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May 30, 2012, 1:25 AM
Still more unmitigated hate speech from religious zealots... As I have said before, this kind of hate speech is far more widespread than the ("liberal") media would have you think. Sad to see a child so young indoctrinated so deeply....


"Religion is based . . . mainly on fear . . . fear of the mysterious, fear of defeat, fear of death. Fear is the parent of cruelty, and therefore it is no wonder if cruelty and religion have gone hand in hand. . . . My own view on religion is that of Lucretius. I regard it as a disease born of fear and as a source of untold misery to the human race."
-Bertrand Russell

May 30, 2012, 4:48 AM
{snip/unsnip}As I have said before, this kind of hate speech is far more widespread than the ("liberal") media would have you think. {snip}

I've asked this question thousands of time and have gotten the run around equal to that amount. What liberal media? Please define and give examples of this so-called "liberal" media. That phrase, "liberal media" has been so over used it has become cliché.

That little nit-pic aside, excellent video. I have no ax to grind against religion or Christians, per se. Unfortunately, especially in the extreme and Evangelical Christian sects, the anti-gay rhetoric is not only getting amped up, but dangerous.

Considering these people also believe in Dominionism ( http://www.publiceye.org/christian_right/dom_roots.html ) and Christian Reconstructionism ( http://www.publiceye.org/magazine/v08n1/chrisre1.html ) sends a very chilling message to everyone LGBT. People are ignoring that at their peril.

May 30, 2012, 6:30 AM
I put liberal in quotes so as to mock people that actually think the US media is liberal. It's quite clear that US media is unfairly balanced to the Right. Sorry about the confusion, I figured the use of parentheses and quote marks would be enough to infer a sarcastic tone, next time I'll use asterisks to set off a narrated point.

Dominionism and Reconstructionism are terrifying, but if they enact their agenda of criminalizing homosexuality (amongst other jaw-droppingly backwards ideas) than I will at least have a legitimate reason to claim refugee status and emigrate to a more liberal European country *tongue in cheek*.

May 30, 2012, 6:54 AM
I put liberal in quotes so as to mock people that actually think the US media is liberal. It's quite clear that US media is unfairly balanced to the Right. Sorry about the confusion, I figured the use of parentheses and quote marks would be enough to infer a sarcastic tone, next time I'll use asterisks to set off a narrated point.

Dominionism and Reconstructionism are terrifying, but if they enact their agenda of criminalizing homosexuality (amongst other jaw-droppingly backwards ideas) than I will at least have a legitimate reason to claim refugee status and emigrate to a more liberal European country *tongue in cheek*.
Not sure I would cum 'ere babes ifya do... every so often we get missionaries (yep.. that's wot they call themsels.. from all sortsa oddbod lil churches (wer they get all the dosh 2 b able 2 do that me asks????)) at the door from ur place who try an tell me an Kate we r abominations an livin' in sin an will burn in hell unless we stop our abnormal practices now... just wy r ther so many American "missionaries" 'ere? Bloody sauce!! Me neighbours.. with whom we get on just dandy tyvm send 'em 2 us just 2 c how long they last at door.. bunch a rite jokers they r... Neways these buddin' David an Mary Livingstones get sent on ther way wiv a flea in ther ear an' tails 'tween ther legs.. u come an b a refugee.. but these buggers wer 'ere long b4ya!! Mind u.. most Brits hav lil laff an treat them wiv the contempt they deserve.. wich can't b bad..;):tongue:

May 30, 2012, 6:56 AM
I put liberal in quotes so as to mock people that actually think the US media is liberal. It's quite clear that US media is unfairly balanced to the Right. Sorry about the confusion, I figured the use of parentheses and quote marks would be enough to infer a sarcastic tone, next time I'll use asterisks to set off a narrated point.

Dominionism and Reconstructionism are terrifying, but if they enact their agenda of criminalizing homosexuality (amongst other jaw-droppingly backwards ideas) than I will at least have a legitimate reason to claim refugee status and emigrate to a more liberal European country *tongue in cheek*.

Mea culpa. I do the same thing myself.

May 30, 2012, 8:31 AM
In many parts of this country (Scotland.. not the UK) we have a sectarian divide between Protestant and Catholic.. each side has its bigots and these bigots indoctrinate their children to follow.. listening to children as young as 3 and 4 singing the songs of sectarian hate when they don't have a clue what the songs are about, or the history which brought those songs into being is a condemnation on those adults and parents who teach and encourage those babies to be word perfect in hate. Watching sectarian marches in our streets, often 10 and 12000 and more strong, with tots by the hundred following flute bands dressed up as if to go to a wedding or church, looking cute and marching behind the bands of hate is a site which has always made me shiver with revulsion.. being raised to hate what their parents and grandparents don't like.. that's what this vid reminded me of.. we do have a problem of homo and biphobia in Scotland.. it isn't nearly as bad as when I was a child or even a decade or so ago, but it still exists and adults raise their children to hate us.. but compared to the problems of sectarian hate, and the teaching of our children to hate Catholic or Protestant, it is small beer.. we have a race problem in Scotland, but compared to the problem of sectarian hate, it is almost irrelevant.. it wouldn't be the first time I have a heard a parent tell me to my face they would rather their child was "a poof" or "a dyke" than be a Catholic or a Protestant.. or marry "black or paki or muslim" than a Protestant or Catholic...in Scottish society it is the sectarian divide which is its greatest cancer not homophobia, biphobia or racism.. and far too many kids, from the moment they are born begin the process of learning to hate because the first songs they hear are the songs of sectarian hatred..and they are the first songs they learn..

May 30, 2012, 11:15 AM
Talking of teaching children hate.. this is interesting...http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/may/30/christian-fundamentalists-plan-teach-genocide

May 30, 2012, 12:23 PM
It is sad that even in the 21st century people still keep boundaries between other people because of their race, religion or sexual orientation.

Jun 1, 2012, 9:56 PM
lol Great minds think alike, Dapper..:}