View Full Version : Bisexual males in litterature

May 25, 2012, 8:30 PM
Well I know there are lots of novels with bisexual women but I was wondering if there are any good novels out there that depicts bisexual men in a good way? Any ideas?

May 27, 2012, 7:36 AM
After a little research, I found this.........very interesting.

http://www.biwriters.org/pages/famousbisexualsN.html (http://www.biwriters.org/pages/famousbisexualsN.html)

There's some surprises here, for me!

May 27, 2012, 7:52 AM
Wow some surprises on that list and some not-so-surprises. It's interesting that some very vocal opponents of LGBT are on there too - I guess they would've done anything to deny a part of who they are. I also noticed a few where they cited someone for being "bisexual" for like one kiss, or saying that some of the same sex was attractive.

Sorry I don't read that much fiction anyway so I'm not aware of that much bisexual writing that involves males.

May 27, 2012, 10:52 AM
The first book I can ever remember reading with any hit of anything other than straight sex is Through A Glass Darkly by Karleen Koen. It wasn't very detailed and more in the form of the young wife who finds out her husband is sleeping with another man after cryptic notes of "Devane, Sassoon, Devane" show up taunting her. My mother actually bought me that book for a present one year and if she had a single clue that it was even more of a "trashy novel" than others she complained about me reading she would never have picked it up :)

May 27, 2012, 11:27 PM
After a little research, I found this.........very interesting.

http://www.biwriters.org/pages/famousbisexualsN.html (http://www.biwriters.org/pages/famousbisexualsN.html)

There's some surprises here, for me!

wow.. I really love that site. :impleased It's great!