View Full Version : Cant Understand the gay community

Jul 4, 2012, 3:43 PM
Ive been looking around sites, trying to look for guys. Mostly looking for hookups (Cant Lie) but also looking for friends. all i been able to find are creepy guys, guys who are "too hot for their own good", judgemental guys and guys who arent into black guys. A lot of these people have snotty attitudes and are stuck up. I can see if someone isnt into me, but a lot of the guys have been rude and jump to conclusions about people. Dont get me wrong a few have been nice. all Ive been able to find have been an older guy who creeped me out, a "fluffy" guy with a girlfriend I want to be real friends with him but he seems like he only wants a fuck buddy., a guy who stopped answering my texts. And this new asshole who thinks hes some type of player.He thinks he owns me or something, Hes crazy. We havent even met yet, and his attitude turns me off. I wouldnt even give him the time of day under normal circumstances but im so desperate right now.
I guess my whole thing is this, Once I came out, I expected a big warm hug and got a kick in the face.
Has anyone had similar experiences?

Jul 4, 2012, 3:47 PM
Sorry to double post but I had to add something. A llot of these guys are on sites geared towards hooking up and A lot of them dont want to hookup.Or they say "oh I want a guy with class. They get mad when ur straightforward with them, but idk what they expect, theyre on sites for SEX and HOOKING UP. they just dont make no damn sense.

Jul 4, 2012, 4:15 PM
Hey Mickey
Yes, it can be a challenge. I checked your profile on this site and there was nothing written as to what you are looking for. That might have made it easier to figure out what your problem is.

State clearly what you are looking for. Read what the other guy posted about himself and judge before even contacting him.

You seem to be looking for a hook up with the option of developing a friendship. If developing a friendship is a higher priority than getting off sexually, ask to meet once or twice without sex. You seem like a lot of us. If you are really horny, you will go for the hook up even though you may really want friends with benefits. Going for the sex on the first meet is more than not going to keep it a one time hook up. But there are always repeats and even friendships that can develop. I do not have the answer specifically myself..lol

Still there are some bi guys or gay guys who will state that they are looking for more than a hook up. Sometimes, they may think that they want one thing and really want another. Some are just all out horny when the reply to you. The little head is in charge. Some who are rude are fed up and angry. I recently was communicating with a guy and left my computer for a few hours. (email not PM). The guy became really offended that I did not respond to his request to meet and ended it with something about all you guys disappear when I ask to meet. I wrote back and explained that I was not on my computer for several hours. I never heard from him. That is his issues and not mine.

If you are specifically looking for a gay guy you may want to try the bars or social clubs for gays rather than the net. There are some that are into outdoor activity etc and not bar related.

As far as setting expectations realistically or setting the bar too high, I find some gay guys more inclined to want the prince on a white horse rescuing them fantasy....lol(do not know from what though).
Good luck to you.

Jul 4, 2012, 4:51 PM
Who hasn't had their fair share of twatishness on hookup sites?:tongue:

Here's a chat that some dick initiated while I was on one for all of 5 secs before he mistook me for his personal slave:

Dick: I want to be double penetrated!
Me : I've only got one cock.lol
Dick: Find another!
Me : I don't bother with tops much.
Dick: Fuck me hard up my manc**t!
Me : Sorry I'm busy.
Dick: Lick my sh!tbox!
Me : Are you feeling ok?
*Dick cancels chat*

Sad thing is, I live in a nearby town to him, and prob would have met up if he wasn't such a total cock, or prob off his tits on something shady.lol

Jul 4, 2012, 4:54 PM
Yes, I've had many similar experiences. They're worse than some women who play misleading, confusing head-games. If secretly bi married guys were in your list, I didn't catch it; they have their way of adding even more problems/pressures to the mix. All I can say is, be careful with that desperation. It could lead to further disappointment and maybe even, serious regret.:)

The Bisexual Virgin
Jul 4, 2012, 5:45 PM
Whats wrong with hooking up with a woman? Don't answer that I am just teasing. Anyways if you want to be in a relationship with a man, how about you get off your computer, and go to some gay clubs or bars.

Jul 4, 2012, 6:47 PM
Whats wrong with hooking up with a woman? Don't answer that I am just teasing. Anyways if you want to be in a relationship with a man, how about you get off your computer, and go to some gay clubs or bars.

Going to respond anyway 'cause your profile has always intrigued me ( reminds me of a pretty, sexy lil' black woman I wound up with one night)And I've already told you about my love for beer, blues & bbq. Don't mind your teasing during a heat-wave 4th of July whatsoever! Just contributes to the holiday atmosphere. :smilies15

The Bisexual Virgin
Jul 4, 2012, 7:13 PM
Going to respond anyway 'cause your profile has always intrigued me ( reminds me of a pretty, sexy lil' black woman I wound up with one night)And I've already told you about my love for beer, blues & bbq. Don't mind your teasing during a heat-wave 4th of July whatsoever! Just contributes to the holiday atmosphere. :smilies15

Hehehehe What?!? You confuse me pepperjack.

Jul 4, 2012, 7:56 PM
Hehehehe What?!? You confuse me pepperjack.

Didn't mean to confuse; I was replying to your comment " What's wrong with hooking up with a woman?" Just trying to share my sexual experiences with black women, black culture on the 4th of July holiday, which is after all, the quintessential statement of this country,personal freedom. In more simple terms, I have found black women to be incredibly sexy for decades and I have been with them. What else can I say?

The Bisexual Virgin
Jul 4, 2012, 8:10 PM
Didn't mean to confuse; I was replying to your comment " What's wrong with hooking up with a woman?" Just trying to share my sexual experiences with black women, black culture on the 4th of July holiday, which is after all, the quintessential statement of this country,personal freedom. In more simple terms, I have found black women to be incredibly sexy for decades and I have been with them. What else can I say?

Oh well thank you. you are making me blush:oh:. I do find white men attractive myself, so me and you are on the same page,darling;)

Jul 4, 2012, 8:24 PM
Oh well thank you. you are making me blush:oh:. I do find white men attractive myself, so me and you are on the same page,darling;)

Yes,we are...& your words are so arousing as fireworks go off in the background! Happy 4th! :tong:

The Bisexual Virgin
Jul 4, 2012, 8:44 PM
Yes,we are...& your words are so arousing as fireworks go off in the background! Happy 4th! :tong:

The same to you.baby;)

Jul 4, 2012, 10:53 PM
Mickey you're looking on hook up sites. You yourself said how you want to hook up or have a fuck buddy. Pretty much all other men on those sites are going to be looking for a hook up or a fuck buddy. Why not have sex with the "fluffy" guy and see if his girlfriend wants to have a 3 way? Or just be friends with that guy if he's not out to her at all? Are you meeting these men face to face at all? I'm not sure what you meant about men who are "Too hot for their own good?"

Long Duck Dong
Jul 5, 2012, 12:22 AM
lol ex sailor, I know what he means,...

I used to see a few of them in the LGBT bar years ago when I worked there...... one guy was overweight, balding and missing a couple of teeth but convinced that he was some man magnet with a body to die for and looks that men fought over.....and the word around the bar was that he was a short dicked guy who had trouble with premature ejaculation... tho I have no idea if that was fact or just gossip, but I do know that most of his hook ups were the late night, bar closing time, drunks that were leaving with a hard on and no relief in sight...

there were some gay adonis in the club too, and some of them were nice guys and took a lot of crap cos they were not bed hoppers and male sluts.....

my advice to mickey is simple... take ya time, look around, there are genuine guys out there.... its just a lot of them have had to deal with the same crap you have run into so they are wary and weary as well......

Jul 5, 2012, 2:26 AM
Ive been looking around sites, trying to look for guys. Mostly looking for hookups (Cant Lie) but also looking for friends. all i been able to find are creepy guys, guys who are "too hot for their own good", judgemental guys and guys who arent into black guys. A lot of these people have snotty attitudes and are stuck up. I can see if someone isnt into me, but a lot of the guys have been rude and jump to conclusions about people. Dont get me wrong a few have been nice. all Ive been able to find have been an older guy who creeped me out, a "fluffy" guy with a girlfriend I want to be real friends with him but he seems like he only wants a fuck buddy., a guy who stopped answering my texts. And this new asshole who thinks hes some type of player.He thinks he owns me or something, Hes crazy. We havent even met yet, and his attitude turns me off. I wouldnt even give him the time of day under normal circumstances but im so desperate right now.
I guess my whole thing is this, Once I came out, I expected a big warm hug and got a kick in the face.
Has anyone had similar experiences?

One of our best friends is Gay, and he admits that the gay community can be VERY!! nasty. We have seen in person how nasty they can get. Don't get me wrong we are all for equality but many demand good treatment and equality but they don't give it back. I've seen a real good looking gay guy tell my friend that he's fat and ugly in front of everyone.

Good luck!!

Jul 5, 2012, 3:48 AM
Ive been looking around sites, trying to look for guys. Mostly looking for hookups (Cant Lie) but also looking for friends. all i been able to find are creepy guys, guys who are "too hot for their own good", judgemental guys and guys who arent into black guys. A lot of these people have snotty attitudes and are stuck up. I can see if someone isnt into me, but a lot of the guys have been rude and jump to conclusions about people. Dont get me wrong a few have been nice. all Ive been able to find have been an older guy who creeped me out, a "fluffy" guy with a girlfriend I want to be real friends with him but he seems like he only wants a fuck buddy., a guy who stopped answering my texts. And this new asshole who thinks hes some type of player.He thinks he owns me or something, Hes crazy. We havent even met yet, and his attitude turns me off. I wouldnt even give him the time of day under normal circumstances but im so desperate right now.
I guess my whole thing is this, Once I came out, I expected a big warm hug and got a kick in the face.
Has anyone had similar experiences?

It depends on what you mean by “the gay community.” It can mean all the LGBT members or just male homosexuals. Judging from the tenor of your words, I’d say you mean just males but want to be sure and since this a bisexual site, there’s a good chance that if your experienced something here, they are bisexual.

Since I’m at it, you mentioned you came “out”, which is commendable but what did you come out as?

Such things as stupidity, rudeness, selfishness, etc, are part of the universal “human condition” and you’ll find such traits scattered within all groups of people regardless of race, creed, nationality, gender, ideology or orientation

Jul 7, 2012, 1:59 PM
I hear all these guys talking about how many bfs they had and all that. I dont mean to toot my own horn but im a pretty decent looking guy. Y is it so hard for me to just find a friend?

Jul 7, 2012, 3:20 PM
I hear all these guys talking about how many bfs they had and all that. I dont mean to toot my own horn but im a pretty decent looking guy. Y is it so hard for me to just find a friend?
I offered friendship to one bloke who had just lost his mum. He had lots of other stresses in his life, and few escapes from them. So being the soul of compassion that I am, I offered to meet up for a Sunday pint. I made it clear that no sex would ever be involved, and it would be JUST friendship.

Sunday came, and I was just going to leave my place to be taken to a pub in his car. He came inside instead. I put it down to him not wanting to be in public in such an emotional state etc, and made us a cuppa.
YES! You guessed it! He had no intention of meeting for a drink as friends! He wanted my cock!:eek2: I could NOT feking believe it! How fekin low can you go?
He got sod all from me btw! Friend be fek? I'd rather Geoffrey Dalmner any day! At least you'd know where you are with HIM!:!:

So just be careful (unlike me) who you offer friendship too. Or tell them you have a micro penis and haemorrhoids.;)

Jul 7, 2012, 7:06 PM
I hear all these guys talking about how many bfs they had and all that. I dont mean to toot my own horn but im a pretty decent looking guy. Y is it so hard for me to just find a friend?

Ok, initially you were looking for friends as well as hook-ups; now it's just a friend? Which is it? Friends with benefits? Maybe you're part of the problem with your ambiguity?:shades:

Jul 8, 2012, 9:54 PM
I hear all these guys talking about how many bfs they had and all that. I dont mean to toot my own horn but im a pretty decent looking guy. Y is it so hard for me to just find a friend?

The movement for greater rights, primarily focused on gays and lesbians, has been long and hard, so far. The fact is, however, that only a small portion of those communities actually take advantage of the right to marry when it is made available.

It is much easier to establish friendships when they are based on common interests other than sexual activity. You might consider getting more involved with groups that share or promote your personal interests and enjoy yourself and the common interest. Chances are there will be someone who also shares your sexual orientation that you would then have a common ground to build on.

At any rate, dating is damned difficult.

Good Luck,


Jul 9, 2012, 8:15 PM
You want greater rights? How about a civil union, same rights as a heterosexual marriage. Fuck your greater rights.

aLABiM75 & StrF51
Jul 10, 2012, 12:23 AM

That's pretty much what I have found here too.
Oh! and a LOT of rich, church going men, cheating on their wives....

I would love to find a friend that became more, but definitely not looking for a fuck and go situation.
Seems all the "Gay" sites used to find someone are for hook-ups only and most of those guys are a-holes, just won't chat/talk, are unwilling to get to know someone, and the rare person like myself doesn't last long in that environment.
I fear that even if someone created a Gay Friends site.... it would turn into a hook-up site.


Jul 11, 2012, 11:46 PM
Fickle, phony, game-playing....worse than the "battle of the sexes." I've said it once, I'll say it again...bi & gay men are worse at playing head games than women. I'm fed up, disgusted!

Jul 12, 2012, 5:59 AM
Dude, this has to be a troll post, right? You didn't just come on a site with the title "bisexual.com" and accuse us all of being secretly -only- gay??

the guy doing the facepalm at 2:50 is pretty good .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7Q2qBnNAXU

If I was gay, do you think I would I enjoy watching this video?


Jul 12, 2012, 6:06 AM
I can't speak for the chat but the forum part of the site really isn't about hook-ups - lately, I'm not quite sure what it is about..a lot of people lashing out in anger and frustration apparently. Eventually you will find someone worth your time, keep looking.


That's pretty much what I have found here too.
Oh! and a LOT of rich, church going men, cheating on their wives....

I would love to find a friend that became more, but definitely not looking for a fuck and go situation.
Seems all the "Gay" sites used to find someone are for hook-ups only and most of those guys are a-holes, just won't chat/talk, are unwilling to get to know someone, and the rare person like myself doesn't last long in that environment.
I fear that even if someone created a Gay Friends site.... it would turn into a hook-up site.
