View Full Version : Pondering

Jul 27, 2012, 11:58 AM
I am looking (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?136561-blugirl789) at (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?134479-%E6onpax) profiles (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?81664-still_shy), especially the photos. I think enough resemblance is present to ponder. Thoughts, comments? Also there are lots of contextual similarities in profile content. Hmmmm ....

Jul 27, 2012, 12:21 PM
Three pretty women, so what?

Jul 27, 2012, 2:46 PM
Is this a triplet fantasy Void?;)

Jul 27, 2012, 8:53 PM
Is this a triplet fantasy Void?;)
Think the daft bugger has finally cracked, Gear:eek2:... c wot .com dus forya if ya stay 'round 2 long:yikes2:...

Jul 27, 2012, 9:15 PM
Three pretty women, so what?

One in the same, maybe?

Jul 27, 2012, 9:16 PM
Is this a triplet fantasy Void?;)

Uh, no. Actually just observing based upon what is there to see.

Jul 27, 2012, 9:17 PM
Think the daft bugger has finally cracked, Gear:eek2:... c wot .com dus forya if ya stay 'round 2 long:yikes2:...

Cracked long ago sweet tart. Know I got problems in how I see things. But gee, these three all seem a lot alike to me.

Jul 27, 2012, 9:23 PM
Cracked long ago sweet tart. Know I got problems in how I see things. But gee, these three all seem a lot alike to me.
Think u need to pay visit 2 Specsavers..;)

Jul 27, 2012, 9:50 PM
Sorry don't really see a resemblence beyond all the current pics are blonde. One I know of on here for long time, other two are fairly new... who knows, but Void, hon... too much time on your hands? May I recommend www.boringrpg.com (http://www.boringrpg.com) or www.bored.com

Jul 28, 2012, 12:13 AM
Think u need to pay visit 2 Specsavers..;)

Eyes are still okay. Don't wear glasses.

Jul 28, 2012, 12:32 AM
Sorry don't really see a resemblence beyond all the current pics are blonde. One I know of on here for long time, other two are fairly new... who knows, but Void, hon... too much time on your hands? May I recommend www.boringrpg.com (http://www.boringrpg.com) or www.bored.com (http://www.bored.com)

Probably right. Found out I cannot even chat in the room here, nor with elian really. I talk, others go silent. Weather it is due to them politely avoiding calling me nuts, shocked that I speak, respecting that I'm speaking not sure. Doesn't matter because it shuts me out of conversation. So, I don't even bother.

Of course, an argument could be made I come out of left sometimes. I do and admit that. But I do not always come out of left field. In this case, I may have a little. But to me the profiles all appeared to share commonality. I stated that observation, thought it may have been of interest. All three seem to be with a man, looking for a lady. All are attractive blondes with similar hair styles, some of the facial structure/s appear similar to me as well.

If I'm wrong to see similarities, fine. I'm wrong. Sorry.

Too much time? Maybe, but I don't think the sites you suggest would be of any help. Not really too concerned to play games, watch ads. Then again, not much concerned with much lately. I'll stop posting as well as visiting chat. Pretty clear I'm incapable of either.

Long Duck Dong
Jul 28, 2012, 12:39 AM
I am curious, void..... what is the semblance that you see......??

I see 3 attractive ladies that are well spoken, intelligence, blonde.... dealing with personal aspects of life that differ from person to person.... a genuine openness when sharing their thoughts and feelings.... I also see 3 ladies that are not expressive of sexual matters in the forums ( thats true of most ladies in the site ) a understanding of what they want, would like and seek in partners

the pics are generally of the face, not the genitalia, tasteful, honest pics that focus on the person not their bodies....that speaks to me of ladies that are indicating that they are people that you can talk with, as friends, not bodies to be sexually ogled, and that they are people that enjoy having their private lives as private lives.....

so void, what are you seeing, that we may be missing seeing...

( edit ) sees voids post and laughs....great minds think alike

Jul 28, 2012, 1:22 AM
Think the daft bugger has finally cracked, Gear:eek2:... c wot .com dus forya if ya stay 'round 2 long:yikes2:...

Thanks for the hearty belly laugh, Dark! I needed that today along with a good climax from my new sex toy; I've had a very stressful week.:smilies15

Jul 28, 2012, 2:56 AM
Probably right. Found out I cannot even chat in the room here, nor with elian really. I talk, others go silent. Weather it is due to them politely avoiding calling me nuts, shocked that I speak, respecting that I'm speaking not sure. Doesn't matter because it shuts me out of conversation. So, I don't even bother.

Of course, an argument could be made I come out of left sometimes. I do and admit that. But I do not always come out of left field. In this case, I may have a little. But to me the profiles all appeared to share commonality. I stated that observation, thought it may have been of interest. All three seem to be with a man, looking for a lady. All are attractive blondes with similar hair styles, some of the facial structure/s appear similar to me as well.

If I'm wrong to see similarities, fine. I'm wrong. Sorry.

Too much time? Maybe, but I don't think the sites you suggest would be of any help. Not really too concerned to play games, watch ads. Then again, not much concerned with much lately. I'll stop posting as well as visiting chat. Pretty clear I'm incapable of either.


We don't want you to stop posting. Everyone who does not contribute makes us less as a community.

I think most of what people suggested was half in jest, just saying they didn't see the similarities beyond women with men who are blond and attractive.

I don't think they were trying to hurt your feelings. We may not always understand what you are saying. We may not always "get it". But we read your posts because we like you and value your contributions.

Jul 28, 2012, 3:29 AM
Probably right. Found out I cannot even chat in the room here, nor with elian really. I talk, others go silent. Weather it is due to them politely avoiding calling me nuts, shocked that I speak, respecting that I'm speaking not sure. Doesn't matter because it shuts me out of conversation. So, I don't even bother.

Of course, an argument could be made I come out of left sometimes. I do and admit that. But I do not always come out of left field. In this case, I may have a little. But to me the profiles all appeared to share commonality. I stated that observation, thought it may have been of interest. All three seem to be with a man, looking for a lady. All are attractive blondes with similar hair styles, some of the facial structure/s appear similar to me as well.

If I'm wrong to see similarities, fine. I'm wrong. Sorry.

Too much time? Maybe, but I don't think the sites you suggest would be of any help. Not really too concerned to play games, watch ads. Then again, not much concerned with much lately. I'll stop posting as well as visiting chat. Pretty clear I'm incapable of either.

Hugs, you are one of the ones I actually read all posts of, Void. Some I smile at, some I shake my head at but all make me think. Never change, babe, never. Keep being you.

Jul 28, 2012, 6:11 AM
I am curious, void..... what is the semblance that you see......??

I see 3 attractive ladies that are well spoken, intelligence, blonde.... dealing with personal aspects of life that differ from person to person.... a genuine openness when sharing their thoughts and feelings.... I also see 3 ladies that are not expressive of sexual matters in the forums ( thats true of most ladies in the site ) a understanding of what they want, would like and seek in partners

the pics are generally of the face, not the genitalia, tasteful, honest pics that focus on the person not their bodies....that speaks to me of ladies that are indicating that they are people that you can talk with, as friends, not bodies to be sexually ogled, and that they are people that enjoy having their private lives as private lives.....

so void, what are you seeing, that we may be missing seeing...

( edit ) sees voids post and laughs....great minds think alike

The word duh is often under used. Glad someone else can glimpse what I'm seeing. Not saying it directly because it is only a possibility. One it seems I was wrong about. Still it made me wonder. Hm, oh ... hmmm ....

Jul 28, 2012, 6:27 AM

We don't want you to stop posting. Everyone who does not contribute makes us less as a community.

I think most of what people suggested was half in jest, just saying they didn't see the similarities beyond women with men who are blond and attractive.

I don't think they were trying to hurt your feelings. We may not always understand what you are saying. We may not always "get it". But we read your posts because we like you and value your contributions.

Well, it gets pretty rough when no one else seems to get it. After visiting here for quite a while, trying every various way to communicate and still not having others get it is a pain in the ass. Then, having to be told, "oh we were joking around", does not help matters either. Wonder what useless feels like? There ya go.

Can you see how it makes a person feel like not bothering? If I'm not getting you, and you're not getting me what is the point? There is none save for :banghead:. I am not interested in continuing that. Don't know many folks who would be.

You might value my posts. If you don't understand them what value do they have? "Ah, look it's the old kook posting whatever. We can get a good laugh." Sorry, not always intending to be a one man circus for everybody. Yeah, I got feelings. Probably better off if I did not. People avoid pain. I'm no different.

Jul 28, 2012, 6:35 AM
Hugs, you are one of the ones I actually read all posts of, Void. Some I smile at, some I shake my head at but all make me think. Never change, babe, never. Keep being you.

People anymore don't want to think, me included at times. I'm tired of receiving two different messages. "Be yourself." "Don't post stuff people don't understand."

For me it is difficult to do one, or the other. Sometimes I talk about stuff even I don't understand. How can I not post that and still be myself? Reminds me of a story about aliens.

This advanced race had learned to talk telepathically. One day the cosmos in its infinite humor causes one to be born who talks vocally. The others cannot explain telepathy to that one no matter what. He can't explain talking vocally either. I often feel part of that story. What ought to be natural is not for me. It requires work.

Long Duck Dong
Jul 28, 2012, 7:30 AM
hugs void.... you speak with the voice and the words of a person that deals with a mental illness..... full of wisdom and understanding, knowledge and deep thinking.... cos people like us have to, in order to survive ourselves and survive in the world.... its a gift, not a curse.....

I would much rather walk with people that have mental challenges like depression and other challenges, cos they see the world thru a raindow while others see the world in light and dark..... *normal* people have to survive in the world.... we have to survive ourselves and our *world* so we can begin to survive in the world...

we may be kooks, but when it comes to knowing ourselves, people like us take the gold medals in near every event cos we started at a early age, not just when the need arose....

Jul 28, 2012, 8:23 AM
OK welll, I was doing some research about the things we were talking about yesterday, plus finding some funnty clips to send to you - I'm sorry if that seemed like I was ignoring you on purpose.

So now, that you forced me to look closer I will tell you that I'm in no way interested in eugenics but I have noticed that there only seem to be so many genetic templates for bodies to go around. I have seen faces on people that I have recognized before, more than once...but the soul that gets poured into them is invariably different.

One more vote for all of this "physical body" stuff just being the hardware through which we experience "reality".

Jul 28, 2012, 10:54 AM
Void, relevant, or not, your posts often remind me of my Army basic training.

I was pulled from a practice parade, by the Battalion Sergeant Major.

I expected him to yell at me, for something...I had no idea what!

He said, "Son, you're doing a magnificent job...did you know that you're the only son of a bitch, in your whole company, who is in step?"

Man, was I proud!

That's the day I finally understood the word "sarcasm"!

What he was really saying was, "You're going to be spending extra hours learning how to march."

Some of us just march to the beat of a different drummer! It wasn't my fault.......the band wasn't playing the music I was listening to.

Jul 28, 2012, 12:40 PM
hugs void.... you speak with the voice and the words of a person that deals with a mental illness..... full of wisdom and understanding, knowledge and deep thinking.... cos people like us have to, in order to survive ourselves and survive in the world.... its a gift, not a curse.....

I would much rather walk with people that have mental challenges like depression and other challenges, cos they see the world thru a raindow while others see the world in light and dark..... *normal* people have to survive in the world.... we have to survive ourselves and our *world* so we can begin to survive in the world...

we may be kooks, but when it comes to knowing ourselves, people like us take the gold medals in near every event cos we started at a early age, not just when the need arose....

And sometimes we get lost between worlds. Still does not excuse, or justify the adversities. There's no magic bullet cure either.

Jul 28, 2012, 12:48 PM
OK welll, I was doing some research about the things we were talking about yesterday, plus finding some funnty clips to send to you - I'm sorry if that seemed like I was ignoring you on purpose.

So now, that you forced me to look closer I will tell you that I'm in no way interested in eugenics but I have noticed that there only seem to be so many genetic templates for bodies to go around. I have seen faces on people that I have recognized before, more than once...but the soul that gets poured into them is invariably different.

One more vote for all of this "physical body" stuff just being the hardware through which we experience "reality".

Did not feel you were ignoring me. I am and was as much at fault. I was not greatly talkative either.
Frankly, I am tired of being tired, being uninterested in much of anything. Tired of being inside looking out and the inverse.

You & C are fine, love you both. You both are perfect in my view. There is nothing either of you can do, or say to fully help because it is something I must do, must feel. I feel love from you both and am grateful for it.

Jul 28, 2012, 12:54 PM
Some of us just march to the beat of a different drummer! It wasn't my fault.......the band wasn't playing the music I was listening to.

Agreed, but it is cold comfort at best and one grows weary cold comfort. So, you reach out. See the results. "Have another cup."
It's life, what it is. Suppose it still beats the alternative.

Jul 28, 2012, 2:47 PM

I think DD said it best.

All of us don't always communicate in a way others understand. I am guilty of that many times, but it is not totally our fault. We cannot "be on the same wavelength" as everybody in the world, all the time. It just doesn't work that way. We are individuals and have our own thought patterns. Most of the time, these patterns are easily understandable to others. Sometimes they are not. It does not mean we should give up and stop trying to communicate. Sometimes it means we need to rearrange our thoughts in a way that is understandable to those who "don't get it". Sometimes it means they need to realign their thought patterns in a way where they CAN "get it".