View Full Version : nebraska lesbian attacked in lgbt hate crime

Long Duck Dong
Jul 25, 2012, 7:24 AM

my heart goes out to this woman and I hope the police find the SoB/s behind this...... cos its not so much the sexuality of the person, its what they did to her, that has me wanting the PoS off the street....

Jul 25, 2012, 11:13 AM
Is this 2012 or 1912? I can't believe this happens today. I'm shocked, outraged, and full of sympathy for this beautiful young woman. Thank God she has a loving community to protect her and help her heal.

Jul 25, 2012, 4:16 PM
Yes a sort of sick feeling came over me to think someone would do this, then I remembered that it used to happen all of the time to minority people when they were viewed as a threat to scarce resources like jobs, etc. That doesn't justify the behavior or make it any easier to stomach. I take a little solace in the fact that since it is a hate crime the punishment will be severe if a conviction is made.

The commandment to "Love your neighbor" is actually very practical. I WANT my neighbor to be happy, I WANT my neighbor to have a job, I WANT my neighbor to have food and shelter. If my neighbor is hungry they may steal, if my neigbor is angry they may kill, if my neighbor is forced to be idle they may scheme in an unhealthy way.. How you convince someone ELSE of that, I don't know other than through direct experience.

Jul 25, 2012, 4:51 PM
Still trying to figure out how this wasn't immediately front and center of the national news when it happened but a lot of stuff has been going on... my heart goes out to this poor woman and I really hope that the offenders are prosecuted to the maximum extent of the law. And I agree with your sentiment Elian, if everyone's neighbor had enough to eat, was warm or cool enough and was otherwise happy in their lives they would be less inclined to go out and cause mischief for others. But until that happens we just have to continue doing what we can to make it easier for our neighbors, even if it's just making sure you wave when you grab the morning paper...anything to let them know they aren't alone and someone notices them.

Jul 26, 2012, 4:52 AM
My most heartfelt wishes to this woman...the victim of a hate attack aimed squarely at homosexuals. As gay rights progress, so to are the open attacks against us. Make no mistake about it, they are becoming violent. Just today...

Hate crime suspected after gay man burned by firebombing in Oklahoma - A gay Oklahoma City man is recovering from second-degree burns that were caused when his car was firebombed last week — and the attack may be considered a hate crime because a homophobic slur was also painted on the vehicle. - http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/07/25/hate-crime-suspected-after-gay-man-burned-by-firebombing-in-oklahoma/

Jul 26, 2012, 5:12 AM
Reading of this attack knocked me sick. It was particularly brutal. Joan is right, as those who are opposed to the lgbt lose ground they will become increasingly desperate and vicious.. crimes against gay and bisexual people are on the increase in Britain like other places and those who hate us will preform more brutal acts against our kind.. like everyone else my heart goes out to this woman and truly hope they quickly catch the getts who have shown themselves to be so heartless and sadistic before they repeat their brutality.

Jul 26, 2012, 5:37 PM
Frankly, not surprised (http://www.amazon.com/An-Act-State-Execution-Martin/dp/B003WUYSF8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1343338519&sr=8-1&keywords=An+Act+Of+State). If media can sweep such under the rug ...

Never walk alone ...

Jul 27, 2012, 2:44 PM
I saw this on the Internet, today.


I felt so badly for her...and for many others, who have gone through this kind of thing...and worse.

I'll bet most of us have known at least one person who had been humiliated, hurt, or even killed, because of their sexual orientation.

They (whoever "THEY" are) often say things are getting better...I wonder?

Jul 28, 2012, 7:36 AM
I saw this on the Internet, today.


I felt so badly for her...and for many others, who have gone through this kind of thing...and worse.

I'll bet most of us have known at least one person who had been humiliated, hurt, or even killed, because of their sexual orientation.

They (whoever "THEY" are) often say things are getting better...I wonder?


1:18 - 1:50 Sums it up I think.

Jul 28, 2012, 10:42 AM
That's a hell of an example, Void!

Jul 28, 2012, 11:03 AM
It is deplorable if it happened..As of Thursday, police were investigating the possibility of it having been staged and/or falsely reported..

Jul 28, 2012, 12:30 PM
true zman ...if it was staged then they can get all of them

Jul 28, 2012, 1:25 PM

Hate crime or not?

Jul 28, 2012, 5:40 PM

Hate crime or not?

Prolly get tarred and feathered for this but No. It is no different than if was three heterosexuals or three gays or three blacks or three Jews or three any random people, it's a horrendous crime but not a crime that falls under because of sexual orientation, race, gender or religion otherwise not a "hate"crime, just a crime. But it's still a horrible story and I hope they get the maximum penalty.

Jul 28, 2012, 7:30 PM
Could be called a 'crime of passion', but no different from a 'hate crime'. Their often more sadistic though.
After reading the graphic details of the horrific murder, I can't help feeling a sense of shame and unease that I'm of the same species as the perpetrators. But get the opposite when reading about the victim.
Isn't that always the way?

Hopefully the parents of Brandy can get through this and still see the good that's around, and what their daughter contributed to.

Long Duck Dong
Jul 28, 2012, 11:09 PM
its not a hate crime in a legal sense.....its a crime that is fueled by hate and passion

remove the sexuality and I see a crime that is no different to matthew sheppard and james bird, in terms of actions against another human being.......

trouble is, cos its not a hate crime, brandy will become another * forgotten * victim, like so many other LGBT that suffered a cruel and unusual death at the hands of other LGBT, simply become it was not a legal hate crime.....

Jul 28, 2012, 11:40 PM
The reality is, LDD, that all victims of murder are quickly forgotton by most, save the family, it's just a human trait. The most horrific way in which this woman was murdered......buried alive?.....matters not that it was done by women of her own sexual persuasion, what does matter though that she was a person, with family, friends and a life to be lived that was so brutally taken away.

Jul 30, 2012, 7:41 AM
The reality is, LDD, that all victims of murder are quickly forgotton by most, save the family, it's just a human trait. The most horrific way in which this woman was murdered......buried alive?.....matters not that it was done by women of her own sexual persuasion, what does matter though that she was a person, with family, friends and a life to be lived that was so brutally taken away.

Have to actually agree with nut/jar which may be rather shocking. Atrocity is atrocity no matter the motive/s, justification/s. I have not read the thread, or anything related. If leatherneck logic, faulty and skewed as it may sometimes be, can see a spade for a spade, don't see a need to read further. No offense big green.

Jul 30, 2012, 8:35 AM
Could be called a 'crime of passion', but no different from a 'hate crime'. Their often more sadistic though. After reading the graphic details of the horrific murder, I can't help feeling a sense of shame and unease that I'm of the same species as the perpetrators. But get the opposite when reading about the victim.
Isn't that always the way?

Hopefully the parents of Brandy can get through this and still see the good that's around, and what their daughter contributed to.


A “Crime of Passion” implies a sudden strong impulse such as sudden rage or heartbreak rather than a criminal act that is premeditated. Legally, in the US, it is referred to as "temporary insanity".

I’ve never been a fan of the so called “hate crime” enhancer. It doesn’t work as a prevention device and the burden of proof is so high that usually prosecuting attorneys will not use it. For example, in the Trayvon Martin shooting, many are claiming it was a hate crime but he is not being charged with one, just second degree murder, because of that burden of proof.

However, I for one, will not dismiss this attack on a lesbian away, simply by rationalizing that all attacks are bad and most involve hate. Violence against gays is on the rise in the US. Make no mistake about it. This goes hand in hand with the increase of anti-gay rhetoric being spewed by the far political right.

The LGBT community is well within their rights and exercising prudence in bringing attacks like this to the national attention.

Jul 30, 2012, 10:06 AM
@Aeonpax - Yes I did wonder if I got that wrong. Premeditated murder isn't a 'Crime of passion'. Even though they maybe insane with jealousy, heartache, rejection etc, they do have time to think about it. That's not JUST a 'moment of madness'.

I don't think that homophobia can cause a violent act against a lesbian gay, bi etc. That is done by those who already have violent tendencies. IMO those women who killed Brandy for eg, would likely be violent towards anybody they took to hating etc. Those types are far harder to target than just homophobics.
BUT I think I got your drift, and I do agree that attacks on LGBT should be especially noted as WRONG, to counterbalance the anti LGBT spiel. It doesn't take much to give those of a violent nature the idea that some group is a 'good target' for their violence.
Once a group is dehumanized, the level of violence increases towards them. It becomes 'ok'.:eek2:

Jul 30, 2012, 7:07 PM
I think that the first post about Charlie Rogers is a hate crime.

The case about Brandy Stevens-Rosine is not a hate crime imo (post 13) Just because two lesbians torture and kill another lesbian or bisexual, Brandy, doesn't make it a hate crime as far as I understand it in my country. They may have hated her but that is not what I understand the category "hate crime" to mean. In the first case about Charlie Rogers (post 1) they sprayed homophobic anti lesbian messages on the wall and her body but nothing indicates that they killed Brandy because of her sexuality.

I agree that hate crimes can be very difficult to prove in court. In Canada, we have a couple of laws that hate crimes fall under. There is also a law about inciting hatred towards a group and this is where hate publications have been convicted of inciting hatred by publishing books encouraging people to go out and kill Jews etc.

Post 19"However, I for one, will not dismiss this attack on a lesbian away, simply by rationalizing that all attacks are bad and most involve hate."

If you are referring to Charlie Rogers, I agree with you completely.