View Full Version : What would you do?

Jul 31, 2012, 11:12 PM

Just saw this interesting new show advertised and after finding the youtube for it, got to thinking.

So much of what we do is dependent on electricity. So what would do if the lights went out right now? If nothing you relied on to make your life easier worked? If there was no twitter or facebook or bisexual.com, if your batteries didn't work in your vibrators and your food had to be gathered the old fashioned way and cooked over an open fire.

What would you do?

Jul 31, 2012, 11:35 PM
start using children as kindling... I kid, I kid

Aug 1, 2012, 12:33 AM
lol The same thing I do everytime the electricity goes out here every winter.. Break out the oil lamps and matches, drag out the camp stove. Pile on layers of clothes. Pull out my warmest blankies, scarves, ski hat, socks, and sweat pants. Pull out the trusty flash lights. Go raid my book shelves for some Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and others.

If it were during the summer; up here, all of the above. (I'm not joking, honest! Its 930 at night and 61 degrees. We dont Get normal summer here. :(
Go to the wood pile and bring loads enough to fill up the big wooden box up out back with split logs and finger kindling, for cooking on the good old BBQ. Break out my cast iron skillets, and drive the neighbors Crazy with the smell of bacon cooking outdoors over apple wood and cherry wood.

Sometimes ya gotta go Old School and revert back to your past days, but its all good..:}

Aug 1, 2012, 12:44 AM
Hehe Paddarick... you won't be my first choice for babysitter then:D

My thinking as well Cat, get a good garden going, start letting chickens and cows do what they do best and reproduce. Build a butter churn, dig a nice storehouse to keep cool things cool and break out the knives and start carving spears and fire hardening points. Go back to the older ways for sure.

Long Duck Dong
Aug 1, 2012, 1:00 AM
lol... the first thing I would do, is steal a bike..... cos I would need to go to a mates place..... ( that would be after DD gets a good :oh::yikes2: ) grab the *tank * then round up a few people..... and head out of town to a area that I know of where there would be a place to stay, plenty of land, animals ( domestic and wild ) plenty of herbs and wild growing plants and get a garden started..... and start working on building more shelters....

hope DD has strong arms as there would be a lot of wood to be cut with the old style saws....

sort out the old moonshine distillery and home brew kits.....

lastly, we would laugh at the people that do not have stockpiled goods that include 5 years worth of rat packs ( survival food ) water and water treatment pills, basic med packs, gunsmithing tools, weapons ( knives guns, bows and spare ammo, extra clothes / bedding in sealed packages, seed stock ( including tobacco seeds ) cooking utensils, kinetic torches, sex toys ( with rechargable batteries ) solar panels and batteries, spare fuel, books ( non fiction and fiction ).... and 5 convertable *tanks * ( amps with solar panel mods )

and no, we did not apply for the end of the world, just a major disaster in NZ....

between me and my friends, we can cover most skills that would be needed, such as weaving, sex, sewing, sex, carpentry, sex, mechanics, sex, cooking, sex, armoury skills, sex and sex

Aug 1, 2012, 1:30 AM
Oh! You were talking a long term dealie...Thats easy. Just like I said. Reversion. You gotta know your past in case you have to return to it someday..:}

No offence girls, but how many of you know what grubs to use for fishing? Do you know about good Trout water" or Bass reeds, or Catfish noodling? Could you burn animal dung for heat and cooking fuel? Could you use a bow and arrow for meat for your children? What natural herb are used for fever, headache, stomach health...Which holistic methods are used for infections, burns, healing.....? Could you grind your own Chickory as an alternative to real coffee, could you learn to cook natural wild foods to survive on?

So many Old Ways that people have forgotten, or have never known. Would Definately be a culture shock to some. But, necessity breeds change, and it can be done. The way the world is going, ya'll better stock up on books of old methods and how to tan a Buffalo hide or two..:} That show Could be a very real warning of things to come someday. Are you ready?
Silly Cat

Aug 1, 2012, 3:40 AM
er... hello. that *is* what happened to me. its hell. u lose it all really quickly. almost one year with no computer, no music, no home internet or phone access, no tv, no bluray/video..., or porn, or use of any private channel, storage or digital media. ok, my playstation survived barely, hence i couldnt post here..... but how much skyrkm can u play...??? (912hrs) and typing this reply has taken me 45mins of data entty and ive got RSA now from the onscreen keyboard control, a game controller with no letters on...and i can only connect using an iunsecure nternet cafe wifi hotspot across street. no comp or home network and i lost contracts, money, then eventually the flat itself... im condensing time here for brevity. dont let people smugly say i could live happily without technology. bollock. in anycase at least, they made that choice,. would they be so glib if they challenge was to happen without their consent, at any time, for an indeterminate period.....oh and once the challenge is over, you dont get ur devices back..... even if u lose years worth of data, music, photos... u have to start back afresh. the worst thing? my 65 old mother lends me, her 33yrold son her ipod touch for 5-6weeks so i can get on the cloud super-fuck wittery. Obviously i use it disgracefully for porno...im a man with needs, and im im a visual learner.... brain candied 'by the profile', the way people interact without ever meetin, where sex fantasies and imagination is now autoconfiged and routed to ur choice of port and hopefully within your LAN, so u can be back home in time for tea / wife / girf / new pvt chat etc and spend the eve regretting not getting your dick to ask his dicks name before they hung out and shot some pools. "gotta get my son next gen... hes such a trogladyte.... can u believe he cant even access a voice msg service?" my mother tells her cookie crew. ' is that wak or what?' the ipodtouch has since been returned and wipedclean of any offensive er.... or hot,.... material. unfortunately it didnt survive the synch circle as iit was in my trouser pocket in my washing machine at the time ......... accident. that was the day i used washing up liquid instead of oil for a meal i made. but i suppose ishould be thankful i can wash my clothes at all instead of spending all day beating them on a rock. or just beating off, in general, truly the more reliable playstation of the two. 21st century man me

Aug 1, 2012, 4:29 AM
1hr that post took me. 1hr on ps3. (obviously thats the mere mechanics of nno set up word processer........, as the creative er....writing process i use is much more dynamic, fluid, innate even: a talent akin to say kerouac maybe or burroughs, and easton ellis some say). i simply cant flourish with this IT blackout. i use to be a prolific commentator here: chiming in with a retort here, or an off the cuff analysis there. able to mediate with only my sage words and right armpit exposed. only Drew knows the painfull process now behind my writings. the lost edits exposed by ps3. i cant live without a fucking computer any longer! why? i need an operating system to LIVE and get LAID!

Aug 1, 2012, 8:50 AM
@Dafydd- WELCOME BACK!:bowdown: Get on your bike and become a technology refugee in remote semi rural Welsh town, like those Londoners in the war (sort of.lol). Marvel at how the local goat whisperer sucks n f***s all that frustration out of you, and lets you sit on his lap while cruise for prime Cardiff meat.;)

On topic- Well I've said it before and I'll say it again - LETS ALL TURN AMISH! You know it makes sense! They'd probably wonder what all the fuss was about if we all went 'power out'. Living off the land isn't unnatural or scary, and it's in our genes already. We'd be far healthier both physically and mentally if we did that.
No more of this poison passed off as 'food', and our natural abilities would emerge again. We'd have NO CHOICE than to live as family communities and unite.

Yes there'd be downsides, but as Humans we have survived those already.:)

Aug 1, 2012, 9:51 AM
snort :P

Aug 1, 2012, 9:57 AM
My mother's family lived like that until the early '40s! Everything they ate they raised, or grew, themselves. They bathed in a creek, used an out-house (which is the worst) and walked, rode bicycles, or a mule, everywhere they went. They lived on less money than anyone i ever knew...and got fat doing it!

Aug 1, 2012, 10:18 AM
1hr that post took me. 1hr on ps3. (obviously thats the mere mechanics of nno set up word processer........, as the creative er....writing process i use is much more dynamic, fluid, innate even: a talent akin to say kerouac maybe or burroughs, and easton ellis some say). i simply cant flourish with this IT blackout. i use to be a prolific commentator here: chiming in with a retort here, or an off the cuff analysis there. able to mediate with only my sage words and right armpit exposed. only Drew knows the painfull process now behind my writings. the lost edits exposed by ps3. i cant live without a fucking computer any longer! why? i need an operating system to LIVE and get LAID!

Consider yourself lucky you don't live in India then. If you did, you could be one of the 620 MILLION people without power right now. Their power grid has failed for half of the country for the last few days. lol

Aug 1, 2012, 11:25 AM
i need an operating system to LIVE and get LAID!
I don't think I'd need an operating system to live and get laid... such would be the return to barbarism and brutality of humankind it would take all my wits just to stop myself and my family being raped and killed. Most women would soon find out just how close we are to a return to being no more than goods and chattels and playthings for the use of men. That isn't an attack on men, but merely a recognition of a very unpleasant reality of a world returned to barbarism. Most men and women would soon find out how difficult it is in such a scenario to keep their families safe and intact...

The one thing I would do if it occurred right now is try and find a sailing ship of some kind which could get us home since being stranded in foreign climes isn't something I fancy over much. And tbh, there isn't much of myself would be left with too much pride about what I would do to gain that passage. I would hope to hold to my pacifist principles but such would be the difference in world that may be a very difficult thing to do...

Wherever I ended up, survival would be a very difficult thing for most of us around the world.. such would be the population collapse that within a few short decades, starvation, disease and conflict would have seen most of us off, Life expectancy would drop dramatically even for those lucky enough to meet with a natural end..

I do know how to shoot believe it or not.. I have never used a bow, but a gun is no stranger in my hands however much is my loathing of them although it is a decade and more since I handled one...my dad taught me when very young and do know how to deal prepare dead animals I have killed for the pot so I can use a knife to skin a beast and gut it. I have actually cooked over an open fire too and have an idea about how to make a spark to get a fire going even if I have only ever used an igniter, lighter or match in the past...... so I think if there is food available I would manage. I also know how to forage a little (other than from what's left in supermarkets, home larders and elsewhere) but am by no means an expert... and there will be a great deal of competition whatever we do...Cat's point about herbs and roots for medication is something I haven't a clue about except in the most rudimentary way... dock leaves for nettle stings and the like..... but I do have a book which I have never read which I would have to get round to pdq!

The one thing I would do is get the family out of the city and move north to where we have a cottage if I can or to some small community where we can be of mutual benefit to one another...my dad used to say Hirta in the St Kilda archipelago is our best bet if the world collapsed into chaos... getting there would be a bugger...the city in the short term at least would be the worst bet for survival. There are many resources in the countryside to aid our survival, from both wild and domesticated animals and birds, fish, wild fruits, herbs and vegetables and in Scotland at least an abundance of fresh water. I know a little but not much.. so it would be a very quick learning curve or it would be for us the end... I haven't thought it through really, in fact not at all and I've no doubt I would be like a fish out of water.. we all would.. but we adapt or we die.. we may adapt and still die.. most who are alive today if it should happen tomorrow will do one or the other either through illness, starvation or violence within a relatively short time... our best hope for survival is co-operation with others...

In the short term I suspect such will be the trauma which most feel, co-operation with others on any great scale in a way I envisage will be difficult.. small communities may manage, but even they will be up against it. Humanity will revert to its more base instincts pretty quickly and life will be very very hard for all... would I expect to survive? My partner and kids to survive? Not really.. I think the odds are against it but human beings are very resourceful and determined when up against it.. but all we can do.. any of us.. is give it our best shot... I just hope it never happens but in one way or t'other, in the next century or so, I wouldn't bet against something like it...

Aug 1, 2012, 7:03 PM
I've lived in my grandfather's cabin in Maine which is less than 5 miles from town but takes about 1-2 hours to drive in by 4x4 (it's actually faster to land a plane on the lake). It only had LP gas lights and stove..bathe in (very cooold) spring fed lake water - it was okay but after about a week I was missing a nice hot shower..standing nekkid on the porch using the portable sun shower really wasn't cutting it. Go to bed shortly after dark and get up when it is light..I'm surprised how many people don't.

Right now I purposely have the cheapest cell phone that Wal Mart sells, and I barely keep it turned on - simply beacuse I am ALREADY connected enough to computers for work and to chat with you all..if I had a smartphone it would probably really be too much..I need SOME downtime anyway.

If you think no electricity is bad, wait until the Earth stops producing food in the mass-market way we are accostumed to consuming it. They are ALREADY talking about the drought wiping out much of the corn crop - what will Americans do without their high-frutose corn syrup.. ? Cows might actually have to eat grass instead..

We would have to go back to talking to our neighbors and living in small communities again - 10 miles will seem like a long distance, news would be transmitted by horse, and people will only have the number of children required to support themselves ... maybe not so bad actually. Those people lucky enough to own windmills or property with creeks could still use mechanical power.

Aug 2, 2012, 5:03 AM
We would have to go back to talking to our neighbors and living in small communities again - 10 miles will seem like a long distance, news would be transmitted by horse, and people will only have the number of children required to support themselves ... maybe not so bad actually. Those people lucky enough to own windmills or property with creeks could still use mechanical power.
Not quite sure ur right there Elian.. more like peeps will keep having children cos so many will die in childbirth and infancy, just like they did until the very early years of the last century...birth control will become increasingly rudimentary and it is likely that larger families will once again become increasingly common. But ur right about using mechanical methods to help us get through... some things we haven't entirely forgotten.. but they will not be enough to feed and succour 7 billion of us... a few hundred million at best. The most successful communities are likely to be those who lead much more basic and primitive lives and are relatively isolated from those of us in the more advanced material world...

Annika L
Aug 2, 2012, 2:30 PM
Interesting question, and one my partner and I have thought about quite a bit before. And frighteningly enough, one that could be relevant as soon as 10-20 years from now, if not sooner.

Horses? Maybe, but I think it's the bicycle shops that would make a killing. At least until the tires are all gone (how did they make bicycle tires before electricity? they did, didn't they?).

I would have to look into *shudder* bee-keeping...because I think our home-brewed mead would develop quite a market. Yes, I think I would want to parlay my cooking, brewing, and storytelling skills into a tavern business. I suppose *most* of my computer skills would simply be wasted...but I could also still teach mathematics if there were still people who wanted to learn.

In general, it would be interesting (but not fun, for all the reasons discussed above) to see just how far we would descend into barbarism, and how quickly. I feel like in the past 50 years we have come closer to, rather than further from barbarism anyway...all we need is a crisis, and we'd soon find out what todays men and women are made of. Unfortunately, the threat of crisis doesn't feel terribly remote.

Aug 2, 2012, 2:53 PM
the realism of losing electricity is a scarey one. television keeps my crazy neighbor busy. lol. i am guilty indulging in the computer as of recently. i don't watch television. i have been 3 days without power in 100 degree weather. that was miserable. being uncomfortable is important from time to time to remind us of being human and connected to this world.

Aug 2, 2012, 6:00 PM
What is intriguing to me is the idea that a large number of people would simply not have a clue how to survive if something happened, and sadly it's true. I know how to do a lot of things simply cause I was a farm kid and I listened to my grandparents tell me about how they used to do things including making soap and candles cause it was cheaper for the large families than buying it. I know how to hunt and to fish and to build a fire without matches, I know how to do laundry without a machine or detergent. I know to do a lot of things that heretofore I thought would never be beneficial. Then the idea of a total and complete blackout comes along and suddenly the esoteric skills are what will be in demand.

I'd love to have Annika near with a tavern, but that's assuming we had anything to trade for the mead. The barter system would have to be full on in effect and I can see the world trading meat and furs and vegetables for other items they can't produce on their own.

Definitely a lot of the population would die, but would that really be a bad thing in the end? We are overcrowded on this planet now and while I'm not saying go kill the stupid people...we could just remove the warning labels and let karma work it out :D

Aug 2, 2012, 7:16 PM
That show definitely looks interesting and the question is even more interesting. I'm a city girl at heart but a fast learner, so I'd want to surround myself with people who had the skills I needed to learn to survive. Never been afraid of hard work and the idea of no longer being dependent on something that made me as much a slave as any collar did to anyone in history is very appealing.

Hunting and gathering would probably be the better way to go at first then settle into an area and work on things like soap and candles and tanning leather for clothing. Have a decent shelter and the means to defend, if necessary, from those that would want to just take instead of trade.

All in all, it would be a very unique experience and I would have to wonder if we would have no time for the labels we insist on giving others in this technological age.


Aug 2, 2012, 7:50 PM
Definitely a lot of the population would die, but would that really be a bad thing in the end? We are overcrowded on this planet now and while I'm not saying go kill the stupid people...we could just remove the warning labels and let karma work it out :D....
Kismet will work it out darlin' darlin' rather than karma.. but whatever, ur right that the population is too vast and growing far too quickly to be sustainable but if it is to be reduced I'd rather it was by "natural wastage" and good planning rather than what will be an agonising and brutal collapse where deprivation, famine, disease and the most tragically brutal conflicts will soon thin us out.. it's an awful scenario, frightening in the extreme and while I don't think it will be a complete electricity outage which will create such a tragedy, energy shortage is likely to play its full part..

One thing that makes such a collapse more likely is the requirement of the free enterprise system as we know it and its requirement for an ever increasing population to continue its viability.. I'm not convinced any systems of politics and economics can plan and reduce population without hardship for the great majority, but as we have it now free enterprise is so demanding and so profit driven and reliant on greed it seems to me to be quite the worst system to oversee a planned reduction in population.. I am not even sure how feasible one is whatever political and economic system is in place.. it is likely if it ever happens to be a multitude of systems each tugging at one another and probably being the catalyst ultimately of just the uncontrolled population collapse we all should dread.

I don't believe population collapse is inevitable but I do believe that population contraction is a necessity we cannot avoid... it may be I'm scaremongering but I don't mean to be.. it is simply what I see as a realistic assessment of our options and while I am optimistic humanity will survive either a planned reduction or a catastrophic collapse I am not optimistic that we can manage to implement the first if at all, or if we do that it will be enough or implemented in in such a way as to avoid the second...:(

Aug 2, 2012, 7:59 PM
Very thought provoking. I too am looking forward to the Hollyweird version of this tale, and how 'easy' they will make some things seem (like walking 10's of miles and not worrying about quality water to drink in a city?)

I'm sure my family and I would have a difficult time. We have never farmed, or hunted, and we live in a crowed metropolitan suburban area. It will take a day for those without to use brawn to take from those with... and a week later, there would be nothing as there are few local places to provide food.

I suppose a trip north 20 miles or so would be good to get to the Amish, but then again, I have nothing they would barter for...

Banding together with a few quality people to share the work would be job 1. We have shelter, even without electricity and gas it's better than open living. Secure some animals, some land to graze them on... and work toward community based barter and protection from the outsiders looking to take and run.

Aug 3, 2012, 3:51 AM
...and of course it does occur to me, just how do we deal with thousands of nuclear reastors scattered across the globe. not to mention the millions of tons of hazardous substances and billions of gallons of equally hazardous chemicals which is out there with a squabbling, starving, diseased, increasingly primitive shrinking population armed only with bow and arrow, knife and mechanical windmill and if they are lucky... steam engine... something to be factored into the equation which threatens not only human beings, but also every life form on our planet... now isnt this just such a cheery thread? *laffs*

Long Duck Dong
Aug 3, 2012, 6:02 AM
I quess you need to talk a lot less and read a lil more about nuclear reactors, fran.... without power they automatically go into cool down as its the power that keeps them working and without power the cooling rods would automatically lower into the cores, effectively shutting the reactor down.....

honestly, I can only wonder how people would manage with no net for their hook ups or forums for their opinions, no government to accuse of wrong doing, no body to listen to endless protests, no latest fashions to buy and own.....and omg they would have to actually put their hands to work instead of their mouths, to make the world a better place.....

yeah I would definitely head out of town.....

Aug 3, 2012, 6:59 AM
I quess you need to talk a lot less and read a lil more about nuclear reactors, fran.... without power they automatically go into cool down as its the power that keeps them working and without power the cooling rods would automatically lower into the cores, effectively shutting the reactor down.....

honestly, I can only wonder how people would manage with no net for their hook ups or forums for their opinions, no government to accuse of wrong doing, no body to listen to endless protests, no latest fashions to buy and own.....and omg they would have to actually put their hands to work instead of their mouths, to make the world a better place.....

yeah I would definitely head out of town.....U are right Duckie 'bout reactors... but my comment assumes that we have a more general collapse which as I have already said is a far more likely scenario and it is to be hoped that reactors do get shut down while there is the energy and people left knowledgeable enough to do it safely...no matter.. the rest remains valid too. and we mustn't forget the very many lethal and dangerous viruses and infections out there in labs, many of which are deliberately placed into host animals.. we have to hope that infected live subjects die and viruses and infections never somehow get out into the big wide world...

U can be very snide at times.... ur affair.. I look forward to the creation of me own fashions tho tyvm.... all unique one of's just to me.. Kate is a dab hand with needle and thread and if there is no cotton, then no doubt we will find something to stitch things together.. and creating me own jewellery always was fun when I was wee, although am not quite sure we could make our footwear as elegant as we would like... functional and comfy.. 'spose that mite be 'bout it... need to think some more on that 1 and find nice cobbler who has survived..;). Wouldn't be the first time I've gone out with a home creation... Kate does a nice line in basques:tongue:.... would just have to do it a lil more thats all..

.. and the bit emboldened... when u gonna start???;)

Aug 3, 2012, 7:07 AM
Curse the darkness. Start the hurricane generator. Break into a hardware store for a manual syphon pump; with the pump, steal gasoline from gas stations to keep the generator running. Shoot anyone who comes within 100 feet of my generator. Break into a gun shop an steal more ammo. Etc.

Long Duck Dong
Aug 3, 2012, 8:44 AM
well fran, i started the day I realised that violence is a evil that the world can not do without.....

Aug 3, 2012, 11:50 AM
well fran, i started the day I realised that violence is a evil that the world can not do without.....
*laffs* In the sense that in the natural world violence is inevitable.. in the sense that, as long as human beings eat dead animals.. it is inevitable... and in the sense that live ones occasionally fancy a nice human snack.. it is inevitable..... in the sense that, intelligent beings that we are supposed, with awareness and knowledge that it need not and should not be, premeditated violence between human beings to hurt or take the life of another. either for reason or for the hell of it, is not... and without the premeditated violence, then there need be no violence between human beings... neither do I believe that in the midst of passion, or when the blood is up, that violence between human beings is inevitable,, none is justified for whatever reason...

That u dont accept any of it is fine with me... but as time has passed violence in our societies is no longer quite as acceptable or common as it once was.. human rationale and intelligence allied to greater compassion and a desire for peace in our world has reduced it and will continue so to do... that it still continues far more frequently than it should cannot be denied and we may indeed never see the day when violence between human beings is entirely eliminated.. certainly not as long as there are men such as u, but don't tell me violence is a necessary evil we cannot do without, because its inevitability only exists as long as there are men and women such as u who have no faith in your own kind to remove that evil from our world... time will change that. Think me stupid and think me naive if u wish... but naive and stupid as I may be, I'd rather suffer that naivety and stupidity than accept any evil as a necessity and as an inevitability... I am so much happier to be as me and think as me and act as me than I would be if I was you..

Long Duck Dong
Aug 3, 2012, 12:17 PM
fran.... do me a favour and put me on ignore........cos I am getting a lil sick of your * holier than thou * attitude and your judgmental, ignorant, unintelligent BS assumptions about me...... you have no idea what I was talking about....

Aug 3, 2012, 1:14 PM
"Revolution takes place in a post-apocalyptic future. Fifteen years earlier, an unknown phenomenon permanently disabled all advanced technology on the planet, ranging from computers and electronics to car engines & jet engines and batteries. People were forced to adapt to a world without technology, and due to the collapse of public order, many areas are ruled by warlords and militias. The series focuses on the Matheson family, who possess an item that is the key to not only finding out what happened fifteen years ago, but also a possible way to reverse its effects. However, they must elude various enemy groups who want to possess that power for themselves."

Such a scenario is not only plausible, it's possible. Unfortunately this story follows the same sterile tropes all network programming seems to follow....minimal investment.

If HBO produced it, it might be interesting but NBC? naw.

Aug 3, 2012, 1:29 PM
fran.... do me a favour and put me on ignore........cos I am getting a lil sick of your * holier than thou * attitude and your judgmental, ignorant, unintelligent BS assumptions about me...... you have no idea what I was talking about....
Sorry Duckie.. NCD... it isn't my way..... I make no assumptions about you whatsoever other than drawing from the things you say about yourself... we are all hostages to fortune once our words are spoken and in the public domain.. and the problem with knowing or not knowing what you talk about is that very often, neither does your good self..;)

Aug 4, 2012, 12:38 AM
@Dafydd- WELCOME BACK!:bowdown: Get on your bike and become a technology refugee in remote semi rural Welsh town, like those Londoners in the war (sort of.lol). Marvel at how the local goat whisperer sucks n f***s all that frustration out of you, and lets you sit on his lap while cruise for prime Cardiff meat.;) On topic- Well I've said it before and I'll say it again - LETS ALL TURN AMISH! You know it makes sense! They'd probably wonder what all the fuss was about if we all went 'power out'. Living off the land isn't unnatural or scary, and it's in our genes already. We'd be far healthier both physically and mentally if we did that. No more of this poison passed off as 'food', and our natural abilities would emerge again. We'd have NO CHOICE than to live as family communities and unite. Yes there'd be downsides, but as Humans we have survived those already.:) i was rather hoping to meet the local horse whisperer.... u know.. he can give bigger whispers an all. :) i do so hope we can contiue to write that erotic novel though our throughput needs to increase for 2014 publication. so far i think weve got about one kindle screen worth of text ;) u been busy herding goats?

Aug 4, 2012, 6:36 PM
I'm getting interested in some of the replies and it bears out what a lot have posted around the net, if the world suddenly plunged into a blackout and nothing worked...we'd be helpless. People have gotten so far away from the land and the knowledge and without Google to the rescue or Wikipedia on the techniques of tanning they would be like babes in the wood.

Personally, I will try to learn to do a few things just in case. Because you never know....


Aug 6, 2012, 5:28 AM
LOL Rhevan, at the very least you will have something to talk about to your friends :D

I have actually started reading up on some more of my herbology and made a few notes as to what I'd need to pretty much have an infirmary for the casual things. Can you imagine if we go back to a time when there are no pills to help what ails us? So many herbs are beneficial for many generic ills like headaches and menstrual cramps and arthritis and so on. After all where do you think pharmaceutical companies got the idea for their formulas? From the natural world around us.

I'd want to have a nice garden for growing herbs and spices and another nice plot for vegetables. Some cows and chickens and goats and in NZ, of course sheep... I imagine we'd get really tired if all we had was mutton all the time.

Back to the coarse breads that are actually better for you anyway as far as making you "regular". That brings me to sanitation.. shudders but there are ways to actually save human waste and make it into a burnable fuel that wouldn't be good for cooking but if you had a nice oven built into the side of a building it could heat the inside without the umm shall we say air freshener or in LDD's case maybe air deadener (love ya babe).