View Full Version : Reminder: Triad Documentary on Bravo tonight at 9pm

Jun 12, 2006, 8:07 PM
Just a reminder that the documentary movie "Three of Hearts: A Post-Modern Family" is on tonight at 9pm.

Maybe we can even schedule a chat later in the week to talk about the film?

More information below:


Three of Hearts: A Post-Modern Family
A Documentary Feature
Running Time: 97 minutes
Rating: R for some language
Stereo 2.0
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Closed Captioned

Trinogamous? Mariage-a-trois? Monogamy, but with more than one person? How does one talk about the unusual relationship between Sam, Samantha and Steven? After all, in Three of Hearts this is one of those stories you WILL want to talk about.

In his early twenties, Sam Cagnina, the oldest son of a mafia hit man, meets Steven, a handsome 19-year old college student and they fall in love. Soon Sam, charisma and energy to spare, gets an idea. “Hey, wouldn’t it be great to bring a woman into the relationship!?” Steven, being an easygoing guy, agrees. They spend the next seven years dating and looking for a woman they could both fall in love with who would agree to live in a “trio” relationship.

They know they have found that special someone else when they meet Samantha, a Toronto ex-pat struggling as an actress in New York City. Sam meets Samantha, and they fall in love. Samantha meets Steven and they fall in love too. The “trio,” as they are affectionately called, begin their journey.

We catch up with Sam, Samantha and Steven nine years later. They are going to have a baby; a baby about whom one thing seems certain: he/she will have an “S” name. Three of Hearts explores this unique union as they negotiate their living arrangements, have children and open one of the hottest wellness centers in New York.

Of course you want to know about their families and their friends and, we’d guess, about the sex. Jam-packed with incident it is often hilarious but once accustomed to its more sensational elements, we begin to see this film for what it is, a rather remarkable journey of self-discovery for this threesome and for those of us with whom they’ve shared their lives. Now, what constitution is ready for this one!?

It will also be re-broadcast for those who miss it tonight.

Driver 8
Jun 12, 2006, 10:13 PM
Nice to see that they're including both bisexuals, and a relationship with two men. Lately there seem to be a lot of articles about polygamy that assume that relationships with more than two partners are composed of one lucky straight guy and multiple subordinate straight wives. Hardly the only model out there, but it's the one that seems to get all the coverage.

I don't have cable, but I'll be looking forward to seeing the comments on this.

Jul 6, 2006, 8:16 PM
I saw this documentary and enjoyed it.
I told a friend that does research on poly relationships about it and he is going to check it out.

Anyone else watch it?

Jul 6, 2006, 8:23 PM
Rats. We have Bravo up here in Canada, but I think they run their own schedule - it does not appear to be on tonight. :(

- Drew :paw:

Jul 7, 2006, 5:51 AM
Thanks for posting that glantern, looks great. Me and my wife just ordered the DVD

Jul 7, 2006, 12:03 PM
Thanks for posting that glantern, looks great. Me and my wife just ordered the DVD

The "end" was very disappointing.