View Full Version : DC Hero Coming Out as Gay

May 23, 2012, 6:48 AM
DC Comics, in its annual desperate bid for media attention, is promising to out a major character, because no area of culture must remain untouched by teh gay. So who will it be? Superman? - Source: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/godandthemachine/2012/05/dc-hero-coming-out-as-gay/

First off, this is NBD. Marvel comics came out of a gay superhero in 1979, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northstar Secondly, it appears that it's time to cash in on the "Gay" phenomenon, like President Obama is doing. Expect more mindless TV shows attempting to push the envelope here.

Mind you, I don't thinks it's bad per se, but the timing sure does have the word opportunist written all over it.



May 23, 2012, 7:12 AM
Guess what . . they're fictional . . .

May 23, 2012, 7:24 AM
Pink Kryptonite has been in DC for a few years. If you want some laughable musing as to comic book character sexuality, might I recommend http://superdickery.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=32&Itemid=50

All priceless pictures of old comic book illustrations that are up to *ahem* various interpretations....

May 23, 2012, 7:38 AM
Here's another classic;


May 23, 2012, 7:42 AM
Guess what . . they're fictional . . .
Gerraway.. r they? Yet just as fiction can do much harm and shape our attitudes it can also do much good... and comic book fiction no less than classical or any other.. arguably since so many of the young read comic book fiction, more.. think about it b4 u dismiss it with so much contempt..

The Bisexual Virgin
May 23, 2012, 10:31 AM
I bet it's Aqua-man.

May 23, 2012, 11:10 AM
I hope Captain America is of the 'cock lover' persuasion. Wouldn't kick Wolverine out of my shower either!
My bet is on Wonderwoman though. Come on! Who's she fooling!:tongue: And Catwoman! Come on!

May 23, 2012, 12:42 PM
As a comic book fan I hate it when they decide to randomly change things like orientation, ethnicity, etc on well established characters - it's very rude. They should really just come up with a new super hero who's gay, rather than retrofit the character's history. Besides, they could use a new cool hero anyway... DC really only has two worth reading :-\ This whole thing smacks of milking a cash cow, like aeonpax mentioned - it's exploitation not service.

May 23, 2012, 6:14 PM
Nothing wrong with " striking while the iron is hot;" opportunism is not too far removed from the ' fight or flight response'; contributes to survival & leads to success. While not exactly a superhero, Fritz the Cat was my role model & personal hero when I was a horny young buck during the 70's; he was just so lusty & cavalier.:smilies15

May 24, 2012, 9:07 AM
DC already has a couple of gay heroes: the new Batwoman is a lesbian, and Obsidian, the son of the original Green Lantern, is gay. They made Renee Montoya, a detective on the Gotham City police force and later the new Question a lesbian back nearly ten years ago. Maggie Sawyer, formerly of Metropolis' police department and presently in the Gotham PD, was outed before that, and at present, she and Batwoman's alter ego are lovers.

So, it isn't like DC is playing catch-up. When Marvel outed Northstar, it was a big deal because there were no homosexual comic book characters at all then - except possibly in certain underground books - and definitely no male ones. Since that time, I'm not sure Marvel has brought any other characters - much less heroes - out of the closet, while DC has introduced a fair number of them.

So, really the idea of one of their characters being gay isn't such an unusual thing. As a long time fan (as if you haven't guessed already) I'd be surprised if it'll be one of the big three (Superman/Wonder Woman/Batman, though there's been speculation regarding Bats for years), but the idea that one of the A listers will start to bat for the other team (sexually) does raise speculation, as you've already seen. In the new DC Universe (don't ask, not enough time, and it's even confusing for us long timers) they've turned previous continuity somewhat on its side in places, so it's hard to tell what they've got in mind.

What they really need is a truly bi character, if they want to raise some controversy, since a lot of homos as well as heteros have strong opinions regarding the reality of bisexuality...

May 24, 2012, 1:53 PM
{snip/unsnip} Since that time, I'm not sure Marvel has brought any other characters - much less heroes - out of the closet, while DC has introduced a fair number of them. {snip}

While I loath to admit it, I am comic book "collector" and reader since my early teens. I concentrate on the "Marvel Universe" and just speculate when I buy anything DC. As far as Marvel is concerned, they have characters who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and/or transgender. Here's a site that lists them; http://marvel.wikia.com/Category:Gay_Characters They also have many characters who are asexual and amoral, especially the latter.

May 24, 2012, 5:22 PM
Have never been a comic reader...UK comics r pretty grim fare (an girls comics especially so..).. American comics of course a different beast but have never been that turned on 2 them... always preferred the written word an still do.. but I had no idea the history of non str8 characters.. heard 'bout the lessie Batwoman but thats bout it.. me bruvva (a gr8 Marvel comics guy who loathes DC) an me dad, tho he was raised on DC an never lost the enjoyment of them also in later life preferred Marvel, never gave me an inkling.. never spoke 2 either bout it... comics just left me cold..still do largely and although I am not 2 sure that these wondrous revelations will change me attitude much, I can c that maybe I have misjudged them 2 some degree and so maybe it's time for Fran 2 lose 'er toffee nosed nobby attitude an stop scowling wen the subject is broached...:eek2:.

May 24, 2012, 9:51 PM
I used to listen to episodes of The Shadow, The Green Hornet & The Lone Ranger on my grandmother's radio as a young boy. By the time I was 12, an army brat living in Germany, I had acquired a passionate love of myriad comics. They were organized into stacks of keepers & traders; I had a ritual of traipsing neighborhoods with a cardboard box of comics under my arm, seeking out other traders. I fell in love with Marvel Comics; the artwork and realistic stories were so revolutionary at the time. To this day, I'm sometimes astonished at how successful something I enjoyed as a kid has become. One day Dad came home with a stack of old targets from the shooting range ( why he brought them home still mystifies me ). They were 12" x 12" pieces of semi-cardboard material. By this time, I had become a budding artist, effectively copying many of my favorite comic book characters. Spider Man instantly became & still is my all time favorite. When I saw those targets, I was suddenly inspired. I grabbed a handful, retreated to my room & sought out an issue of Spider Man which contained a pose of his I especially liked. I laid them out on my bedroom floor, turned them over & began to draw. Each target became a grid of a life-size figure of Spider Man which I very methodically pieced together. It took nights of patient, painstaking effort. The completion of that project was the most satisfying pinnacle of my life at that time; my favorite comic book hero, life-size, accurately copied in Stan Lee fashion, mounted and covering my side of my bedroom door; I would gaze at that image while in my bed & blissfully drift off into sleep. Speaking of Marvel Comics....does anyone remember Sgt. Fury & his Howling Commandos? :bigrin:

Long Duck Dong
May 25, 2012, 6:36 AM
there is a lot of rumour that northstar is going to ask his gay bf to marry him


May 25, 2012, 8:35 AM
Guys, you totally forgot back in 1999 DC had a gay wedding between Midnighter and Apollo from The Autority/Nightwatch.

It's obliviously obvious this whole "outing" and "gay-marring" sessions the press is having nowadays is just to jump Obama's gay wagon.
Something tells me it won't be the "big three", as much as we'd all love Batman to finally confess his love for one of his many Robis it will do more harm than good (pedophilia, anyone?)... I hope it will be Aquaman. The poor fish needs somebody to love.

May 25, 2012, 9:22 AM
I hope it will be Aquaman. The poor fish needs somebody to love.
Toyger, please think about that! Please! You just KNOW there'll be 'seamen' jokes, an it will never stop! NEVER STOP!:eek2:

May 25, 2012, 5:58 PM
Maybe it'll be somebody no one expected. Solomon Grundy? Or Apache Chief?

May 26, 2012, 1:13 AM
This just in.....

One Million Moms Condemns DC Comics And Marvel Superheroes For Gay Characters - There's seemingly no end to One Million Moms' anti-gay wrath, as the notoriously right-wing group is now condemning both DC Comics and Marvel Superheroes for introducing gay characters into their phenomenally popular comic book titles.

"Children desire to be just like superheroes," members of the "online activism campaign," which is a division of the American Family Association, write on their website. "Children mimic superhero actions and even dress up in costumes to resemble these characters as much as possible. Can you imagine little boys saying, 'I want a boyfriend or husband like X-Men?'" Source - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/25/one-million-moms-condemns_n_1546670.html

FYI, "One Million Moms" ( http://onemillionmoms.com/ ) is part of the American Family Association ( http://www.afa.net/ ) which is an extreme right wing group which claims to promote "traditional moral values" and their fanatical belief system. OMM actually has only 47,000 members, but who cares.

May 26, 2012, 7:28 AM
This just in.....


FYI, "One Million Moms" ( http://onemillionmoms.com/ ) is part of the American Family Association ( http://www.afa.net/ ) which is an extreme right wing group which claims to promote "traditional moral values" and their fanatical belief system. OMM actually has only 47,000 members, but who cares.
Interestin'... even in this lil 2 bit country we prob have 47,000 mums who r gay an a helluva lot more who r bi I suspect... an I'm talkin 'bout Scotland not the UK as a whole...... population 5.2 mill..

May 26, 2012, 9:15 AM
I bet it's the Flash.