View Full Version : Transmen as Lovers

Apr 28, 2012, 8:00 AM
I was reading the thread about why men are attracted to transwomen in transition and it came to me to wonder about the transman.

Would you become a lover of a transman in transition?

I'm not sure but I don't think that the surgery for completing transitioning to a man with a functioning penis has been successful.

Would it be interesting for you to make love to a man with a vagina?

This question is appropriate for bimen and biwomen, lesbians and hetero women. I'm not sure about whether gay men would be attracted to transmen but give it a go if you are a gayman on this site.

Apr 28, 2012, 8:51 AM
I'm sadly not attracted to m-f transition with a penis. But I came across some pics of a male once. He was a big muscled masc bloke with a vagina. That pressed a button that I didn't know I had.lol I don't know if he was a female in transition or whatever. But I'd love to experience sex with him. In my head, it would be like truly fucking a man the way anal sex can't quite live up to.:tongue:

Apr 28, 2012, 9:35 AM
I met a transman, a man with a fully functioning vagina, via e-mail locally. I wanted (and still do) to have sex with so very much. Unfortunately there is a distance and time problem and we were never able to get together.

Apr 28, 2012, 10:24 AM
If we accept transwomen and transmen fully as what they believe themselves to be, then whatever our sexuality, there should be no problem in becoming the lover of one who has fully transitioned who meets our sexual needs, desires and preferences. But we know that it isn't quite as simple as that. Knowing what they once were biologically at least, even if sincerely accepting what they are now, does not mean that we are psychologicaly prepared or ready in our sub-conscious to embark on such a relationship. Deep down we may still have a block on accepting them for what they are now. Man or woman. I would hope not, but until such a thing happens I am not sure how I would react.

What I do know is that I have met one fully transitioned woman I was very attracted to in a sexual way, and could not believe when informed that she had once been a male. Also I have met one untransitioned woman I had similar feelings about. After having been told of their status, I still considered them women and my feelings of attraction did not alter very much if at all, but what I ask myself would my reaction have been had I known they were trans prior to laying eyes on them? I do not know any transpeople well, men or women, except possibly for Marie Delta on line and she I have always accepted as female and love her very much as a friend.. I have seen more transpeople than spoken to, and actually even having just seen in the flesh, there have been very few. I have never met a transman to my knowledge and only ever spoken to one on line that I can remember..

And putting the boot on the other foot, knowing that a transman was historically female, whether or not he has gone through transition, what would my psychology and subconscious tell me about him as a potential lover? I would accept him as a man and would mean it, and knowing that I am not sexually attracted to men, I should reject him as a lover, but would my subconscious tell me to react in that way? Or would it, whether or not he had transitioned still draw me because of what he once was? I am attracted to many men, but as people and friends, not sexually as potential lovers.. would I consider an attraction to a man who had partially or fully transitioned in the same way? Tbh.. I really do not know for certain what my answer is to that any more than I can be sure of my answer to the question of transwomen.

I apologise, because I am articulating this rather poorly, but tenni's question has raised questions in my own mind which I have never given a great deal of thought to... and maybe it is time I did...

Apr 28, 2012, 12:00 PM
I too have been thinking about this question and must add to my first comment, that particular person was originally female and has been living for years as a male. Below the waist he is still endowed with the fully funtioning original vagina.
On another occasion I met a lady, who had gone through the sex change surgery. We talked for some time and she even showed me, with apparently a great deal of pride, her vagina. I was allowed to touch, which was a thrill for me. She said she did have some problem with lack of lubrication. I did not have sex with her; it was not the place, nor was there time. Given the right circumstance and her willingness, I probably would have had sex with her.

Apr 28, 2012, 3:38 PM
Odnajdzze kredyt w owej gospodarce przez zwyklym banku jest wyzwaniem nawet dla kredytobiorców sposród najwazniejszych owoców. Z dostepnosc dlugów spazmów sie coraz z wiekszym natezeniem wszystkiego dnia, furt niezabezpieczonej wierzytelnosci z wrogi kredytowej przyjmuje prawdopodobnie sypac sie mamuciego zagadnienia. Choc wielu kredytobiorców z lichych ratingów kredytowych po prostu marnie ale wrecz w konkurencji. W przeciwienstwie do kredytów sposród lokalnych ojców, patrzac na pozyczka ze zlych debetów w dzisiejszych okresach jest w istocie proste gdy przylaczenie kompa zas zmierza online szybkie pozyczki w domu klienta (http://www.pozyczkanadowod.net.pl/). Postepy wierzytelnosci online: 21-ga wielokrotnej przygodzie przebieg debetów online to nowela o 21 Century wykonana. Poza postepem procedury w krajowym zyciu codziennym, integralny dekoniunktura walutowy sposród 2000 roku everyman z nas w kula ziemska na wskros inny niz wiedziec dojrzewalismy przespal. Sztampowe banki a ich kumple, flocie ekonomicznego sa w podnioslych opalach, jezeli kroczy o przystepnosci debetów. Nie ma mniej pieniedzy, izby ukonczyc dookola tudziez dopuszcza mniejsze zagrozenie. Ergo kredytobiorcy ze zlych debetów sa normalnie odwrócil sie zas oglosilby, ze ich sciezki przed przekuc na sukcesywnej pozyczce. Wszak co z ludzmi, których ubogich kredytowej podejmuje istnieje wrecz przeciwnie rezultatem sytuacja pozostajacych nie mówiac o ich obstawa? Niniejsi zasoby sily roboczej postuluja dlugu, a net zas online kredytodawców podszedl az do zapelnienia luki. Online kredytodawców doswiadczalby norke w zestawach przedkladanych przez banki oraz krocie z nich jest w tym momencie specjalizujacych sie w kredytowaniu figur o zlych kredytów. Swiadcza one wszystko od momentu klanu tudziez wozu pozyczek do niezabezpieczonych wierzytelnosci nie kredytowej orzec. Glównego specjalnosci gwoli internetowych pozyczek nie znaczy to, ze w Internecie kredytodawców o zaaplikowaniu szybka pozyczka (http://thepaydayloansnofaxing.weebly.com/). Potem bytuja wazkie punktacje, które wykonywaja calkowite ewentualnych kredytobiorców, izby predestynowac sie az do okazyj internetowych niezabezpieczonych debetów. Przed odjazdem odkrywa pozyczki online, upewnij sie, ze wypelniaja niecalego punktacje uscislane tutaj. W szkodliwym ciosie chwycenie zanegowane. Jesliby dokonujesz te pochlaniania, niemniej jednak prosty podpisanie pózniejszy chód. Zwierzchni Wiek u dolu 18 roku istnienia nie moze ubiegac sie o pozyczki bez zaswiadczen (http://chwilowki4u.mblog.pl/) na autorska grabe, bowiem sa one prawnie pózniej jest drobny. Wskutek tego upewnij sie, jest dozwolone wykazac, ze w celu debetu we wlasnym pojeciu, wezmiesz sa pelnoletni. Dalszy Posada Równie, jezeli chcesz pozyczke, wypada znajdowac sie w stanie wykazac, iz wierzyciel mozesz oddac dlug go. Obejmuje owo, iz reflektuja niezawodnego fabrykacje z gaza zadowalajaca, tak aby zaciemnic kazde wydatki tudziez osobisty nieznany pozyczka. Masz no mrowie az do pokazania, nasladujac obecny paystub. Trzeci Narodowosc miniony pomocne dane kluczowe punktacje az do niezabezpieczonej pozyczki online, tudziez jest zastac czleku wlasnego badz stalym rezydentem. Albowiem przepisy skarbowe zas niedrugie pierwiasteki nalezace kredytu waha sie sposród miejsca na polozenie, bezprecedensowa droga jego osoba-line pozyczka odkad niekrajowych pozyczkodawców startuje byc rezydentem.

Apr 28, 2012, 6:19 PM
What the hell?

Apr 28, 2012, 10:34 PM
I think the Russian servers just took a shit....????

Apr 28, 2012, 11:05 PM
I already have a partner who is male and was born male so I'm not going to be having sex with a transman. If I was single I might consider a Transman as a fuck buddy if they were a total bottom but not as a long term partner because I'd prefer someone who is actually male and who has an actual penis that works and not someone who has a vagina or clit that they are pretending is a penis. While I like to give women oral sex I prefer to give a man oral sex and when I give a man oral sex I want to have my mouth and throat filled with a penis and not lick a clit or vulva.

Apr 29, 2012, 4:39 AM
I think the Russian servers just took a shit....????
Its Polish (google translated it). An the translation is shit!!! An nowt 2 do wi the thread either!! Gobblydegook!!

Apr 29, 2012, 8:40 AM
I actually knew a few transmen in college, one of which I was attracted to. He was a gay man, so obviously nothing happened there. I would have no issues being with a transman, just as long as he was attractive and we got along and such. For me a man is a man even if he may be in transition.

Apr 29, 2012, 7:55 PM
If we accept transwomen and transmen fully as what they believe themselves to be....

darkeyes, your post indicates an impressive degree of reflection. I am anxious to hear more of your thoughts as you process them, if you decide to share them. My only amendment to your statement would be, for greater accuracy, to change "what they believe themselves to be" to "what they experience themselves to be" above. This isn't a matter of belief. That smacks of faith (as a person believes in God or in faeries), or of disrupted mental process (as in a crazy person believing they are Napolean). It is a matter of how our brains are structured. A transwoman's brain is structured as a woman's brain. Therefore, we experience the world exactly as women do; just without the physical trappings that lead us to be interacted with as women (for better and for worse).


Apr 30, 2012, 5:34 AM
darkeyes, your post indicates an impressive degree of reflection. I am anxious to hear more of your thoughts as you process them, if you decide to share them. My only amendment to your statement would be, for greater accuracy, to change "what they believe themselves to be" to "what they experience themselves to be" above. This isn't a matter of belief. That smacks of faith (as a person believes in God or in faeries), or of disrupted mental process (as in a crazy person believing they are Napolean). It is a matter of how our brains are structured. A transwoman's brain is structured as a woman's brain. Therefore, we experience the world exactly as women do; just without the physical trappings that lead us to be interacted with as women (for better and for worse).

I pondered your post a little over my breakfast TM.. and can accept what you say, although upon having been sparked to reflect further a little, would add "know and" before "experience" thus more fully accepting the transgendered reality. While I happily accept this, by not being trans myself, it is in a sense a leap of faith by me because the experience and knowledge of the transgendered are not things I am able to fully share and understand any more than I can that of the opposite gender or indeed anyone else who is not me. But I have an insatiable appetite to learn and more fully understand.. which is why my mind so often is in turmoil about so many things...

Apr 30, 2012, 7:51 AM
I believe that this thread is taking an off target direction with transcendMental's position that a trans person experiences as the sex/gender that they identify with. That suggests to me that their brain would be the sex that they identify with if they experience the world as that sex/gender. darkeyes statement about a trans persons believe themselves rather than experience themselves as a specific sex. I'm not sure but it is probably sex and not gender in this situation. Although transcendMental information seems significant to her as a distinction, is it significant to the point of this thread?

The question remains to be answered by TranscendMental that transmen have brains that scientifically are male and not female in order to experience the world as a male. This would probably have to be done in several of the factors below post mortem in order to prove her statement. Is there scientific proof for TranscendMental's statement?

Neither the less, this is not the point of this thread TranscendMental. The point of the thread is to inquire whether you would be interested in making love to a transman? Would it be interesting for you to make love to a man with a vagina? TranscendMental did not answer these questions. Please answer the questions of the thread.

Now here are some of the differences between male and female brains. I don't think that all of these statements are empirically validated though.
1. Brain size: The male brain is typically about ten percent larger than the female brain. Although the extra mass does give males more processing power, this doesn’t make men more intelligent. Rather, science believes the reason for the increased brain mass is to accommodate the bigger body mass and muscle groups of the male (human). (ie Are transmen's brains typically about ten percent larger than the female brain?)
2. Brain hemispheres: Many men are sharply left-brain dominant, while women tend to be more evenly balanced between left and right-brain processing. Women are therefore thought to be slightly more intuitive, and sometimes better communicators. Men are often less socially adept, and are more task-oriented thinkers than females. (ie. Are transmen's brain function sharply left-brain dominant?)
3. Relationships: Women are purported to have better communication skills and emotional intelligence than men. Women tend to be group-oriented, and apt to seek solutions by talking through issues. Men can have trouble picking up on emotional cues unless they’re clearly verbalized – making for tricky communications between the sexes. (ie Do transmen have difficulty picking up on emotional cues unless verbalized?-difficult to prove empiricably but not impossible)
4. Mathematical skills: The inferior-parietal lobule, which controls numerical brain function, is larger in males than in females. On standardized tests, men often score higher on mathematical tests than women. (ie. Are transmen's inferior-parietal lobulr larger than in females?)
5. Stress: When faced with stressful situations, men usually employ ‘fight or flight’ tactics, while women use a ‘tend or befriend’ response that is rooted in their natural instincts for caring for their children and establishing strong group bonds. (less empirical to prove in transmen)
6. Language: Women often excel at language-based tasks for two reasons: two brain areas that deal with language are larger in females, and females process language in both hemispheres while males favor a single brain half. (ie Are transmen's areas dealing with language based tasks smaller than females' brain area?-may be empirically proven post mortem)
7. Emotions: Since women tend to have a larger deep limbic system then men, they’re more in touch with their feelings and are better at expressing their emotions. This makes women better at connecting with others. (ie Are transmen's limbic system smaller than females?)
8. Spatial abilities: The parietal region is thicker in the female brain, making it harder for them to mentally rotate objects – an important spatial skill. Women often report difficulty with spatial tasks, both on tests and in real life. (ie Are transmen's pareietal region thinner than most females?)
9. Susceptibility to brain function disorders: Men are more likely to be dyslexic or have other language disabilities, since they’re more often left-brain dominant. Males are also more prone to autism, ADHD and Tourette’s Syndrome, while women are more susceptible to mood disorders like anxiety and depression. (ie Are transmen more prone to having these conditions more than females?)

Apr 30, 2012, 8:50 AM
I believe that this thread is taking an off target direction with transcendMental's position that a trans person experiences as the sex/gender that they identify with. That suggests to me that their brain would be the sex that they identify with if they experience the world as that sex/gender. darkeyes statement about a trans persons believe themselves rather than experience themselves as a specific sex. I'm not sure but it is probably sex and not gender in this situation. Although transcendMental information seems significant to her as a distinction, is it significant to the point of this thread?

The question remains to be answered by TranscendMental that transmen have brains that scientifically are male and not female in order to experience the world as a male. This would probably have to be done in several of the factors below post mortem in order to prove her statement. Is there scientific proof for TranscendMental's statement?

Neither the less, this is not the point of this thread TranscendMental. The point of the thread is to inquire whether you would be interested in making love to a transman? Would it be interesting for you to make love to a man with a vagina? TranscendMental did not answer these questions. Please answer the questions of the thread.

Now here are some of the differences between male and female brains. I don't think that all of these statements are empirically validated though.
1. Brain size: The male brain is typically about ten percent larger than the female brain. Although the extra mass does give males more processing power, this doesn’t make men more intelligent. Rather, science believes the reason for the increased brain mass is to accommodate the bigger body mass and muscle groups of the male (human). (ie Are transmen's brains typically about ten percent larger than the female brain?)
2. Brain hemispheres: Many men are sharply left-brain dominant, while women tend to be more evenly balanced between left and right-brain processing. Women are therefore thought to be slightly more intuitive, and sometimes better communicators. Men are often less socially adept, and are more task-oriented thinkers than females. (ie. Are transmen's brain function sharply left-brain dominant?)
3. Relationships: Women are purported to have better communication skills and emotional intelligence than men. Women tend to be group-oriented, and apt to seek solutions by talking through issues. Men can have trouble picking up on emotional cues unless they’re clearly verbalized – making for tricky communications between the sexes. (ie Do transmen have difficulty picking up on emotional cues unless verbalized?-difficult to prove empiricably but not impossible)
4. Mathematical skills: The inferior-parietal lobule, which controls numerical brain function, is larger in males than in females. On standardized tests, men often score higher on mathematical tests than women. (ie. Are transmen's inferior-parietal lobulr larger than in females?)
5. Stress: When faced with stressful situations, men usually employ ‘fight or flight’ tactics, while women use a ‘tend or befriend’ response that is rooted in their natural instincts for caring for their children and establishing strong group bonds. (less empirical to prove in transmen)
6. Language: Women often excel at language-based tasks for two reasons: two brain areas that deal with language are larger in females, and females process language in both hemispheres while males favor a single brain half. (ie Are transmen's areas dealing with language based tasks smaller than females' brain area?-may be empirically proven post mortem)
7. Emotions: Since women tend to have a larger deep limbic system then men, they’re more in touch with their feelings and are better at expressing their emotions. This makes women better at connecting with others. (ie Are transmen's limbic system smaller than females?)
8. Spatial abilities: The parietal region is thicker in the female brain, making it harder for them to mentally rotate objects – an important spatial skill. Women often report difficulty with spatial tasks, both on tests and in real life. (ie Are transmen's pareietal region thinner than most females?)
9. Susceptibility to brain function disorders: Men are more likely to be dyslexic or have other language disabilities, since they’re more often left-brain dominant. Males are also more prone to autism, ADHD and Tourette’s Syndrome, while women are more susceptible to mood disorders like anxiety and depression. (ie Are transmen more prone to having these conditions more than females?)
You doubt, tenni? You doubt and question another's knowledge and experience of themselves? Do I detect a parallel in the gay and lesbian people who deny or doubt bisexuality that you and others so rail about... there is much evidence of sexuality, but as yet, scientifically no proof any more than there exists for heterosexuality.. but you are right that these things should be explored in another thread, but to read your post you wouldn't think so...

Apr 30, 2012, 9:48 AM
Do I doubt her words? It is semantics and she raised the semantical point and therefore a scientific reference should be provided imo but on another thread. She also chose not to address the thread's issue/questions at all!

I asked for opinion in this thread and personal thoughts about having sex with transmen.

So much of this sites questions about trans people focuses on transwomen and it seem unfair to take a thread about transmen to discuss what transwomen "think" or "experience". I did not introduce it but the issue of transwomen wanting being willing to have sex with a transman are also a valid response to my questions. To introduce the aspect of "experience" as a male is a completely different issue than whether a person would want to have sex with a transman. I merely ask for emperical evidence and on another thread would be good.

darkeyes as to your point about sexuality, I am under the impression that is not directly linked to transexuals as you suggest. Are you mixing apples and oranges? This issues of sex/gender experience as male or female are not the same as bisexuality, homosexuality or heterosexuality.

Apr 30, 2012, 10:57 AM
No tenni, it isn't linked in quite the same way, but mixing apples and oranges? As such trans is not a sexuality, although there are transmen and women whom are gay, lesbian and bisexual, some of whom are members of .com and is of interest and relevant to them and their lives.To some degree probably it is mixing fruit, and possibly even hybridising the fruit, but doubting peoples knowledge and perception of themselves and their experience about anything has relevance.. TM commented on my own post which did respond to your thread in my own way because it made me think, and her points are as pertinent to both transmen as transwomen if we reverse the coin.. just as your question is as pertinent to attraction to transpeeps of whatever gender in quite the same way. I have already accepted that if a proper discussion on the wider issues of trans is required then it would be better elsewhere, and if I am not at this stage prepared to start a new thread I am quite happy to consider involving myself in one should someone do so...

Apr 30, 2012, 11:16 PM
Great thread topic - I've been attracted to transmen myself and wondered why this topic was not brought up on bi forums very much, given that pre-op transwomen so often are! It's one of my oldest sexual fantasies, actually. I think it started because I wanted to put my penis into something but still have sex with a guy face to face. That's not to say I wouldn't respect a transman's identity as a man, of course, just that physically I've fantasized about this before.

Jul 15, 2012, 9:52 AM
I'm friends with a couple--cis woman and trans man--and we have absolutely amazing three-way sex rather often. I'm a mostly straight cis man. We do pretty much everything. I go down on him and her, they go down on each other and me, they fuck me anally with a strap-on, and I do whatever they want to them with my penis.

One fun thing--I've been surgically sterilized, so I get to fulfill his long-time fantasy of having a man ejaculate in him. There's no chance of him getting pregnant with me, and his girlfriend loves going down on him afterward.

The takeaway is that, like any sex between consenting adults who are mutually attracted to each other, this type of sexual activity can be amazing. It certainly is for me.

Jan 29, 2022, 8:14 PM
speaking openly, without disrespecting anyone, in my personal opinion, I as a man, having a trans man as a lover, moves a lot with the psychological....
Gives you something to think about..
It would raise the following questions:
what really attracts me?
does acceptance go through consideration for the person?
does acceptance come from love for the person?
Will I really feel satisfied with a person of the same gender with different sexuality?
phew...a lot of things...
If it's a trans man like the transsexuals (https://ninfamodels.com/shemale-escorts/portugal/transex-lisbon/) I've hired for professional services, I like it, but my problem would be keeping it confidential. And that wouldn't be good for her.

Jan 30, 2022, 11:03 AM
I once saw a few pictures of a transman whom was very masculine in appearence. Muscular chest and body, light body hair. Very attractive. The next pictures stopped me in my tracks. A couple of sensually posed pictures showing his beautiful pussy. I was instantly attracted sexually, and can imagine how fantastic a lover he would be

Jan 30, 2022, 11:08 AM
I've seen porn of beautiful men with perfect pussies and most of them have a huge clit. I must admit aa a top guy I'd love to have some fun with such a person.

Jan 30, 2022, 11:16 AM
Sure why not gay bi or trans it works.

Jan 30, 2022, 10:30 PM
I find FotM trans interesting. If circumstances allowed, I would give it a try. But since I mostly like cock, not men, and the FtoM trans have little more than an enlarged clit, I really have no idea how my body would react. For that reason I wouldn't seek out a trans man but would only do it if we could build a bit of a relationship where each of us could be honest and accepting about the desires and ambiguity of those desires in the relationship.

Seems unlikely to ever occur.