View Full Version : Fischer calls for ‘Underground Railroad’ to kidnap children of LGBT parents

Aug 9, 2012, 6:48 AM
The director of issues analysis of a conservative fundamentalist Christian organization is backing the idea of an “Underground Railroad” to kidnap children from same sex couples.

In tweets posted on Tuesday night, the American Family Associations’s Bryan Fischer cited the need for an “Underground Railroad” in defense of a Mennonite minister who helped an “ex-gay” woman flee to Nicaragua after a court ordered that her former lesbian partner was allowed to visit their 10-year-old daughter.

Jury selection began on Tuesday for the trial of Kenneth Miller, who was charged with aiding and abetting the kidnapping of the daughter. - http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/08/08/fischer-calls-for-underground-railroad-to-kidnap-children-of-lgbt-parents/


I am aware that not all GOP-conservative-teabaggers agree with this kind of contemptible conduct. Unfortunately, they belong to a group that by their refusal to publicly denounce such actions, tacitly approve such things. The attacks on homosexuals (et al) coming from the religious right fraction of the GOP, deserve to be strongly rebuked by their leadership. But don't hold your breath. The AFA has strong financial ties to them. It isn't going to happen.

Aug 9, 2012, 10:41 AM
It would be laughable if it weren't real.

- Drew :paw:

Aug 9, 2012, 11:06 AM
Because ... (http://www.cultnews.com/)

Long Duck Dong
Aug 9, 2012, 12:18 PM
lol I am just thinking about how in NZ, the number of cases of children that have been taken from their * at risk * parents and being placed in foster homes, where they have been sexually abused by people.... LGBT parents in NZ have the lowest child abuse rate of any group, and the highest *success story * rate of any group, kids are actually safer with people that are denied the right to adopt children and in many cases, foster them.....

the former leader of one of the main christian parties that opposed LGBT rights and families, was himself convicted and sentenced for sex crimes against under age teens in NZ about 8-10 years ago, and one of his main statements as a member of parliament, was that children were at risk in LGBT families and needed to be with people of christian values, morals and ethics.... lol....

I have to admit that some of the christian homes I know about, as well as some of the lgbt homes, have raised some of the most well adjusted, intelligent, non judgmental teens that I have ever met..... its people like them, that I hope, will lead NZ some day in the future......

Aug 9, 2012, 7:23 PM
Well-I would trust that if those idiots did go through and do this sort of thing---especially if they were to transport those kids across state lines--a violation of Federal law thanks to the Mann Act--that local and federal law enforcement would vigorously pursue and arrest them, then that local and federal prosecutors prosecute them "to the fullest extent of the law."

I did see this story posted on various spots on the web----they sure are some crazy and vile people.

Aug 9, 2012, 7:39 PM
Yes, very disturbing thinking. Is there any hope that this will stop? Please say if you think many in this political party really think this way?

Aug 9, 2012, 8:40 PM
Well Tenni----it was about two years or so back now---and I happened to pass a place where the then relatively new tea party group was holding a rally-----I was curious about them---I had not heard too much good about them--but figured that since I had the time, I would go back to walk around their rally--kind of get a close up feel for them--and when I did that----I really did come to feel---at least based upon this particular group and what I saw at their rally--that they are a pretty scary group. They sure were not my cup of tea.

Most of the rally was all about the evils of Barack Obama----with all kinds of signs being bandied about regarding just about everything imaginable at how bad Obama is supposed to be---with so much of the stuff having a very clear racist tinge to it.

People had signs of Obama with a Hilter-esque mustache and the rest of his body being a monkey--or having him have exaggerated, black minstrel like features like big huge "black lips" and such---basically it was a lot like the "Coon type" stuff you see from the Klan and the Neo-Nazi types.

I really felt I was at a rally in Birmingham, Alabama circa 1963 rather than in Columbus, Ohio in 2009 or 2010.

At first, the Tea Party movement might have been a legit reaction to much of the stupid stuff that comes from out of politics these days--albeit taken from the conservative standpoint---just like I feel the "Occupy Movement" is a response on the "liberal" side to the same thing, but that the Tea Party movement is really just a new version of age old gripes from those on the right about "undesirables and the undeserving" who have "taken over America and we want it back" that have long fueled groups like the Klan, the John Birchers, the Neo-Nazis and generally the "Don't Tread on Me" crowd.

Aug 9, 2012, 9:07 PM
Sighs, we have idiots around. First off they would be kidnapping and not many people will want a federal charge for something like this. Second off, I would really hope that some of those LGBT parents targeted have practiced their Second Amendment rights and air conditioned a few idiots.

Aug 10, 2012, 4:26 AM
Sighs, we have idiots around. First off they would be kidnapping and not many people will want a federal charge for something like this. Second off, I would really hope that some of those LGBT parents targeted have practiced their Second Amendment rights and air conditioned a few idiots.
Doesn't it just remind us of the children of the "disappeared" of the Argentine? There may be no remark about the killing of the parents, but any parent whose child is lost, the not knowing feels like they are being slowly killed... same sex parents are no different from our heterosexual peers in that regard...

..and in this country same sex parenting is increasingly common, and fewer local authorities and institutions are putting up barriers, legal otherwise to gay and bisexual same sex couple parenting.. and fewer legal barriers exist than once was the case.. as the adoptive mother one and the de facto second mother of another is in itself evidence of a more liberal attitude to same sex parenting.. but there are those in society in the uk also who would do as is suggested but there are even more who would put the gear of progress into reverse, and have not an underground railway but a legal high speed overground one to prevent such as my self and my partner ever getting near to having, retaining or adopting our children...