View Full Version : Am i gay bisexual bi curious or slightly straight

Aug 3, 2012, 6:40 PM
When i was younger around 12-14 i had my first gay encounter and we gave each other blowjobs, i admit i liked it alot, i gave about 3 or 4 blowjobs in my lifetime..I still time to time fantasize about gay blowjobs.. most people would say "your gay face, it" but i can't ever marry a man, fall emotionally in love with a man, kiss a man,(i know i can give a blowjob but i cant kiss a man), i can't slap his ass, or receive anal or even give anal, I can't look at a man that would be considered hot by a women and get horny by looking at him with his shirt off. it was only blowjobs that got me turned on, nothing more. It's almost like; I don't like men just their dicks.

I even tried kissing and making out with a man and i didn't like it, no sparks no nothing.

As for other details of homosexuality; I never spoke in a feminist way, acted feminist, short plain and simple im not the stereotype of a gay guy or even close to that matter. Im very masculine, very physically fit and im currently in the Marines Delayed Entry Program (reserved list for bootcamp) and pre-training.

I've had a girlfriend and had fallen in love, im still a virgin but i know that im emotionally and physically into girls as for me with guys its only partially physically as said above i could never kiss a guy passionately like a girl.

Im not sugar-coating or denying anything i know i am infact bisexual at most or bi-curious I just hate when people would call me gay because im not gay i know im not to the bottom of my soul. I like women more then man as a fact. I think it might be how society is today with their labels, and especially i feel bad for homosexual guys because its okay for a women to have sex with women but not men people look down on that.

I just wanted to know what do you people think and what would you "label" me as?

Aug 3, 2012, 6:50 PM
Well, it sounds like you're just a little bi. I think some people call it "orally bi". You suck dick, but you won't do anything else or have any romantic feelings.

Aug 3, 2012, 6:57 PM
Well, it sounds like you're just a little bi. I think some people call it "orally bi". You suck dick, but you won't do anything else or have any romantic feelings.

That's whats confusing to people and including my self. Nothing againts bi people but id rather either be gay or straight its too confusing to be in the middle and with people telling you you're gay, you're bi, you're straight, it's a faze. I dont know that the fuck to think but so far you came up with the best answer. I just wish that sexuality was more simple or atleast society was more simple.

Aug 3, 2012, 8:22 PM
Okay so I would say you're orally bi as well. Not every one is the same some only like to suck Dick some only like anal and some like both. I don't think your real problem is what you do but more with what others may label us as for what you do. My best suggestion is to stop worring about what others think of you and just be honest with your self then you can move forward from there. Now I'm not saying go advertise who you are all around town unless that's what you want.

Myself I like to suck a juicy cock and get nice and hard then let my partner stick me real good but I don't find a physical or strong emotional attraction to many men. That's just my preference and who the f*** cares what others think I'm not just blasting it out there I do have a certain level of discretion and I only tell those who really need to know or that I feel comfortable enough with to tell. If they have a problem with and their important to me I will try to help them to understand if its a casual friend and they can't accept it well then they weren't truly my friend to begin with.

Aug 3, 2012, 9:29 PM
Since you want to have a label. You are bisexual imo. You are not gay because your strongest emotional and physical attraction involves women. You are not heterosexual because you are sexually attracted to a man's genitals. That is the simplest way of looking at yourself.

Lots of bisexual men are only attracted to cock. They are not attracted to a man's face as they are to women.

What you need to pay attention is the next two sentences. Bisexuality is not static. Bisexuality is fluid. Just because you don't want to kiss a man this year doesn't mean that in ten years that you may want to kiss a man and even be penetrated by his dick. You may even fall in love with a man. OR you may remain sexually attracted to cock and only cock. There are no tests to indicate what direction or how long your attraction may be to a man or a woman.

You do not seem to accept your sexuality yet. Don't try to fool yourself that you can do without cock or some other sex acts with men.

But as far as a label goes, it only will matter to you. Some people say to forget about it and just live. They reject labels. Others feel comfortable once they identify as bisexual.

There is a remote chance that you may be gay but repressing it. Go with bisexual. Then you can say that you are swinging straight or today you are feeling like a cock whore.;):2cents:

Aug 3, 2012, 10:08 PM
That's whats confusing to people and including my self. Nothing againts bi people but id rather either be gay or straight its too confusing to be in the middle and with people telling you you're gay, you're bi, you're straight, it's a faze. I dont know that the fuck to think but so far you came up with the best answer. I just wish that sexuality was more simple or atleast society was more simple.

The Kinsey Sex Rating scale goes from zero (Exclusively Heterosexual) to a 6 (Exclusively Homosexual). There are 5 other levels in between and the all describe some level of bisexuality. Those in between levels give a very wide range of desires, preferences and practices that people have or engage in. It's a matter of taste. Just like food, not everyone likes broccoli or spinach, or mustard, etc.

With what you describe, you would probably place yourself at a Kinsey 1: Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual.

Sexuality is confusing only because people want to put labels on it so they can say "I am" or "I'm not" a . . .

We are all sexual beings. If you like something, you like it. If you don't, you don't. Pay no attention to those that try to pigeonhole you.

My motorcycle vest has a patch that says: "My sexual preference is OFTEN." I think that is the best label if there has to be one.

Just relax and have a good time.


Aug 3, 2012, 10:34 PM
Don't fall for the bullshit put out by the arbiters of 'what is" in both the gay and straight worlds when it comes to that crap that "if you like to do or actually do anything that is "gay"--then you are gay and that is it--just accept it"---that is such total hogwash.

Human sexuality is far more fluid and varied than what the gatekeepers of our society's values have tried to portray it---accept, appreciate and enjoy that you have discovered that your sexual nature is far more than you first had believed and is more than being simply the either or of either being straight or homosexual--it does seem to be at some point other than either one exclusively---and as you get into this more in the coming years---you will find that your desires for both males and females will vary over time as well.

Aug 3, 2012, 10:37 PM
All of those terms you listed bisexual, bi-curious, mostly straight, etc. are all terms for being bisexual. You also have a lot of issues with being bisexual, with your sexuality, and have internalized biphobia and homophobia since you will have sex with men but you won't kiss them, and you claim that you could never fall in love with a man. It also sounds as though you're majorly in denial about your sexuality or even closeted. Yes you could always be gay, if you're not sexually attracted to women at all then you're gay. No you're not a virgin you've had sex with men, since oral sex with a man is sex. Have sex with a woman if you even want to do this.

Aug 3, 2012, 10:44 PM
All of those terms you listed bisexual, bi-curious, mostly straight, etc. are all terms for being bisexual. You also have a lot of issues with being bisexual, with your sexuality, and have internalized biphobia and homophobia since you will have sex with men but you won't kiss them, and you claim that you could never fall in love with a man. It also sounds as though you're majorly in denial about your sexuality or even closeted.

ExSailor--at this point in his process of "discovery" about this aspect of his emerging sexuality--he has apparently had little actual experience and he is so early on in the process--that he has come into it with certain preconceived notions, limits, etc----and as such---he really doesn't yet have any idea what he really wants or likes--and whatever he says now about anything---that is subject to change----at this point you cannot make such sweeping generalizations about what he likes, any denial or whatever---and as for being "closeted"--at this point he really has hardly any fricking idea what he is---so why the hell should he be "out" making proclamations about his sexual identification status-----cut the guy some fucking slack and stop making such sweeping pronouncements that he is "in denial" "closeted" and other bullshit like that!!

Aug 3, 2012, 10:54 PM
ExSailor--at this point in his process of "discovery" about this aspect of his emerging sexuality--he has apparently had little actual experience and he is so early on in the process--that he has come into it with certain preconceived notions, limits, etc----and as such---he really doesn't yet have any idea what he really wants or likes--and whatever he says now about anything---that is subject to change----at this point you cannot make such sweeping generalizations about what he likes, any denial or whatever---and as for being "closeted"--at this point he really has hardly any fricking idea what he is---so why the hell should he be "out" making proclamations about his sexual identification status-----cut the guy some fucking slack and stop making such sweeping pronouncements that he is "in denial" "closeted" and other bullshit like that!! It's not bullshit since the OP im420 does have issues with his sexuality, and is either closeted or in denial at times about his sexuality. He probably knows he's not heterosexual at all. It's entirely possible to be bisexual or even gay and have only had a few experiences or be a complete virgin and you still know what your sexuality is and what you're interested in doing sexually with others. Only someone who is closeted as yourself would claim that it's OK for this guy to be closeted or even in denial of his sexuality like he is.

Aug 3, 2012, 11:01 PM
Don't fall for the bullshit put out by the arbiters of 'what is" in both the gay and straight worlds when it comes to that crap that "if you like to do or actually do anything that is "gay"--then you are gay and that is it--just accept it"---that is such total hogwash. Human sexuality is far more fluid and varied than what the gatekeepers of our society's values have tried to portray it---accept, appreciate and enjoy that you have discovered that your sexual nature is far more than you first had believed and is more than being simply the either or of either being straight or homosexual--it does seem to be at some point other than either one exclusively---and as you get into this more in the coming years---you will find that your desires for both males and females will vary over time as well. LMAO what "gate keepers"? Only someone who is closeted like you would claim that coming out as bisexual is going to get you branded as "gay". It's 2012 people have known about bisexuality for hundreds of years. People like Oscar Wilde, Alexander the Great, and other people were out as bisexual long before the 20th Century even if LGBT politics did not come about until the 1960s. Both gay men and women, and heterosexuals know about bisexuality and have known about it thanks to the hard work of people like myself who are out and have been out as bisexual for decades. It's not like it was when I was first coming out in the mid 60s and there was just the term "gay" for everything that was not heterosexual and it wasn't until the bisexual movement started in the late 60s after Stonewall that we bisexuals as a community were recognized, and we started getting more and more political.

Aug 4, 2012, 5:47 AM
No need to label yourself . . just have fun. Labels are only good for creating boundaries and life is best lived without them . .

Aug 4, 2012, 6:47 AM
you sound a lot like the young me! not exactly the same but similar... you have all the makings of a fine bisexual person

and I believe you meant to say "effeminate" not "feminist"... a little less 420 and a little more hitting the books, young man!

Aug 4, 2012, 8:30 AM
"Straights think gays are sick; gays think straights are narrowmineded; and bi's think . . . life is a smrgasbord" (Anon)

Aug 4, 2012, 11:00 AM
No need to label yourself . . just have fun. Labels are only good for creating boundaries and life is best lived without them . .

That pretty much sums it up. I used to call myself bi-curious - then I gave a blow job, so I called myself orally bi. Afterwards, I was craving a little more, like body contact, grinding, of course oral, and possibly anal. I call them bi-tendencies now if anything......I'm not attracted to men at all, have no desire to kiss them, and no desire to be in a relationship.....for me, it's just the sexuality of it more than anything. I don't label myself, as I'm comfortable with my own sexuality. Byronvench said it best (above) - as long as you're having fun, fulfilling desires/curiosities, or just getting off, have fun without the boundaries. It's a waste of time in the end.....

Aug 4, 2012, 5:27 PM
A man sucking another mans cock is NOT performing a homosexual/gay act! The act doesn't belong to homosexuality, doesn't own the copyright, and doesn't indicate sweet Fanny Adams about eithers sexuality.:2cents:
Same with a woman chowing down on a fangita of an evening.

That's half the reason males get so messed up about sex. Homo & hetero is as much about what you DON'T like, as what you DO like. At no time during sucking a cock does a bi or gay think "Oh yes! I can't bare vjj's, and this cock is confirming that 100% as far as I'm concerned, so I'm being really mega gay here with this gay act of female defiance!".:tongue:
Same for anal massaging etc. Sexual acts are JUST sexual acts! Sexuality is what you are and are not attracted too. If your a male or female and you like cock and vagina's, your bisexual.
No matter how many cocks and vaginas you suck, lick, etc none of those acts are hetero or homo.;)

Aug 4, 2012, 7:10 PM
I try to accept my self but the mental torture of being a Senior in High school and rumors spread out about me going down on a guy and having EVERYONE know about it and tease you not for weeks, months, hell it's been a year and im still not right in the head because i was mentally bullied so much.

Im not even the same person because of this horrible experience. I also developed servere social anxiety and depression, too top it off i go to anger management because i ended up punching lockers dozens of times broke my knuckle they call it a boxers fracture? but didn't ever take medicine for anxiety or depression as this would just repress it more so i try to deal with things on my own. I guess it's like people say "mental pain can either break you or make you".. it pretty much broke me right in half. Now i know why teens commit suicide (although i won't).

Long Duck Dong
Aug 5, 2012, 1:50 AM
thanks im420, I had a feeling there was more to your thinking than what you had shared..... and your sharing your personal struggle, makes it easier to understand your thinking.....

if you want to seek out professional help.... go with the understanding that there is nothing wrong with you, you are a normal person that is seeking help to *refocus * your mind... so you want to find a therapist or a counselor that is going to help you * shift things around in your mind * so that the hurt is lessened and its easier to deal with the stress and tension that you have.......

what happened in the past, is a experience that has shaped you and your thinking.... it doesn't make you a victim of what happened, but you can become a survivor of the experience of bullying and simply, a survivor is a person that is no longer affected adversely by the bullying, a victim is a person that can not or will not let go.....

mental pain is a hell in itself for many people, full of blank spaces, dead areas and voids that are already present in the person, its just that they have not been * visible * in the past, and the bullying experience and your reactions, make them * visible *.... the blank spaces are mainly areas where people do not have the experience or the understanding to deal with somethings.... its like dealing with your first crush, once you experience it, you have experience and understanding filling up some dead spaces.....
with things like the bullying and the mental * trauma * the dead spaces become filled with patterns that you do not want to remain there, as in the future, you can end up reacting adversely to things when a positive / stable reaction would be better..... so that is where a counselor / therapist can help.... by helping you * refocus *.....

Aug 5, 2012, 7:08 AM
A man sucking another mans cock is NOT performing a homosexual/gay act! The act doesn't belong to homosexuality, doesn't own the copyright, and doesn't indicate sweet Fanny Adams about eithers sexuality.:2cents: Same with a woman chowing down on a fangita of an evening. That's half the reason males get so messed up about sex. Homo & hetero is as much about what you DON'T like, as what you DO like. At no time during sucking a cock does a bi or gay think "Oh yes! I can't bare vjj's, and this cock is confirming that 100% as far as I'm concerned, so I'm being really mega gay here with this gay act of female defiance!".:tongue: Same for anal massaging etc. Sexual acts are JUST sexual acts! Sexuality is what you are and are not attracted too. If your a male or female and you like cock and vagina's, your bisexual. No matter how many cocks and vaginas you suck, lick, etc none of those acts are hetero or homo.;) have you lost your mind G..? you were always a staunch critic of the identity parade and hated how desire had to be molded into some kind of expression of the self eg to suck the cock, you must wear the tshirt / wave the flag... hmmmm, but... maybe ive got it wrong: youre still saying that sex shouldnt define self,....but this time youre focus is to advocate not increased sexual freedom free from social labels, but rather social freedom free from the tags of sex.....Good God..are you...... have you MET SOMEONE?! in my absence.....? this is the mind of a man enumerating the sum of his parts.... to offer now a whole package- rather than using his package to pleasure peoples parts. well good luck in the labours of love and whoever he or she is........ but i tell you they wont be able to contain your free spirit.... that thing was meant to be shared, :(

Aug 5, 2012, 11:03 AM
have you lost your mind G..? you were always a staunch critic of the identity parade and hated how desire had to be molded into some kind of expression of the self eg to suck the cock, you must wear the tshirt / wave the flag... hmmmm, but... maybe ive got it wrong: youre still saying that sex shouldnt define self,....but this time youre focus is to advocate not increased sexual freedom free from social labels, but rather social freedom free from the tags of sex.....Good God..are you...... have you MET SOMEONE?! in my absence.....? this is the mind of a man enumerating the sum of his parts.... to offer now a whole package- rather than using his package to pleasure peoples parts. well good luck in the labours of love and whoever he or she is........ but i tell you they wont be able to contain your free spirit.... that thing was meant to be shared,
Dafydd my gorgeous, I'm on day 5 of quitting tobacco. So your right about loosing my mind, but it's not due to a lover, although both scenarios can have very similar effects. Did you know your beard goes right up to your hair? You realise what that does to me, and millions of others? Yet you flaunt it knowing full well no good will come of licking our monitors! Makes us crave your flesh all the more!
Well yes, it's the de-labelling of sexual acts I was rambling on about. I think a lot more would try same gender sex if it wasn't wrongly bagged&tagged as 'gay'. Also if 'gay' wasn't perceived to be a black hole you spiral into at the slightest interest in same gender sex too. It's bizarre. Heterosexuality doesn't have that same effect apparently, unless your homosexual and dare to say something nice about a vagina.:bigrin:

Aug 5, 2012, 3:38 PM
im420 how old are you?

Aug 5, 2012, 7:31 PM
im420 how old are you?

I just turned 18 in June

Aug 5, 2012, 11:01 PM
Dafydd my gorgeous, I'm on day 5 of quitting tobacco. So your right about loosing my mind, but it's not due to a lover, although both scenarios can have very similar effects. Did you know your beard goes right up to your hair? You realise what that does to me, and millions of others? Yet you flaunt it knowing full well no good will come of licking our monitors! Makes us crave your flesh all the more!
Well yes, it's the de-labelling of sexual acts I was rambling on about. I think a lot more would try same gender sex if it wasn't wrongly bagged&tagged as 'gay'. Also if 'gay' wasn't perceived to be a black hole you spiral into at the slightest interest in same gender sex too. It's bizarre. Heterosexuality doesn't have that same effect apparently, unless your homosexual and dare to say something nice about a vagina.

i think you've always been too harsh on 'straight' and 'gay', who you see as polar forces, making it harder impossible to level the 'bubble of bi' in your own personal spirit level.
But somehow I don't think you're so ready to write the majority of the population off just yet, or deride them for their slavish inflexible adherance to one sex or the other. rather I think you have gained from them, *your* unique perspective on sexuality (a self awareness of it's fickleness; the constraints and/or freedoms of gender roles, the push and pull of labels, and perhaps how to get what you need from stereotypes, without succumbing to one yourself. All of that richness you owe partly to the tension between "straight" and "gay", as they have pulled you in opposite directions they have twined out the best and worst of your thoughts and feelings and have mapped a keener understanding of happiness as it relates to your own sexual acceptance. If it sways this way and that, never consistant, sometimes resistant its only because your human; and therefore a better role model to those wishing to find courage in their own sexual sand pit. ......... .....

.....All the more stranger than that you can come out with really dumb shit like "you're beard goes right up to your hair" and the crass image of your tongue licking the computer monitor in obsessive adulation. i wouldn't bother reading your constant sexual soul searching on here but the truth is that whilst you can be a deep pain in my ass, you always let me put my honey where your mouth is. so i'll ask again, who r you screwing? and what tobacco were your chewing? answer or not, i expect to be filled in.

Aug 6, 2012, 7:00 AM
i think you've always been too harsh on 'straight' and 'gay', who you see as polar forces, making it harder impossible to level the 'bubble of bi' in your own personal spirit level.
But somehow I don't think you're so ready to write the majority of the population off just yet, or deride them for their slavish inflexible adherance to one sex or the other. rather I think you have gained from them, *your* unique perspective on sexuality (a self awareness of it's fickleness; the constraints and/or freedoms of gender roles, the push and pull of labels, and perhaps how to get what you need from stereotypes, without succumbing to one yourself. All of that richness you owe partly to the tension between "straight" and "gay", as they have pulled you in opposite directions they have twined out the best and worst of your thoughts and feelings and have mapped a keener understanding of happiness as it relates to your own sexual acceptance. If it sways this way and that, never consistant, sometimes resistant its only because your human; and therefore a better role model to those wishing to find courage in their own sexual sand pit. ......... .....

.....All the more stranger than that you can come out with really dumb shit like "you're beard goes right up to your hair" and the crass image of your tongue licking the computer monitor in obsessive adulation. i wouldn't bother reading your constant sexual soul searching on here but the truth is that whilst you can be a deep pain in my ass, you always let me put my honey where your mouth is. so i'll ask again, who r you screwing? and what tobacco were your chewing? answer or not, i expect to be filled in.
But it does though! It goes right up to the hilt. If it had balls, they'd be slamming it hard.:tongue: Well those gays and straights are going to orbit each other too close one day and it'll all end in tears (or bi's?). They are supposed to be polar forces/opposites, and great efforts have been made to include homosexuality as a definitive sexuality in societies conscious as the alternative 'norm' to heterosexuality. You can be 'born this way' & 'that way' but not 'both ways' apparently. IMO the majority are not monosexual, but sway to one gender much more than the other. It would be far better for all to view sexuality as one big pool of varieties, with no 'norm'. That way everybody is 'normal'.:bigrin:
By 'met someone' you mean 'screwed someone'? Lovely Dafydd you've been gone a while and I don't keep lists of people I've 'met'. I couldn't tell you who it is that I'm 'meeting' tonight, with much certainty. I think his name is Llewellyn or Paul or something. I might call him Dafydd, when he's too delirious to notice though.;)
I'm on day 6 of no tobacco at all. I NEED oral satisfaction all the more now.

And prey tell who have you been running around with these days? Nobody gets a precision hairjob like that to sit around fiddling with themselves!:love87:

Aug 10, 2012, 11:17 PM
Why did im420 get banned?

Aug 10, 2012, 11:19 PM
Why did im420 get banned?

I'd say offhand because of another thread he wrote that referenced being suicidal but you'd have to talk to Drew for specifics.

Aug 10, 2012, 11:37 PM
I'd say offhand because of another thread he wrote that referenced being suicidal but you'd have to talk to Drew for specifics. OK I saw that. I'm just wondering why the Admin would ban him because of that? Why not keep it open, let him post, and tell him to get help if he's suicidal or to see a doctor if he thinks he has oral herpes or cold sores?

Aug 11, 2012, 3:48 AM
This was dealt with behind the scenes (the person is okay) and the details will remain private including the specifics of the "banning" - it wasn't so much a "ban" as a closing of the account by me for the good of all.

- Drew :paw:

Argent 11
Aug 11, 2012, 12:00 PM
Personally I am not one for labeling a persons sexuality, that is society's way of feeling better about itself. Just got to categorize everything and everyone and keep them in a nice little box so to speak. My opinion for (what it is worth) is be who you are and accept it, I struggled for years trying to explain or deny my desires to be sexually intimate with another male speaking for myself I am Bisexual and not ashamed of my urges and desire to to try sexual experiences with both sexes. I think you may find over time your urges will evolve. Like you, in my youth I could never see myself kissing, trying anal receiving or giving, rimming etc another male. I only wanted to suck another male till he came in my mouth and I swallowed his cum. Now I am curious to try all of those with the right male. The hardest part about being bisexual (once again my opinion) is that when you know what you want and who you want to share experiences with its finding a person or couple who is every bit as open to your desires as they are to their own. Perhaps that is the ultimate expression of love and being bisexual. As for me, I am still searching for the right person(s) to repeat my one and only "Bi" experience. Best of luck to you.

Aug 11, 2012, 8:46 PM
Intercourse labels...Just be who you are, Love yourself because if ya can't do that, then no one else can or will do it for you. I,m ex-airborne ranger,101st Camp eagle, been a biker all my life, loner & 1%er, truck driver & probably one of the most easy going people you'll ever meet. Just be yourself, & don't worry about what anyone else thinkls, much less has to say. If you can do this for yourself, others will see it in you & want to be around you Or at least accept you...IT DON'T MEAN NUTHIN...DRIVE ON...

Oct 2, 2012, 3:02 PM
i'd label you as someone who needs to let go and move on from those penis and get married to an actual girl and never look at a man again. *straight! ;] !!

Oct 26, 2012, 9:09 AM
I found this because I was also looking for me, very informatives
