View Full Version : Take a look at this ignorant guy is writing...

Jul 17, 2012, 3:48 PM
Both on Facebook and on twitter.


Being "bisexual" is a term used by certain people who think they may be gay* but are not sure and want to look heterosexual. The terminology implies that one is attracted to both sexes equally and has sexual with both sexes equally. It is a way to hide your homosexuality or deny it altogether. What I have stated a number of times is that if you are attracted to the same sex and having sex with the same sex then you are gay, period. It does not matter if you still have sex with the opposite sex at the same time.

Maybe some education is needed?

Jul 17, 2012, 4:17 PM
Thanks for posting this.

Here was my reply:

So you are saying that gay people can be spotted because of the way they look, or that women who occasionally have sex with other women are in fact lesbians and not attracted to men. Because all you are doing it sounds like to me is trying rewrite the dictionary so it supports your prejudice way of thinking. Words in the English language have a particular meaning and if you an not an expert on human sexuality then you are talking out of you ass. There are many people on this planet who are attracted to both sexes and your definition is not the actual definition of that word "bisexual" btw the word bisexual means that you find sexual arousal from interacting with both sexes, but that does not mean you are purely homosexual and that many people who in fact identify them selves as homosexual are in fact bisexual, but because they are or have been in a same sex relationship for a long period of time and because they don't pursue relationships with the opposite sex they identify themselves as "gay". So, therefore your comment is in fact the opposite of the truth. However, if you want to argue semantics which is what it seems you are trying to do a homosexual (gay) is some one who is attracted to the same sex, a bisexual is someone who is attracted to both sexes (to varying degrees there are no absolutes). Those are the definitions of those words and just because the word bisexual obviously makes you uncomfortable doesn't change what is says in the dictionary. And finally most experts believe based on scientific studies and facts that a large majority of the population has had at least one homosexual experience in his or her life time and therefore you are saying that these people are in fact gay and don't want to admit it, which probably includes you.

Jul 17, 2012, 4:40 PM
Did he delete your post? Its not there.

Jul 17, 2012, 4:43 PM
<post it again, please ;) maybe delete the last line...even theough it might be true :)

Jul 17, 2012, 4:52 PM
He he... hell no that was the best part!!! :p

Jul 17, 2012, 5:03 PM
okay! But what a guy! Deleting posts when you dont like what they say.

Jul 17, 2012, 5:08 PM
Any other wanna post in that discussion? Only two people from this board.

Jul 17, 2012, 5:18 PM
Maybe I'm trying to deny my straightness and have a sex addiction? After all, I strongly prefer women, but don't mind occasional variety...

Jul 17, 2012, 5:57 PM
Probably no sense in arguing with someone who is so dead set in his views---and that he obviously is deleting posts that he doesn't agree with---it more than likely won't do any good---of course he is a total fucking idiot, but then again--he is entitled to his opinion, as ignorant and arrogant as it is--because--as the old saying about opinions is concerned---they are like a certain part of the anatomy--that everyone has!! LOL

Jul 17, 2012, 6:31 PM
Well, I hope I have sex with him, for no other reason than to fart on his dick and not actually allow it in. He's...an ass.

Jul 17, 2012, 6:34 PM
I do wonder who appointed that guy "Master of the Universe" and "Holder of All Knowledge!!' He sure makes a whole bunch of absolutist, sweeping statements!!

I just spent a short time checking out his FB "timeline" and there are things on there that make me believe he might be gay or "gay friendly"---his music for one thing is that "house dance/electronica" stuff--which is personally--not my cup of tea---and he does have postings about gay teenagers getting beaten up from gay and or other "liberal" sorts of sites, there was one picture of a party he had played at (I think) that had a gay pride flag covering the pool---he is out in Los Angeles--so if he is gay or gay friendly--he no doubt holds to the "gay mafia's" dictates that bisexuality--at least male bisexuality---is BS and of course---any guy who says he is bisexual--is a coward or denier of the first order--or whatever else the gay mafia holds bisexuality to be.

The Bisexual Virgin
Jul 17, 2012, 6:53 PM
Well, I hope I have sex with him, for no other reason than to fart on his dick and not actually allow it in. He's...an ass.

Eww why would you want to have sex with him, if you don't like his views? And fart on him? Ewww.

Jul 17, 2012, 7:33 PM
Well I'm thrilled if he deleted my post (because I'm probably striking a nerve) and I just posted again; that means he's got no response to any logical arguments and everyone has the right to their opinion but not necessarily to put it on a large public network like Facebook. However, I think it's sad (and this is not meant to criticize, but to encourage) that anyone would suggest that there is no sense in arguing with someone like him in fact if he got an overwhelming response he just may have to confront the response due to the shear volume of messages protesting what he thinks is his enlightened opinion about a topic that I'm pretty sure he knows nothing about or perhaps knows about it in a deep down 'I'm so in the closet Tom Cruise and John Travolta are splitting the rent with me' kinda way.

Personally, I think it's like this; he cohered his gf to have a 3way with some other chick, and she left him for the better sex. So rather than admit to himself that he's sexually deficient then the only alternative is all bisexuals are secretly gay (yeah that's the ticket) and therefore he had no chance in keeping his gf once she had sex with a woman, which according to him is secretly all she really wanted. That may not exactly what happened to make him come out swinging (pardon the pun) but I'll bet it's pretty close to the mark.

Jul 17, 2012, 7:39 PM
Why does he have to be "sexually deficient" ? If what you say is true then his girlfriend may just have a stronger preference for females, even if he is GREAT in bed. I see that a few of his "friends" are trying to persuade him of the validity of the term. I got rid of my facebook account a long time ago, it ends up being more trouble than it is worth when your account is compromised and to be honest I really don't feel like being someone else's product.

Jul 17, 2012, 7:44 PM
My reply as of 6:40pm was:

Bisexuality, which is merely a label, indicates that an individual can be emotionally and/or physically attracted to someone of either sex, male or female. It does not imply the attraction or sex is divisible equally.
Being a bisexual, I am neither straight nor gay – the emotional levels of love to which I have attained in bisexual encounters have been unsurpassable and richly rewarding.
Speak not, unless ye know of what you speak – naïve!

Doggie :doggie:
aka JD Dogwood

Jul 17, 2012, 7:47 PM
Why does he have to be "sexually deficient" ? If what you say is true then his girlfriend may just have a stronger preference for females, even if he is GREAT in bed. I see that a few of his "friends" are trying to persuade him of the validity of the term. I got rid of my facebook account a long time ago, it ends up being more trouble than it is worth when your account is compromised and to be honest I really don't feel like being someone else's product.

If you had read my post carefully you would realize that I'm not saying he is sexually deficient, but that he feels that way so he is lashing out at bisexuals and this is a hypothetical situation to explain bigoted behavior so why are you getting bent out of shape by what I am saying. And I don't care what his friends are saying and if you felt like deleting your Facebook account it's completely irrelevant to the what this discussion is about it's about whether is do you think this guys opinion is based in ignorance or has validity so there's no reason to post what you just said; unless you just want to start a disagreement that is off topic by picking bit and pieces out of my sentences with quoting me out of context. That behavior just starts needless off topic bickering and if that's your position then good luck!

Jul 17, 2012, 10:34 PM
Looks as if he pulled the Facebook post - guess he couldn't handle the truth. :yikes2:


Jul 17, 2012, 10:34 PM
Looks as if he pulled the Facebook post - guess he couldn't handle the truth. :yikes2:


that or the hitting the report button did something :)

Jul 17, 2012, 11:08 PM
oh never mind!!! lol its those violins on television again!!

Jul 18, 2012, 7:19 AM
Just happy I managed to post asking why he keeps deleting posts he has a problem with answering. That post was on there for some time at least so maybe he was called on it. After looking at his FB-page I think he seems to be a gay man with internalized bi-phobia. Sad!

Jul 18, 2012, 7:37 AM
We can not change anyones mind except our own, others we can only give them the information and if they want THEY have to change their own mind. To keep trying is a futile afair I dont get involved with.

Jul 18, 2012, 5:02 PM
The way I look at it is that "bisexual" is a matter of sex; but gay/lesbian or straight is a matter of emotion. I like sex either way --- mostly with women, but with men for a "thrill." However, I am not emotionally attracted to men, but very much emotionally attracted to women. I can't see myself having a "relationship" with another guy --- friends, yes; partners or lovers, no. Sex is a matter of being physically stimulated. You can have sex and not "make love" --- ask any prostitute.

I don't see a man and think, "WOW! Would I like to be with him. I'm crazy for him." A woman would do that for me; and emotional involvement would come later. I never make that transition with men and have no desire to.

That's how I dividethe sides.