View Full Version : Penis Envy Anyone??

can i watch
Aug 15, 2012, 9:12 PM
Ladies? Have you ever just wanted to have a cock for a few days just to ________________________.

What would you do with it first? What would you do after? What are you dying to try? Would you ever give it back?? LOL

Im a total girl...very into the whole sex kitten thing...and I worship my pussy. That being said; I also adore cock and have wished for a penis for a few days. Just to try it out. Then give it back.

My Top Five List of Fun Things to do with Your Temporary Cock:

5. I would SHOW IT TO SOMEONE..appropriately (willing participant)

4. I would FUCK A HOT CHICK , or maybe several hot chicks

3. I would PEE in many different and wonderful places

2. I would GET IT SUCKED and since I only have a couple of days to enjoy my temporary penis: I WOULD

the house for a few days

:bowdown: bow down to the cock

Aug 15, 2012, 10:21 PM
Every girl I've ever asked has blowjob and peeing on their list. It's uncanny.

The Bisexual Virgin
Aug 15, 2012, 10:27 PM
To answer you question;yes to all the above. I feel like men have it way easier then women at times, and I can't help but to ask myself what's so special about that pussy, once in awhile.And it also makes me halfway understand why the bisexual men will run off to be with a man, or prefer men sexually over women.

But any other times I love being a woman.I love my petiteness,my curves, my breasts, and I love being around straight men who can appreciate those things.But only if they are tamed about it.

can i watch
Aug 15, 2012, 10:56 PM
To answer you question;yes to all the above. I feel like men have it way easier then women at times, and I can't help but to ask myself what's so special about that pussy, once in awhile.And it also makes me halfway understand why the bisexual men will run off to be with a man, or prefer men sexually over women.

But any other times I love being a woman.I love my petiteness,my curves, my breasts, and I love being around straight men who can appreciate those things.But only if they are tamed about it.
RIGHT?? Me too, ever since I lifted my skirt up on a school bus when I was in kindergarten and saw the reaction , i loved and have always loved being a girl...i love watching a guys eyes take a walk all over me.

Aug 15, 2012, 11:21 PM
one of my fave Woody Allen quotes: "Penis envy? I'm one of the few men who suffers from that"... it always makes me laugh :D

Long Duck Dong
Aug 16, 2012, 12:09 AM
I remember a few times saying to the ladies that I would be interested in changing genders for a year, just so that I could experience what they deal with every day... and each time the reaction was the same, " its not as good as you think "

its the same with having a cock.... it seems nice until....
1) you catch your pride and joy in the zip of your jeans and it requires medical professionals to * free willy *
2) you have to go, you really have to go and its minus 50 degrees, you have serious shrinkage and you have to hold it with frozen hands...
3) ya dick decides its time for a day off, on the very day that you are about to make love with a beautiful lady
4) your dick decides to become a yoga master and get erect while twisted around in your pants
5) your cock thinks its related to a garden sprinkler when you go to the toliet
6) my personal favourite, if you can squash, crush, hit your balls in the most painful way possible, it will happen

fortunately the pros outweight the cons of having a penis......except when you have to wrap it around your leg 3 times just so you do not stand on the end of it when you are walking around and you get a erection.....

Aug 16, 2012, 3:35 PM
Nope... can't say I have..

Aug 16, 2012, 6:13 PM
Nope... can't say I have..

Not since ya got yer knackers caught in the elastic of yer undies........huh darlin.......:suave:

can i watch
Aug 16, 2012, 6:33 PM
one of my fave Woody Allen quotes: "Penis envy? I'm one of the few men who suffers from that"... it always makes me laugh :D

:tongue:HA ha i thought about that quote while writing that thread..Great!

can i watch
Aug 16, 2012, 6:46 PM
I remember a few times saying to the ladies that I would be interested in changing genders for a year, just so that I could experience what they deal with every day... and each time the reaction was the same, " its not as good as you think "

its the same with having a cock.... it seems nice until....
1) you catch your pride and joy in the zip of your jeans and it requires medical professionals to * free willy *
2) you have to go, you really have to go and its minus 50 degrees, you have serious shrinkage and you have to hold it with frozen hands...
3) ya dick decides its time for a day off, on the very day that you are about to make love with a beautiful lady
4) your dick decides to become a yoga master and get erect while twisted around in your pants
5) your cock thinks its related to a garden sprinkler when you go to the toliet
6) my personal favourite, if you can squash, crush, hit your balls in the most painful way possible, it will happen

fortunately the pros outweight the cons of having a penis......except when you have to wrap it around your leg 3 times just so you do not stand on the end of it when you are walking around and you get a erection.....
I do see some DOWN SIDES here....sighhhh And "Yes" as it turns out, having a cock is more dangerous than Id thought...BUT !! I would take such very good care of it while it was mine

Aug 16, 2012, 7:20 PM
Not since ya got yer knackers caught in the elastic of yer undies........huh darlin.......:suave:So true Chookie... and they r on the mantle in a pickle jar along wiv Cleave's innumerable victims...:eek2:

Aug 16, 2012, 9:12 PM
Interesting. I have a list of my own. I'd like to:

Dress up in pretty things
Have my boobies fondled, and sucked
Experience multiple orgasms
Have my clitty rubbed, and sucked
Experience multiple orgasms
Be made love to
Experience multiple orgasms

Perhaps we could trade and you could help me with my list too?

can i watch
Aug 16, 2012, 10:31 PM
Interesting. I have a list of my own. I'd like to:

Dress up in pretty things
Have my boobies fondled, and sucked
Experience multiple orgasms
Have my clitty rubbed, and sucked
Experience multiple orgasms
Be made love to
Experience multiple orgasms

Perhaps we could trade and you could help me with my list too:oh:?

Pussy Envy? my my....what a world we would live in if only...:oh: