View Full Version : US prosecutor stooped from becoming a judge, cos he is gay

Long Duck Dong
May 16, 2012, 5:34 AM

a couple of paragraphs from the article, say more than anything I could say........

.......In a statement, his spokesman said, "The Governor believes candidates for judicial vacancies must be considered based solely on their merit, record, aptitude and skill. No other factors should ever be considered and the Governor has long made clear that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is not acceptable in state government. " It fell on deaf ears in a state that apparently believes sexual orientation is in fact the best reason to discriminate......

....Thorne-Begland didn't challenge DADT because he wanted to embarrass the military. He challenged it because he is braver than the rest of us. When he and his fellow pilots stationed at Virginia Beach were told that in a 20-year career, approximately 25 per cent of them would be killed in action (http://rvanews.com/news/open-honest-life/49543), he realised that he would die for his country but he wouldn't lie for it. Integrity, it seems, is only rewarded when you tell the right kinds of lies......

.....Thorne-Begland has been a well-respected state prosecutor for 12 years and was the unanimous choice of the Democrats and Republicans in the Richmond delegation, who advanced his nomination. He was approved by the courts committees in the House and Senate. The attacks on him began only after that vetting process was complete. His career-long advocacy of gay rights issues crossed some invisible line when, as the Family Foundation breathlessly warned, Thorne-Begland had the temerity to actually be "with President Obama when he signed the repeal of DADT.".....
......If we keep refusing to seat any judges who stand up to discrimination, Virginia will continue to be a state that discriminates. And if we only want to seat judges willing to lie about who they are and what they believe in, we may as well stop seating judges at all.......

May 16, 2012, 7:21 AM
It has all become the circus George Carlin spoke of in his routines. Of course, he was not the first in having such an opinion. Even one of the greatest patriots of America has been quoted, "democracy beyond the shade of a tree is a farce." That was Thomas Paine, a contemporary of Thomas Jefferson. Beyond the consensus of a group of people gathered under the shade of tree, democracy starts falling apart due to corruption exponentially.

Stalin also some remarks upon voting for elected officials. Yes, he was from Russia. He was also a great military genius and seen as something of a hero by his people. And no, I'm not saying he was a saint. He was also a ruthless dictator at one point. As much as one may see detracting factors in another, that vision does not mean one may not have another vision of them, one which may be admired in healthy manner.

Holding two opposing ideas in one's mind has become a basic survival skill. I have to entrust my government to keep me secure, yet I fear my government sending a crew out to black bag me for good reason, or no reason. These ideas make for interesting bunk mates and often lend pause to any expression conveyed. For example, a law regarding sedition exist which if enforced could find me before a firing squad for nothing more than telling a younger person to reconsider military service. Under this law such discussion is seen as aiding the enemy, whom or whatever that may be.

Like Carlin, I try to remain distanced from the circus. Do not much like clowns any more. This new face paint you allude to regarding judges not being able to keep their integrity is not really surprising. It seems more of the same old same old, greed, corruption usurping control and power. Got fifty cents? I'm going to go see about getting laid with the bearded lady.

Long Duck Dong
May 16, 2012, 7:36 AM
lol void, its why I get annoyed at people that think I joined the military in NZ to fight for my country and government..... I didn't, cos my government and my country are amongst the first to shit all over me, first chance they get, then preach about equal rights and anti discrimination......

while this pic refers to the US, change the country and its true of many of them


May 16, 2012, 7:41 AM
I read the whole article and part of what stands out to me was that Republican saying of the judicial candidate that they "wasted 1million training him" referring to his Navy service. This is why I get so pissed off when I see people on here defending the Republican party when they are so antiLGBT. This entire thing is a damned shame and I wish with all my heart the Governor could simply appoint him and have done.

May 16, 2012, 7:49 AM
Gay Prosecutor Is Denied Virginia Judgeship Despite Bipartisan Support

Consider this part of the religious and far right's retaliation for President Obama's support of same sex marriage.

May 16, 2012, 7:41 PM
I did live in Virginia, was raised there. Virginia is a commonwealth state, which from my understanding meant Virginia could side step federal regulations at its discretion. Further, it also means Virginia is quite politically expressive. When King George was still in reign, Virginia lifted a ban upon the public burning of crucifixes.

While I can denote the alleged racist undertones of such an act, can also recall a certain sect of Scottish based Episcopalian Christianity, whom used the representation of a burning crucifix as a symbol of the blazing glory of God. In this context aligned with King George taking active hand to allow hate speech to thrive, the burning crucifix denoted a visibly loud message. Virginia's motto is Sic Semper Tyranis, a serf standing victorious over a freshly decapitated king. The symbol of the eternal glory of God burning openly against a backdrop of hate speech being tolerated served as a reminder of an eternal vigil. Igna Natura Renaventora, in nature fire cleanses and makes anew. This is also known as INIR, something placed upon a banner above the crucified Messiah, The King Of Jews further meaning as a Jesuit motto, it is just to kill an unjust king.

In essence Virginia was saying "watch your ass King George, we did it once and won't hesitate to do it again." Probably why Virginia was deemed the capital of the Confederacy during the Civil War, the one state out of thirteen colonies which embodies "don't tread on me." Now, I live in West Virginia who uses a simple motto, "mountaineers, always free."

Sadly, I agree with you LDD, freedom is an illusory ideal given us by corrupt dictators seeking to keep control via any means. Then again many of the ancient Greek philosophers admitted all forms of governing were tried, all failing. What we had, began, was a honorable and dignified ideal which was simple at its core. It has been made a prostitute of corruption and greed sadly.

Still agree with my wife, abolish money and solve a lot of problems.