View Full Version : Things you don’t care about or don't want to know….

Jul 26, 2012, 3:11 PM
For Moi?

1) Anything to do with the severely over-rated and paid Kristen Stewart, the Kardashians or just about anything from Hollywood…more or less. 1a) Cable TV sucks.

2) The Olympics. Once corporate world took it over, it is now an entertainment spectacle instead of passionate grassroots athletes. Way too much money involved in it.

3) The presidential election – Great way to cover up what our useless congress is doing…which is nothing.

4) Global Warming. Yeah, it may or may not be real. I happen to believe in the living personification of the Gaia Principle.

5) Yeah, it's hot and at least by me, pretty dry still.

6) ...your intimate details of the "Voyages of my Penis".

Jul 26, 2012, 5:10 PM
1. Football. No I really don't give a shit! Grown men playing a kids game and getting embarrassingly over paid for it.

2. Katie Price & Peter Andre. The two of them just F**K OFF! Please! I don't watch TV, but knowing their bolox is on there is enough!

3. Cars. I'm not impressed by what car you got! Not interested! Don't care how much it was or what make it is! But thankful that it got you here for me to f**k you though.:rolleyes:

4. Politics. It's bolox, for bolox, by bolox, to bolox, and quite frankly.....a load of bolox.

5. Richard Dawkins's accent. Doesn't wash with ME sonny Jim.

6. Dan Savage. A walking train-wreck on par with Britney Spears YES! But with a gag, both still doable. (My guilty shame.:oh:).

7. Heavy periods. The very definition of TMI.:eek2:

Jul 26, 2012, 5:32 PM
I wonder by and look in aloof then, wander on still aloof. I ponder becoming a loofah whilst loafing along.

Jul 26, 2012, 8:24 PM
Et moi.........

1) Electoral politics. Designed to make sure the system never changes, but to brainwashing you into thinking that's because you don't want it to because you got to vote.

2) Mass Media (Television, Newspapers, The Internet [nowadays.]) See the first part above!

3) What kind of cars, clothes, houses, furniture, food, stocks, bonds or jobs you have. Those are all just chains that keep us in bondage.

4) History as taught in schools, on television and in books. It's always one-sided: the victors write history, the defeated have no voice.

5) Professional Sports. Rich players trying to get rich owners to give them a little bit more of the pie. Rich owners trying to get more from those who pay to enjoy sports. Mindless fans paying anything to get their sports-watching fix. (Go out and play some softball, ffs!)

6) The Military (and especially the recruiting commercials.) There is nothing heroic or noble about killing people to maintain an empire that kills innocent people and loots the world's resources for corporations.

7) Government---Period. See all of the above.

Jul 26, 2012, 8:33 PM
Oh, forgot one:

8) The latest "Batman" movie (and all the others, too.) Fascism popularized and glorified.

Jul 26, 2012, 9:36 PM
1.) Pretty much anything to with Kardashians
2.) Ditto for Bieber
3.) Ditto for Britney Spears
4.) Stupid People
5.) Anyone who can't respect boundaries of someone's relationship.

I do, however, like the Olympics. I love watching the athletes from around the world and it's the one time every 2 years, as you go about the differences in Winter and Summer Olympics, that I actually watch some types of sport.

Long Duck Dong
Jul 26, 2012, 10:31 PM
1) twilight, cos vampires don't fuckin sparkle....

2) politics..... anybody can argue politics, few people become one and try to change things.....

3) tom ( I am 6 ft 5 in my mind ) cruise

4) how the world will be a better place if everybody lives the way that others think is better....

5) my 81 year old flatmate, half naked at 4 am, as he heads to the toilet

6) other peoples opinions of how wrong I am based around their opinion of things they have never done or experienced....

7) dying.... I will get around it one day, currently I am too busy living.....

Jul 27, 2012, 7:59 AM
Et moi.........

1) Electoral politics. Designed to make sure the system never changes, but to brainwashing you into thinking that's because you don't want it to because you got to vote.

2) Mass Media (Television, Newspapers, The Internet [nowadays.]) See the first part above!

3) What kind of cars, clothes, houses, furniture, food, stocks, bonds or jobs you have. Those are all just chains that keep us in bondage.

4) History as taught in schools, on television and in books. It's always one-sided: the victors write history, the defeated have no voice.

5) Professional Sports. Rich players trying to get rich owners to give them a little bit more of the pie. Rich owners trying to get more from those who pay to enjoy sports. Mindless fans paying anything to get their sports-watching fix. (Go out and play some softball, ffs!)

6) The Military (and especially the recruiting commercials.) There is nothing heroic or noble about killing people to maintain an empire that kills innocent people and loots the world's resources for corporations.

7) Government---Period. See all of the above.

I can agree with most of yours. Like history though for the mistakes it records. If you look, you can find the voices of the defeated. Becoming more inclined to agree the television is a C.I.A mind control device. Why else call it programming?

Jul 27, 2012, 8:26 AM
Don't want to know about the sex life of any of my elders - I'm sure my kids feel the same.

Politics - assholes (all of them right up to the TOP!) in it, not to help the citizens (like they're suposed to be) but for their own monitary gain and that pension check they get when they retire (can you say "Term Limits" with NO retirement fund?)

Kardashians - I thought they were a species of beings on Star Trek, not a TV show

Professional sports - over paid assholes now-a-days - it was better and fun to watch back in the 60's and 70's

Dumb Asses - on the road way, in stores, at work, everywhere - Dumb Asses!