View Full Version : An interesting look at one aspect of American history

Jul 5, 2012, 12:07 PM
I came across this and found it to be interesting. I am sure some will be critical of this take on these historical figures and events----that gay academicians are now going back to look at history from their perspective and try to glean---from our "modern perspective" about those who were gay and their contributions to history---but you do have to consider that the evidence presented here does make one wonder if what is proposed has some merit and you certainly have to consider that overall what we read in the history books is not always "the whole truth and nothing but the truth" because it is surely the case that "the victors right the history books" and that far too often---we only get a "mainstream" view of the past---with anyone or anything that does not fit the prevailing views on things---either at best does not get a full view--or at worst----gets totally ignored.

So--I just offer this as something I found interesting---I hope you do at least find it interesting as well and also consider that there could be some truth to what is presented here---and that the history we get taught in school--is far too often---does not present the entire and accurate reality of history.


Jul 5, 2012, 4:33 PM
Hmm, I'm sure some of this is very true. Acceptance of same sex relationships has varied with time.

When I hear the stories of Lincoln sleeping with other men I have to remind myself that if you only made two bits a day, rent was expensive so actually some men were just happy to have a bed, even if there was someone already in it. I know I've done that already, sleeping next to someone who was straight. I was just happy to have a bed. It was just a tiny bit awkward when he started to wake up and realize that overnight we must've decided to sleep together rather than apart but I didn't make a big deal about it.

Jul 5, 2012, 7:50 PM
It is true Elian that until the early 20th century--when most people were luck if they did have "two nickels to rub together"--it was a common practice to share a bed with strangers in places like boarding houses since so many people didn't even have their own apartments/flats or tenements, and it might be a stretch to say that old Honest Abe at least had an interest in other men---but then again---it is not something that can just be dismissed altogether.

As history does show---homosexual relationships among both men and women date back to antiquity and it is more than likely that far more of our historical figures had to some degree or another----have a sexual orientation that deviated from the purely straight---and back in those days--it really was often the case that men did get married not at all for romance or the companionship of women---they had such relationships for several reasons---most notably to secure male heirs to their lands, titles, etc---and of course that they had to prove they "were men" by siring offspring---but they and their spouses largely lived very separate lives removed from one another with the men having outside lovers---generally of the opposite sex--but there are some indications with many that they did have some very close relationships with other men that certainly had the appearance and indirect evidence of being simply more than "being tight buds" as we might say today.