View Full Version : New Toy User

Jul 28, 2012, 9:49 PM
Hey all. So, just tonight I was trying to use a dildo on my ass and it didnt go well, lol. Ive used "toys" before, but only small things, pens, hairbrushes, etc. I used tons of lube but i couldnt get it in at all. I warmed up first, used some smaller things adn fingers but when it came time for teh big fake cock, no go. Any advice from experienced users?

I've never had anal before but I really want to try, I just want to get good at the fake ones before i take the real thing. Please help.

Jul 28, 2012, 10:33 PM
Hi....What I started using first was a "butt plug"...they have a more pointed end to them where a dildo has a more rounded end. The trick is getting your anus stretched out enough to be able to accept the diameter of the next toy!
Once you get stretched out some you can start using larger diameter toys....but start with the smaller diameter ones and work your way up.....
A word of caution, once you are stretched out good for the big boys it will take a stronger effort to control yourself prior to using the can!
A cough at the wrong time can make a mess...so be prepared! Also when you are good and stretched out, anal sex loses something.....unless your friend is large enough to accomodate...
Have Fun!!

Jul 28, 2012, 11:38 PM
I concur with biguy4u regarding working ur way up from small diameter toys to larger ones. Butt plugs are a good start. allow urself to get comfortable with the one size then move up to the next. And make sure u use plenty of lube.

Also when inserting the toy try bearing down a bit, not too hard, like u are doing number two. This works for me as it helps to relax those sphincter muscles. Don't over strain. Straining too hard does contribute to or can aggravate your hemorrhoids. Go slow and if u feel some discomfort pull out and take a breather, relax your hole, let the pain subside, then try again.

if it is too painful then ur hole isn't as prepared as you thought. go back to a smaller size and start again.

Have fun.

Jul 30, 2012, 12:54 AM
Yep... I agree with the past suggestions... I've been playing with toys for quite a few years now and I have to say this... Start small and work your way up... Maybe using something that vibrates, a rabbit for instance... Might relax that area a little more before taking that BIG step forward... That's how I started... BUT GO SLOW!!! Took a while but now I can't get enough of the toys in the 10" - 12" range...

Aug 5, 2012, 8:24 AM
Here is a short tutorial I typed up a while back. It's how *I* learned.. The key to this is to take your time and go slow. You learn how to control your butt and sphincter muscles. You learn how to RELAX THEM and you get used to the feeling of it all. Anal play for beginners Disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor and I do NOT play one on TV. This is the way *I* learned how to discover anal play. As usual care needs to be practiced. GO VERY SLOWLY. First start off with a TRIMMED index finger. You may even want to put on a latex glove first to help make it even smoother. Use KY or the drug store brand of KY and lube the finger well. Place it VERY GENTLY near the anus and lightly circle the hole with the finger. DON'T INSERT YET. Just circle it for a few minutes. After a few minutes without insert, just put the finger over the anus and gently press a bit without entering. Just apply a bit of pressure. Do this over and over a few times and after a few minutes SLOWLY begin to insert JUST THE FINGER *TIP* in about a quarter of an inch then take it out. Do this a few times then go a LITTLE further in. Repeat this until you have you whole finger in. DO NOT FORCE IT, IF HE OR SHE OR YOU SAYS STOP, STOP! Within a week or so of trying this the person should be fairly used to the finger and inserting and pumping it in and out should become easy. Also try moving the finger around while inserted, back & forth,etc. Orgasms ARE VERY VERY INTENSE when you leave your finger or butt plug or dildo in. Soon you will want to try something slightly bigger than your finger. Try your middle finger or graduate to a SMALL butt plug. Same rules apply to the new toy as did with the finger. Start off using the finger as usual then after getting loose begin with the plug. Plugs have flared bottoms to prevent them from going all the way in. If you graduate to dildos later get ones with a flared base or ones that have the balls at the bottom. This prevents them from slipping all the way in. You don't need a trip to the ER to retrieve it, that would SUCK! After a while you will become very used to anal play and you won't need much time to prep for your session. You'll loosen up very quickly after you learn how to relax your anal muscles. It takes me less than 5 minutes to go from start to riding a 8 inch silicon dildo like a bucking bronco! GITTYUP LITTLE DOGGIE! The key to learning anal play/sex is to TAKE YOUR TIME.

Aug 6, 2012, 2:42 PM
Yep... I agree with the past suggestions... I've been playing with toys for quite a few years now and I have to say this... Start small and work your way up... Maybe using something that vibrates, a rabbit for instance... Might relax that area a little more before taking that BIG step forward... That's how I started... BUT GO SLOW!!! Took a while but now I can't get enough of the toys in the 10" - 12" range...

I agree with this, past suggestions, and Bihornyguy too...all great advice and the key is to go slow and start small. It may be different for you but it took me years to get up to the size I'm using now which is only about a 7inch and average thick glass toy. I tried using a very thick 8 inch toy when I wasn't ready and it always hurt so I chose not to use it at all. I went back to smaller toys... all average thickness and starting at 5", then 6", and now up to 7". ALWAYS use LOTS of lube and has been pointed out several times, do TAKE YOUR TIME....no need to rush...this is all about enjoying it and in time you will. The orgasms are always very intense. I have finally gotten to the point now where I can pull the toy out and slide it right back in with no discomfort...in fact, it feels amazing and really gets me going now. Just don't be in a rush and you will see in time how incredible anal play can be.

Aug 6, 2012, 8:57 PM
Hey Will? You come see me Darlin. I have a toy that you'll like...*Evil Cat chuckle*
But seriously, if it hurts, DONT DO IT. Everyone is different and build differently. Some ass rings are tighter than others, and if your or your partner inst in the right posioin, it can be very bad.Last thing you ned it some anal tearing, or internal damage. Start small, use a Good lube. Work up to some a Tab bigger over time. Add a drop of Desensitizer on the finger, and work it in. But just like a drop, anything else can prevent you from knowing if there's a prob.
And I cant Stress enough the usage of Lots of lube.
Good Luckm have fun, play safe always..:}