View Full Version : Porn Problem

The Bisexual Virgin
May 19, 2012, 12:35 PM
Recently I have notice that whenever I view porn, there's this thing that show up saying there's a bunch of critical errors a ndthat could be fateful to my computer, it's kind of hard to explain. Now I am not a avid porn viewer cause I can go months and months without seeing it. but when I do get the urge to watch it, I can watch it all day for like two days, so I cant be doing to much damage to it. So, I guess what I am asking does anyone else have this problem? and if so how can I fix it, where I don't have to spend a lot of money for it?

May 19, 2012, 12:43 PM
what sites are you viewing? i watch pornhub.com and havent noticed anything but i do know some porn sites will mess with your computer with cookies and spyware. if i knew what site you were viewing i would go there and see. there is also a scam going around on the net where a box pops up telling you you are infected and to goto a site to clean it. never do that , wife did and i had a heck of a time getting it out. had to hack the registry to get it out.

The Bisexual Virgin
May 19, 2012, 12:54 PM
Well I go to a lot of sites, such as manhub,gaytube,youporn,xahamster,pornhub,xnxx,redt ube,dinotube,alphatube, and that's all I can think of right now. But I mainly visit xhamster.com, and xnxx.com. And when I try click on it and see whats the problem, they direct me to another website suggesting that I pay a certain amount if I want to get it fixed.

May 19, 2012, 12:58 PM
If your computer is working fine, it is most likely a pop-up advertisment that will display like it came froma system generated warning. I have seen this hundreds of times. If it is what I think it is, ignore it. Having said that, I do hope you have a reliable anti-virus software installed. If not, go to www.lavasoft.com (http://www.lavasoft.com) and download their free anti-virus program. It is absolutely the best set of tools on the net and it is FREE.

May 19, 2012, 1:07 PM
Well I go to a lot of sites, such as manhub,gaytube,youporn,xahamster,pornhub,xnxx,redt ube,dinotube,alphatube, and that's all I can think of right now. But I mainly visit xhamster.com, and xnxx.com. And when I try click on it and see whats the problem, they direct me to another website suggesting that I pay a certain amount if I want to get it fixed.

Now I know it is exactly what I described earlier. As I said, ignore it. But know this, it will come back as it is most likely stored in your cookies and or .tmp files. I hope you know how to clear out your browsing cache and history. There are plenty of free programs that will do it for you if you dont' know how to do it yourself. A good one is from filehippo and it's called CC Cleaner.

The Bisexual Virgin
May 19, 2012, 1:28 PM
Now I know it is exactly what I described earlier. As I said, ignore it. But know this, it will come back as it is most likely stored in your cookies and or .tmp files. I hope you know how to clear out your browsing cache and history. There are plenty of free programs that will do it for you if you dont' know how to do it yourself. A good one is from filehippo and it's called CC Cleaner.

Hey thanks for the information. I was thinking that I would have to pay someone to do it for me when now I can do it myself.

May 19, 2012, 1:59 PM
If I were you I would also scan your computer very thoroughly for spyware and viruses. Do you have an anti-virus program (a quality one)? A firewall (I assume you have a high-speed DSL or Cable internet connection)? You need both to protect your computer from viruses and spyware. These are very serious problems and can shut your machine down. Have you noticed things responding slower and slower as you browse the internet?

In addition to cleaning out your browser's cache and cookies, I would STRONGLY recommend you go to a website like kaspersky.com and take advantage of their free online virus/spyware scanner. The link is right on their homepage at the top.

Kaspersky is consistently rated as the top anti-virus/anti-spyware scanner. The free scan will not clean your machine, but it will tell you if you need to clean it. If you do, I recommend you buy Kaspersky Internet Security. It has Firewall, Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Spam (for email), and Parental Controls (you can block web sites if you have kids) all in one. I think it is around $100 for 2 years of protection that includes all updates for that time period.

Just in case anyone is thinking this, I am not affiliated with Kaspersky in any way and I receive nothing from them for recommending them. I have just been in the computer industry (as a programmer, builder of machines, and networker. Now a web programmer.) since the 1980's and I have used Kaspersky myself since around 2007.

May 19, 2012, 2:14 PM
Falcon, the message that pop ups on her is a well known advertisment that mimics a system generated error......and then asks for money to fix what it says it finds. As I said, I've seen it hundreds of times..........and no wonder it would come up on a porn site.

May 19, 2012, 2:18 PM
I understand that nutme, but many times when you click on these fake virus scan messages, it actually loads a virus on your machine to turn it into a zombie for denial of service attacks. I have seen it many times and repaired machines that have been compromised this way.
As soon as you click on the advertisement (as she has admitted to doing to get to the web page to buy stuff), you have compromised your machine.
I stand by what I said earlier.

May 19, 2012, 2:27 PM
yeah, I can understand that, but what she is getting is not malicious, it's just a pain in the ass. As far as scans go, I love the products of AdAware from Lavasoft. It's free and I've been using it for years now.

May 19, 2012, 2:37 PM
Please stop. You don't KNOW it is harmless and annoying. Maybe the ones you have seen are, but how do you know the one she is seeing is harmless? Are you there? Did you run a scan on it? Would YOU take that risk with your machine? Stop making assumptions. It is always better to be safe than sorry in cases like this. The scan is free. She doesn't have to go to Kaspersky. She could go to bitdefender or symantec or even macafee. ALL have free scans.

For the record, In almost all of the 2012 reviews i have seen, Kaspersky is only beaten by BitDefender. They both get 4.5 to 5 stars. Lavasoft gets 1 star and most don't even review Lavasoft.

May 19, 2012, 2:52 PM
Oh cripes! Enough, ok?

Long Duck Dong
May 19, 2012, 9:40 PM
I would download and run malwarebytes ( it has a free version ) and CCleaner..... run the computer in safe mode ( when you start the computer, tap f8 until it brings you to a screen with a list of options like start in start in safe mode, start with command prompt, start with networking..... just select start in safe mode )

then run malwarebytes

May 20, 2012, 4:12 AM
Microsoft Security Essentials
Comments – Free. Millions use it. Who knows Windows better than Microsoft?

Spybot S&D (Search and Destroy)
Comments – Free. It works for me.

May 20, 2012, 8:49 AM
Microsoft Security Essentials
Comments – Free. Millions use it. Who knows Windows better than Microsoft?

Spybot S&D (Search and Destroy)
Comments – Free. It works for me.

these are both great programs i use them my self, but i also use ccleaner (free) can make it also clean the registry, the wife uses avg free antivirus which has been catching the cookies too and i use tracks eraser pro for many years i run these two every time i log off the net and have not had any problems. tracks eraser pro is not free but the updates are. pay for it once or get a key from a friend.

May 20, 2012, 9:14 AM
Well I go to a lot of sites, such as manhub,gaytube,youporn,xahamster,pornhub,xnxx,redt ube,dinotube,alphatube, and that's all I can think of right now. But I mainly visit xhamster.com, and xnxx.com. And when I try click on it and see whats the problem, they direct me to another website suggesting that I pay a certain amount if I want to get it fixed.

well went to all the sites you mentioned and watched the videos, no problems. as usual it opened popups which i just closed. i use firefox browser 32 bit 12.0 sometimes it depends on the browser. don't know about the other links in the sites, i only watched the vids and the 18" cock anal was well seemed like bigger is not always better lol guess he only gets to use about a third of it lol.
my suggestion is try ccleaner free and also run a registry check and clean it.

The Bisexual Virgin
May 20, 2012, 10:40 AM
well went to all the sites you mentioned and watched the videos, no problems. as usual it opened popups which i just closed. i use firefox browser 32 bit 12.0 sometimes it depends on the browser. don't know about the other links in the sites, i only watched the vids and the 18" cock anal was well seemed like bigger is not always better lol guess he only gets to use about a third of it lol.
my suggestion is try ccleaner free and also run a registry check and clean it.

I get the popups too when I visit those sites, but I usually close them. I use firefox as my Internet source, and had no problems until PC Optimizer pro showed showed in these last few days. Although my computer is running fine, it's just that that thing kind scared me a little, especially when I bought this laptop last month.Thank for all guys advice, I will definitely look into all the sites, and prgrams you guys suggested:bigrin:

May 20, 2012, 5:36 PM
I went with dual load of Ubuntu from Linux (FREE) you can download from net to live disk and install in a couple of hours or less virus doesnt affect it much like i pad lots of apps all free can even download app for Itunes Wubi can be installed inside of windows fairly easy just go to Linux site and check it out