View Full Version : Anderson Cooper is gay...

Jul 3, 2012, 1:40 PM
... not bisexual. But I guess no one is perfect.


- Drew :paw:

Jul 3, 2012, 3:09 PM
....no one is perfect.....

I came to that realization before I officially became a teen.

Jul 3, 2012, 3:28 PM
Yes, but also Tom Cruise is COMING OUT of his marriage to Katie Holmes.:rolleyes:
It's a sad time for poor Tom, and a happy time for Anderson. Rumours about a coincidental timing have not emerged just yet.:rolleyes:

Jul 3, 2012, 4:38 PM
I don't think it is any great surprise that he came out----even though it really matters not what his sexual persuasion is---I felt that there was a good possibility that AC was either gay or bi.

Jul 3, 2012, 5:19 PM
I could have sworn he came out a long time ago, so when I read the headline on the internet I was like... SO? And the big deal is? I find it really sad that news companies think that someones sexuality is BIG new... And has to broadcast it everywhere all day long. Big deal Anderson Cooper is gay.. He's a very attractive guy. His mother is Gloria Vanderbilt... Big deal...

Jul 4, 2012, 11:19 PM
Just like I told others who brought this up: And your thesis statement IS?
If the man is Gay, its His business and no one elses. I'm betting its going to hurt his career a bit, but he's a big boy and can handle it. A person shouldnt be judged by their sexual preferences, or what all they do behind closed doors...its Their Business.
To each His and Her own...:}
Cat, with no political affiliations what so ever.

Jul 5, 2012, 12:37 AM
I'd like to take this opportunity to let everyone know that I actually prefer cauliflower over broccoli. I always have and I always will. Until now, I've considered this a personal matter, but there comes a time when one has to stand up and be counted. I've always been honest about this with my family and friends, though, and they've been very supportive.

Jul 5, 2012, 1:38 AM
I wasn't surprise at all, good for him. :yikes2:

Annika L
Jul 6, 2012, 11:19 AM
I find it fascinating that the owner of these forums posts what I believe he thought was a simple newsbite letting us know about a new "official" member of the community...and the bulk of the responses are "big deal" or "not our business". To me, it really looks like a slap on Drew's wrist, saying "don't post news items!"

It's a news blurb. If you aren't impressed by it, if you already "knew" it, if you don't think it's your business...is the fact that the owner of the forums posted it *so* offensive to you that you really think it required a protest response?

Jul 6, 2012, 3:05 PM
I find it fascinating that the owner of these forums posts what I believe he thought was a simple newsbite letting us know about a new "official" member of the community...and the bulk of the responses are "big deal" or "not our business". To me, it really looks like a slap on Drew's wrist, saying "don't post news items!"

It's a news blurb. If you aren't impressed by it, if you already "knew" it, if you don't think it's your business...is the fact that the owner of the forums posted it *so* offensive to you that you really think it required a protest response?

Actually, it seems to me that you were the only person offended by something in this thread and your post definitely seems like the only one that is protesting something. I wasn't offended by anything and I can tell you that my post certainly wasn't a protest. It was basically an attempt to show how inconsequential a person's sexual preference is in the grand scheme of things. Or at least that's how it should be. People who define themselves to any great extent by their sexual preference seem incredibly shallow to me. Unfortunately, a lot of gay people do it.

Jul 6, 2012, 4:06 PM
Anderson Cooper’s gayness could make Jerry Sandusky ‘a normal thing’ - Conservative radio host Janet Mefferd recently warned her listeners that a report about CNN host Anderson Cooper revealing (http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com/2012/07/anderson-cooper-the-fact-is-im-gay.html) he was “proud” to be gay could literally make them vomit.

“I don’t know about you, when your kids are sick like mine sometimes are and they’ll come down in the middle of the night, ‘Mommy I have a stomach ache,’ I always give them the same words of advice, ‘Get a bucket, put a little bit of water in it and put it next to your bed and that way if that upset stomach does what it might do, you’ll be prepared,’” Mefferd explained to her listeners (http://www.janetmefferdpremium.com/2012/07/03/janet-mefferd-radio-show-20120703-hr-3/) earlier this week.

“So in that vein, I would like to give you the same advice. Given what I’m about to talk about, you might want to get yourself a bucket with a little water in it and that way if you feel a little sick and it manifests itself in a physical way you’ll be prepared,” she continued.

Mefferd went on to explain that Cooper’s announcement was the “the neo-pagan story of the day” and compared it to Jerry Sandusky pedophilia case. - http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/07/06/radio-host-anderson-coopers-gayness-could-make-jerry-sandusky-a-normal-thing/

There are certain sick people whom will forever link being Gay (or Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgendered) with being abnormal and/or morally deviant.

Jul 6, 2012, 4:50 PM
And there are certain people aeon, whose job it is to build up tension, draw people in and get ratings and sponsorship for their show. I am more and more convinced that these people will say anything at all to keep people's attention.

I don't think these people are "sick", they either have ulterior motives or they are just plain ignorant of what it means to be LGBT. The hardest part about being in a minority is people really don't understand what it is like until they walk in your shoes.

There are straight people in my church who are about the most welcoming pro-LGBT folks you will find - they rally for freedom to marry and everything - but if you ask them they will admit that they don't really KNOW what it feels like to be gay.

Jul 6, 2012, 5:40 PM
And there are certain people aeon, whose job it is to build up tension, draw people in and get ratings and sponsorship for their show. I am more and more convinced that these people will say anything at all to keep people's attention.

I don't think these people are "sick", they either have ulterior motives or they are just plain ignorant of what it means to be LGBT. The hardest part about being in a minority is people really don't understand what it is like until they walk in your shoes.

There are straight people in my church who are about the most welcoming pro-LGBT folks you will find - they rally for freedom to marry and everything - but if you ask them they will admit that they don't really KNOW what it feels like to be gay.

To a certain extent...I agree with you. I'll be the first to admit, that while I consider a Neanderthal like Limbaugh (for example) to be an affront to any sentient human being, he's damn good at what he does and is getting rich doing it. But while disagree that such beings are not sick, the elephant in the room is his audience who lap up his spittle as fact and feed into the prejudice, if not hatred, of people whom are homosexual.

In the case of Janet Mefferd, she's doing nothing but preaching to an audience who is already convinced that homosexuals are no different that pedophiles or other sexual abusers. You can rationalize her actions all you want but what she is knowingly saying is a LIE. There is no telling what kind of abuse those who listen to her and believe what she says, will do to those in the LGBT community.

Janet Mefford is sick....her methods are sick.

Jul 6, 2012, 6:17 PM
Well, I guess there comes a point where I have to agree that people feeding off of that message and believing it does make people sick. Short of those people knowing an actual, genuine LGBT person I don't know what we could do to heal that hatred. How do you convince a person that thinks you are pedophile?

the situation is sad really, but of course I know it's not true..gay people are not pedophiles. If I believe that nothing can change then I have already lost. If I believe the only way out is a militant agenda - I'm not happy with that either. I guess I'll keep looking for answers - probably until the day I die.

Annika L
Jul 6, 2012, 6:41 PM
Actually, it seems to me that you were the only person offended by something in this thread and your post definitely seems like the only one that is protesting something. I wasn't offended by anything and I can tell you that my post certainly wasn't a protest. It was basically an attempt to show how inconsequential a person's sexual preference is in the grand scheme of things. Or at least that's how it should be. People who define themselves to any great extent by their sexual preference seem incredibly shallow to me. Unfortunately, a lot of gay people do it.

Not offended, hon, fascinated. And my post was not a swipe at you, or anything really. I enjoyed your broccoli declaration...it takes great courage to admit to preferring cauliflower, especially in this day and age of clear broccoli-ism. But its overall message did fit a pattern that I found interesting.

Jul 6, 2012, 6:57 PM
To a certain extent...I agree with you. I'll be the first to admit, that while I consider a Neanderthal like Limbaugh (for example) to be an affront to any sentient human being, he's damn good at what he does and is getting rich doing it. But while disagree that such beings are not sick, the elephant in the room is his audience who lap up his spittle as fact and feed into the prejudice, if not hatred, of people whom are homosexual. In the case of Janet Mefferd, she's doing nothing but preaching to an audience who is already convinced that homosexuals are no different that pedophiles or other sexual abusers. You can rationalize her actions all you want but what she is knowingly saying is a LIE. There is no telling what kind of abuse those who listen to her and believe what she says, will do to those in the LGBT community. Janet Mefford is sick....her methods are sick. You do the exact same thing as Conservatives and the religious right when you foolishly claim that having any sexual contact even protected sex with a bisexual man puts you or others at risk for HIV but if you have sex with a hetero man that in your biphobic and pozphobic opinion you're not going to be at risk for HIV at all. :rolleyes:
I find myself justifiably shying away from any bisexual male when it comes to sex. The risks of getting STD/HIV is just too great.

Jul 6, 2012, 7:43 PM
Well, I guess there comes a point where I have to agree that people feeding off of that message and believing it does make people sick. Short of those people knowing an actual, genuine LGBT person I don't know what we could do to heal that hatred. How do you convince a person that thinks you are pedophile?

the situation is sad really, but of course I know it's not true..gay people are not pedophiles. If I believe that nothing can change then I have already lost. If I believe the only way out is a militant agenda - I'm not happy with that either. I guess I'll keep looking for answers - probably until the day I die.

Education is one key. Confronting the lies with facts, is another. Misinformation is the cause of a lot of misunderstanding. Then there are those whose beliefs will never change.

See; "Prayer Of Serenity."

Jul 6, 2012, 9:21 PM
Not offended, hon, fascinated. And my post was not a swipe at you, or anything really. I enjoyed your broccoli declaration...it takes great courage to admit to preferring cauliflower, especially in this day and age of clear broccoli-ism. But its overall message did fit a pattern that I found interesting.

I'm glad that neither of us were offended. It's good to not be offended. I'm also glad that you enjoyed my post. I didn't really read any other posts before I wrote it, though, so if it fit into any pattern, that was purely a coincidence.

Jul 7, 2012, 12:56 AM
I too prefer cauliflower over broccoli, though more for intestinal health reasons. Broccoli has adverse effects upon my bowels. Of course, this is possibly more information than needed. Peanuts, strawberries are the same and it's tragic as I have an affinity for strawberries.

Jul 7, 2012, 8:36 AM
Here's what it boils down to: someone...out there...is now...going to...imagine.... Anderson Cooper...sucking... some guys's cock.

Jul 7, 2012, 10:08 AM
Yeah, that's the big problem with gay marriage - all straight and homophobic people can think about is two guys ..umm.. kissing.. but the gay couples I have as friends that have known each other long enough to WANT to get married do the same thing that other married couples do in bed - they fall asleep.

Jul 7, 2012, 6:49 PM
... not bisexual. But I guess no one is perfect.


- Drew :paw:

And all I care about is he is one hell of a talk show host and an amazing reporter. Doesn't matter to me if he is gay, bi, plaid or from Mars. He's still one of my favorite sources of news I can trust on this planet.

Jul 7, 2012, 8:58 PM
Yeah, that's the big problem with gay marriage - all straight and homophobic people can think about is two guys ..umm.. kissing.. but the gay couples I have as friends that have known each other long enough to WANT to get married do the same thing that other married couples do in bed - they fall asleep.

Or one of them fall out of bed, complaints of cover theft. The cuddling is nice though as is some of that s e x stuff I hear tell.

Jul 7, 2012, 9:29 PM
And all I care about is he is one hell of a talk show host and an amazing reporter. Doesn't matter to me if he is gay, bi, plaid or from Mars. He's still one of my favorite sources of news I can trust on this planet.

Did you know Oscar Wilde was probably bisexual? I have even heard rumors that Drew guy, whom runs this site is bisexual, or at least homosexual. I mean of all the nerve! How can these folks get by with liking water cress? It's unimaginable and inconceivable that someone who likes water cress could ever host a news show, write great literature, be an overall nice guy.

In other words, good on you for hitting the nail on the head. Today my wife and I did laundry. We also ate at a dinner ran by a gay gentleman. He made a right delicious ham and cheese sandwich, using his own developed dressing. And no there is no sexual innuendo here. He is a good cook and combined thousand island with a certain vinegar in exact proportions to dress sandwiches.

It is rather delicious if an odd combination. His dinner is located right beside the laundry, always clean, always good food and service. Frankly, him being gay has no bearing on me enjoying being a customer. I've worked in food services and know it can be difficult. He does well, gay or purple, or from Pluto. I'm sure him being gay is a vein of contention to the Bible thumping 'down home' redneck community he operates in, yet he never seems to be bothered.

Good food, service, clean place to eat are all that matter in his case. People get all that and while there at least none seem bothered he is gay. I think actually the community follows the Christ's word, "love your neighbor as thyself." Me and my wife always like laundry day because of the community, atmosphere. We even drive twenty minutes out of the way to do our laundry there. The laundry is ran by someone whom cares, it's clean, machines are kept in fine repair. Doesn't matter to us those folks are Christian, from Jupiter, live on stale bread.

Salt of the earth is salt of the earth and nigger is nigger no matter matter the wrapper. I prefer the salt to the nigger. Treat people all fair and with respect, dignity and nobody really 'gets over' on anybody else. People are people, have been, will be ... Unfortunately, lots of folks rather have everyone believe otherwise.

Jul 7, 2012, 9:53 PM
Did you know Oscar Wilde was probably bisexual? I have even heard rumors that Drew guy, whom runs this site is bisexual, or at least homosexual. I mean of all the nerve! How can these folks get by with liking water cress? It's unimaginable and inconceivable that someone who likes water cress could ever host a news show, write great literature, be an overall nice guy.

In other words, good on you for hitting the nail on the head. Today my wife and I did laundry. We also ate at a dinner ran by a gay gentleman. He made a right delicious ham and cheese sandwich, using his own developed dressing. And no there is no sexual innuendo here. He is a good cook and combined thousand island with a certain vinegar in exact proportions to dress sandwiches.

It is rather delicious if an odd combination. His dinner is located right beside the laundry, always clean, always good food and service. Frankly, him being gay has no bearing on me enjoying being a customer. I've worked in food services and know it can be difficult. He does well, gay or purple, or from Pluto. I'm sure him being gay is a vein of contention to the Bible thumping 'down home' redneck community he operates in, yet he never seems to be bothered.

Good food, service, clean place to eat are all that matter in his case. People get all that and while there at least none seem bothered he is gay. I think actually the community follows the Christ's word, "love your neighbor as thyself." Me and my wife always like laundry day because of the community, atmosphere. We even drive twenty minutes out of the way to do our laundry there. The laundry is ran by someone whom cares, it's clean, machines are kept in fine repair. Doesn't matter to us those folks are Christian, from Jupiter, live on stale bread.

Salt of the earth is salt of the earth and nigger is nigger no matter matter the wrapper. I prefer the salt to the nigger. Treat people all fair and with respect, dignity and nobody really 'gets over' on anybody else. People are people, have been, will be ... Unfortunately, lots of folks rather have everyone believe otherwise.

"nigger is nigger no matter matter the wrapper." http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nigger what if the "nigger" turned out to be "the salt of the earth?"

Jul 8, 2012, 5:35 AM
"nigger is nigger no matter matter the wrapper." http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nigger what if the "nigger" turned out to be "the salt of the earth?"

Nice reach for a definition. Normally would follow your standard definition had I not been taught nigger (http://education.yahoo.com/reference/dictionary/entry/nigger) to simply mean trash, regardless of race, creed, gender, planet, nation, religion, politics. As in example number two of my linked definition. And should one prove themselves salt of the earth, guess they would no longer be a nigger but salt of the earth, huh?

To me African American folks are African American or black, and I usually wait to defer to their preference, if not ask. Apologies for only seeing grays and defining people via their actions, and being forgiving. Please do not imply I'm prejudiced, or racist because you would be very mistaken. I have difficulty any more in even trying to dislike anyone, except me. Also glad you proved my thinking accurate, someone would point out my use of offensive language.

I could also offend giraffes and troglodyte raptors by calling each a baboon. To me this would imply racism, or calling you a scruffy pig footed, whale bellied, hyena would be racist. We're all people, part of the human race. If I choose to be racist, I'll call you something like that hyena, or even a grubby, pigeon brained, two toed sloth. Of course, I try to refrain from insulting other races. Sloths and hyenas may not want some of us among their number. Sorry for being uncouth.

Jul 8, 2012, 8:38 PM
Nice reach for a definition. Normally would follow your standard definition had I not been taught nigger (http://education.yahoo.com/reference/dictionary/entry/nigger) to simply mean trash, regardless of race, creed, gender, planet, nation, religion, politics. As in example number two of my linked definition. And should one prove themselves salt of the earth, guess they would no longer be a nigger but salt of the earth, huh?

To me African American folks are African American or black, and I usually wait to defer to their preference, if not ask. Apologies for only seeing grays and defining people via their actions, and being forgiving. Please do not imply I'm prejudiced, or racist because you would be very mistaken. I have difficulty any more in even trying to dislike anyone, except me. Also glad you proved my thinking accurate, someone would point out my use of offensive language.

I could also offend giraffes and troglodyte raptors by calling each a baboon. To me this would imply racism, or calling you a scruffy pig footed, whale bellied, hyena would be racist. We're all people, part of the human race. If I choose to be racist, I'll call you something like that hyena, or even a grubby, pigeon brained, two toed sloth. Of course, I try to refrain from insulting other races. Sloths and hyenas may not want some of us among their number. Sorry for being uncouth.

More than a nice reach; dead on. So, you're falling back on the secondary definition of the word ( I learned it meant an ignorant person ) similar to the word fag also meaning cigarette? It just seems to me that someone who constantly preaches love, acceptance, equality,would have more sensitivity & common sense to avoid using socially inflammatory language. I've already learned the hard way that you're fond of name-calling. I got the exact response I expected from convoluted, confusing Void.:rolleyes:

Jul 8, 2012, 9:10 PM
And who are you to determine who is human "trash?" Someone much more loving & accepting than you once said, " Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." ( Matthew25:40 ).

Jul 8, 2012, 9:51 PM
Actually, I prefer raw broccoli over raw cauliflower when served with ranch dressing.

Annika L
Jul 9, 2012, 12:52 AM
Heh...don't think I've ever heard of serving broccoli *over* cauliflower, but I guess it takes all ki- ...d'oh, *I* see what you're saying!

Myself, I prefer gay cauliflower with onion dip...oh, wait...my preferences in sexuality are none of anyone's business!

void? pepperjack? Are you two still fighting? I don't like to see one of my favorite cheeses at odds with one of my favorite return types...it's too confusing.

Jul 9, 2012, 5:04 AM
And who are you to determine who is human "trash?" Someone much more loving & accepting than you once said, " Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." ( Matthew25:40 ).

I am human and flawed the same as you. Never have claimed perfection. And who are you that I'm accountable to? Careful you don't blasphemy.

As to not using inflammatory or offensive language, I fail to see how that would devalue a philosophy of love. Here's why. I could use purely sanitized and as unoffensive language as possible, someone would still take offense. I could be politically correct and someone would still find fault. You know I'm stating fact on this. Look at how many times you've done it already.

Better to talk like me, be authentic and true to self. I am still the same person who loves and thinks love is the solution. If one does not desire me labeling them something, then do not act as such a thing. If it offends them, let them consider their actions which evoked me espousing the epitaph. Simply because I may refer to one as something does not make any more valid than you referring to one as something, or that in referring to them as such detract from genuine love of them.

Of course, this is probably too 'convoluted' for you to comprehend. I grow weary of trying to placate and appease you, you're no on I need to be accountable to ultimately. Still feel as though you choose to selectively play dumb, to not understand as it suits you to incur a fight. That did bother me. Now, i don't care. I can choose too. I can choose to not speak to you.

Jul 9, 2012, 5:24 AM
Heh...don't think I've ever heard of serving broccoli *over* cauliflower, but I guess it takes all ki- ...d'oh, *I* see what you're saying!

Myself, I prefer gay cauliflower with onion dip...oh, wait...my preferences in sexuality are none of anyone's business!

void? pepperjack? Are you two still fighting? I don't like to see one of my favorite cheeses at odds with one of my favorite return types...it's too confusing.

Apologies, I'm walking away. May keep on walking.

Jul 9, 2012, 6:14 AM
Since the definition of the word obviously has changed in the last 150 years can we please just agree not to use that particular word anymore? You're starting to sound like my grandmother...SHE works in that word the way other people say "damn". Including next to a table of black people and an african-american busboy in a restaurant. It was fairly obvious that she used the word in the derogatory fashion, explaining how she often gave the tip directly to the (white) waitress directly so the bus boy couldn't get any...seemingly oblivious to her surroundings.

I usually try to have respect for my elders but at that point, being bisexual I had enough and said pretty matter of factly, "You know people don't ask to be BORN black?!" I told her when we left the restaurant that if she didn't give at least part of the tip to the busboy I would.

I know that you don't mean any ill will toward people, but once it's explained to you - if you continue to use the word .. you know what .. nevermind, I'm not your mother.

I used the "C" word one time, somebody explained to me just how derogatory that was and I quit using that word - I don't regret it - there is whole thesaurus of words out there..

Jul 9, 2012, 9:05 AM
Even better is expression lacking words all together. Entrust such will now be the case.

Jul 9, 2012, 11:23 PM
Heh...don't think I've ever heard of serving broccoli *over* cauliflower, but I guess it takes all ki- ...d'oh, *I* see what you're saying!

Myself, I prefer gay cauliflower with onion dip...oh, wait...my preferences in sexuality are none of anyone's business!

void? pepperjack? Are you two still fighting? I don't like to see one of my favorite cheeses at odds with one of my favorite return types...it's too confusing.

I don't see it as fighting but rather as disagreeing with something I see as blatantly hypocritical; isn't that one of the purposes of the forum? I have quarreled with best friends & family members as we all have. Why should I placate a stranger when I find myself at odds with what he says?

Jul 9, 2012, 11:59 PM
I am human and flawed the same as you. Never have claimed perfection. And who are you that I'm accountable to? Careful you don't blasphemy.

As to not using inflammatory or offensive language, I fail to see how that would devalue a philosophy of love. Here's why. I could use purely sanitized and as unoffensive language as possible, someone would still take offense. I could be politically correct and someone would still find fault. You know I'm stating fact on this. Look at how many times you've done it already.

Better to talk like me, be authentic and true to self. I am still the same person who loves and thinks love is the solution. If one does not desire me labeling them something, then do not act as such a thing. If it offends them, let them consider their actions which evoked me espousing the epitaph. Simply because I may refer to one as something does not make any more valid than you referring to one as something, or that in referring to them as such detract from genuine love of them.

Of course, this is probably too 'convoluted' for you to comprehend. I grow weary of trying to placate and appease you, you're no on I need to be accountable to ultimately. Still feel as though you choose to selectively play dumb, to not understand as it suits you to incur a fight. That did bother me. Now, i don't care. I can choose too. I can choose to not speak to you.

Never tried to claim you're accountable to me, just tried to call you out on your hypocrisy. " Careful I don't blasphemy?", "espousing the epitaph?" Atrocious grammar, writer; don't you proof-read your posts? As I said, genuine love of others suggests a sensitivity to how that person may react to an "uncouth" comment. Not "too convoluted for me to comprehend" at all. I recognize face-saving-cover-your ass doublespeak when I encounter it.

Annika L
Jul 10, 2012, 12:15 AM
I don't see it as fighting but rather as disagreeing with something I see as blatantly hypocritical; isn't that one of the purposes of the forum? I have quarreled with best friends & family members as we all have. Why should I placate a stranger when I find myself at odds with what he says?

Pepper, sweety, it's *not* just disagreeing. Disagreement I get. But you're picking on his grammar and how he expresses himself...complete with little unnecessary digs at the ego. And yes, he's making the same kinds of digs at you. That's fighting, and it's unbecoming in two people both of whose intellect I respect.

As my mom might have said, I don't care who started it, it takes two to engage in it.

Jul 10, 2012, 1:14 AM
Pepper, sweety, it's *not* just disagreeing. Disagreement I get. But you're picking on his grammar and how he expresses himself...complete with little unnecessary digs at the ego. And yes, he's making the same kinds of digs at you. That's fighting, and it's unbecoming in two people both of whose intellect I respect.

As my mom might have said, I don't care who started it, it takes two to engage in it.

To me, it is still disagreeing. I'm picking at his grammar because of how he has bragged on here about being a good writer. And I have repeatedly referred to his particular type of self-expression as "convoluted" and confusing,which it is. I learned from a very successful author that muddled thinking does not produce good writing! I don't know what you mean by " unnecessary digs at the ego " but yes, it takes two to tango & once again,he has bowed out. Something else I learned about successful writing....conflict is what drives the story forward.

Jul 10, 2012, 3:17 AM
Goodness,even my grandmother knew that. This was 10+ years ago. She was talking about the Vanderbilts and mentioned the Anderson and what happened to their family. Sad stuff.

Jul 10, 2012, 3:20 AM
LOL@ people arguing about grammer. Who cares. I went to Brown and guess what? They couldn't write for shit either. Hell,I write like I am in the 5th grade unless it's for my job.

Jul 10, 2012, 7:40 AM
To me, it is still disagreeing. I'm picking at his grammar because of how he has bragged on here about being a good writer. And I have repeatedly referred to his particular type of self-expression as "convoluted" and confusing,which it is. I learned from a very successful author that muddled thinking does not produce good writing! I don't know what you mean by " unnecessary digs at the ego " but yes, it takes two to tango & once again,he has bowed out. Something else I learned about successful writing....conflict is what drives the story forward.

I will keep it simple from now on. I did write complexly because it is how I think. It is also how I speak at times. That is the consistent advice given writers. "Write as you think and speak." I can and will use much simpler writing here. I bow out because this is not a story. I do not need extra drama brought on by conflict on this site. The bowing out is me gracefully refusing to fight.

I can and do own up to responsibility. I have slung insults at him. In all fairness, I did and do try to doing so only as defensive reaction. That has ended. I will not fight any more. He may say as he will. I no longer value his opinion. He is a nameless and faceless cardboard cut out. If there is only one, no fight exists. I am not fighting, not even in defense now. There is no point. I have seen how condescending some cardboard may choose to be on a continual basis.

Critique, editing was not asked for. I am not here in a professional facet, rather a personal one. This means I am here to relax. Thank you for not allowing that. I will be much more highly selective in what is responded to or expressed. As a result I may seem terse and curt. I am done.

Jul 10, 2012, 5:47 PM
Ok, you can be Kurt and I will be Martin Short..


Jul 10, 2012, 8:33 PM
Ok, you can be Kurt and I will be Martin Short..


I am sure if in a better state of mind, I too could find humor. Apologies for not being in that state of mind. Apologies for closing up more, babe. This is not about you. I know you can understand. This is something I will deal with and be alright. We can talk privately if you want. So, I am not shutting all doors.

Jul 12, 2012, 12:00 AM
LOL@ people arguing about grammer. Who cares. I went to Brown and guess what? They couldn't write for shit either. Hell,I write like I am in the 5th grade unless it's for my job.

By the same token, who cares about your apathy & stupid plight with your bi bf?

Annika L
Jul 12, 2012, 1:06 AM
By the same token, who cares about your apathy & stupid plight with your bi bf?

Um, pepper? What has gotten into your Shreddies, hon?

She makes a comment about grammar and you blast her main reason for being on the site? The site is *for* people to post about plights dealing with bisexuality (among other things). I happen to like people who type in readable English as well, and I lament how our misuse of language has eroded the meaning of many words and made communication in general more difficult...but I think it rather inappropriate to piss on someone's troubles, because they don't share your value for language. Twas a low blow rudely struck.

Jul 12, 2012, 6:02 AM
By the same token, who cares about your apathy & stupid plight with your bi bf?

Something is obviously bothering you, I hope that you find healing.

Jul 12, 2012, 7:58 AM
Funny how the topic went from Anderson Cooper to preference towards cauliflowers over brocollis. LOL. Interesting. I have to admit I LOVE brussel sprouts (if you know how to cook them properly), but you know what, sexual orientation is to me really just a PREFERENCE. Like the Asian saying, "if you are eating shark fins everyday (which is a real delicacy and very expensive), you like to eat bean threads sometimes (which is cheap and does not have much of a flavour). The saying does NOT mean at all you go from something tasty to tasteless. All it really mean is sometimes doing the same thing all the time even when it's really a nice thing could lead to boredom. Same with sexuality, if you have too much of one thing, you sometimes want the other for experimentation and exploration. Preferences could change. Whether you are gay, bi, or straight, what is the big deal really. Your sexual taste could change. Slim chance you will have a 180 degrees change, but sexuality is really just a preference. Anderson Cooper is primarily gay, but you never know his taste may change somewhat one day. You just never know.

Jul 12, 2012, 9:05 AM
Funny how the topic went from Anderson Cooper to preference towards cauliflowers over brocollis. LOL. Interesting. I have to admit I LOVE brussel sprouts (if you know how to cook them properly), but you know what, sexual orientation is to me really just a PREFERENCE. Like the Asian saying, "if you are eating shark fins everyday (which is a real delicacy and very expensive), you like to eat bean threads sometimes (which is cheap and does not have much of a flavour). The saying does NOT mean at all you go from something tasty to tasteless. All it really mean is sometimes doing the same thing all the time even when it's really a nice thing could lead to boredom. Same with sexuality, if you have too much of one thing, you sometimes want the other for experimentation and exploration. Preferences could change. Whether you are gay, bi, or straight, what is the big deal really. Your sexual taste could change. Slim chance you will have a 180 degrees change, but sexuality is really just a preference. Anderson Cooper is primarily gay, but you never know his taste may change somewhat one day. You just never know.

I can agree in so far as we do not define bisexuality as a preference only of choice.

Jul 12, 2012, 9:02 PM
Um, pepper? What has gotten into your Shreddies, hon?

She makes a comment about grammar and you blast her main reason for being on the site? The site is *for* people to post about plights dealing with bisexuality (among other things). I happen to like people who type in readable English as well, and I lament how our misuse of language has eroded the meaning of many words and made communication in general more difficult...but I think it rather inappropriate to piss on someone's troubles, because they don't share your value for language. Twas a low blow rudely struck.

You're right! I overreacted, lashed out. Elian, with his sensitivity, picked up on that when he commented " something was obviously bothering me." I deal with a lot of apathy & stupidity in my work environment on a daily basis.That really stresses and wearies me at times. Plus, I've got some psychological/emotional issues where this site is concerned. Maybe this sounds like I'm making excuses but I've been reflecting on this all day and I know I'm trying to explain how I got triggered. And during that entire period of reflection, I never felt resentful toward you for verbally chastising me. I saw that simply as your opinion vs. mine because like with Darkeyes, ( who, by the way, recently referred to me as "a bit of a reactionary old sod" ) I have developed a measure of respect for you, namely because of your articulate intelligence. This is my honesty ( because God knows my heart ), not bs. And I really appreciate that you were able to discern that I have a passion for words, and how they are used.

Annika L
Jul 12, 2012, 10:03 PM
You're right! I overreacted, lashed out. Elian, with his sensitivity, picked up on that when he commented " something was obviously bothering me." I deal with a lot of apathy & stupidity in my work environment on a daily basis.That really stresses and wearies me at times. Plus, I've got some psychological/emotional issues where this site is concerned. Maybe this sounds like I'm making excuses but I've been reflecting on this all day and I know I'm trying to explain how I got triggered. And during that entire period of reflection, I never felt resentful toward you for verbally chastising me. I saw that simply as your opinion vs. mine because like with Darkeyes, ( who, by the way, recently referred to me as "a bit of a reactionary old sod" ) I have developed a measure of respect for you, namely because of your articulate intelligence. This is my honesty ( because God knows my heart ), not bs. And I really appreciate that you were able to discern that I have a passion for words, and how they are used.

No fears, dear. It does not sound like BS. And yes, Elian expresses himself more diplomatically than I do...probably typically...but he and I were effectively saying the same thing. It was clear something was wrong, and I'm glad you seem to be in a better state now.

Jul 13, 2012, 6:24 PM
And again, my statement is" Who cares? If he is doing his job properly, what difference is it what his sexuality preference IS? And if he chose to just now "Come Out" then its his business.
Just my humble 2 cents.

Jul 14, 2012, 7:07 PM

Jul 15, 2012, 8:59 PM
Plus, I've got some psychological/emotional issues where this site is concerned. Maybe this sounds like I'm making excuses

If you are struggling emotionally, physically or spiritually and your experience is genuine. I don't consider that "making excuses", I consider working through "healing" to be just as important as anything you might do with your hands.

Apr 7, 2015, 7:57 PM
Bump it up!

Apr 8, 2015, 12:30 AM
I would like to think that a person's sexuality in the media doesn't matter. I find that some may not publicly state their honest viewpoints though. Give them a chance to express negative thought when they don't think anyone will hold them accountable..and they show the dislike.

Apr 8, 2015, 11:27 AM
... not bisexual. But I guess no one is perfect.


- Drew :paw:...don't know who he is...& wouldn't care if I did...