View Full Version : Are there women who prefer to date bisexual men? how do i find one.

Jun 14, 2012, 2:27 PM
I would love to meet a woman who wants me to suck cock for her...I want to be forced. But admittedly have trouble admitting these things. I want women more then anything, but occasionally want to be forced to suck a cock.

Jun 14, 2012, 2:31 PM
I am bisexual and I've dated and had relationships with bisexual men. However I am not into forcing anyone to suck a cock or anything like that, and I am into having a completely monogamous relationship. Also you should know that there are some bisexual women who are highly bigoted, biphobic, and pozphobic and they refuse to date, have relationships with, or sleep with bisexual men since they have the outdated, false, and bigoted opinion that bisexual men are infected with HIV and will give it to them while sex with a hetero guy is perfectly fine and hetero men can't possibly be poz. :rolleyes: