it" or "you misunderstood". You said it. Not hard to read the word threat in your post. Not hard to use a dictionary either, plenty exist on the web and internet, as well as having hard copies via local library. So please do not insult me by saying I misunderstood what you said. It's right there as plain as day.

Simply put, just because one is mentally ill does not immediately disqualify them as a human being. Merely because they are mentally ill does not mean it is always they with the problem. And I'm tired of folks trying to denying what's said by suggesting mental illness somehow causes me to be disqualified from seeing, from comprehension of what is said. Like I said, you wrote it, black and white, plain as day. How could one misunderstand?

Guess you and pepper can be co-kings of that dung heap. Excuse me, wasted enough energy here.

Sep 16, 2012, 10:33 AM
Falcon I just had a really intense deja-vu whilst looking at ur profile...anyway

I actually started a thread of its own devoted to complaints of thread hijacking, which can be still searched for, this year some time. It was intended as a repository of thread hijacking comments so that threads wouldn't get hijacked by people who started complaining about people who hijacked threads. It was around around the time when loads of people were unwittingly hijacking threads by telling people not to hijack and to stick to the thread. The 'Hijack Thread' thread failed and was forgotten, but now, everytime someone mentions thread hijacking, it makes me chuckle. May I hazard a guess that people against thread hijacking alphabeticalise their Blu-ray/DVD collections, and can't stop reading a book in the middle of a chapter?

Sometimes threads work best as they flow onto other ideas naturally like word association games .. or conversation.. Also other threads require a slight deviation away from how intense, heated, and stressful they can become here (yeah) because, before you know it, somebody has dug their feet in, or got backed up against a wall and the word 'troll' gets bandied around and people go mental.

Thread hijacking may indeed be necessary to avoid a big flaming drama, just as a winking smiley is necessary after a lot of trite;)

I like this post and agree with it. I think what sometimes appears as hijacking is a normal, spontaneous straying from a topic because we all make different mental associations to said topic. This was recently illustrated on Falcon's thread where someone complained it was being hijacked to which he replied the spirit or essence of the topic were still intact.

Sep 16, 2012, 1:45 PM
You said it was a threat, yourself. I get so tired of people weaseling. You say you think it's a threat, you mean it's a threat. So, don't say "that's not how I meant it" or "you misunderstood". You said it. Not hard to read the word threat in your post. Not hard to use a dictionary either, plenty exist on the web and internet, as well as having hard copies via local library. So please do not insult me by saying I misunderstood what you said. It's right there as plain as day.

Simply put, just because one is mentally ill does not immediately disqualify them as a human being. Merely because they are mentally ill does not mean it is always they with the problem. And I'm tired of folks trying to denying what's said by suggesting mental illness somehow causes me to be disqualified from seeing, from comprehension of what is said. Like I said, you wrote it, black and white, plain as day. How could one misunderstand?

Guess you and pepper can be co-kings of that dung heap. Excuse me, wasted enough energy here.

Ah. That one. Sorry. Memory is not what it should be.
No reason to be snarky about it. Just point out what I said. I told you I did not remember. That was the truth. I also told you I was not going to read through almost 160 posts to find it. That was also the truth.
Did I say anything about you being mentally ill or about anyone being mentally ill? I know I didn't do that. So please, stop bringing things into the conversation that do not exist.
And please, don't try to insult me. It is far beneath you and way beneath me to respond in kind.
Yes, I did see it as a threat. Still do. How would you take it if someone wrote that to you (I know. They wrote it to Drew.)?

Sep 16, 2012, 2:55 PM
Ah. That one. Sorry. Memory is not what it should be.
No reason to be snarky about it. Just point out what I said. I told you I did not remember. That was the truth. I also told you I was not going to read through almost 160 posts to find it. That was also the truth.
Did I say anything about you being mentally ill or about anyone being mentally ill? I know I didn't do that. So please, stop bringing things into the conversation that do not exist.
And please, don't try to insult me. It is far beneath you and way beneath me to respond in kind.
Yes, I did see it as a threat. Still do. How would you take it if someone wrote that to you (I know. They wrote it to Drew.)?

Actually already posted I thought it was a joke at best. Had it been directed to me, same response would have stood, a joke it is.

How is it sarcastic (snarky) to ask a direct question? I would like an answer to this question as well. I am aware some here use a derogatory ploy of suggesting mental illness causes others to not understand. You did not but you did use the same basic ploy, just a different label, sarcastic (snarky).

How does one misunderstand what is plainly said? That's the question at hand. I am asking it to illustrate a point as well as establish an answer. I would like an answer

Care to answer a direct question without tearing down the person asking, in any way?

Sep 16, 2012, 4:23 PM
Actually already posted I thought it was a joke at best. Had it been directed to me, same response would have stood, a joke it is.

How is it sarcastic (snarky) to ask a direct question? I would like an answer to this question as well. I am aware some here use a derogatory ploy of suggesting mental illness causes others to not understand. You did not but you did use the same basic ploy, just a different label, sarcastic (snarky).

How does one misunderstand what is plainly said? That's the question at hand. I am asking it to illustrate a point as well as establish an answer. I would like an answer

Care to answer a direct question without tearing down the person asking, in any way?
Sorry I did post a sarcastic reply to Dewi (if that's the right name). I sugested that she/they had stopped taking their medocation for paranoid schizophrenia.
Wasn't very tactfull of me but was insensitive. Sorry about that.

Sep 16, 2012, 6:03 PM
Sorry I did post a sarcastic reply to Dewi (if that's the right name). I sugested that she/they had stopped taking their medocation for paranoid schizophrenia.
Wasn't very tactfull of me but was insensitive. Sorry about that.

Thank-you, you very clever smart arse!:smilies15

Sep 16, 2012, 8:18 PM
Sorry I did post a sarcastic reply to Dewi (if that's the right name). I sugested that she/they had stopped taking their medocation for paranoid schizophrenia.
Wasn't very tactfull of me but was insensitive. Sorry about that.

No real worries, merely serves to set the point.

Sep 16, 2012, 9:31 PM
Actually already posted I thought it was a joke at best. Had it been directed to me, same response would have stood, a joke it is.

How is it sarcastic (snarky) to ask a direct question? I would like an answer to this question as well. I am aware some here use a derogatory ploy of suggesting mental illness causes others to not understand. You did not but you did use the same basic ploy, just a different label, sarcastic (snarky).

How does one misunderstand what is plainly said? That's the question at hand. I am asking it to illustrate a point as well as establish an answer. I would like an answer

Care to answer a direct question without tearing down the person asking, in any way?

Ok. First, this will be my last post on this thread.
I'm sick of the nit-picking, arguing, and fighting. Again, it hijacks the original intent of this thread, which was for Drew to inform us of why he banned aeon and the bivirgin. But it seems like a lot of threads have been hijacked recently. Rather shamelessly.

I get so tired of people weaseling. You say you think it's a threat, you mean it's a threat. So, don't say "that's not how I meant it" or "you misunderstood". You said it. Not hard to read the word threat in your post. Not hard to use a dictionary either, plenty exist on the web and internet, as well as having hard copies via local library. So please do not insult me by saying I misunderstood what you said. It's right there as plain as day.

How is it sarcastic (snarky) to ask a direct question? I would like an answer to this question as well.

I was referring to the statement about weaseling as snarky. You don't see the sarcasm and rudeness dripping from that statement? Hellen Keller would and she's blind. I told you plainly and simply I DID NOT REMEMBER. How much more obvious do you want it?

I am aware some here use a derogatory ploy of suggesting mental illness causes others to not understand. You did not but you did use the same basic ploy, just a different label, sarcastic (snarky).

Void, I have never brought up or used mental illness, yours or anyone else's. Stop painting with such a broad brush. Deal with one person. I am not fran. I am not pepper. I am not DD. I am not LDD. I am not Tenni. I am me. Deal with me when you address me.

Would you like to know why I don't bring up mental issues? Too bad. I will tell you anyway. My eldest son has issues. He has never been diagnosed with autism, but he exhibits a lot of autistic behaviors. He has, however, been diagnosed with a laundry list of alphabet soup issues along the autism spectrum. His mother (my ex) lets him get away with anything and enables him to use his issues as an excuse. He runs rampant over her. With me, he is well-behaved, he does well, he accomplishes things. Because I don't baby him or allow him to use his issues as an excuse. When they are really a problem, I recognize that and help him. But he does not use it as an excuse with me. I expect him to do his best on whatever he tries and he usually accomplishes what he is trying. He almost never accomplishes things with my ex.

You are an intelligent man and fully capable of dealing with people and issues. You don't need to use your issues or hide behind them. That is why I don't bring it up. It serves no purpose.

In answer to what I think is your question, that I have already answered at least twice, I did not misunderstand. I simply did not remember.

Sep 17, 2012, 12:05 AM
Why can't all of us bisexuals get along? Hell! Half of you act like you've got something stuck up your arses! LOL

Sep 17, 2012, 6:16 AM
Why can't all of us bisexuals get along? Hell! Half of you act like you've got something stuck up your arses! LOL
Bisexuals like any group of people will have differences as to how they will see the world... differences as to how they view themselves and their kind.. sometimes these will come out as apparently petty, sometimes as cataclysmic... the infighting that falcon talks of is but symptomatic of difference.. we are human.. simply because peeps disagree and even sometimes appear to disagree bitterly, does not mean that on a personal level they hate each other.. tho sometimes being human that will be the case.. sometimes they will treat each other with the greatest of contempt and sometimes become too personal..and we could do with less or better, none of it... but how else do we gain understanding but by airing our differences? I am not bisexual as it happens, but do I think any less of them because they fight their corner? Nope.. not a bit of it.. as I do not think any less of lesbians or gays or trans or straight peeps for doing the same... once I did have a different view and not so long ago either.. but we change and gain different perspectives of how the world is and should be...

Falcon says he is tired of infighting and so on.. as do I, sweetheart, and often.. yet, it will never stop babes.. it will always be to a greater or lesser degree.. accept it and relish it...because we are human and because we all think differently and argue for our view of the world as is our right... and if I may say so.. why else do forums here and elsewhere exist? Why else do we hold freedom of speech and expression so dear? If only 2% of the people of the world are bisexual (just a random figure) and another 2% gay or lesbian, that means in my country 2.5 million people... in the US it means 15 million plus... now u tell me where within any group of people of such size there will be no differences of opinion, no dislike, no hatred and anger. no contempt.. no differences of how they see the world? U cant and u never shall.. live with it and in fact glory in it cos the freedoms u have now u may not always have... the best way to retain such freedoms is use them....wherever they exist..

Sep 17, 2012, 7:45 AM
Why can't all of us bisexuals get along? Hell! Half of you act like you've got something stuck up your arses! LOL

Not everyone who posts here is a bisexual. Some vocal posters are heterosexual or lesbian. Some who seek help here are partners of bisexuals and a few go overboard and become vocal with their viewpoint..not just seek advice on bisexuality. Some heteros give sage advice on being a partner of a bisexual. In the case of the two banned posters some are trolls and out to disrupt civil discourse by slurring bisexuals or other devices. I think that you need to keep this in mind and check their profile as it usually gives a clue. As dark eyes states even if we were exclusively a bisexual website, there would be differing views. I believe more cohesiveness would flow forward but that is the site owner's wish.

Sep 17, 2012, 8:06 AM
Not everyone who posts here is a bisexual. Some vocal posters are heterosexual or lesbian. Some who seek help here are partners of bisexuals and a few go overboard and become vocal with their viewpoint..not just seek advice on bisexuality. Some heteros give sage advice on being a partner of a bisexual. In the case of the two banned posters some are trolls and out to disrupt civil discourse by slurring bisexuals or other devices. I think that you need to keep this in mind and check their profile as it usually gives a clue. As dark eyes states even if we were exclusively a bisexual website, there would be differing views. I believe more cohesiveness would flow forward but that is the site owner's wish.

* wanders by, gives tenni a hug just because, wanders along*

Sep 17, 2012, 2:01 PM
slip...youd better run quick..your home under the bridge is being flooded