View Full Version : Topless in new york.... should ladies cover up their breasts?

Long Duck Dong
Jul 17, 2012, 2:19 AM

I am a breast man, big ones, small ones, soft ones, firm ones, even the ones at KFC that used to belong to a chicken.......and like many men, I admire a ladies breasts..... but would I be ok with a topless lady in public ????

yes.... I would.... its not like I can going to walk into a lamp post or something cos I am admiring the tattoos on a ladies breasts, I would be more concerned about people thinking that I am so tit stuck that all the blood went from my brain to my cock..... some breasts are very nice, others are not as nice but a well placed, tasteful tattoo is something that I love looking at.... the fact its on a breast can be nice as well....

I also have to respect a ladies right not to be ogled and treated like a piece of meat at a market, so yeah, I would need to try and sneak a peek without looking like I am going to drool all over her breasts with a face that is saying * omg, I am gonna cum in my pants * and there is the fact that some ladies do need a bit of support from a bra as their breasts are bigger than average and the bra support helps the lady deal with their breasts.....

I have grown up in a society where breasts can be a sexual asset for the ladies.... and a covered coverage can be very skillfully and tastefully done to a ladies advantage.... and that can be much of the opposition to the * free the love puppies * movement... and the idea that guys would be so tit struck that they can not function above the level of a knuckle dragging gorilla.... my apologies to the ladies that enjoy a nice breast, cos it appears that nobody considers your interest to actually matter in the fight to cover up a ladies assets.....

but I am struggling a lil to understand the opposition to a topless society.... I feel that it should be a choice for the ladies to make about their bodies.... the results, reactions and consequences of choices, is something that would have to go into making that choice for themselves, tho and I can not say that their choice to be free to the wind, would not be without some risks and problems.... issues such as going topless on a minus 10 degree chilly day is a personal choice, being groped and ogled by people is not.....

hey, lets be honest, I can admire a ladies body, but I am not the type of person that is going to jump on a female cos she is topless in public and I have no self control.... tho I would lose all sense of self control if I saw a lady under duress from a male that was all over her and she needed help fast, and it would not be the lady that would be the focus of my attention either.......

so yeah... I am curious how other people see the issue ( or lack of it ) ladies and guys alike..... not so much if it is right or wrong but how you personally feel about ladies in public...... and yeah even guys topless in public.... which ironically is also something that I do not really take much notice of unless there is a nice tattoo or I am trying to be sure if its a female with breasts or a guy with serious man boobs......

and to all the ladies out there that do go topless in public.... you have my respect and I would like permission to check out your breast tats if I may......

Jul 17, 2012, 5:19 AM
Women have the legal right to go topless in Canada since 1991. The vast majority do not though.


Here are some reasons given by women back in 2011 twenty years after winning the legal right to walk down the streets topless...as men may do.

1/ "I think it's not seen as appropriate, like as appropriate as when guys do it. It's a social thing," Moss said. "There are cultures where it's OK to do that, it's perfectly fine. I actually don't see any problem with it in and of itself.

2/ Adrienne Batke said she'd never go topless.
"No, because of the interpretation of the behaviour. It's still deviant, right?" Batke said. "If you are going to make something legal, that's one thing, but the culture has to change around it."

3/ Women are reluctant to go topless because of fear — fear of censor by society, fear of being ridiculed and fear of having their breasts compared to those of other women, said Williams.

Jul 17, 2012, 12:22 PM
As the article said, there is no law against women going topless in New York, so you can't be stopped from doing it.

However, you should be aware that the huge majority of people who come from here, or who have settled here permanently, come from conservative, family-oriented cultures and do not appreciate people who do stunts like what is described in the article, 99% of whom do not come from here.

Jul 17, 2012, 5:31 PM
I don't think that there is inherently, anything particularly, "wrong" about a female going topless--no more so than males doing it---because in and of themselves---the breasts of a female are not an actual "sex organ" or whatever term is applied to the genitals---the taboo about it being "wrong" for a female breast to be publicly exposed is only because our society has arbitrarily sexualized the female breast.

What we need, along with changing so many of society's dictates, is a revision in the taboo about the female breast and making it not wrong and also---NO BIG FUCKING DEAL!!!--but I know--that since this view is so deeply ingrained in us----it will be a very long time, if ever, if as a society, come to hold a more reasonable view on this matter.

That ain't gonna happen in my lifetime, so I am not gonna worry about it---just to many other major things to consider---most of which---we don't have any sway or control over either.

I am just saying, that in a more rational and reasonable world----issues such as whether a woman goes topless in public would be no big deal and a non-issue, it sure as hell would not subject anyone to legal or moral sanctions for doing so. Of course--in many places--women are fighting for their lives because if they get raped by some dude--its her fault that she was such a whore that brought that upon herself and also brought shame on her family so its the duty of her husband or a male relative to either disfigure her by burning her or doing an "honor killing" to rid themselves of this horrid woman!!!

Jul 18, 2012, 9:36 PM
I vote no, they need not.
Without reservation.

Jul 18, 2012, 9:49 PM
The way I feel about the human body is that I am sure that at SOME point we have all seen a penis, a vagina, a set of buttocks and a pair of breasts... In and of itself seeing nude body parts should be nothing to be ashamed or embarrased about. I will say there is a time and a place for everything. Undoubtedly someone doing this will forget to employ common sense. For example it is legal in public probably, but once you enter a private establishment I am sure thatt dress codes apply.

From what I understand nudity is legal in Oregon too, although some municipalities ask you to sit on a towel, which I think is a wonderful courtesy given that people's bodies cannot be immaculately clean ALL of the time.

Long Duck Dong
Jul 19, 2012, 4:15 AM
ironically I find a naked woman to be of no real interest to me.... a lady with a loose fitting shirt or night shirt, is more appealing than a lady in lingerie or a bra or naked

not sure if that really has anything to do with the fact that I do not find a womans exposed breasts in public, to be sexually appealing........ but add a air of mystery or a reason to explore a persons mind or body, and I am like a kid in a candy store.....

Jul 19, 2012, 11:21 AM
I don't think that there is inherently, anything particularly, "wrong" about a female going topless--no more so than males doing it---because in and of themselves---the breasts of a female are not an actual "sex organ" or whatever term is applied to the genitals---the taboo about it being "wrong" for a female breast to be publicly exposed is only because our society has arbitrarily sexualized the female breast.

What we need, along with changing so many of society's dictates, is a revision in the taboo about the female breast and making it not wrong and also---NO BIG FUCKING DEAL!!!--but I know--that since this view is so deeply ingrained in us----it will be a very long time, if ever, if as a society, come to hold a more reasonable view on this matter.

What should happen in a rational world is not the same thing as what is accepted custom in any particular society. In a rational world, women can go topless and men can wear skirts. Maybe Mr. Spock's sister goes topless on Vulcan, but his human relatives follow the customs of the societies they live in on Earth.

That ain't gonna happen in my lifetime, so I am not gonna worry about it---just to many other major things to consider---most of which---we don't have any sway or control over either.

I am just saying, that in a more rational and reasonable world----issues such as whether a woman goes topless in public would be no big deal and a non-issue, it sure as hell would not subject anyone to legal or moral sanctions for doing so. Of course--in many places--women are fighting for their lives because if they get raped by some dude--its her fault that she was such a whore that brought that upon herself and also brought shame on her family so its the duty of her husband or a male relative to either disfigure her by burning her or doing an "honor killing" to rid themselves of this horrid woman!!!

What people do is governed by what is considered acceptable practice in the society they live in, not by what might apply in a rational world. In a rational world, there should be no reason why women can't go topless and men can't wear skirts. Perhaps on Vulcan, Mr. Spock's sisters go topless. But his human relatives on Earth undoubtedly follow the customs of the societies they live in.

Jul 19, 2012, 12:03 PM
What people do is governed by what is considered acceptable practice in the society they live in, not by what might apply in a rational world. In a rational world, there should be no reason why women can't go topless and men can't wear skirts. Perhaps on Vulcan, Mr. Spock's sisters go topless. But his human relatives on Earth undoubtedly follow the customs of the societies they live in.
In my part of the world no one bats an eyelid about men wearing skirts... women going about topless is another matter but many men do and I really wish a lotta them wouldn't bother..

Jul 19, 2012, 12:36 PM
I know that its "dreaming" to say that women going topless would be fine----it is too bad that the female breast has been so sexualized--that was the real point of what I was trying to say. But---hell---look at so many places in the Muslim world---they think that every part of a female's body incites lust in the men who might see them--that is why they are so insistent that women have to wear a tent and not allowed to be out without male escorts and other stupid stuff of that sort---I really think that in many ways---the world is going backward on such things as this in many ways. We have those here in our culture who would have us basically do a version of "Sharia Law" on matters sexual and otherwise.

Jul 19, 2012, 1:16 PM
I got married in the mid-sixties, in the middle of the "burn your bra" era. My wife was a sweet-looking little redhead with an hour-glass figure. I remember watching her walk toward me in a grocery store in Virginia. She was wearing a silky-white blouse and had a gait that was akin to fluid-jiggly, action. Can there be a more beautiful sight than a pretty, buxom, girl moving with such aplomb? She looked just as good going, as coming, too!

I loved those days of freedom, exploration, and discovery! Experiencing them with a mate like her, was the best it could get!

Jul 19, 2012, 4:06 PM
In my part of the world no one bats an eyelid about men wearing skirts... women going about topless is another matter but many men do and I really wish a lotta them wouldn't bother..
LOL! I considered saying "except where Fran lives," but thought better of it.

Jul 19, 2012, 6:09 PM
There are women, and men who should not be showing off their bodies or walking around naked since nobody wants to see these people without clothes on.
Doesn't work that way, Cowboy. Unless you live in Hollywood, don't expect the naked people to look like movie stars!