View Full Version : Group Member Pages.....

Jul 31, 2012, 2:57 AM
I feel the picture limit when you are a member of a group not fair, joinging a group, they're many threads and pictures posted. Not being allowed access to them because you have reached a limit I feel diminishes groups and can hinder peoples ejoyment in their discussions and viewing material. I can see a limit being placed on individual members, but as a group, many members are in them and share pictures. you view 10 and Nope ! Cant see anymore. Anyother members feel the same on this ? Jusy wondering....

Aug 1, 2012, 6:29 AM
i agree. ive been on this site for years , and ive sent a lot of ppl here to join, now they want to get paid for veiwing pics the people send in for free ,i can see paying for pics the owners post or vids or whatever but not ones we members send in , come on everyone join us and protest