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May 29, 2012, 7:24 AM
Standing ovation greets Pastor Charles Worley, who made anti-gay statements

Although gay rights and anti-hate groups responded with outrage when a North Carolina pastor called for gays and lesbians to be fenced in so they eventually die off, he was greeted with a standing ovation by his church members when he approached the pulpit, the Hickory Record reported.

“I appreciate all the support,” Pastor Charles Worley told the 100 or so congregants at Providence Road Baptist Church near Maiden, N.C., on Sunday, according to the Record. Several members stood and spoke out; others threw up their hands in support of their pastor. - http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/05/27/11908278-standing-ovation-greets-pastor-charles-worley-who-made-anti-gay-statements

Once again, religious extremists rear their ugly heads.

The Big Bang Theory star Jim Parsons makes gay announcement

The information about The Big Bang Theory’s actor’s sexual preference – and the fact he’s been in a 10-year relationship with a man - was mentioned toward the bottom of a New York Times' story today.

Times writer Patrick Healy, discussing a Broadway play the 39-year-old actor was in last year wrote, "The Normal Heart resonated with him on a few levels: Mr Parsons is gay and in a 10-year relationship…" - http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/the-big-bang-theory-star-jim-parsons-makes-gay-announcement/story-e6frfku0-1226365849456

I’ve never watched “The Big Band Theory” so I’m not that excited. However, I am glad to see he’s in a long term relationship.

Cynthia Nixon and Christine Marinoni Get Married

Three years after getting engaged at a rally to support same-sex marriage in New York – which was not legal at the time – Cynthia Nixon and Christine Marinoni were married Sunday.

"On May 27, 2012, Cynthia Nixon and her girlfriend, Christine Marinoni, were legally married in the state of New York," her rep tells PEOPLE in a statement. "Nixon wore a custom dress by Carolina Herrera." No other details were immediately available.

The Sex and the City actress, 46, and the education activist, 45, have been together since 2004. Marinoni gave birth to their son, Max Ellington Nixon-Marinoni, in February 2011. - http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20599177,00.html

I’ve never watched “Sex In The City” either, none the less, I wish the two the best of good fortune.

Pro-LGBT church destroyed by fire in Minnesota

A historic Minneapolis church known for supporting LGBT rights and other progressive causes burned to the ground on Sunday night. According to the Star Tribune, the Walker Community United Methodist Church caught fire around 8:20 p.m. Five of the firefighters who battled the blaze for hours were taken to the hospital, but their injuries were not life threatening.

“Some people at the scene Sunday night speculated lightning was the culprit, while close neighbors said they thought it could be arson,” the paper reported.

Walker Methodist Church is known within the Minneapolis progressive community as a meeting place for various activist groups. Communities United Against Police Brutality CUAPB, Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) and the Welfare Rights Committee all had offices in the building.

In June 2011, the church adopted a statement supporting LGBT rights and marriage equality. - http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/05/28/pro-lgbt-church-destroyed-by-fire-in-minnesota/
I’m waiting for an investigation to be done before I jump to conclusions. Still, I’m wondering if this took place in the homophobic district of Barbara Bachmann?

Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid

It's not exactly a revelation that Fox News viewers are spectacularly ill informed about current events compared to people who watch other networks. But according to a recent report, the Fox audience knows less even than folks who don't watch any news at all.

Researchers from New Jersey's Fairleigh Dickinson University asked about a thousand people five questions on domestic issues (e.g., "Which party has the most seats in the House of Representatives right now?") and five on international ones (e.g., "There have been increasing talks about economic sanctions against Iran. What are these sanctions supposed to do?").

Fox viewers scored the lowest in both categories, getting an average of 1.04 questions right on domestic issues and 1.08 on international, behind people who watch MSNBC (which, on international affairs, also lagged the non-news watchers) The Daily Show, and the Sunday talk show viewers, as well as NPR listeners – the best informed audience – and, yes, people who don't "do" news. - http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/national-affairs/study-watching-fox-news-actually-makes-you-less-informed-20120524

Except for local events and weather, I don’t get my news from the TV anymore…except occasionally I’ll watch the PBS “News Hour.” I’ve always considered Faux to be a joke from the start.

May 30, 2012, 12:16 AM
Once again, religious extremists rear their ugly heads.

I’ve never watched “The Big Band Theory” so I’m not that excited. However, I am glad to see he’s in a long term relationship.

I’ve never watched “Sex In The City” either, none the less, I wish the two the best of good fortune.

I’m waiting for an investigation to be done before I jump to conclusions. Still, I’m wondering if this took place in the homophobic district of Barbara Bachmann?

Except for local events and weather, I don’t get my news from the TV anymore…except occasionally I’ll watch the PBS “News Hour.” I’ve always considered Faux to be a joke from the start.

I work in the media. I have an open, questioning, discerning and suspicious mind. Deception in the media is everywhere. I get my news from various sources. I do my job very well but my employer does not have my blind loyalty & obedience. I've taken a strong, defiant, unpopular stance there time & again. I'm very distrusting of the mainstream media; I see it as deceptive, corrupt, beholden to the left. Just my :2cents:

May 30, 2012, 1:16 AM
But yet, Fox News and it's hosts, rule the cable news networks.

May 30, 2012, 1:18 AM
I consume all manner of media. The best way to get the full picture is to look at every angle. Of course Fox News and MSNBC are both highly disingenuous, I like to watch these channels on closed captioning at work while listening to NPR on the radio. I also like to read BlackAgendaReport.com Loonwatch.com Reuters, Liberal Opinion Week, Al-Jazeera English, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, and various other news outlets. The more food for thought, the more nourished the opinion...

May 30, 2012, 6:30 AM
I work in the media. I have an open, questioning, discerning and suspicious mind. Deception in the media is everywhere. I get my news from various sources. I do my job very well but my employer does not have my blind loyalty & obedience. I've taken a strong, defiant, unpopular stance there time & again. I'm very distrusting of the mainstream media; I see it as deceptive, corrupt, beholden to the left. Just my :2cents:

A few years ago, noted journalist, Christiane Amanpour, was giving a talk about the media and the effect it has on the US public and how it can sway governments. She was asked why CNN did not cover the barbaric genocide happening in Rwanda. She replied, she was there covering it herself, with many other journalists BUT the US media refused to give it any air time because the US was captivated with the OJ Simpson trial. Americans, often times, are pretty damn stupid and have their priorities screwed up.

What this demonstrates is that the corporate owned media deliberately censors or ignores news in order to entertain as opposed to inform viewers. It's all about ratings and profit

Like you and other educated people, I get my news from varied and most times, opposing viewpoints. I neither need, want nor desire some pompous pin-headed pundit to editorialize it for me. I frequent sites such as Al Jazeera, RT (Russian Times), the BBC, Corpwatch, Axis of Logic and Fars (Iran News Agency)

Recently, on the heels of a US report, critical of China Human rights , China offered it's own scathing report on US human right violations ( http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2012-05/26/content_15392452.htm ) Other than Reuters and CNN, this got zero air time in the US. China's report is worth a read. The US no longer has any moral high ground.

I believe the corporations, in a manner of speaking, own the US government and control the conventional media. This is why our government, under the false pretext of national security, wants to control the US internet. An informed public is harder to lie to.

Certain groups play into the media's hand plus have their own agenda's, such as the extreme religious Evangelical/Baptist sects. Plus, media moguls such as Rupert Murdoch and News Corp (who owns faux news) have their own ideological goals.

Here's a link to a site put together by Robert McChesney, author of Corporate Media and the Threat to Democracy, among other titles - http://www.seconnecticut.com/media.htm - which has a wealth of information in regards to the corporate control of the media. It's rather chilling.

May 30, 2012, 7:13 AM

A few years ago, noted journalist, Christiane Amanpour, was giving a talk about the media and the effect it has on the US public and how it can sway governments. She was asked why CNN did not cover the barbaric genocide happening in Rwanda. She replied, she was there covering it herself, with many other journalists BUT the US media refused to give it any air time because the US was captivated with the OJ Simpson trial. Americans, often times, are pretty damn stupid and have their priorities screwed up.

What this demonstrates is that the corporate owned media deliberately censors or ignores news in order to entertain as opposed to inform viewers. It's all about ratings and profit

Like you and other educated people, I get my news from varied and most times, opposing viewpoints. I neither need, want nor desire some pompous pin-headed pundit to editorialize it for me. I frequent sites such as Al Jazeera, RT (Russian Times), the BBC, Corpwatch, Axis of Logic and Fars (Iran News Agency)

Recently, on the heels of a US report, critical of China Human rights , China offered it's own scathing report on US human right violations ( http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2012-05/26/content_15392452.htm ) Other than Reuters and CNN, this got zero air time in the US. China's report is worth a read. The US no longer has any moral high ground.

I believe the corporations, in a manner of speaking, own the US government and control the conventional media. This is why our government, under the false pretext of national security, wants to control the US internet. An informed public is harder to lie to.

Certain groups play into the media's hand plus have their own agenda's, such as the extreme religious Evangelical/Baptist sects. Plus, media moguls such as Rupert Murdoch and News Corp (who owns faux news) have their own ideological goals.

Here's a link to a site put together by Robert McChesney, author of Corporate Media and the Threat to Democracy, among other titles - http://www.seconnecticut.com/media.htm - which has a wealth of information in regards to the corporate control of the media. It's rather chilling.
British Governments, like all Western governments sneak in all sorts of unpopular measures when the general population is distracted hoping they won't notice.. the OJ case was one of many such instances.. this damn Jubilee will be another, and with the Olympic Games being here British Governments have 11 days and more of distraction to do all sorts of nasties.. they love nothing better than to sneak through nasty sets of figures, unpopular things like MP pays rises. social security cuts, privatisations, war preparations etc etc etc on the day peeps r winding down for bank holiday weekends.. they r otherwise distracted and they don't see the shit fly their way.. even unseasonal hot weather is an excuse to flush the pan... sure they rumbled in the end but the damage is done by the time folk begin to take notice 1ce again.. and knowing the media is trivialising news at such times, Governments have a field day doing very much as they wish and blinding most people to the reality of their deviousness, dishonesty and sometimes criminality..

May 30, 2012, 7:26 PM
" The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? " ( Jeremiah 17:9 ).

Jun 1, 2012, 2:45 AM
British Governments, like all Western governments sneak in all sorts of unpopular measures when the general population is distracted hoping they won't notice.. the OJ case was one of many such instances.. this damn Jubilee will be another, and with the Olympic Games being here British Governments have 11 days and more of distraction to do all sorts of nasties.. they love nothing better than to sneak through nasty sets of figures, unpopular things like MP pays rises. social security cuts, privatisations, war preparations etc etc etc on the day peeps r winding down for bank holiday weekends.. they r otherwise distracted and they don't see the shit fly their way.. even unseasonal hot weather is an excuse to flush the pan... sure they rumbled in the end but the damage is done by the time folk begin to take notice 1ce again.. and knowing the media is trivialising news at such times, Governments have a field day doing very much as they wish and blinding most people to the reality of their deviousness, dishonesty and sometimes criminality..

Regardless of where they are, people are easy to take advantage of. I just saw a vid of an Illinois congressman who "went off" on the floor. They were given a 200 page bill and 15 minutes to read it before voting on it.That's insane...it is also how earmarks and other crap gets passed into law...under the radar.