View Full Version : Utopia! Shangri-La! Paradise! Eden!

Jul 22, 2012, 11:59 PM
What would your ideal life be? In keeping with the topic of bisexuality, what would be the perfect scenario be for you? Are you guilt-ridden and wish you could be on one side or the other? Would you keep your bisexuality and be monogamous to one partner? Would you like a girlfriend and a boyfriend? Would you like to be able to have a mmf or ffm triad? Would you like an open relationship where you can be with more than one partner/gender and have your significant other able to as well? Do it separately..or together?

What would your ideal life look like?

Long Duck Dong
Jul 23, 2012, 12:22 AM
my perfect life ?? lol..... I have lots of perfect lives lol and they all work in theory....lol

the one that would apply most to me at the moment, would be my partner and one other female ( platonic or sexual, depending on the female ) in a situation where we are not in a relationship as such but in a shared living situation, with the option for a male to share our house and lives, ( platonic or sexual )....

think of it as a symbiotic sharing without the relationship aspect.. and with a goddess witnessed, hand bound life knot with my partner

the confusing part about that, is that there would be no monogamy / non monogamy / poly aspect, and sexuality is not something that we would go by.....

Jul 23, 2012, 4:05 AM
Myself, my husband and one more. A second man that can fit with pour lifestyle. All equal. All sexual. Sharing each other as often as possible.

Bisexual Explorer
Jul 23, 2012, 7:10 AM
My ideal: My wife accepting her bisexuality and then our having sexual encounters with men and women - together, separately. Always open, always accepting.
Bisexual Explorer

Jul 23, 2012, 9:11 AM
I have experienced my absolute ultimate relationship. In my early 20s, I lived with an older couple and loved them both, as they loved me. The husband and I were both bisexual, his wife was straight. The arrangement, for me, was the most ideal I could think of. The only thing that might have been improved was, if the wife was bisexual, too.

Jul 23, 2012, 9:50 AM
Being part of a fully bisexual m/w couple, in good heatlh, emotionally secure enough not to be jealous or to feel threatened, and attractive enough to attract other attractive bisexual men and women.

Jul 23, 2012, 9:59 AM
My own would be so confusing :) I wonder if that is also part of bisexuality? The fluidity from day to day? Or is that just me? I would like (scratch that...LOVE) to live in a mmf triad with another bi or gay man. Yes, I said gay and yes I understand that he would not be all into me :) I don't need others to be attracted to me in order to have affirmation :) I could go into the sexual, psychological, socioeconomic, physiological reasons why mmf would work better than ffm in the long run, but my opinions are just that: my opinions. But yes...I would absolutely LOVE for eternity to live in an mmf relationship (as long as the man was NOT straight). Yes..I'm a heterophobe :( I'm trying to work on it.

Jul 23, 2012, 10:40 AM
My wife accepting me as a bisexual man, and trying the lifestyle herself. (And of course, the second she tastes another woman's kiss, she starts kicking herself for not trying it for so long!)

Being able to have a gay partner as well as my wife (And her lesbian lover, too). And getting total love from both.

Being able to wear bi pride emblems in public, and no one caring. In fact, hearing str8 people wishing they were bi, also.

To be able to happily announce my sexuality to my family, my co workers, and friends...and hearing at least 75% of them are bi also. No, not to have sex with them, but to feel the closeness that I feel here.

Jul 23, 2012, 12:25 PM
It depends on who's utopia, I guess. I fantasize about having a house full of both women and men to do my every bidding, sexual or otherwise. They can clean my house and cook for me in the nude and be ready for me to use them for my pleasure at the drop of a hat.

That is about as realistic as me winning the lottery while simultaneously being voted the mayor of London, especially since I'm not British.

I'd settle for two women and one man, but that's even hard to find. I've already got it pretty good though. We're polyamorous and allow for exploration. Who needs anything more?

Jul 23, 2012, 12:55 PM
Oddly enough, bishyguy...almost every hetero friend I've come out to has expressed (at a later time) that they've always wondered what it would be like. So I don't think you're far off when it comes to wishing about other people's real sexuality :) And to Implanted?: Then you're LIVING your Utopia :)

Jul 23, 2012, 1:02 PM
I'd like to live in a town where everyone is your lover (adults!). And all the children are yours (not all biologically!lol).
No fears or negative emotions exist there, all are bi, tactile, love to kiss, have love for all, and are happy invite any over to theirs for a film and snuggle or a full on sex romp.
All varieties of sexual pleasures are catered for, from sub to dom, oral to anal, voyeur to masochist, and all very well educated in their particular field.lol

Fuck me! I'd be in number 15 right about now with my face in the lovely woman' clodge and my cock up her husbands arse.:bowdown:

Jul 23, 2012, 1:24 PM
Gearbox: Maybe we should take up a collection, buy our own country (with its own Immigration laws!!!) and do just that! I, for one, have passport in hand :)

Jul 23, 2012, 1:36 PM
At this point in my life, I do not seem to spend time fantasising what is not or what I might like things to be. I just live.

The closest that I can think of would be Gear's belief that all in a community (not internet fantasy but a real geographical space) would all be lovers without jealousy or possessiveness. I am not really into groups though..maybe I could learn. ;) Marriage and coupling permanently would be considered archiac, old fashioned and not practised.

I don't think that I want the children all to be ours though. It might help create a more sense of unity. (What do you mean that I am feeding and care giving 27 kids tonight and none are my bio kids...lol?..oh...maybe not alone and that lovely sweet arse honey is with me ;) ..maybe

Opps I just fantasised...:)

Border. A country? Well, that might be too big...just a neighbourhood amongst other neighbourhoods. Intermingle once in awhile..:love87::wiggle2::bounce:

Jul 23, 2012, 2:07 PM
Grins at tenni: remember the Vatican is its own country. Our "country" can be a neighborhood. But we'd have to have immigration laws...otherwise? How would we import all the other great people on the site??

Jul 23, 2012, 10:33 PM
I'm finding that I would really like to meet a couple again for fun and friendship,like I was doing in my early thirties. I just like being with both a male and female at the same time ,doing lots of oral play and more.:bounce::bounce::wiggle2::wiggle2:

Jul 24, 2012, 1:21 AM
I like Gearbox's idea and volunteer my services as an immigration officer. We could be the only nation where getting screwed means the bureaucracy is working, not broken!

Jul 24, 2012, 11:12 AM
One where no one is judged for any reason :D

Jul 24, 2012, 10:59 PM
Don't say that too loud, Mrs Darling! Your Mister has a quote on his profile saying: Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.
Gilbert K. Chesterton . :tong:

He'll think you have no convictions! But I know what you mean. Judge not, lest ye be judged. And God knows, the fundamentalists would HATE being my morality police!

Jul 24, 2012, 11:50 PM
for me sexual perfection on earth would be simply to have a sweet and sexy man shared and loved with my wife in a triad the rest of our days

Jul 26, 2012, 8:01 AM
Gearbox: Maybe we should take up a collection, buy our own country (with its own Immigration laws!!!) and do just that! I, for one, have passport in hand :)
That would be VERY lovely, and well worth every penny/cent/etc.:2cents:
Of course we'd need some border control to keep out possessive types:
Uniforms optional and depending on weather.:oh: