View Full Version : First time-some reflections

The Young Pretender
May 23, 2012, 10:31 AM
Yes, I know there's another thread, but I wanted my own.

"Achievement unlocked...Do your own sex. +100 Bisexual Credits."

Thanks to squirt, I sneaked in a brief sexual experience before completing my undergrad time (just 2 days left). The guy turned out to be a PhD student from my department! Small world.

Some reflections:

~Sucking a dick takes work, especially the first time. 69'ing makes it worse since my attention is divided. Personally, I'd rather work or be worked on. Not both.
~I am definitely not a bottom. I didn't enjoy the fingers/etc, and I just can't see myself taking a manhood. Yes, I've never had one, so how would I know? Call it instinct.
~Doing anything anal related means having a shower nearby to purge oneself of all...juices. I can't fathom how one could do it without immediate access to a shower.
~I was moderately surprised how normal everything felt, especially given the very strong taboos/guilt society imposes.
~Next time, homo or hetero sex will be with a committed partner. I need to a connection with men and women to really enjoy myself. This was nice, but there was a mechanical and expeditious dimension to it.

May 23, 2012, 10:58 AM
Well done!:bounce:
Yes it is a bit odd how our nature doesn't give a toss for societies taboos when we allow ourselves. Wanking isn't very approved of either, but....:rolleyes:
I know what you mean though! Your first time is like confirmation, and it's so good to get that out of the way so you can start discovering. You probably thought you maybe inclined to bottom, but it just doesn't feel right for us all. It took some physical action to confirm that for me too. Sadly!
What do you mean by "Sucking a dick takes work" though? Come on! A fit young stallion like you, sees that as 'work'? Jezuz, how massive was he?:tongue:

Make love to a partner if that's what you really want, and forget the 'porn-esque' hookups. It has served it's purpose.;)

The Young Pretender
May 24, 2012, 1:12 PM
No, I never felt inclined to bottom. I always knew I was a bottom, but this confirmed. I never really had an inclination. The finger was enough.

As for taking work, I don't mean that in the sense that it was a chore or unpleasant (not in the least). It just required effort, especially given my inexperience. At this point, I'd prefer to put my all into giving or all into receiving.

May 24, 2012, 4:33 PM
Just enjoy what you do, and do what you enjoy. Sex in a nutshell.;)

May 24, 2012, 5:31 PM
Just enjoy what you do, and do what you enjoy. Sex in a nutshell.;)
Sex in nutshell? Not much room for alla that writhin' an canoodlin' an' cavortin' an passion in 1a them Gear babes.. kno me is ver lil but am not that lil.. an ther wud b 2 of us at least!!:yikes2: Well.. occasionally just 1... tee hee ;)

May 24, 2012, 5:37 PM
Sex in nutshell? Not much room for alla that writhin' an canoodlin' an' cavortin' an passion in 1a them Gear babes.. kno me is ver lil but am not that lil.. an ther wud b 2 of us at least!!:yikes2: Well.. occasionally just 1... tee hee ;)
LOL! I'm sure we could get in if we really tried. And what fun it would be to try.:tongue:

May 26, 2012, 10:58 PM
Sex in nutshell? Not much room for alla that writhin' an canoodlin' an' cavortin' an passion in 1a them Gear babes.. kno me is ver lil but am not that lil.. an ther wud b 2 of us at least!!:yikes2: Well.. occasionally just 1... tee hee ;)Put your hands above your head ...and calmly step away from the vehicle... that's it... nice and slow... don't try anything funny lassie.... ya ain't got no license to be driven round 'ere....you just concentrate on your Independence ........ welsh men come under the protection of Queen's England .... not yon savages up north.

May 27, 2012, 7:47 AM
Put your hands above your head ...and calmly step away from the vehicle... that's it... nice and slow... don't try anything funny lassie.... ya ain't got no license to be driven round 'ere....you just concentrate on your Independence ........ welsh men come under the protection of Queen's England .... not yon savages up north.
*laffs* Big bully!!!! Soz.. cant put me hands up.. the laccie has gone in me knickers... an am not standin' ere wiv me knicks slowly slidin' down me legs like a rite daft cow for ne 1.. knew I shudnta let me mum get those marks n sparks knicks.. bloody rubbish an embarrassin' things they r.. a girl cud kill 'ersel trippin' up ova them!! An how can me get away from big beefy taffs then???

..an savages??? Ther r sum luffly savages up 'ere... they r like animals... mmmmm grrrrrrrrrr yum yum... we even have sum men savages... keep them at arms length tho... they mite do me a mischief given haff a chance!! Peeps come 'ere from all ova the world 2 learn how 2 b savages... have even taught a few the tricks of the trade in me time... even sum luffly welsh peeps... every second year they come 2 this town for the rugby an' Fran has indeed dallied!! Tsk... wotta tart.. wotta savage tart!!!! Lotsa smiles on Welsh faces tho... mine an' all I seem 2 recall!!! An' no complaints 'bout savages wos ever mouthed!!!!

..and our independence? Well... more chance of gettin' rid of Englands Queen if we dus bugger off... but bein' a savage wiv a heart.. don't like 2 think of alla u nice Welsh peeps bein' left at 'er tender mercies... an so will stick around, ta, Daffy.. just 2 give alla u Welsh peeps the protection of Scotland's tart's!!!

May 27, 2012, 10:35 AM
I'm a protected species.:wiggle2:
Fran sweetheart, your mum is just saving you valuable seconds by buying M&S knickers. God bless the wise lady.:love: They were probably made in Wales, and designed that way.lol
It's no surprise that when a coach full of Taff's go to Scotland to watch a match, not ALL come back on the return coach!:rolleyes: Lord knows what goes on up there, but they have no idea what the score was.lol
You sirens you!;)

May 27, 2012, 11:27 AM
Me mum knos betta than 2 buy me tat like Marks n Sparks knicks..'fraid fashion kinda passed Marks n Sparks by long time ago... it wos a jest, Gear.. u kno.. lil joke???

Could tellya wot goes on wen the Welsh cum 2 town... much same as the English, Irish, Italians, et all... an 'course the French.... mmmmmmm the French.... no details.. wud b bad for ya poor lil sickly heart... just kno the city's girls have fun an it's guys seethe an bang bonces 'gainst wall wiv frustration doomed 2 1 man sex for the duration!!!:bigrin:;)