View Full Version : Interesting Article "Why are there gay men?"

Jun 13, 2012, 1:54 PM

Jun 13, 2012, 4:46 PM
Yes,it is an interestng article. Thanks for posting it. I did not realize that same sex attraction had been conclusively been determined to be genetic. The point that the unknown gene that makes men attracted to men increasing the attractiveness of his mother for other men and increases her fertility capacity is interesting as a hypothesis. Whether future studies confirm this will is yet to be proven. I am unclear about bisexual men according to this hypothesis? If there is a gay gene how does that impact the existense of men being attracted to both genders? How doesthis gay gene explain feme same sex attraction? Women are sexully more fluid than men andall women are attracted to same sex? The gay gene theory may not explain a lot of sexual behaviour yet. More than one gene would have to explain the reality of sexual variation?