View Full Version : Three Parent Issue

Jul 9, 2012, 9:58 AM
What are you thoughts on multiple parent debate or issues? There are sexuality issues connected but it also is raised when the biological parents either never marry or divorce and the parents become involved with someone else. There are issues (legal and otherwise) should that second couple end their relationship depending upon what role the non biological parent has taken.


The article makes reference to California and a new law being proposed.

Do your current family laws regarding multiple parents reflect acceptance of same-sex couples?

In Canada and Ontario they have for some time.

Jul 9, 2012, 12:11 PM
My thoughts on this are myriad...on the one hand it has often been said that it takes a village to raise a child but on the other hand....too many parents can make it difficult to have a structured system. Sexuality in this case doesn't enter into it for me as there are many situations in any relationship system when a child can't be conceived without some outside help like a surrogate or sperm donor.

In Kentucky there are no explicit prohibitions on adoption by same-sex couples but there are also no real protections. A second-parent adoption by a person of the same sex terminates the parental rights of the first.