View Full Version : I Was Lost But Now Have Found My Way Back!

Jul 25, 2012, 8:38 PM
I didn't realize how long I had been away actually. It seems like just a few months but turns out it was close to 2 years!:yikes2: I have been learning new things, both in my relationship with my TG hubby, and life in general. In 2010, my husband picked a snowstorm day to inform me that he was not a cross dresser but a Transgender. I admit right now, it was NOT what I wanted to hear when trapped in our apartment with no where to get away and process what I had been told. It is now 2012, our marriage is actually better than it was in the first 8 years, it's still got its rocky spots like any marriage, I won't sugar coat anything.
I watched my husband go from a mild mannered, do everything his Mother asked him to do when she wanted it done, non-arguing, hardly any sense of humor man to a fiery, stand her ground, confident, strong, take no prisoners, give me the riot act when I need it woman. I am constantly surprised by how different their personalities have been. I understand that most of it is that she is now comfortable and happy in her skin. I am so proud to call her my wife!

I have missed all of your stories, arguments, laughter, tears, and philosophy. I have missed the smiles, and banter of those who have been here the longest and the warmth of the welcomes all newbies get. I hope none of its changed!!!!!

I know some of who will read this post so, Hello Cat, LDD, and DD. Realist and Joe if you are still here, I hope you are still just as funny!

Long Duck Dong
Jul 25, 2012, 9:46 PM
hugs...I was curious how things were going for you and wifey...... and it sounds like they are really going bloody well....

a journey, hand in hand with a trans can be a incredible experience, and I can not wait to hear more..... specially with the teaser about how wifey has a mild mannered alter ego as a man and a true to herself * superwoman * self..... you will have to introduce us to your wife..... and pics of you and wifey, you have to give us some pics of you both.....even if its in PM....

the sites changed ( as you can tell ) we have new members and some older ones have drifted on....but yeah many of the old regulars are still around.... joe pops up from time to time as well.... he needs to post more tho I miss his posts.......

hugs again.... damm its so good to hear that things are going well for ya both........

Jul 25, 2012, 10:10 PM
Hugs BG, missed the hell out of some peeps and you were one of them. Glad to see you back around and happy to hear that you and your wife are doing well. Sounds like you have had one hell of a ride and I'm glad you both came through it with the marriage intact as well as your sanity.. oh wait sanity is overrated...

Jul 26, 2012, 11:50 AM
Wow, Billies_Gurl, you've been on some adventure, haven't you!

Welcome back!

Jul 26, 2012, 2:03 PM
The journey has been quite the roller coaster! For awhile the ups and downs left me nothing but queasy and disoriented! It took seeing how unhappy 'he' was and looking back at the suicide attempts for me to realize this wasn't about me. Tash (Natasha) needed to be free to be herself for her own sanity (yes, it is VERY over rated) and happiness. Some things needed to change and she has held my hand as I fought and cried along the way! It takes a while to get used to the fact that the outer appearance is changing but the inner soul is still there. One reason I had such a hard time with it is we have been friends since we were 16 (me) and 14 (her). I never suspected such inner turmoil in such a, at the time, nerdy young man. For a while he was on medication for Bi-Polar disorder because he told them what he was feeling, and it was all dismissed. 8 suicide attempts later, we finally find a Therapist/Doctor who listens and gave a GID (Gender Identity Disorder) diagnosis. She doesn't always present as Tash when we go places but she is ALWAYS there! Her natural hair is long and it is so funny when she is in 'guy mode' to hear her called ma'am. We always snicker and continue on. We look at clothes together and I can honestly put an outfit together for her better than I dress myself! I guess that's the little girl in me dressing up her dolly! She is my doll, angel, temptress, goddess... I'm making myself queasy now! LOL
Anyway, the journey isn't over. She is in HRT and she is a BITCH some days! At least now I can have sympathy for how 'he' felt when I was bitchy! The role reversal has been interesting, to say the least. I was always more of a masculine personality and can now be me also. Bill (Tash) always told me that I was more masculine than he was, I should have suspected something then but didn't. When we first married 'he' wanted me to be more feminine and I fought it hard, it wasn't how I felt and even being a Mom didn't soften me that much. On that note, my son just turned 13, Tashs stepson. 4 when we got married, 11 when we explained to him about his 'dad'. Best thing for me, he accepted it better than I did! Calls her Mom #2. It helps that I raised him knowing that there are those that love the opposite sex, those that love both, and those that love the same sex. Now, we did have to explain what a Transgender was but he accepted it, and only asked what the difference was between that and guys who did Drag. Yes, he knows what that is too.
So, it's been a wild ride so far, can't wait to see what else is in store!

Jul 27, 2012, 1:55 AM
Hey BG! Welcome Home Darlin! So glad to hear that your world has changed for the fantastic..:}

Please tell Tash that sometimnes the right soul winds up in the wrong body, and I am sure its maddening, but thank the Spirits that she finally has found her footing, and is becoming comfortable in her own skin. I applaude you both and send big warm Cat hugs your way.Congrats, and welcome home..:}
Yer Cat

Long Duck Dong
Jul 27, 2012, 9:03 AM
hugs BG and tash...... oh boy do I know how maddening it can be to find somebody who can give you a answer... and I am bloody glad that you and tash have answers and a understanding now......

I have found that the HRT can be rough when they are mixed with anti depressives.. lol and dealing with tashs mood swings ? I am trying not to laugh, but the words * payback is a bitch * are running thru my mind.....

I look forward to hearing more about BG and tashs excellent adventure ( remember the movie bill and tads excellent adventure ? :tongue: )

hugs ya both.... btw, I have to ask,... who wears the pants in the house now ??? LOL

Jul 28, 2012, 7:24 PM
All right LDD, I know that payback is a bitch but WOW!! As for the anti-depressives. She hasn't been on them for 2 years; Hasn't needed them since she came out! As for the pants wearing, honestly, we kind of share that. Always have but it tends to swing more in my favor at the moment because I am the only one working. She starts a new job next week I hope. As for pant(ie)s, we both do now LOL!!!!

Cat, it was maddening for her because when she talked to Doctors before coming out to me none of them believed her. I am so glad I didn't know it until after the fact because I would have been one pissed of Scotch-Irish girl! Not a good combination in the least, although I do like to drink and fight! lol