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May 19, 2012, 1:51 PM
Is this ad for a car the worst car ad or funny?



May 19, 2012, 6:09 PM
OMG........that is hilarious! If someone finds it offensive, they really need to take a chill pill. Good find, Tenni. One more thing....the Europeans haven't forgot what is funny... political correctness has swiped away their senses of humor.

May 20, 2012, 12:09 AM
I've got 22 replies from the video on my FB page........everyone found it funny as hell.

May 21, 2012, 2:48 AM
OMG........that is hilarious! If someone finds it offensive, they really need to take a chill pill. Good find, Tenni. One more thing....the Europeans haven't forgot what is funny... political correctness has swiped away their senses of humor.

2 words.
Super. Bowl.

May 21, 2012, 11:14 AM
2 words.
Super. Bowl.

Denintely! Especially being that Fiat is advertising big time in the US now. As we know, Fiat bought a lions share of Chrysler and they're back in the US market now. They're also using major celebrities in the commercials, and this commercial is exactly what a bunch of men watching the Super Bowl would swallow up. Even in Italian.

May 21, 2012, 9:05 PM
It's funny, but does that really sell cars?lol

May 22, 2012, 1:17 AM
lol And it had little to do with the car...lol

May 22, 2012, 9:02 AM
The last Fiat I drove, years ago, caught fire during the test ride. Sorry, they can show as much breasts as they want, but I wouldn't buy a Fiat. Now if they showed a breast in the commercial and the car caught on fire, well, at least that would be truth in advertising.

May 23, 2012, 7:34 PM
Denintely! Especially being that Fiat is advertising big time in the US now. As we know, Fiat bought a lions share of Chrysler and they're back in the US market now. They're also using major celebrities in the commercials, and this commercial is exactly what a bunch of men watching the Super Bowl would swallow up. Even in Italian.

oh no i didn't mean it like that. i was referring to your comment:

...the Europeans haven't forgot what is funny... political correctness has swiped away their senses of humor.

...and wanted to mention the fury/offense over Janet Jackson's exposed nipple at the US Super Bowl in 2004. I guess exposed breasts (even if only a nipple) can cause outrage in any country .



May 23, 2012, 7:59 PM
I did not find it offensive because I know that at least half the people in world have breasts - however if it was supposed to make me want to buy a car they have a bit more work to do.

I would be interested to know the female perspective on whether or not they find it offensive.

I'm not particularly keen on beer commercials or the car commercial where they show the lady checking out the trunk space instead of the engine? Mostly I just find those commercials irritating, beacuse they make stupid stereotypical assumptions about people, but I don't consider them offensive.

Here are some examples of advertisements that hold my attention and make me admire the brand - clearly some thought and creativity went into these ads, unlike most of the other ones I see on US TV.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-L06PfDF-M (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5sTBrs4fhQ)

I was going to share a video example of what I consider offensive but I think it might offend too many people..

May 24, 2012, 10:09 AM
Hilarious ! But I prefer natural, no matter what the size

May 24, 2012, 11:18 AM
A better car ad.



May 24, 2012, 11:20 AM
Its offensive or funny depending on ya taste in humour.. don't find it either.. just a poor stab at bein' a smart arse for profit an if it sells 1 car will b ver surprised...

May 24, 2012, 12:42 PM
How one can read so much into a commercial is beyond me. It is clearly a commercial aimed to people, who are familiar with the Fiat brand and made to illicit the sexy notion of the car. Criminey, just view it for what the producers of the commercial meant it for.

May 25, 2012, 2:24 PM
There's a car in that commercial?

Jun 12, 2012, 3:13 AM
There's a car in that commercial?

nice one :bigrin:

Back to the video, I think it was really hilarious. Love how the man reacted about the boob job

Jun 12, 2012, 7:28 PM
I liked it, but I preferred the video that popped up in the related videos after this one entitled, "Leandra. Boobs. St. Patrick's Day." How can you not like shamrock pasties? Especially on that chick. Hot!