View Full Version : Haters gunna Hate...sigh

May 30, 2012, 8:54 PM
This disturbs me greatly, especially coming from a church. This place is as bad as the Phelps bunch....So sad that young ones have to learn this shit so soon.....:(


May 30, 2012, 9:11 PM
Well lucky for us sometimes children are actually smarter than the adults that "teach" them. Nate Phelps broke from his family and his "church" and now very vocally opposes the views of his father. I think there are other family members of prominent evangelical ministers who have turned out to be gay..such as this one..the grandson of Oral Roberts..


Bisexual Explorer
Jun 2, 2012, 10:10 AM
With all terrible things people do - abuse (child, spousal, elderly), drunk driving, violent crime, sexual violence, substance abuse, etc.... - I don't understand why gay, lesbian, bi, and transgendered sexuality is such a hot button for so many people. Aren't abuse, drunk driving (blatant disregard for the safety of others), violent crime, sexual violence, substance abuse etc. sins? These hurt other people. "Abnormal" (folks, please pay attention to the quotation marks) sexual behavior is between consenting adults. What's going on?
Bisexual Explorer

Jun 2, 2012, 1:46 PM
This disturbs me greatly, especially coming from a church. This place is as bad as the Phelps bunch....So sad that young ones have to learn this shit so soon.....:(


Yeah Cat, this disturbs me considerably too!!! Let's see now,,, hummmmm ah yes, I can see it now... In the future this kid will suddenly realize that he's gay! I wonder if he will come out, or commit sucide? Ya know that all this is possible, just wondering if it will happen?

Your friend, :doggie:

Jun 2, 2012, 2:35 PM
Of course I never received a response from the Email I sent. I was also very sad yesterday at lunch hour/work because a vet and someone I think highly of was disgusted that "any two guys can called themselves married" since the Fed Court overturned part of DOMA. I know he and his wife, and I just didn't have the energy or know what to say to get him to consider my point of view. Knowing what he and his wife have and that most of the gay people I know have a lot of emotional growing to do, what could I say in an hour that would've changed his mind and not caused a big problem at work? That really hurt actually.

People just don't know what their words can do sometimes, I really found myself wishing that I didn't like guys at that point.

Thankfully today was a better day, the weather is beautiful, got to do a few chores and although they are very clumsy there is just something about being able to use my hands that makes me happy.

Jun 5, 2012, 12:22 AM
haters. so sad. people with no life. they realy do need help.