View Full Version : Westboro Baptist protest nullified

Jul 24, 2012, 4:47 PM
At several recent funerals where the Westboro Baptist Church group tried to protest at the funerals of several troops, were shut down by a form of counter protesting----great job on the part of all of those people: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/22/westboro-baptist-church_n_1693548.html

Jul 24, 2012, 7:56 PM
I swear if it was my son or brother or buddy or acquaintance being buried I would have to be physically restrained!!!!

Jul 24, 2012, 9:17 PM
Read a news article they planned to protest the funeral of Sage Stallone... can only hope Sly goes Rambo on them.

Jul 24, 2012, 10:37 PM
Yep, thats so cool, Voltie..:} The Patriot Guard puts a stop to those buttheads every change they get. They are a Huge Nation wide chapter and when they find out the Phelps bunch is planning a protest, you can here numerous Bikers coming for Miles to aid the families of fallen Soldiers, or those that need protecting, from the ignorance of a bunch of Religious Zealots. Idjets in my book...:}

Jul 24, 2012, 10:39 PM
Wow, I didnt hear about that DD, but I'm sure Sly's Body Guards and publicisist put the kabosh on That right quick. ;} I hope so at least. :}
Yer Fave Pussy.. ^..^

Long Duck Dong
Jul 25, 2012, 4:26 AM
sometimes the greatest way to fight back, is not to say anything at all, its just to hold hands.........

and I have a hug for every person that stood side by side at the funerals.... and for the families that have lost loved ones....

Jul 25, 2012, 7:56 AM
They do not deserve publicity. The strive in it. Also lawsuits. You hit them, you pay them, they continue.

Jul 25, 2012, 4:21 PM
Bet you they won't show up for the Stalone funeral. They have a habit of generating tons of publicity by doing absolutely nothing..they make a big announcement, get all the press and then nothing actually happens. When they were going to attend the funeral of those children in the house fire the local mennonites decided to hold the funeral in a venue that did not HAVE any public right of way like a sidewalk where the phelps family COULD protest. If they would've tried to protest they would've had to do it in the middle of the street..