View Full Version : Speed dating

Jul 16, 2012, 10:24 AM
Has anyone ever tried this? I am considering attending a gay speed dating event.

Jul 16, 2012, 10:55 AM
Just curious, Jamie.....but are bisexual married men allowed at such events? I'm not being oppositional, I am just curious as to how you'd be accepted at an event aimed at gay men. I'd hate for you to attend and be run out on a rail.

Jul 16, 2012, 11:14 AM
Obviously that is something that would have to be cleared by the organizers, and that would have to be disclosed up front to the 'dates.' I haven't yet decided whether it makes sense to try it, or whether it is fair to the other guys, even though each individual is only investing ten minutes of their time.

Jul 16, 2012, 12:14 PM
Also, before anyone says anything, my wife consents to it.

Jul 16, 2012, 1:16 PM
"Hi I'm Jamie and I'm married...", "NEXT!:eek2:".LOL

Sorry to mock, but your probably letting yourself in for more than some of that. Hope it all goes well, but be prepared.
You might get more chance at the bar afterwards while you describe your situation in more detail. I know a few married (to women) bi males who've had long lasting relationships with gay men, and all were happy with it.
So never say "Never!".;)

Jul 16, 2012, 2:06 PM
That, and as Kate said, they may not let me participate in the first place. I suspect I won;t be the only married guy there, though.

Have you, or anyone else, ever tried a speed dating event?

Jul 17, 2012, 12:26 AM
Well I am not sure it is the same thing as speed dating, but a dating site which I as a straight wife in an open marriage belong to, advertises occassionally had meet and greet parties. Speed dating it may not be, but it is a way for folks to meet folks other than bars and clubs.

I think that Jaime was asking if anyone had experianced this. I think it was great to bring up the pitfalls for him to keep in mind.

Belle in Boston

Jul 17, 2012, 6:31 PM
Actually Jaime----I would bet that if its allowed--there would be more married men, without the permission and blessing of their wives, than there will be "gay" men---my god----at sites like Squirt.org and others that are billed as being a meeting site for gay and bisexual men----the married bisexual men seem to far outnumber those who call themselves purely gay, and list their relationship status as being "single."