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View Full Version : Best Response to a Question EVER!

Jun 6, 2012, 1:13 AM
So I was out at the bar having a drink when these two ladies struck up a conversation with me about my mustache. Eventually we got to the topic of what they did for a living. The one lady told me she was studying for a PhD in Psychology with a focus on Human Sexuality. So I figured that this was a golden opportunity to ask a unique question...

Me- "So I have to ask you what your professional opinion is on something. You see I'm bisexual, and I don't date women, I just sleep with them, is that misogynistic?"

Her- "No, not at all, that's exactly how I feel about women."

Both- *Laughter ensues*

Jun 6, 2012, 6:01 AM
Haha! Yeah that was great.

Jun 6, 2012, 10:23 AM

Jun 6, 2012, 1:35 PM
A little tadge exaggeration that it's the best response to a question ever.. it isn't necessarily misogynistic. That depends on the context of the entire discussion, but I would point out that some women of all sexualities are misogynists also, so while I find it funny(ish) it is hardly side splitting..

Jun 6, 2012, 8:55 PM
The curent feminocentric/gynocentric society rates anything that is a wake up call, slightly funny about women, facts they don't like to hear, or just anything that indicates women are HUMAN as misogynistic. On the other hand, the reverse, and WORSE, about men are never called misandric because of the great big mythological patriarchy! With this in mind, that there is oppression for women, anything indicating their limits, their devaluation of men, their overvaluation of the feminine, all become the norm and is ok to mention it even when it's not so.

This world view that has been foisted onto us comes from traditional values, i.e. women and children first, which women have taken as their due and demand it and more, and also the left wing attempts to protect them from the boogieman, also known as the "real world". This casts men in the universal mold of oppressor/evil and women in the mold of "sugar and spice and everything nice", also known as the world of "Neverwuz". For this world view to continue we have to accept that there is a patriarchy that benefits all men and oppresses all women, and therefore anytime a man opens his mouth he is attempting to degrade women and women are all for the betterment of women...except when they show they are too brainwashed by men and are on the other side working against them. Can you believe this is taught in College? An ideology of this nature being taught as "Science"? Wild.

Anyway, this is why it's ok for the female to say what she says and not the male.

Jun 7, 2012, 5:05 AM
A little tadge exaggeration that it's the best response to a question ever.. it isn't necessarily misogynistic. That depends on the context of the entire discussion, but I would point out that some women of all sexualities are misogynists also, so while I find it funny(ish) it is hardly side splitting..

Actually Fran, the female in the story gave a rather stupid response. The answer is NO, that isn't misogynistic. The male was merely exercising his sexual preference.

I have a strange feeling the alleged PhD student here might have been attending the "University of Michele Bachmann."

Jun 7, 2012, 5:53 AM

Actually Fran, the female in the story gave a rather stupid response. The answer is NO, that isn't misogynistic. The male was merely exercising his sexual preference.

I have a strange feeling the alleged PhD student here might have been attending the "University of Michele Bachmann." I suspect ur right, but know several women, gay and bisexual who, had they given that reply to the Dapper's question, would prove to the contrary.. but a stupid answer it certainly was, on that score I concur...

..and btw.. if the student was being educated at Bachmann Uni, I think possibly my response to u may have been a lil different...;)