View Full Version : Memorial Day...

May 25, 2012, 7:45 PM
There are only a small handful of dear friends that know that Memorial Day holds an ominious connetation for me, but also a very honored one as well. Having worked with my Veterans for so many years, I gained an undying respect and admiration for those men and women who served our country, and for those still serving. and still do honor their dedication for Us.
They gave the ultimate sacrifice so those of us who werent military could live the lives that we do today. They paved the Path of Freedom so that our Children and Grand Children could live the lives that they wish to in the future--no matter what way They choose to live it.
Please take a minute to give thanks to the men and women of our Military for the freedoms that we hold today. A small prayer at Sunset to whatever deity that your pray to would be a very honorable thing. Or just a simple "Thank you" to a Veteran for their service would be a respectful gesture as well.
All of you please have a happy and Safe Memorial Day. :}
Your Cat

May 25, 2012, 11:38 PM
I do honor all the veterans but also all of those that have passed on as the day has evolved to be a remembrance of all our loved ones that have died whether or not they served. I am hoping I feel well enough to go with my mom out to the various cemeteries to place the wreaths on the graves as we normally do. The cemetaries where my 3 grandpas are buried always place flags on the graves of the vets.

May 26, 2012, 1:19 AM

May 26, 2012, 4:02 PM
Purchased a small flag & a single rose this morning to place on parents' graves on Monday at a nearby memorial park where veterans receive some preferential treatment. It's an incredibly aesthetic place each Memorial Day. Dad was a vet, Mom's name was Rosa.

May 27, 2012, 8:34 AM
Planning on having a drink for buds gone on. Will undoubtedly pour some to each of the cardinal points for them, in silent remembrance. Do much the same upon Samhain and personal remembrances, family / friends that have passed. May even wind up going with wife's grandfather to visit his buddies at the skull orchard.

May 27, 2012, 9:04 AM
One of the local cemeteries here is predominately war vets. I drive past it almost every day and usually there's not much to see (they don't even have stones, just plaques in the ground and they aren't allowed much decoration) but last week the boy scouts put up little flags on each grave and folks lined the main drag with very large American flags..it made me proud and thankful for those folks, their service and what they sacrificed for.

Just for once I'm gonna call bullshit on the media (ok, ok "time out" for all you G-Rated folks), turn OFF the TV and remember the people.

May 27, 2012, 12:12 PM
Yes Darlings, Memorial Day isnt Just for Vets. Its a time to love and remember Anyone that has walked the Path. Remember their lives with a smile, tears, or laughter, but rememer tham predominately with Love or friendship. Dont grieve their passing, but celebrate the fact that you had them in your lives for the length of time that you did..:}
Spirits Bless, Ya'll..

May 29, 2012, 12:12 AM
This day will always remain in my heart as a day dedicated (yes, to not only Vets, but) to all those who have made sacrifices for all of us to live better and safer lives. This is a day that I will always remember my bretheren, Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen alike. The sacrifices that we all have made as a part of the greatest Armed Forces in this world, some ultimately; this day will always remain, in my mind and heart, as a day of rememberance to the greatest and bravest souls that I will ever know. We will never forget!!!