View Full Version : For our Washington Bi-folks...

Jun 17, 2012, 6:53 PM
I got wrangled into helping coordinate a big Meet n Greet BBQ/Gather here in our local area, and I wanted to give ya'll a heads up on it. It'll be a prelude to possible future play parties if people like the area and the Hosts. :} My buddy made the mistake of placing me and my adopted daughter in charge of the kitchen, and maintaning the house, that way he Knows all will run smooth...lol.

This isnt for a while yet, but I'm getting the word out now so that people can see the announcement, and hopefully it will generate some interest. A friend of mine is having a very informal, kick back Meet n Greet BBQ/Potluck to have folks come meet him, and see where he intends on having play parties at his Country Hideaway in SE Olympia. It will be on July 29th, 2012. This is an all adult venue, so no kidlettes or Fur Babies, please.
His place is private and set in a beautiful quiet country setting, perfect for play and socializing in an Adult invironment. High privacy fences for nude sunbathing, large BBQ area in the back yard. Hot tub inside the house, plenty of rooms to play in, and enjoy yourself all the way around. Drinking is allowed, but no hard liquor please. Wine and beer or wine coolers are fine.
Menu will consist of Cheese burgers and hot dogs, drunken chicken, and whatever else folks would like to throw on the grill. There will be a myriad of other delicious items prepared by we ladies, and brought by other partiers, as well.
It begins at 2 in the afternoon and will go until approx. 9 pm. But keep in mind that its not a play party...Just yet..:}
If you'd like further info, feel free to drop me a note and I'll get you on the invite list..:}

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Jun 19, 2012, 2:29 AM
This sounds like fun! I'll keep an eye on the status and try to get there.

Jun 19, 2012, 11:24 PM
Drop me a line to my Email addy and I'll send you updates as they come in..:}

Jun 20, 2012, 2:32 PM
Delightful concept...I hope to join....and maybe have my bi gf along too. Well done!

Jun 21, 2012, 4:29 AM
Sure. Let me get to know you a little and I'll send you and invite.

Jun 22, 2012, 1:07 AM
Put me on your mailing for this. Do ou have my Email address?

Jun 22, 2012, 4:48 AM
No I dont Darlin, but I can get it from you soon as invites go out shortly, and updates will be sent out periodically..:}

Jun 22, 2012, 10:40 AM
I just moved to Seattle, and I hear there is a bigger bi/gay population than where I am originally fun. Though I have never really been with a guy, I am not sure if I am ready to try. For one, if I love it, it may change my life, and I may find out I'm more gay than bi...which would be fine I guess (though I'm not sure about the whole co ming out thing) but on the other hand if I do not like it, I'd end up ruining my favorite fantasies. I do find some men attractive, but I find myself kinda clamming up when I am around them face to face. I don't know if it's just shyness, a genuine attraction (like when you are attracted to a girl and u can't make eye contact cause of your attraction) or if it's nothing but a fantasy. So that's why I am here at this site, to try and find people who are like minded to see if they can help me either come out, or find out if I have anything I want to come out to.

Jun 22, 2012, 9:15 PM
it sounds like a fun time and it would be great to meet and make some new friends.

Jun 23, 2012, 4:59 AM
Well Welcome to Washington State, Mike. :} I have been here ten years now, and am still dam,n cold! lol
Seriously tho Hon...no one but you can decide if you are Bi or just Bi curious. Only way you are going to find out is to Try. Its the only way you are going to ever find out if you want to make your fanticies a reality, or just keep on letting them Be flights of fantasy. I would find a lady who adores Bi men, befriend her, and let her introduce you to Bi men, then ease you into the experiance slowly and gently. Try it at Least twice. That way you can confirm if you like it or not.
Just my humble 2 cents Darlin..:}
Ever'body's Cat

Jun 23, 2012, 6:28 PM
Update on the BBQ-----

Ok Darlings, I've talked to several folks who state that Sunday will be difficult for them to attend a BBQ,, so we have changed the date to Saturday July 28th at 2 oclock, until about 9 that night.
And let me stress that this is an Adult Venue, so no kidlettes or Fur Babies please. Many folks have allergies to pet hair, so this is my simple request. And No Smoking inside of the fence. Designated areas will be posted for this, and butt buckets will be provided.

Its a large "Family" type potluck with the basics like Hamburgers, hot dogs, ect but please feel free to bring what ever you'd like to put on the grill, also, bring something to share with the rest of the partiers. I'll be making Sun Tea for our teal lovers but I recommend you bringing your fave drink.(.soda, ect)
Also, please bring your favorite lawn chairs so you can relax out in the back yard, to socialize with old friends and make new ones..:}
Towels are recomended if you want to get into the hot tub, too.. A blanket or large towel would be good if you'd like to do some sun bathing.

Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns...http://mail.yimg.com/nq/mc/1_0_0/mesg/tsmileys2/03.gif

Mama Minx

Jun 30, 2012, 8:18 PM
Invites will go out this weekend Loves, so if you want on the list, drop me an email and I'll get you on the update list. :} I have to have an email address from you to send out the E-vites, and its just easier if you send me a quick message so I add you to my emailing list..:} Naughty messages are gladly accepted, but beware..ya might get one back..lol


Jul 2, 2012, 4:14 PM
Ms. Cat,
How great of you and yours to do this, as there seem to be so few opportunities for bi folk to socialize in the greater Oly area. Please count me in as an interested party. I'll send a further note to the address above to ease placement on your mailing list.
Thanks again,

Jul 12, 2012, 12:47 AM
Already have you on the list Darlin, and was great to meet you the other night..*Wink*

Jul 16, 2012, 3:45 PM
http://new.evite.com/?utm_source=yahoo_mail&utm_medium=email&utm_content=text&utm_campaign=host_conf#view_invite:eid=02B4AARBSZ3 5RYIKGEPBYVPMAA62CQ

Hello Loves;

Just a few more days until our M&G BBQ, and we're all excited to have you come visit!
Just a couple of things I Really want to stress, since this is an adult venue we request that no Kidlettes be brought along. nor Fur Babies, please. Many people are allergic to animal fur, so we'd just prefer that they didnt attend..:}

Things to bring:

* Bring whatever you'd like to throw on the grill to BBQ, and please bring a dish to share. It doesnt have to be fancy, just something simple and from the heart. http://mail.yimg.com/nq/mc/1_0_0/mesg/tsmileys2/03.gif We'll be having the basics, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Chickie, but if you have something in particular you'd like cooked for you or yours, definatley bring it on. :} Easy potluck items are the best, so just bring what is the most econimical on you, or show off your culinary talents. We'd love it! Also, bring your fave beverage along.

* A comfy lawn chair so you can kick back and relax in comfort and style. Bring your sunscreen so you dont burn that pretty body...http://mail.yimg.com/nq/mc/1_0_0/mesg/tsmileys2/13.gif

*Towel in case you want to lounge in the indoor hot tub. Or if you'd like to lay out in the yard and sun bath a bit.

* An umbrella if you'd like; so you can sit and socilaize in comfort in the back yard.

Please remember that smoking will be outside of the gates in the front, and that cig butt containers will be provided. Drinking is allowed, however we ask that no Hard liquor be brought. Beer, wine, wine coolers are great, and if you will be drinking please make sure you have a designated driver with you. :}

Please get back to me, and let me know what you'll be bringing for the potluck, that way I have an idea of what all we shall have. Definately bring friends, but make sure they bring food..lol

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me. Hope to see you soon! http://mail.yimg.com/nq/mc/1_0_0/mesg/tsmileys2/40.gif

Mama Minx.

Jul 27, 2012, 2:16 AM
Just one day and a wake-up, Darlings. If you havent gotten the info by email, jet me an email asap and I'll send you the info.


Very eager for this to happen. Its going to be great..:}