View Full Version : Almost Outting Encounters....:}

Jun 11, 2012, 7:37 PM
Have you ever encountered someone in that you've "Hooked up" with, in a public place? Say like the grocery store, a movie, or just walking down the street? I've had this happen three times now, and it's been funny each time.
The first was right after one of the play parties and I was working in an employers home at the time. I know that phone service workers were to come to thwe house to replace a phone line. When I answered the door I saw 2 men. A small wide eyed little guy and a big Bubba type. The smaller man looked at me with terror filled eyes because two weeks prior he had been the reciepiant of my "Mo'lesting" him at the play party, and this Bubba was his brother in law. I gave no indication that I even knew him, and listened as Bubba tried to impress me with this electronical skills. *Rolling eyes*
I finally said, "Yeah well..moving right along. You guys let me know when you've fixed the problem, yes?"

When the prob was taken care of, the smaller man looked at me and mouthed "Thank you!" looking so very relieved-- and told me that the Next party about Bubba being his brother in law..lol He also valued and appreciated my discretion...:impleased

The 2nd one was just 2 weeks ago when I had my surgery. I was all preppeed for surgery and the Anesthesologist assigned to me came in to explain the proceedure and listen to my concerns (Since I have a bad problem with Anesthesia). He had his haip net on and the face mask, and I kept thinking "I Know those damn eyes from Somewhere." (One of the first things I notice about a person)

I Thought he was standing a bit close to my bed and seemed Very friendly. He told my adopted daughter that he was now going to give me something to "Make me not give a damn" and winked at her, so she and her son leave the room. Just a second after injecting the knock out juice in the IV, he looked around, took my hand, kissed it, then pulled down his mask stating with a huge grin, "Rest well Mama, you'll be in familiar hands...again"

I looked at him and laughed, saying, "OOooo! Mohamit....." (Think of Sayid from Lost with real short hair, ladies...who happenes to Adore us big girls)

Thats the last thing I remembered..lol

Has something like this ever happened to You.. :}


Jun 11, 2012, 7:46 PM
Not usually. Almost all of the people who I have hooked up with I've never seen again. I have encountered men in bars I went to regularly, who I met in or outside of bars who I had sex with once or a few times in a night but nobody was immature or embarrassed. We just said hello and that was it.

Jun 11, 2012, 7:50 PM
I had a gay friend I visited once or twice a week. Occasionally there were others at his house. On one occasion one of the guys was someone I did not know, but had seen several times at work. I did not say anything, nor did he, and I ended up sucking his cock. I would see him at work occasionally and our eyes would meet, but neither of us ever spoke to or acknowledged the other.

Jun 11, 2012, 9:00 PM
not in a public settting. in fact i cant think of even one time outside of lifestyle controlled events i've run into the same guy.

but, once, someone tried to introduce me to someone else whom they thought i might be interested in.. our eyes locked.. and we both almost reached for the swords we didnt have... seems we were mortal enemies in another life.

Jun 11, 2012, 9:48 PM
I was outed by an ex girlfriend, to whom I had admitted I had relationships with three males, previous to my meeting her. At the time, she seemed OK with that. When we had a disagreement, she began to spread the "rumor" that I "swung both ways" and was "Queer as a 3-dollar bill!"

However, she was known to be especially cruel and vindictive, when anyone went against her grain and no one believed her!

When asked about what she'd said, I'd respond with, "Do I look Queer?"

Within a week it was all forgotten!

Jun 11, 2012, 10:50 PM
Yes I have had this happen on a couple of occassions. One cute bi man whom I never really had a relationship with but rather developed a friendship with met when I was shopping in the market he was delivering a product to. He was with a co-worker, I went up to him, hugged him and said how wonderful to see him and then said so long.

On another occassion, my straight lover just happened to be at a rental company checking out when I arrived and was there to double check my order. I was VERY much the business woman and to the point and corrected an error on the company's part. I acknowledged the lover as a previous customer ( I am a caterer) and asked how a family member was and then was introduced to his other brother. I was so nervous..and I later heard that the brother of my lover said...wow who was that tall blonde..she was so hot. I nearly fell over in amazment cause no one thinks of ME that way.

Hubby once ran into our past lover-the man whom he fell in love with- and hubby was kind of hurt that he never came over and acknowledged him.

I guess I just look at it as there are always connections between people, you just have to take the time and learn where we have met others.

Belle in Boston

Jun 12, 2012, 3:28 AM
Not really, tho some years ago, i had to attend a meeting involving a couple of very senior public servants and a junior govt minister sitting next to one of the Minister's advisors. She and I had "had an encounter" the previous night and both had to pretend we were "strangers."
We did it beautifully.

Long time ago now, tho.

Jun 12, 2012, 6:12 AM
Regarding relationships I have always been pretty much discreet.. I don;t like to be shat on from a great height so it isn't my way to do it to those with whom I have had a little naughties.. it goes in the journal on the appropriate page and there it remains until the day me clogs are well and truly popped.. so people need have no fear that I will blab.

Not all are quite so considerate however.. and some don't half enjoy blabbing about who they have "done" and what.. like most women I have suffered the indignity of outings some of which were actual happenings... mostly at the hands of men I may add.. although a couple of lessies have dropped me in it too.. one almost undermined my relationship with my best friend by claiming to the world that she, my best friend's partner and myself had enjoyed a very nice few hours dallying at her pad... lots of gory detail an' all blabbed to the world.. absolute bollox of course, and while I hold me hands up to have gotten laid by this woman, it was once, was actually very good fun and very exciting, but the third person was conspicuous by her absence. Why she did it is a mystery to me but I know that my best friend's partner did turn her down once upon a time. She blew it in another sense however.. had she not been so stupid, I had enjoyed myself so much with her in our one encounter I would gladly have given her another test drive..and I can't say that for everyone I got laid by....not by a long chalk.;)

There have been numerous occasions when I have had to deal with fictional claims about my sex life... but while I have always been discreet about other people and myself, when other's have been less so about me, I said nothing and just ignored it... the judgement of others on what I am and who I slept with has never concerned me a great deal.. this was handy however in one sense.. because while people would guess the truth of what It was being claimed I done by my silence... when facing down some dimwit lying dog or bitch, something I generally did quite publicly, people tended to believe me and it had the effect of discrediting the braggart fantasist...

Jun 12, 2012, 12:42 PM
lol@Rich. Yep. I remember that. You two looked like a couple of angry Tom Cats facing off from the second you saw each other. I thought to myself. "Well, there goes That fantacy from my bucket list" LMAO
Chuckling Cat

Jun 12, 2012, 2:22 PM
A guy I met while out cruising, went to his place for several hours. Several weeks later, kissed my gf goodbye at the gate, then turned around to board the flight, he was the ticket pass guy at the gate! Neither of us blinked a eye, not sure if he recognized me in my uniform..was in civies when I had met him...

Jun 13, 2012, 11:58 AM
I haven't met anyone yet for an encounter, hopefully on here I will meat and make those possibilities. However I did come across a friend sucking a guys dick in a car once and he was all upset since I knew he was married and I knew the wife. I swore I wouldn't say anything and that maybe the next time he was horny he could call me and I'd be happy to play wth him. He knows my wife as well. We never have done anything and I've never seen him sucking cock since but it's so funny when we all get together and I'll stick my tongue in my cheek so it looks like I'm giving a bj when we catch each others eyes and he blushes. He knows I am kidding and would never say anything although as more time goes by, I am getting so horny thinking about him. But it's a line we haven't crossed.....so far