View Full Version : Small world..:}

Jul 8, 2012, 3:05 PM
A little while back, I posted about a local Meet n Greet to promote possible future play parties in my area here. The responcies that I've gotten have been Great. :} Some were vastly surprised to discover that other Bisex mebers were in the same area.

I met a man last night who is a member here, and discovered that he lives a very short ways from Me..:} I mentioned that a band of my Lifestyle Family would be at our local watering hole last night and gave him a "Shameless Plug" I had invited a man a long time ago to meet me, and my family, and that guy sat back at the bar all night watching us and determined we were, quote "A bit too Wild for my tastes and I was repulsed to see that you kissed another woman" (For the record I didnt kiss her, She kissed me) lol Needless to say this guy didnt make the grade. Snicker..

My family Is a little odd and crazy, (Shup Rich) but we have a great deal of crazy fun and Do brush the envelope of naughty jussst enough to keep from being thrown out of the tavern...lol. Jello shots on the boobies or from in some guys crotch, us girls snuggling up to each other, "Squishing" a newbie on the dancefloor, kissing, groping, ect. Its all in fun and a bit of shock value to the Mundanes too..:}

This other sweet man, did the same thing, but he watched us for a while to see what we were like; then came and politely introduced himself and sat with us for like 3 hours. He kinda got a "Feel" for us-- and wasnt Too overly shocked or embarrassed. He grinned alot at our antics, and I hope he had a good time. I teased him and told him to feel free to claim his "Bragging rights" that he got to meet Ya'll's Cat, and party with her and the "Kittens" a bit..LMAO He even got a nice warm booobie hug when I left..lol
Maybe next time it'll be easier to talk at the Meet n Greet..lol

Moral of this tale is: Contact people from here that are in your local area. Ya never know..ya might meet some great friends, ya might meet a Lover or "The One" You'll never know until you give it a shot..:}

Have a great day, Darlings.
Yer Cat

Jul 8, 2012, 5:43 PM
Interesting tale. I can see where an "outsider" might be a little intimidated by, as you call it, "the antics" of your little family. I think I probably would be intimidated, but then after a scotch, a smile and a little tug from a "lil" kitty, I think I would feel very welcome.

Jul 8, 2012, 7:05 PM
There aren't too many people on here from my "local" area but I have met a few folks in person and I think they were nice experiences.

Jul 8, 2012, 7:10 PM
lol So if I grinned lecherously at you and purred in your ear, that would take away your fear, Choots? lol
Silly Cat.

Jul 8, 2012, 7:50 PM
lol So if I grinned lecherously at you and purred in your ear, that would take away your fear, Choots? lol
Silly Cat.
"You betchum, RedRider" (that's a quote from an ancient radio show and Sunday morning cartoon from my youth)

Jul 8, 2012, 9:14 PM
I wanna go to Washington now............. *pouts prettily at LDD* "Honey.... that can be our honeymoon"

Jul 9, 2012, 1:04 AM
*Evil Cat chuckle* DD, you needs to come visit Before your Honeymoon. I can throw you an...Ice cream social....yeah thats it. The Kittens and I would take you out on town with us as a kind of Bachlorette(Sp) party. (Ignore Richard's warning to "Run!! Runn!) uh humm...
Anyway. We would protect you, and show you a grand time before shipping you off back home...*Batting eyelashes innocently*
Yer fave Pussy...^..^

Jul 9, 2012, 1:10 AM
lol I remember Red Rider too. :} Ty Choots..

Jul 9, 2012, 7:39 AM
Can't believe someone would get so shook up over a little "innocent" fun! Hmmmm, could use some "I scream" social in my life, too. Cats just wanna have fu un!

Jul 9, 2012, 4:27 PM
lol Now Plum, you Know that I would endeavor to curl you and Choot's toes if'n I got the chance, and I think 3 is a Verry fun number..:}
Lecherous grins....
Yer Cat

Jul 25, 2012, 7:59 PM
I haven't been on for awhile but you are still the same Cat I remember, and oh how I have missed you and all the others!

aLABiM75 & StrF51
Jul 26, 2012, 3:12 AM

What kind of area are you in Cat?

In my area it is likely there are many people who have passed through this site, but doubt you would ever know it.
I am in an area where money is old &/or in abundance ~ men have wives & several boyfriends behind their backs ~ go to church regularly, tithe in abundance, & preach hate for gays and the poor.... basically I am surrounded by hypocrites & no it is not D.C..

Now, right across the Lake is where I grew up, a little city called New Orleans, LA (NOLA) where there is a "Rainbow District".... but it might as well be a World away.
I am, by pretty much any measure, the exception to the rule in that I met my now Wife when I was in NOLA and would travel across the Lake regularly to see her.
What it comes down to is that there is this vacuum here where little gets out and anything trying to get in is severely scrutinized.

Basically what all this back story comes down to is that no one meets here to become friends & LTRs.... it is an environment where cheating is promoted, secrecy is a given, & outing a 'Family' man has sever consequences.
While there is also no going back to NOLA from here to find those relationships either, because the people there are so ingrained in the Community they will not leave it and even if you were part of it at one time, you are now an outsider & a quick conquest at best.

We have looked for years now, just for a 3rd to be a part of our Family with no luck.
It is just not what is expected to happen & anyone near by rarely goes past 1 conversation or even e-mail when you tell them you do not swing or cheat.


Jul 26, 2012, 8:03 AM
...Moral of this tale is: Contact people from here that are in your local area. Ya never know..ya might meet some great friends, ya might meet a Lover or "The One" ..:} Yer Cat

uhuh ... :love87: or a fiance !

Jul 27, 2012, 1:48 AM
What kind of area am I in? I'm in a smallish town surrounded by a larger city. We have a large Bi and Gay populous; and are considered a rather open-minded and progressive city. ;}
Keep looking, Loves. Keep making friends and you never know...your 3rd (or 4th even), could be right around the corner.
One man that I have met recently thought that I was out of Vancouver..lol Turns out he lives in the little town adjacent to mine. This may turn out to be quite fun as he lives like 10 miles from me. :} YNK. Ya never know...
Yer Cat

Peg, did you get Aw-fianced??? :}

Jul 27, 2012, 10:10 AM
I need to move closer to Cat...

aLABiM75 & StrF51
Jul 28, 2012, 1:32 AM
I need to move closer to Cat...

I think we all do. :oh:

Jul 28, 2012, 9:33 AM
Ain't it the truth... I only wish I could be stationed in Seattle... I already know how progressive that city can be and completely love it. My only regret is that I didn't get a hold of my Cat earlier when I came back on my Midtour from Korea. I got to meet my Cat over the phone, but didn't have enough time to make a meet and greet. Hopefully it'll happen in the future... MEANWHILE, I'm stuck in a city where whenever I look on this site, most of the couples that are bi are located in the western portion of the state (which is near impossible to get away to), are one time e-mailers, or just plain old ignore you. Given to current conditions of my family, it's hard to get away for an 8 hour day at work let alone trying to bring a third into play. Sex has fallen out of my spouses vocabulary (both because of medical reasons and the simple lack of want), and can be extremely taboo to even breach the topic. I have gotten very frustrated with the fact of having to take care of myself on a regular basis and having no other human contact in my life. CAT!!!! I sure as hell could use one of your parties now!!! St Louis is supposed to be a city where they make all of the beer we party with (most anyway)... Yet, I keep coming up dry in every move I make... Sometimes I think it would've been better to keep my ambitions locked away in a closet... Probably would've had more success... WASHINGTON!!!! Can I get orders now to where I REALLY want to go???? To our friend in NOLA... I feel your pain!!!

Jul 28, 2012, 9:51 AM
I'll pass on partyin' with ya, Cat, too much heat in that kitchen for me to handle ;) rock on wit yo badself, lady!

Jul 28, 2012, 12:09 PM
lol I still think we need a Bisex Rendezvous somewhere in the middle of the country or in Vegas, Ya'll..Omg, what a time That would be..:}
And Will-Darlin, you know where I'm at if ya'll ever get transfered back up here..*Lecherous grin*
Have a good weekend Loves
Yer Cat

Jul 28, 2012, 1:36 PM
I think we all do. :oh:

I was thinking the same thing!

Jul 28, 2012, 2:41 PM
...Peg, did you get Aw-fianced??? :}

I did indeed <huge smile> no date yet... we will make an announcement when the time is right.

Jul 29, 2012, 4:00 AM
lol Pad, we girls would be gentle, hon. We wouldnt let ya get too hot in the kitchen...0:} *Wink*
Cat, being Silly.

Jul 30, 2012, 12:47 AM
lol I still think we need a Bisex Rendezvous somewhere in the middle of the country or in Vegas, Ya'll..Omg, what a time That would be..:}
And Will-Darlin, you know where I'm at if ya'll ever get transfered back up here..*Lecherous grin*
Have a good weekend Loves
Yer Cat

I like the idea of a "BisexCon" in the middle of the country somewhere... Actually, that means that you would be coming to visit me Cat!!!! :tongue: Considering I live in so-called "Mid-America" St. Louis... Just have to wait until the weather breaks tho... The heat here is a real bitch... Not the kind I like... That's another reason I would love to move to Seattle!!! Ain't gonna happen while I'm in the military tho!!! Retirement right around the corner though... Hehehehehe....

Aug 1, 2012, 12:42 AM
Peg., you GO Girlfriend! Many hugs and congrats to you. An old, dearest friend used to tell me, "When the Spirits thinks they've found a man that can tame you, they'll send him your way"
I'm so very glad they did for you!
Yer Cat.

Aug 1, 2012, 12:57 AM
Billy's Girl! My post didnt post..:( Welcome Home Sweetie!
Yer Cat

Aug 1, 2012, 11:13 AM
Peg., you GO Girlfriend! Many hugs and congrats to you. An old, dearest friend used to tell me, "When the Spirits thinks they've found a man that can tame you, they'll send him your way"
I'm so very glad they did for you!
Yer Cat.

thank you so much sweet pussy. We are very happy ;)..... awwwww @ "sniff".

Aug 4, 2012, 3:04 PM
<snip/unsnip>Moral of this tale is: Contact people from here that are in your local area. Ya never know..ya might meet some great friends, ya might meet a Lover or "The One" You'll never know until you give it a shot..:}

Have a great day, Darlings.
Yer Cat


Aug 5, 2012, 10:05 AM
Ain't she the greatest? We are so lucky and proud to be the "hunting ground" for "our Cat."

Aug 5, 2012, 1:19 PM
Aww Thank you Naked. Hopefully I'll get you to one of these parties and you can give me a nice big naked hug..lol
Yer Cat