View Full Version : OMG my wife is being so embracing of my bisexuality!

Jul 21, 2012, 12:22 AM
and it makes me feel like the luckiest man on earth :)

Long Duck Dong
Jul 21, 2012, 12:32 AM
you are the luckiest man on earth, no other has your wife, her acceptance of your sexuality, her love for you and your love of her, your relationship / marriage, and the time you both have spent together.......

what they do have, is their own version of what you have, with their own partner lol

how does it feel to be the luckiest man on earth ?

Jul 21, 2012, 2:41 AM
lol... thrilled, LDD, like first love again and horny as hell but after that initial rush it just feels natural... our story may be hard to explain but we've always known I'm bi - if it was as late as our third date I told her I'd be surprised... It's like for the next fifteen years we thought of that part of me as OVER THERE and like no longer needed but recently it's become impossible to supress my love for men, my need to have one sexually... for the past year our sex life has been a disaster... there are probably a host of reasons why but we have NEVER lost hold of each other through this (it's called love and marriage, people)... two weeks ago as we emotionally broached the sex subject I blurted out I couldn't go much longer without making love to a man but that I would never want to do such a thing without her there and participating (very much how I feel)... for days there were tears but lotsa talking and even laughter and I could tell quiet acceptance on her part... at least acceptance of how the part of me that loves men is always there just like the part of me that loves her... well plucky internet super trooper that she is, she has apparently spent the past few days on second life (where she's a fixture) finding potential boyfriends for the two of us... lol at least second life boyfriends!!! she's found a hunky bisexual northern irishman and we can skype at the same time as we listen to many others have sex at a second life orgy... she giggled like a girl as she told me this is how tomorrow night is going to be spent!

and since this KINDA (?) coming out our romantic life has skyrocketed, she and I :) this is starting to feel like the piece that was always missing in our marriage

life can be sweet sometimes :)

Jul 21, 2012, 4:42 AM

Jul 21, 2012, 8:01 AM
That's great Paddarick! My experience has been that from the moment we step on to this planet we are made to feel vulnerable and constantly being shaped and moulded..sometimes in unkind ways. I don't think there is any greater feeling in the world than the unconditional love and acceptance given by a partner or friend. Someone who KNOWS that you are vulnerable and still chooses to walk with you on your journey, accepts you for being you, whatever that happens to be at this point in time. The only better feeling may be when you share that love back with them.

When you have the support of others your energy can truly seem boundless...and of course people also enter into relationships to learn to grow.

Jul 21, 2012, 8:15 AM
Wow that's awesome! You have an exceptional wife, I'm glad for you guys. I wish you the best in your future endeavors and mutual explorations. I really wish my spouse were as accepting and as willing to participate as yours but alas she's not wired that way.

Jul 21, 2012, 9:32 AM
@elian: oh my god, yes, the feeling of vulnerability I felt after telling my wife what I was feeling was NERVE-WRACKING... I gotta hand it to her she didn't once make me feel unloved... in fact, the opposite... but she had not addressed the issue for easily five days and that was actually kinda fun and it's like we've been touching a new person more and more and getting pretty hot BUT!!!! she was having, uh, you know, ladies' days and we're neither a fan of much during those times lol... anywaaaaaay last night she busted the second life move... wow

@a2: does your wife know?

Jul 21, 2012, 10:58 AM
Yes she does and she also has a girlfriend so she understands. We just don't share our lovers and she doesn't get turned on at all by M2M sex, it sorta grosses her out to tell the truth

Jul 21, 2012, 11:43 AM
oh that does suck but at least you both acknowledge one another's bisexuality... maybe just stay patient and pray as I did and just love your missus no matter what she's comfortable with and that might change... it really must suck though because I have no desire to ever meet a sex-partner away from her EVER... :( hang in there buddy

Jul 21, 2012, 9:14 PM
OMG my wife is being so embracing of my bisexuality!

Congrats to you Paddarick. Just don't forget to to embrace your wife as well. You are lucky to have her in your life. Isn't it a wonderful feeling to have a supportive partner? Keep your communication between each other open and honest. Take care.


Jul 22, 2012, 12:14 AM
You Go, Darlin. Have a wonderful time, both of you. Play hearty, but play safe..:}

Jul 22, 2012, 1:01 PM
That's the most wonderful post I have seen in while... I was pretty nervous when I told my fiance; even though she kept hinting that it was a huge turn on for her. It takes a lot of guts to show that kind of honesty, and you must truly love her to make that kind of assertion after years of marriage. I wish you all the best and tell you wife she's a freakin' awesome woman for me please...



Jul 22, 2012, 3:11 PM
I too would agree that you are among the luckiest men in the world. To be loved, desired, understood and married to a special woman. As a woman accepting of and having particpated with my hubby and another man, I know what it can mean to a man to be free in mind, body and spirit to be able to explore his desire for a man. Is is alway easy for either partner...no not always. I have been sharing my husbands desires for seven years now, and there are pittfalls along the way. But communication, open minds and keeping each other the main priority can be a journey to a new and exciting path in your lives. I belong to a couple of Yahoo Groups- HUGS, MMOMW (Making Mixed Orientation Marriages Work) and AP (Alternate Path-support board for women and HOW (for the men) which can offer insight and understanding for those who may wish to share. Wishing you both the best.

Belle in Boston

Jul 22, 2012, 3:26 PM
Trust me, Belle-Honey, you are a very rare and wonderful Lady! I've often wondered how differently my life would have turned out, with an understanding and open-minded woman at my side? I hope your hubby knows how lucky he is!

Jul 22, 2012, 8:27 PM
See? There are happy endings to telling the truth!

Jul 23, 2012, 1:24 AM
Congrats. I sometimes forget how lucky guys like us are in having wives who support us.

Jul 23, 2012, 11:01 AM
God, I hate you!

JUST KIDDING! Congratulations. I'm very happy for you, and a bit jealous.

Mine hit the ceiling when she found out. Things haven't been the same since, and I fear it may be over between us. She told me she won't be able to have sex with me without thinking about it. (I have never done anything with another guy, it's just the thought...) It's been a month now, and things LOOK like they're getting back to normal, but I know deep down, she's thinking about it all the time.

On the other hand, along with the fears, came some relief knowing I no longer have to hide it.

Jul 23, 2012, 3:34 PM
Congrats no greater feeling than haveing the one you love embrace a side of you, you have been hiding from the world

Jul 24, 2012, 10:21 AM
hey thank you guys so much for the great comments! OOOOOOOHHHHHH life and marriage have their ups and downs and instead of a night of exploratory abandon what transpired instead was a black litany of all about me that disgusts her! LOLOL! ah ya gotta love life and I'm not being ironic :) I should probably mention that what has her OFF ME, the moments she's off me, isn't really my bisexuality, it's my having been unfaithful with a young woman in the past...


it was a night of anger, a teeny bit of name-calling, and tears... a morning of a few more tears but solid cuddling, by next evening "PUHHLEASSE dear, I'm not leaving you, good lord, chill out" and frankly she wants me to just chill period haha I must be kinda annoying as is anyone who just feels SOME sense of greater freedom in their bones..

and later that evening (it may be of some value to know lol) some light but VERY NICE sex play wherein I was allowed to give vent to my man-lovin' side :)...

and then there are moments where I can feel her disgust again... and other times how beautiful she always thinks I still am... all the normal shit... Marriage!!!! I wouldn't trade her for anything

oh and especially onewhocares - thanks for the info!!! if my wife ends up joining me here in some postings I'll steer her your way, you really seem someone she could use communicating with

Jul 24, 2012, 11:16 AM
LOL Paddarick, good advice, some won't take it, some can't avoid it, but good advice nonetheless. I've been cheated on by a husband and I can tell you it was the deception in doing it that got to me more than his actually physically being with someone (condom was used). The marriage began breaking down at that point as I could forgive but I couldn't forget and I never trusted him again.

It sounds like you have an awesome wife and an awesome marriage and I wish you both all the happiness in the world and lots of fun with however you all go with it :D

Jul 24, 2012, 1:53 PM
thanks so much for the kind words DD... being little old people together is what I pray for me and Mrs. Paddarick