View Full Version : Indiana's Libertarian candidate for governor on marriage equality

May 11, 2012, 1:30 AM

I'm just kind of curious on your thoughts about him. Here's another thing I saw posted about this.

"Democrat John Gregg's campaign spokeswoman Megan Jacobs, "John's record is clear, he has always been opposed to gay marriage. As speaker of the House, John supported legislation to define marriage as between a man and a woman, and continues to support traditional marriage."

Equality under the law is a hallmark of Libertarian philosophy, and is at Rupert's political core. Please share this message with your friends and family if they support equality under the law for ALL Hoosiers."

I guess this thread is specific to the people in Indiana who go here. But I am interested in what people from outside think as well.

May 11, 2012, 9:09 AM
The Libertarians deserve credit for being on what I am sure is the right side of history on this one.

I arrived at my current state of liberalism after a bit of a stint as a libertarian in my twenties. I still am a bit of libertarian - I would call myself a liberal-libertarian - which basically makes me the exact 100% opposite of so many Republicans who want to ram the bible down people's throats, spend like a drunken sailor while doing it, and piss on the poor after. I still think there is a common ground for a silent majority of people that kindof breaks out of the two dimensional left-right mold: that is, social liberalism, fiscal conservatism and healthy dose of libertarianism. So:

strong on free speech issues and sexual freedom issues,
fiscally conservative in the sense of government being as frugal with our money as we are with our money, and taming that public debt before it sinks the whole ship,
A strong social safety net for those who need help, but with incentives for those who can work to work,
Strong public support for things that history has clearly shown have a societal payback such as: public education (including subsidized post-secondary education to make it affordable for most) and healthcare,
Strong on law and order issues, but acknowledging that just throwing people in prison for a long time is not the best way to accomplish this,
Recognition that individual freedom is very important but is not everything. Where it can be demonstrated that the benefits of restricting individual rights outweigh the drawbacks then do it (so restrict campaign donations for example, for the integrity of the system).

In short "Making America a Land of Opportunity Once Again" would be my campaign slogan. Or maybe "Vote for the Bi Guy!" :)

- Drew :paw:

ps. Of course, I am not qualified to run for the office in the good ole USA because of a tiny detail... I am not American. Still, I can't help but stick my nose in and think out loud.

May 11, 2012, 3:18 PM
From what I can discern the small government Libertarians are for a state by state approach to marriage equality. At least "libertarian" Ron Paul is. This approach is often spun to suggest a pro- marriage equality position, but this is patently untrue. If left to the states to decide (as a majority have) they opt against expanding civil rights to LGBT people. Other libertarian positions I can coumtenance, but not the issue of who gets what rights. Ron and Rand Paul have also asserted that they believe that businesses should be allowed to discriminate against black patrons, because forcing them not to is big government encroachment. We would all do well to combat such ludicrously backward views.

May 11, 2012, 4:34 PM
This is libertarianism..http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarian_socialism it is a concept of the left... not of the right.. it is the concept of true anarchy.. the concept of a Socialist Utopia and no true libertarian would oppose sexual equality and certainly not same sex marriage...at least not if a libertarian had any time at all for the concept of marriage... nor would a true libertarian equivocate... those of whom u speak are no more libertarian than any other right wing politician, citizen, philosopher or thinker... to be libertarian and of the right is contradiction in terms... what America considers libertarianism is a fraud and nothing of the kind..it is yet another concept for the retention of privilege, the furtherance of capital, the abuse of power and wealth and the impoverishment, oppression and enslavement of the great mass of the population and for the furtherance of division..

Noam Chomsky... now he is a Libertarian...

May 11, 2012, 4:53 PM
Ron (and son Rand) Paul are considered by myself and many others as Paleolibertarian;

Paleolibertarianism is a school of thought within American libertarianism associated with the late economist Murray Rothbard, and the Ludwig von Mises Institute. It is based on a combination of right-libertarianism in politics and cultural conservatism in social thought. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paleolibertarianism

While I agree with with a few of his stances, anti-war for example, his perspective on race, justice and equal rights are (to put it mildly) aberrant.
