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Jun 18, 2006, 4:01 PM
Curiosity formed this spinoff of male genital piercings...I didn't want to hijack the thread.

So, I know I personally am really drawn to piercings and tattoos, whether female or male. There's just something about them. I personally have quite a few and still adding more.

What do the rest of you think? Do you have piercings or tattoos? If so, do they have any sort of meaning? Do you want them, but your job prohibits them? Are you turned on/revolted by people that have them?

Jun 18, 2006, 4:21 PM
I do not have any tattoos.
I may get some piercings someday but I probably won't get those.

I think that ink/piercings look better on other people than they would on me.

The only body modification I do is stretching my balls.
It's not painful and it feels good.
It's not permanent but I do know some men that wear stretchers for 24 hours a day or while sleeping.

Jun 18, 2006, 5:21 PM
Piercings... Kinda "meh" on. They're neither a turn-off nor a turn-on for me. I had my tongue for a while a few years ago, nothing now. If someone has a really interesting or well-suited piercing, I find it a bit of a turn-on, but too many just becomes icky (for me).

I love tattoos. Love them. Whenever I see one I want to go and examine it in detail, not that I really know much about tattoos or how they're made. (I'd never even seen one done until Miami Ink came on :) ). Anything original or interesting, as long as it's suited to the person it's on, will catch my interest like you wouldn't believe.

I'd love to get a tattoo... I even know what one I want, more or less. My cousin did up a sketch for me years ago that I've always loved, of a knight talking with a dragon. I want to get a friend of mine (who's a professional comic artist) to do a version of it, and get that on my chest. But I'm not letting myself get a tat until I get in proper shape, so it might be a while... ;)

Jun 18, 2006, 5:22 PM
I have both. I have my tongue and belly button pierced. I only have one tattoo at present it is a butterfly that has not finished growing with "In memory of Matthew Dat" around it. Matthew was my youngest born who died after 15 days of life due to a blood clot.

As for any more hell yes. I am getting 2 more tattoo's one of Pikachu and Wigglytuff from pokemon, for my two little monsters. and for piercing i would like to get at least one genital piercing. just dont know what yet.

Tink :2cents:

Jun 18, 2006, 5:26 PM
I only have my ears pierced and one tattoo. I don't really get "turned on" by them but I do think some piercings and tats look nice and others I wonder why.

Jun 18, 2006, 7:12 PM
I have one tattoo of a butterfly and I got it when I was leaving a really bad relationship and it symbolized change (cliche). I had my nipple peirced but had to take it out when I got pregnant with number 3 and then it closed. I am getting two tattoos soon. One is a symbol for bi-sexual and another will be hubby's name. But not till he gets my name on him first.. The little baby. He has no tattoos (thinks they hurt). I love him though ;)

Jun 18, 2006, 7:27 PM
We are both tattooed and pierced. I have 3 tattoos and 4 piercings. My piercings include my left ear, nipples, and tongue. I do plan on piercings on my ballsac real soon. Also not done with tattoos.

Chrissy has 21 of each. She has 8 piercings in each ear, her labret, her nose, nipples, and belly. Her tattoos are all over, arms, legs, chest, back.

We love body art, and love it on others as well.

Jun 18, 2006, 8:14 PM
A post I put on a hockey messege board I'm active at not too long ago:

I think tattoos have a lot of potential. However, just as its something that you can really nail, its also something you can really screw up, so I'm being cautious.

First off, though it's never been discussed, those-who-pay-the-bills would not be happy. So its off until I'm living financially independant, or I'm married.

Nextly, I think placement's important. I like above the ankle tats, and the first one I get is gonna be there. More on that below the fold. I think that arms (upper) and chest are too over the top macho, so those are probably a no. I'd LOVE a tramp stamp, I just have no clue what I'd want, so that's on the back burner for now. I also love back shoulder blade tattoos.

As for objects, I think the key is to get something that's an insight into who you are. My first love after my girl is the ocean, so I'd want some waves; I think I'd like a wave train that goes continuously around the ankle (I think the key with angle tattoos is them being continuous).

I'd also want some pride symbols; definitely one for bipride, perhaps one for transgender. I think the HRC logo (http://img506.imageshack.us/img506/5137/hrclogo1uz.png) is really cool, but I fear that one day the organization would go to hell and now I'd have to live with it. There's pretty much just one transgender (http://img506.imageshack.us/img506/7889/transgendersymbol2ld.jpg)symbol I'm aware of, though I kinda wish someone would come up with seperate ones or MtF and FtM. I also love this bipride (http://img506.imageshack.us/img506/8743/bisexual2ta.jpg) symbol, though I'd make it dfferent; no triangle in behind, blue on the left, fade to pink on the right, and the ring in the middle is purple. Of course, if I get this bipride tattoo, my girlfriend would be getting a matching one in the same place.

I'd also love any number of religious tattoos. For one, see the Unitarian flaming chalice in my sig. I'd think strongly of an Ixoye or an Ankh. I think that a triquetra (http://img506.imageshack.us/img506/1920/triquetra7kw.gif) or a triskele (http://img506.imageshack.us/img506/1554/symb120pw.gif[/url) would be cool. My only gripe with these is that a few of them are a bit campy, but eff the people whom beat me to them. I doubt more than 1% of people with triquetra or triskele tats know what they mean. I also doubt many people with an Ixoye on their car trunk actually know the derivation of it.

Jun 18, 2006, 9:09 PM
I don't look at the mods as a turn-on or off.

If someone has it, I might ask for the significance or the motivation to do so. For me, it's an expression of themselves. Asking about it is just a part of getting to know the person, acknowledge their display, or admiring their form of self expression.

Ears would be all for me (IF I feel like doing that one day).
Tattoo.....doubtful but not ruling it out. But YES it would have a very significant reason behind it, for me.

Jun 19, 2006, 11:33 AM
I love tattoos and piercings. I love men and women with either or both. In my life, I've had 6 holes in my lobes, one on my upper ear (what's that called?), I've had both nipples pierced and my tongue, my nostril and septum. I've got two tattoos, one on my chest over my left pectoralis and on one my lower back.
Sadly, all my piercings have gone. I have taken the jewelry out for one reason or another and not put it back in. In many cases this has been fine. It became less important over time and as my career changed I didn't want to bother taking things in and out all the time. I would like to get my nipples repierced if possible.
I am going to get more tattoos. Right now it's just not a financial priority. However, I have promised myself one as a gift for my graduation in December. I was going to get something small on my right shoulder but am now considering a larger tattoo on my left inside forearm.
Saturday I saw this hunky bear guy, bald with beard shirtless covered in sleeves on both arms (I nearly wrecked the car trying to get a better look at him!) and I thought to myself something I never thought before "I think I'd look good with a sleeve".
Not sure what my wife would say....

Jun 19, 2006, 12:01 PM
I've had 6 holes in my lobes, one on my upper ear (what's that called?)

Upper ear piercing is a cartilage piercing. Had one myself and it never healed correctly. :eek:

Rose Lousie Bennett
Jun 29, 2006, 4:59 AM
Ok so here is my first post, YEA ME! :bigrin: I love tattoos and piercings I have two tattoos, both of dragons, and I have 12 piercings. 6 in my left ear with one 16g in my cartilge and 5 in the other ear. I also have a pierced navel. They all have a story behind them for me. I'm planning on getting 5 more tattoos, and no more then that. I'm also thinking really hard about getting my left nipple pierced, but the thing that's holding me back from doing it is I have a lot of people tell me that if I get it pierced then I'd have to take it out if I decide to have a child of my own some day. Other's have told me diffrent. So until I know for sure I'm just going to have to dream about it for now.
I find both of these can really sexy on both male and female bodies. I've always wanted to have sex with someone who has pierced gentials or even a pierced tongue, but sadly I haven't had that chance to yet. Also I find that this is an intresting topic. There are some people who have said that Body Mods just aren't their thing and that's great. It's so good to hear that people know what they want, and won't get one if they really don't want too.
I know this is a kind of long post but I just love this topic and it's a great one to talk about in the comfort of a great community with a lot of kind and carring people
*hugs and kisses to all* :bibounce: :bipride:

Jun 29, 2006, 5:31 AM
I have tattoos, and LOVE them! I also like tattoos on other ppl. The first one I got is a shamrock, because I'm absolutely obsessed with Ireland, and have irish ancestors. The second one is an orange ribbon with the letters: S.I.A below it. It means Self Injury Awareness. I'm a self injurer...cutter, to be exact. It's an awful habit and coping mechanism. Next, I plan to get my right wrist tattoo'd....left wrist has the ribbon on it. I think I want some sort of celtic knotwork. I'm a fanatic when it comes to irish and celtic things, and it doesn't matter what it is.

Tattoos rock, though, and they're addictive, IMO.

Jun 29, 2006, 7:38 AM
personally i got two piercings . one in my tongue and one in my lip , a ring .
but i think in general a piercing and also a tatoo has to fit a person , because if youre not the type to wear a piercing or tatoo then you look stupid .

also tatoos in general can be a turn on , unless they say smth commercial or maybe are some commercial signs .. especially chinese letters are a complete turn off . . completely out of question , they do not do any good as well as just some meaningless signs , smth everyone has is always bad .

to be unique when it comes to tatoos is very important . . therefore i dont have a tatoo yet . im not sure ill ever get one , unless i can find smth very meaningfull and unique . . we'll see .

personally i improve my appearance not by tatoos or piercings (well piercings , cause i got two..) but by things like changing my haircolour, hairstyle , playin with clothes - nothing permanent. . .

Jun 29, 2006, 7:46 AM
I have two tats. A heart with a dagger through it on my left forearm and a sun on my right upper arm. I want a rooster on my left thigh where my cock rests. Tattoos are for some people, some have meaning but I do think people can just have them for fun. I don't plan on having more than three. And, I love Miami Ink.


Jun 29, 2006, 10:35 AM
I have two tats. A heart with a dagger through it on my left forearm and a sun on my right upper arm. I want a rooster on my left thigh where my cock rests. Tattoos are for some people, some have meaning but I do think people can just have them for fun. I don't plan on having more than three. And, I love Miami Ink.

Very cool looking tats I might add. :love87:

Body art can be very beautiful

Aug 22, 2006, 9:36 AM
Love it..
The only things I don't get are implants & tounge piercing (coz of potential dental & other health problems)

When I see tattoos on people I've always got an overwhelming urge to touch them... Sometimes that's a good thing, most times it's not :bigrin:
I've got a few piercings but have never had the spare cash to get the ink that I really really want. It's def a case of all or nothing on that one!

Aug 22, 2006, 10:08 AM
I love body art and modification. I love it on myself...I love it on other people. I personally have 2 tats right now and have had both nipples and belly pierced (but took them all out. Nipples did nothing for me but get in the way even tho they looked super sexy.) I do currently have 7 holes in my ears and my hood pierced. If anyone has ever thought about getting the latter done...oh...please do. It's the best and most intense piercing I've ever had...orgasms have never been so good.

When I see tattoos on people I've always got an overwhelming urge to touch them... Sometimes that's a good thing, most times it's not

OMG...I feel the same way!! I also love hearing the stories behind the tats...but am sometimes disappointed when they say "I was drunk" or "I just wanted a tat so went in and picked out something right there."

Okay, I've said enough!!

Aug 22, 2006, 12:45 PM
Love it. So far all I have is some Celtic imagery on my back between my shoulders. Thought of getting something pierced in the not too distant future, probably my tongue.

Aug 22, 2006, 5:37 PM
I think piercings are so hot on other people. I'm not too fond of tattoos, but they look okay on some people. Personally I have my lobes & my hood pierced :wiggle2:

Aug 22, 2006, 8:24 PM
OMG...I feel the same way!! I also love hearing the stories behind the tats...but am sometimes disappointed when they say "I was drunk" or "I just wanted a tat so went in and picked out something right there."
Yarr. TOTALLY agree. And yes, I always want to touch tattoos... Last time I went to a strip club, the woman had a fantastic scorpio tattoo and I just wanted to sit there and check that out... Here's a hot woman naked in front of me and I just want to check out the tat... I might be crazy... :tong:

Aug 22, 2006, 9:30 PM
... Here's a hot woman naked in front of me and I just want to check out the tat... I might be crazy... :tong:

LOL! Hon you're not the only one. I see a tat on a hot chick and, yeah I like the woman but that tat...that's the icing on the cake.

I love tats that are inventive, unique or at the very least, done well. I've seen some pretty horrible tats that look like they were scrawled on by a preschooler.

Right now I have a tat of the kangi for Reiki (universal life force energy). It has a great deal of siginificance. Someone I loved dearly who was my spiritual brother had Lou Gerhig's disease. He was looking for someone who could do Reiki long distance. To do that you have to be attuned to second level. I started down the path of a healer because of him. I wanted nothing more than to help my brother because I believed that I could help save him.

Unfortunately he died before I got my 2nd level attunement but because of him I am an Herbalist, Aromatherapist, Usui and Karuna Reiki Master and one of the few practitioners of a method called Angelic Release Therapies.

I also have four regular lobe piercings and a conch piercing in my left ear.

Tattos are not fetishes for me but something I take very seriously. If I'm going to put something on my body it needs to be something deeply meaningful. My next will be a tree frog to memorialize my mother-in-law who passed three months after hubby and I married. She collected frogs and her friends brought her frogs from all over the world. She was an amazing woman and I miss her still.

the sacred night
Aug 23, 2006, 1:39 PM
I think tattoos and piercings can be super hot on other ppl, but I just don't think any would look good on me... I just can't pull it off. Plus, I'm a wimp and it would hurt :( My fiancee has 2 tattoos (one of them on the front/sides of his neck! :yikes2: ouchie!), and he used to have his eyebrow pierced, but it's gone now. I begged him to get his tongue done, because that would have been amazingly hot, but he has a short tongue and can't get it.

Aug 23, 2006, 5:57 PM
generally i love tats, the exception being the one's that are offensive. i cant imagine why anyone feels so strongly about a football team they want sectarian hate scrawled on their body! piercing drive me crazy, in particular the way lip\tongue piercings feel, if you know what i mean!

unfortunately job prospects prevent me from getting what i want (nose, lip and tongue piercing and a tat on my chest) but it does mean that to the casual observer i look like very 'respectable' but to those in the know im a little bit wicked. i have both nipples and my hood pierced and a tat hidden under my right boob and its ace when someone is discovering them for the very first time!

Aug 27, 2006, 1:06 AM
On women, I'm almost indifferent about piercing. A few here and there can look good, but I don't particularly like when it's over the top. Lots on the ears can be pretty, but if I can't kiss somewhere on your face without ramming my own into a piece of metal, it's too much for me. :bigrin: Pretty much the same for men, but I do like when guys put two holes in the same ear. Of course, it completely depends upon the person and whether or not piercings suit them.

Tattoos I find very sexy on both, but it really depends on the look, meaning, and quality of the tattoo. I think that full sleeves and the like can look really neat artistically, but that's too much ink to be a turn-on for me. Location isn't a big deal one way or the other, but if it's going to look sexy, it definitely has to be something that accentuates the features surrounding it rather than distort or overpower them somehow. I hope that makes sense.

I have done a few tribal-style and other designs for friends, but I don't have any ink, myself (money and the overseas teaching job I'm probably getting are holding me back). I've had tons of ideas pass through my head about what I'd like to put on myself, but only one I'm still considering. So... if I can clear away all the potential road blocks, I'll probably be getting the Japanese character for insect on the back of my neck. Asian characters are way overdone, but I'd be shocked if you ever met someone else with the insect character. Besides, the significance to me is very deep, and that's what matters.

Oh, and I can speak/read Japanese... so I'll know if they screw it up. :tong:

EDIT: Forgot to mention... We've talked about tattoos and piercings, but what about other things like scarification and (as one person mentioned) implants?

Personally, I find scars to be very sexy, but really only if they happened on accident. Haha.

Tx Bi guy
Aug 27, 2006, 1:48 AM
I have both my nipples pierced and my frenum(under the head) and I have two tatoos. My wife has her nipples, clit hood, and bbutton and two tattos. I love them, and am really turned on by them. Her hood ornament is the best thing in the world. She wishes she would have gotten it sooner. I love seeing other people with them, and would love to have more tats.

Aug 27, 2006, 4:37 AM
Naturally I have my ears pierced with two holes in each. Usually for a pair of amythest studs my husband gave me and for something a bit danglier.
My belly button also has got an amythest in it - my daughters are aghast that their plobby-tummied mum has got a belly piercing.
That's it. No tatts. Don't like them. I've threatened my daughters with immersion in a nunnery if they get a tatt while they live with me. Or a pierced tongue.

So, I'm a dragon to live with!!! :bigrin:

Aug 27, 2006, 2:21 PM
I only have pierced ears and I'm too much of a wimp to have anything else done even though I think tattoos and piercings are exceedingly cool. I think piercings are hot (not on the genital area though) and tattoos are great to depending on how many, where they are and what they are of. Basically I like good tattoos. I lovepeople with tongue rings that is the hottest.

meteast chick
Aug 27, 2006, 5:09 PM
I have 2 tattoos, one of a celtic sword with purple dragon handles, supposed to protect me from danger and instill health and keep me wise. The other is a crab on my foot, only because I'm a cancer and when my sister got one she wanted me to get another one, but I still love it. I do plan on getting at least 3 more. One of a phoenix between my shoulder blades, representing eternal rebirth, one of callalilies on my shoulder/upper arm, my favorite flower, representing peace, also going to put my kids names in that one, they will always be growing in my eyes, and the other a 4 leaf clover...not sure where, and that has several reasons.

I am extremely attracted to people with tattoos. I have pierced ears, not by my choosing. Piercings never did anything for me, but don't bother me either. Some are extremely sexy, but just nothing I feel the need to do. Those who are covered with tattoos or have ridiculous tattoos just make me shake my head. That's me...my girl is puuuurrrrfect....

Aug 28, 2006, 1:34 PM
OK, I'm a dinosaur and I admit it. I'm a lover of things natural and those who keep themselves natural. Piercings (earrings being the exception) and tats are a turn-off for me because they contaminate the beauty of the natural person.


I guess we're destined to have lip disks become major fashion items in our culture. Apparently, it is extremely important to do something to the body that says "Hey, look at me!!!" I'm sorta proud that I've never felt that need.

Aug 28, 2006, 6:35 PM
Tattoos, I have three, a falling star on my shoulder, my right wrist has a band of long hot red chili peppers, not for the band please, I'm a hot sauce fanatic and designed it myself. My left wrist has a band that says "We have absolutely nothing." Long story, but it keeps me humble.
I'm contemplating more soon. Get what YOU like,just make damn sure you'll always like it.
Both ears have been pierced since my teens, long before I got tattoos. Sometimes I wear things,often not, lately. Genital piercings just aren't for me. Not that I'm adverse to them on others. I like my pubes just the way they are. :)

Aug 28, 2006, 7:43 PM
One tattoo (upper left arm) so far with, I'm sure, more to come. Yep, my wife's right, they're addictive. :-)

As for piercings, I don't have any and I can't see myself ever getting one. I don't mind seeing them on anyone, except it seems that a lip piercing is a turn-off to me. To each one's own, for sure, but I can't get into it.

Aug 28, 2006, 7:47 PM
I just set up a consultation for October 18th with the artist who's going to do my tat. Yay! :)

Aug 29, 2006, 7:05 PM
This picture was an akward son of a bitch to take :bigrin: It's about the size of a CD.

Aug 30, 2006, 12:42 AM
I have one tattoo thus far and I love it--I plan on getting some more in the future--

For me though--I am not interested much in piercings but I have always wanted to get a pierced ear but have yet to do that--one of these days I might do it---

the sacred night
Aug 30, 2006, 2:15 PM
Interesting to see someone say mods are a turnof because they take away from natural beauty. I used to say that too. I'm a little more open now and think they do look good on people that can pull it off, but there is also something to be said for someone who is "all natural." I personally don't even have my ears pierced, but not because I'm super concerned about staying mod-free. As I said above, the pain is a factor, but it's a comination of that, the cost (not really worth an entire paycheck to me) and that I'm commitment-phobic (don't want a tat that I'm probably going to decide 2 years from now is stupid and be stuck with it). Some people can handle the commitment to a tat, but my tastes change so much that I doubt there is one image I will love that much for the rest of my life.

Also, I was wondering when we would finally see some pics ;)

Sep 2, 2006, 3:48 PM
I love guy/girls with tats and piercings. So far I have: 00ga lobes, industrial, tongue, both nipples, and my nape. My next step is to get my arms sleeved, but I don't know what kinda art I want done yet. No real meaning behind the piercings other than the fact that I like pain :frog:

Mar 8, 2007, 1:29 PM
I think piercings can be gross if there are too many, or they are crusty. Therefore subtlety and clenliness are important, for my taste, as far as decorative piercing goes. Masochistic piercing is a different story, ie piercings that are done for (fun?) and removed shortly after playing with them; this is more interesting. I have been piercing myself since grade six!! I often did it on the playground with safety pins and chased the girls around (luckily I didn't get hep or anything). I havn't done that since I was a teenager, it's just old news and maybe I have even matured ...a little, but if someone sexy were to bind me and very carefully (clenliness, knowledge etc...) pierce me, I would be very happy :bigrin:. I have never played with genital piercings, but I'm guessing that they would get in the way. I personally don't like jewelry much, so you will only find one piercing on this lad; my left nipple.
I love tattoos, i have a portfolio of my own designs. I have all my tattoos planned out; what they are and where they are going. I have a few tattoos. Two of them are more like scars, done in a basement when I was 14. My newest and best one is definately too big for what it is, bieng representitive of something meaningful to me, and can be spotted a block away. It's a cross to bear, and I do so with pride, I just need more around it so it doesn't look so much like a giant badge.

Mar 8, 2007, 1:50 PM
Once met a couple that had let the girl tat the guys head with a soldering iron. Wow.... mutilation... what fun. She had burned her initials in his scalp and he let her. Personally, you would have to tie me down and drug me to do this to my tender scalp. However, most of the other tats he had were of the prison inmate veriety and badly done.
I used to have a stud in the left ear lobe and I have one small tat on a forearm and that's it. The tat was done while I was very much baracho and she was the prettiest woman on earth. Then, three days later when I sobered up, I tried to gnaw my arm off. And no.... the name on the tat is not my wife's name.
Everyone have a great day.

Mar 8, 2007, 4:34 PM
So! In to piercings and tattoos aways have been.On both male and female.I have one tattoo and i like more. Going to get tits done. :female: :flag3: (((Always be true to yourself)))

Mar 8, 2007, 8:06 PM
I've gotten two new tattoos since the last time I posted here. That makes 4 tattoos and 13 piercings. I wasn't aware it had been that long since I've posted.

Mar 9, 2007, 2:01 PM
Curiosity formed this spinoff of male genital piercings...I didn't want to hijack the thread.

So, I know I personally am really drawn to piercings and tattoos, whether female or male. There's just something about them. I personally have quite a few and still adding more.

What do the rest of you think? Do you have piercings or tattoos? If so, do they have any sort of meaning? Do you want them, but your job prohibits them? Are you turned on/revolted by people that have them?

myself body piercings don't do much for me i do like some tats on females like on their lower backs and other sexy spots but not tatted all over i don't have any tats or piercings tats only because i'm a whimp when it comes to pain.