View Full Version : Cock teasers

May 15, 2012, 1:35 PM
I work with a lady who likes to be a cock tease with me. I'd love to have sex with her, and she knows it. She knows that I don't get enough sex at home, but she likes to let me know everytime she gets laid or when she gives her hubby a BJ. With details of course.

The other day, I commented about being bored at work. She said "I bet you wouldn't be bored if you were playing with my tits." I said "True, but you won't let me." and she said "Nope, I won't." (She has commented in the past about easy it would be to fool around in an certain room without getting caught.)

She claims to be in an open marriage, but won't allow me to have sex with her (even though she has told me she would like to.).

Why oh why would someone be a cock tease and refuse to follow through with what they say they'd like to do???

May 15, 2012, 1:52 PM
Probably because you allow it.

May 15, 2012, 2:41 PM
Why oh why would someone be a cock tease and refuse to follow through with what they say they'd like to do???

Because they're a COCK TEASE.

May 15, 2012, 6:02 PM
She likes the fact that you want her.

May 15, 2012, 6:30 PM
Does she know ur bi?If she knows this,tell her thats why u like men,,,because we take care of business....

May 15, 2012, 8:35 PM
lol that is truth

May 15, 2012, 9:43 PM
lol that is truth
Not in my experience. Men can do that too.

May 16, 2012, 12:08 AM
Can I ever relate to this topic! And I can agree with portions of each reply thus far. I've had plenty of experience with this game. It's an ego stroke for the woman as well as a power & control issue. My last relationship with a woman was instigated by prick-teasing; some good sex, fun times but naturally, doomed to failure. Most recently, I was toyed with & confused by an attractive younger woman on the job. I now despise her because she chose to play that selfish game during a time of personal turmoil in my life. At least I can honestly say I'm not pussy-whipped.

May 16, 2012, 4:30 AM
Can I ever relate to this topic! And I can agree with portions of each reply thus far. I've had plenty of experience with this game. It's an ego stroke for the woman as well as a power & control issue. My last relationship with a woman was instigated by prick-teasing; some good sex, fun times but naturally, doomed to failure. Most recently, I was toyed with & confused by an attractive younger woman on the job. I now despise her because she chose to play that selfish game during a time of personal turmoil in my life. At least I can honestly say I'm not pussy-whipped.

With all due respect, was she supposed to read your mind? While I have no use for "dick teasers" (as we call them them here) women or men, a person has to allow themselves to be lead. In the case of the OP's example, the female's actions were not only inappropriate for a work setting but can actually be construed to be "sexual harassment". The law does cover women who harass men. However, in both your cases, the common denominator is "job related."

Actually, the idea of being a "DT" or "CT" is rather subjective. In the work environment, it's one thing and too often, not easily resolved. Outside of work, it becomes another thing.

May 16, 2012, 5:50 AM
I am a dreadful flirt.. even now with guys... and more than one has accused me a cock teasing because of my flirting.. that they flirted just as fancifully and strongly doesn't seem to matter.. I'm a cock teaser.. not of course that many accuse me it to my face although it has happened.. that goes on behind my back but I find out often enough..luckily most guys take it all as how its meant... fun.. I flirt btw with women too.. not too many accuse me of pussy teasing either to my face or behind my back.. their flirting is as mine... fun and intended to go no further.. if I wanted to bed a guy, or a girl, they would know it...

May 16, 2012, 8:02 AM
Does she know ur bi?If she knows this,tell her thats why u like men,,,because we take care of business....

Men or women can be cock teasers.
But it is only men who are susceptible to having their cocks teased.

May 16, 2012, 10:34 AM
I worked in an office with two girls before sexual harassment was invented, and that's when my blushing ability was overloaded and fused out, never to blush again.lol
NOTHING ever happened, but the filthy smut talk was never-ending. I think it's due to stress and frustration of office work, as everybody I talk to who works in that environment says the the same.

That cockteasing lady is probably bored out of her mind there, and fancies toying with her undersexed workmate. Easy prey! Take control though, and she'll back off.

May 16, 2012, 11:19 AM
"if I wanted to bed a guy, or a girl, they would know it..."

Somehow Fran, I don't doubt that for an instant. lol.

May 16, 2012, 6:56 PM
its all talk an no show id give up on her make her want u an see how she likes it then say id rather have it then not at all so dont play games u could be set up for a bad fall or get fired not worth ti

May 16, 2012, 10:08 PM
With all due respect, was she supposed to read your mind? While I have no use for "dick teasers" (as we call them them here) women or men, a person has to allow themselves to be lead. In the case of the OP's example, the female's actions were not only inappropriate for a work setting but can actually be construed to be "sexual harassment". The law does cover women who harass men. However, in both your cases, the common denominator is "job related."

Actually, the idea of being a "DT" or "CT" is rather subjective. In the work environment, it's one thing and too often, not easily resolved. Outside of work, it becomes another thing.

True, she was not aware of the conflict in my life at the time, but by the same token, I kept asking myself "where is she coming from?" I said she confused me. Did you know that is a primary complaint men have about women, that they send out confusing mixed messages? I did consider it flattering that she considered me attractive enough to flirt with but also bad timing when I realized she wasn't for real.Look at the last few lines of your blog Akiko; looks like similar ambivalence to me. I'm a man with a heartbeat, not a toy. Speaking of sexual harassment, I once worked for a gay millionaire who came onto me on the job & made life a living hell for me for awhile after I rebuffed his advances.:paw:

May 17, 2012, 10:05 AM
True, she was not aware of the conflict in my life at the time, but by the same token, I kept asking myself "where is she coming from?" I said she confused me. Did you know that is a primary complaint men have about women, that they send out confusing mixed messages? I did consider it flattering that she considered me attractive enough to flirt with but also bad timing when I realized she wasn't for real.Look at the last few lines of your blog Akiko; looks like similar ambivalence to me. I'm a man with a heartbeat, not a toy. Speaking of sexual harassment, I once worked for a gay millionaire who came onto me on the job & made life a living hell for me for awhile after I rebuffed his advances.:paw:

Good points. As far as “Akiko”, that was just my dour reminiscence of a relationship gone terribly wrong. The ending was an ironic twist. After reconciling myself to the lessons learned and going on, I suddenly plunge myself back into a vindictive and vengeful state. The heart is indeed, a very fickle thing and often times such deep hurt is not so easily or logically, cast aside. One email I received on it, compared “Akiko” to an old song by Jim Croce, “Operator.” I had to look it up but yeah…same feelings, different approach….more or less.

Where I work, there is a dress code and a policy that prohibits behavior or conduct that can or may interfere with the safe, smooth, efficient and harmonious working operations within the company. It does not however, prohibit interpersonal relationships. Therein lays a big problem, especially for HR departments.

Outside of work, I can be a nasty flirt, depending on the situation. I’ve been called a lot worst than a “cock teaser”. However, at work, I maintain a very rigid, if not dispassionate demeanor, much like I do here. It’s damned if you and damned if you don’t, especially for women. Something as simple as a smile, to the wrong person at the wrong time, could be taken as a “come on.” I’d just as soon be called a unfeeling bitch, than a female who will deliberately (sometimes unintentionally) hurt another person through what the French refer to as an “affaire de cœur”.

Personally, I don’t think the phrases “cock teaser” or “dick teaser” are always used correctly and tend to be a misnomer in many occasions. Robin Williams was quoted as saying, “Men have both a brain and a penis but only enough blood to use one at a time.” I have more respect for men than to conclude that, but still, on occasion, it may apply. Sexuality is an extremely strong, if not instinctual drive but is also one that can balanced by the intellect.

There will always be women who use their sexuality to one extent or another. I use mine to my advantage but not in the mindless or attention whoring pursuit of pure self gratification. Mixed signal are even worse. There is nothing as low-life as to build up a persons hope and expectations just to let them come crashing down. To determine whose at fault though, requires a degree of wisdom and insight I just don’t have….not right now at least.

May 18, 2012, 8:05 PM

Good points. As far as “Akiko”, that was just my dour reminiscence of a relationship gone terribly wrong. The ending was an ironic twist. After reconciling myself to the lessons learned and going on, I suddenly plunge myself back into a vindictive and vengeful state. The heart is indeed, a very fickle thing and often times such deep hurt is not so easily or logically, cast aside. One email I received on it, compared “Akiko” to an old song by Jim Croce, “Operator.” I had to look it up but yeah…same feelings, different approach….more or less.

Where I work, there is a dress code and a policy that prohibits behavior or conduct that can or may interfere with the safe, smooth, efficient and harmonious working operations within the company. It does not however, prohibit interpersonal relationships. Therein lays a big problem, especially for HR departments.

Outside of work, I can be a nasty flirt, depending on the situation. I’ve been called a lot worst than a “cock teaser”. However, at work, I maintain a very rigid, if not dispassionate demeanor, much like I do here. It’s damned if you and damned if you don’t, especially for women. Something as simple as a smile, to the wrong person at the wrong time, could be taken as a “come on.” I’d just as soon be called a unfeeling bitch, than a female who will deliberately (sometimes unintentionally) hurt another person through what the French refer to as an “affaire de cœur”.

Personally, I don’t think the phrases “cock teaser” or “dick teaser” are always used correctly and tend to be a misnomer in many occasions. Robin Williams was quoted as saying, “Men have both a brain and a penis but only enough blood to use one at a time.” I have more respect for men than to conclude that, but still, on occasion, it may apply. Sexuality is an extremely strong, if not instinctual drive but is also one that can balanced by the intellect.

There will always be women who use their sexuality to one extent or another. I use mine to my advantage but not in the mindless or attention whoring pursuit of pure self gratification. Mixed signal are even worse. There is nothing as low-life as to build up a persons hope and expectations just to let them come crashing down. To determine whose at fault though, requires a degree of wisdom and insight I just don’t have….not right now at least.

I appreciate your empathetic understanding here. Give yourself more credit for your insight because you hit the proverbial " nail on the head. " And you display sufficient wisdom by declaring a lack of it. Vincit Omnia Veritas.