View Full Version : Collecting Tax in Pakistan:the hijra

Jun 11, 2012, 8:20 AM
For all u who hate tax, and I know Americans loathe it from what goes down in these pages and elsewhere... how would u feel if the door knocked and there was a transgendered tax collector asking u to cough up ur dues? It seems to work in Pakistan where increasing numbers of hijra are employed by the courts to get taxpayers to pay up... less hassle and aggro.. no threatening big beefy bailiff or tax collector, but a very attractive and sexy transwoman smiling and enticing u to pay what u owe... way to go girls...:smilies15


and for those of u who don't know of the hijra...http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jan/29/hijra-pakistan-transgender-rights

Jun 11, 2012, 1:33 PM
The only time you see a tax collector in America, is when they have sucessfully hauled your ass into court. Now, what they, at the Internal Revenue Service are wearing at work, I don't really know, but it has go with Jackboots.

Jun 11, 2012, 2:54 PM
The only time you see a tax collector in America, is when they have sucessfully hauled your ass into court. Now, what they, at the Internal Revenue Service are wearing at work, I don't really know, but it has go with Jackboots.
If ya coffed up ur dues then they would have to do without their jackboots... they don't need jackboots here.. just knowledge u exist and powers which no department of state should be allowed... whether or not u have coffed u what u owe.....

Jun 11, 2012, 7:18 PM
Maybe I was misread; a tax collector here, does not come to your house.

Jun 11, 2012, 8:53 PM
still trying to understand why the hijra are so more effective at the doors. is there some sort of powerful stigmata attached that was ever so faintly hinted at that i missed?

soddy parmy taxation without representation all over again here with not a fair law one on the books. try to make it right, the left screams foul, we're taking money from the poor and the children. try to make it right, the reactionary right screams foul we're undermining our national security. Flat tax, everyone pays, downscale the goverment to actual functioning levels, get rid of both of the lagabout "in power" parties who've given themselves too much power and priviliege...

ach yar! katschen, das ist immoglich