View Full Version : Thanks Drew

Jul 29, 2012, 4:06 AM
I thought I was alone...I'm a bi racial (black&mexican) bisexual man. I finally saw your thread with black free thinkers, and i have hope...So much of our culture is surrounded with Christian conservatism,... I attend C.F.I. of grand rapids mi. I go every other month or so. I'm the only one amongst my family and friends who has different belief than the majority ( sexuality set aside ) needles to say I'm the outcast in my family, Trust me Drew...its real hard to be a bisexual, black&mexican atheist, when all your family and friends frowns and ridicules people who don't have the same faith as them or people who refute the norm..when it comes to sexuality. I know Drew you heard it all before but you stared this site so you know more than any how important it is to be yourself ...anyway I'm rambling on...from a biracial bisexual man who is glad to have found this site..I just got to say thank you...and those of you that don't know how harsh and brutal the black community can get...I hope u never know! But thanks Drew I found a place where i belong

Jul 29, 2012, 8:48 PM
I agree, THANKS to Drew for providing this forum for ALL of us. I know for me it has not been easy being open to our family about me being a straight wife married to a gay/bi man in an open marriage. Both my mother and mother in law live with us and are there to see the struggles we have. Bill's mom is much more understanding than my mom who is very religious. My mom blames me for Bill's homosexuality for any number of reasons. Then she tells me that sex is not important and that I should pray for understanding and fulfullment. When she talks like that, I ignore her. I know better. I have come to understand that the only person I need to please is myself! The path to that understanding is not always easy, but worth the effort.

Belle in Boston

Jul 30, 2012, 8:28 AM
Hugs both to Biblkman and Belle, I agree, Thanks to Drew for providing the forum for ALL of us.

Jul 30, 2012, 10:08 AM
I'll have to say that I also agree. I don't usually pipe in on a thread but this is a special one to say thanks to Drew!!


Jul 30, 2012, 11:24 AM
Aw shucks. You are all very welcome!!

- Drew :paw:

Jul 31, 2012, 9:14 AM
Thanks Drew!

Jul 31, 2012, 9:15 AM
I thought I was alone...I'm a bi racial (black&mexican) bisexual man. I finally saw your thread with black free thinkers, and i have hope...So much of our culture is surrounded with Christian conservatism,... I attend C.F.I. of grand rapids mi. I go every other month or so. I'm the only one amongst my family and friends who has different belief than the majority ( sexuality set aside ) needles to say I'm the outcast in my family, Trust me Drew...its real hard to be a bisexual, black&mexican atheist, when all your family and friends frowns and ridicules people who don't have the same faith as them or people who refute the norm..when it comes to sexuality. I know Drew you heard it all before but you stared this site so you know more than any how important it is to be yourself ...anyway I'm rambling on...from a biracial bisexual man who is glad to have found this site..I just got to say thank you...and those of you that don't know how harsh and brutal the black community can get...I hope u never know! But thanks Drew I found a place where i belong

Man, we got a whole lot in common. I gotta write you this week.