View Full Version : Women

Jul 23, 2012, 5:43 PM
Hey guys, I was just wondering what people's hair length preferences were for women. I have had short hair (chin length or shorter) since Jr. High School and I much prefer short hair on women (and men for that matter). What are yours and why?

Jul 23, 2012, 7:30 PM
For me this is a great question. I tend to have a hair fetish I think.

It obviously depends on the girl. Everyone wears their hair differently and everyone has more "success" at it.

But, I can say that when I see see a girl with short hair and the cut fits her face she looks really attractive. I tend to go with short hair on a girl. It opens up her beautiful face.

Jul 23, 2012, 7:54 PM
I attended military school in high school, was in rotc during college and then spent twenty years in the Air Force. I have kept my hair short, military style since I was 15 years old. As for women, I think I prefer long hair, curled or straight. But then I like women with short hair. Perhaps I should rephrase, I like women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jul 23, 2012, 9:40 PM

I think certain hair styles fit certain face shapes.

My first wife had short red hair; it fit her face and personality, perfectly. My present GF has chin-length hair and I like the way she looks, too. Years ago, I dated a girl who had coal-black hair with a flat-top and duck-tails! May sound weird, but she was a living doll!

Then, there's the women who look good, no matter how their hair is cut.

One's personal tastes much be considered, I think.

If someone I love is happy with themselves, that reflects the way I feel about them, too.

Great question!

Jul 23, 2012, 9:47 PM
I agree . . it really depends on what suits the individual, male or female. My personal preference is fairly long hair on women - with men I have no preference, although my own hair has been mid-back length for over a decade . . and, really, it's the only style I ever felt looked decent on me . . even though it's a pain to maintain sometimes. :)

Jul 24, 2012, 2:10 AM
Whatever she feels comfortable wearing.

Long Duck Dong
Jul 24, 2012, 2:32 AM
I kinda have a hair fetish in a sense... I am not turned on by hair or attracted to it, but the way a person wears their hair and uses it to their advantage, can really get my attention.....

there are some very tasteful, erotic pics on the net with ladies with long hair that use it to *wrap * around their bodies in a way that is so natural, yet so alluring.....or accent their face and specially their eyes.....

I used to have longish hair, down past my shoulders and yeah also had the short back and sides ( engine grease and hair do not mix well ), and there was a number of ladies that mentioned how my naturally grey streaked long hair gave me a rugged, weathered look that enhanced the rough 5 o clock shadow when I went a day or 2 without shaving.... I was 16 when my hair started going grey.....

Prince of Thieves
Jul 24, 2012, 2:58 AM
I like hair on women falling around the shoulder, maybe a little past. I tend to date women with blonde/light brown hair, maybe there is something subliminal going on in my head, because I do like brunettes as well. I like it straight and wavy, and when a girl throws some curl in on occasion to change things up, I find that hot.

Jul 24, 2012, 5:52 AM
I personally have no prefrence on the length of a womans hair. I can see a woman with short hair, and say, yeah, that really looks cute on her but that would go the same way if she had long or medium length hair. The only time it makes me think twice is when she gets her hair cut from long to short. That's really no different if all of a sudden she grew a mustache, and I'd get use to that before long. It comes down to what she feels comfortable with, and this is basically coming from a point of view of being in a relationship with the woman. As for me, I keep my hair short and always have and up to this point, I've never had a woman ask me to grow it longer.

Jul 24, 2012, 9:31 AM
I like women with long hair, short sometimes, if it fits her personality, but shaved heads no. Guys I like different, but not too long hair.

Jul 24, 2012, 9:44 AM
I tend not to be primarily attracted to women with long hair but I do like a woman with longer hair in bed..for some reason. When they are lying their it is hot if their hair is over the pillow or on top hanging down...lol I remember a long time lover. I met her with shorter hair. I liked her. She let her hair grown a bit longer to the neck area. It just wasn't her. She went back to shorter hair and looked cuter.

Guys, well it doesn't matter but I'd be initially uncomfortable with a guy who had hair down to his waist but I'd get use to it if there were other benefits ;) I noticed a crunch like device some guys are wearing in their longer hair this summer to keep their hair away from their face. It is like a device(forget the name) that little girl's wear to pull their hair away from their face. The guy's of course are not wearing a pink pull back like little Rosie's tiara. It looks ok on some guys..not fem at all. It must be how the guy carries himself regardless of hair length?

Jul 24, 2012, 11:52 AM
Wild, thick and long...and its stayin'! Cept if tenni is spotted in Vancouver tomoz close to me bedroom in wich case out comes short wig!!!!;)

Jul 24, 2012, 11:15 PM
lol And here mine touches the "Crack" of my ample assage...Its actually 3 inches down on said crack.
Up here the women tend to keep their hair very short, not normally past their shoulders, so this hair tends to generate some sometimes much un-needed and un-wanted attention. There's always some Dingbat that wants to touch it or pet it. Grrrr. Thats why I keep it pulled back in a long ponytail or up under a hair clip. Lover's Do love it drug the entire length of a naked body, or wrapped about an erect appendage and jacked, for some reason....*Evil grin*
Silly Cat

Jul 24, 2012, 11:59 PM
Women with short hair drive me crazy. I fell in love with my girlfriend in college in the late 90s because she looked like Sarah McLachlan and that really did it for me. The exposed neck and shoulders, the framed face. Super hot on lots of women. Maybe its just part of the bi thing and the juxtaposition of something not normal turns me on. Long hair is just as gorgeous on women but would be a deal breaker with a guy. @Cat, what you describe sounds amazing.

Jul 25, 2012, 12:27 AM
Hair length is not important to me. A hair style is more important to compliment your face shape. Other than that, to each their own

Jul 25, 2012, 12:33 AM
Wild, thick and long...and its stayin'! Cept if tenni is spotted in Vancouver tomoz close to me bedroom in wich case out comes short wig!!!!;)
Damn...caught again! The moustache didn't work!?;):wiggle2::cutelaugh
I'll meet you at the health food grocery store on Robson /Denman/ Carderro Street area near Stanley Park. (west end darkeyes ;) Excellent veggie smoothies (carrot and apple are my fav) and great sandwiches...Sit outside on the deck and watch the world walk by. I hope that you will love Vancouver. I do.

oh hair..yes I had a g/f who did some of the stuff Cat does...long wildly curly red hair gently flowing over my torso ...didn't get the hair around appendage though..damn I was cheated..that's what people mean when they post about cheaters?...lol still was fun :)

Jul 25, 2012, 8:16 AM
My wife has long luxurious grey hair and it looks incredible on her, we both like it a lot!!! She used to wear it short because she kept hearing from other that it was supposed to make women look younger. Recently she read a survey that was conducted on that very subject using before/after photos presented to almost 1000 men/women by a large university (don't remember the university). It seems that almost 90% of the men polled thought women looked better/younger with long hair and nearly 3/4 of the women agreed. When asked the real reason for keeping their hair short those responding almost unanimously stated it was easier to care for!

Jul 25, 2012, 9:34 AM
I personally like both short and long hair on women - both can be very attractive. It is all good.

- Drew :paw:

Jul 25, 2012, 9:37 AM
There are pros and cons of each hair style. It is sooooo sexy to have long hair sweeping across her and my body. Like what 'Cat said, "wrapped about an erect appendage and jacked, for some reason....*Evil grin*" is very erotic. The con? Sometimes with very thick and long hair, when it covers your face and especially nose, you feel like you will be suffocated by it.

Short hair? First of all it does not clog up my shower drain! And it does expose a sexy neck and ears. Con? Less hair to move your fingers through.

All in all, you enjoy the pros of each hair style and ignore the cons.

Jul 25, 2012, 10:02 AM
The length of a woman's hair doesn't make a difference with attraction, but really long hair isn't very practical now is it?lol
An ex had hers almost down to her arse, and in bed it liked to ATTACK my face when trying to sleep.
I bought her a swimming cap once, which she didn't find amusing at all.:oh:

Men with long hair? For some reason I like it if it's scruffy and un-kept. But if it's OBVIOUS that they've been in the mirror feking about with it for ages to give it a nice shine and stuff, it turns me right off them.
I can't be dealing with that! I got to force myself to go to my local epileptic pervy barber tomorrow and actually pay him to assault me. It's like something out of 'Saw' when he gets the shakes, and asks about my bush.:eek2:
But I got to go because I'll need bobbles for my sidelocks if I don't.lol

aLABiM75 & StrF51
Jul 25, 2012, 6:50 PM

For me it really depends on the type of hair and if the Woman can pull off the look.

My Wife has sported the hair helmet for as long as I have known her, but I saw pics of when she had it long and straight and it looked a lot better on her.
She has thick hair and it looks great right after she washes it, but before it even dries she has the rollers & hair spray ready.... it's such a shame.

I have the opposite problem hair wise then her.... mine is fine and fast growing.
Thus, I am either sporting a Flat-Top or growing it out into a Pony-Tail, like right now.

All in all though, it comes down to what you can rock:
If you're not Pixie like, a Pixie cut probably will not look right.
If you tend to blush a lot in the face, red hair is certainly bad.

If it looks good, I am down no matter the length.
