View Full Version : An Idea regarding Adult Profile Pictures

Jun 12, 2006, 6:35 PM
I don't want to come off as a prude or anything, but I was wondering what others here felt about changing the way profile pictures are displayed.

Another site that I once belonged to would show an Adult Content Warning Thumbnail for pictures that had adult content instead of the thumbnail of the full monty or sex act. If you wanted to see that picture you just clicked the thumbnail and could see all the details.

I personally regularly look at profiles to learn more about the person I am chatting with or exchanging forum messages with and fairly often am given much more information than I want to know. :eek:

Am I being a prude or would others be interested in having the option to see the "good stuff" rather than having to? I don't know if it is even a possible option here one day, just curious as to what others think.

Jun 12, 2006, 6:56 PM
I feel the same way, buddy. I guess I'm a little of a prude myself. Just like we try and restrict the "bedroom" talk to specific area of the chat room, it might be a nice to have some sort of restriction so that people who may just be wanting to know a little more information, arent privy to the privvies unless they really want to.

Jun 12, 2006, 7:00 PM
no you're not a prude, just more discerning than many others; post the explict if a person wishes :eek: , but like another personal site i belong to, there is an option for the "g" or the "x".

not that the "g" is all that tame, but it is limited to non-sexual content, though there is plenty of suggestive and/or explicit nudity. many of the pics are good quality, well formatted, and adds that physical aspect needed for careful evaluation. i will opt later for the graphics if otherwise interested!

i would prefer the option aspect, as to having graphic detail shoved in my face while otherwise exploring commentary or other interests.

however, that is only my opinion, and it may very well be that we are in the miniority?!

with love to one and all

Driver 8
Jun 12, 2006, 7:02 PM
I'm not checking the site from a public computer lab any more, but I did learn to be very, very careful about the profiles.

It seems to me that the problem with marking profiles adult-only is that, in the end, someone needs to double-check that what's marked work-safe (or whatever it's called) really is, which potentially creates a huge workload for someone. Conceivably volunteer moderators could take care of this, but right now there really isn't any mechanism in place for it - everything goes through Drew, right?

Jun 12, 2006, 8:04 PM
At the other site all profiles were adult, but the photos had a category of everyone, member, or adult.

Even non-members saw everyone thumbnails and pics, only members saw member thumbnails and pics, and nobody saw the adult pics unless you clicked one the adult warning profile thumbnails.

I am guessing it depends on how the site is written or what package it is that would determine how much work would be involved in implementing and managing that process. It could always be done with moderators, or on the honor system with a report abuse feature.

I am all for not creating work for Drew. Just having this place is amazing. I would like to know that if it is something we could have, is that what most of us would want or not?

I'm not checking the site from a public computer lab any more, but I did learn to be very, very careful about the profiles.

It seems to me that the problem with marking profiles adult-only is that, in the end, someone needs to double-check that what's marked work-safe (or whatever it's called) really is, which potentially creates a huge workload for someone. Conceivably volunteer moderators could take care of this, but right now there really isn't any mechanism in place for it - everything goes through Drew, right?

Jun 12, 2006, 8:28 PM
Your not being a prude

I would put my thoughts this way. We (bisexual.com) are a free and open site. How are you going to moniter whether a pic is "adult" only, or not. Someone has to look at each pic and determin whether it is o.k. or not. That takes time. And time is money. I like this place and don't want to have to pay for a site where only adults are to be.

Yes, sometimes it is frustrating to open a profile and see something i expecting to see, but it's also o.k. to know people can display or show off whaterver they want. I find it very refreshing, and like it the way it is. Not that i'm not against change. but almost always there is some cost involed either in money or time.

Jun 12, 2006, 8:59 PM
I would say, just be careful when you open people's profiles. Don't open them in a public place where you might feel uncomfortable. I agree with Flounder, that the openness of the site is a plus. The main issue I see is the large number of profiles that only show men's cocks; if you don't like what you see then you know the person is not someone you have a lot in common with. That info alone is useful.

Personally, I would like it if more women on the site posted pictures of their breasts, buttocks, and private parts. :devil: :bounce: :bounce:

meteast chick
Jun 12, 2006, 11:01 PM
I feel the very same way Glantern!

I should be used to it bi now, but I still get a lil surprise every time I open a profile and WHOA! Much more info than I intended to get!
Yes, a lil sign or avatar or signal to show us adult themed pictures present would be nice. Good idea hun, I'll pass it on to Drew!

luv and kisses,

Jun 12, 2006, 11:40 PM

I must agree that it is a bit disconcerting to open a profile and well get hit with something one was not expecting. I may be a bit different than most people I seem to talk with. I can honestly say that it is so very rare that I go and view a profile of someone I am speaking with. I want to get to know them as a person rather than a body. Because in the end, it is what is inside of someone that matters. Looks to me are the least of my worries about I meet.


Jun 13, 2006, 10:17 AM
I would agree with everyone here, but for a different reason - I'm often surfing when my young children are in the background playing nearby - so I don't want them exposed to any pornography/nudity. I find that some people even have pornography aviatars so I'm not even safe when I'm reading the forums sometimes.... that's a bummer.

Don't know if anything can be done about it, but thought I'd express my opinion, too.


Jun 13, 2006, 11:11 AM
I would agree with everyone here, but for a different reason - I'm often surfing when my young children are in the background playing nearby - so I don't want them exposed to any pornography/nudity. I find that some people even have pornography aviatars so I'm not even safe when I'm reading the forums sometimes.... that's a bummer.

Don't know if anything can be done about it, but thought I'd express my opinion, too.


me too! I have exactly the same dilemma Alley...v.frustrating

cheers Julie :female:

Jun 13, 2006, 11:15 AM
Good suggestions everyone. I'll seriously consider them. Later this summer or in the fall we will be doing another round of modifications to the site so I'll seriously consider changes to the pictures to address the concerns raised here.

Thanks for the feedback!

- Drew :paw:

Jun 13, 2006, 12:04 PM
Count me among the prudes! I do think that there should be some kind of warning (like the "chili peppars" one gets beside Eudora emails that contain profanity) or extra-step before one views "R-rated" profile pictures. If this is too difficult to "police", so be it, but perhaps a lot of users would be willing to voluntarily click some option (box) while making their profiles or uploading pictures to indicate it/they contained "R material". The system doesn't have to be fool-proof, even a general reduction in the number of "surprises" one encountered while surfing would be a great start. Then maybe you could just get other users to report when they come across profiles containing adult stuff. Just my :2cents:

Jun 15, 2006, 4:01 PM
On one of the other sites it is nice because they have a "HIDE" button at the the top and bottom of the screen that switches you to a temporary news/weather site and the tab at the bottom of your page also says "Check weather" for those of us with kids who are reading age and other people in and out of our computer space. Then you can click back to the original site when "all is clear"

And I agree, I don't ALWAYS come to this site just to view body parts although I don't seeing the sexy women's quite as much!! Heehee

Jun 15, 2006, 4:22 PM
your not being prude i kind of find it a turn off to see the privet bedroom pic anywere besides the bedroom i just want alittle infomation and not the hole pic if u know what i mean keep it in the notty box or email the pic so no one else has to be affended just my :2cents:

Jun 16, 2006, 12:36 AM
You all have good points here :)

I have an explicit profile, and I personally like explicit profiles. What I have done is create an avatar that warns people about what my profile contains, so they can choose not to look at it.

What do you think?

Lance :flag4:

Jun 16, 2006, 1:40 AM
You all have good points here :)

I have an explicit profile, and I personally like explicit profiles. What I have done is create an avatar that warns people about what my profile contains, so they can choose not to look at it.

What do you think?

Lance :flag4:

I love it. We see Lance and Jess's beautiful bodies if and when we choose. Plus, we will always see their beautiful personalities for being considerate of others and policing themselves on the very first day they join the site. Impressive. Thank you.


Jun 16, 2006, 4:41 AM
I love it. We see Lance and Jess's beautiful bodies if and when we choose. Plus, we will always see their beautiful personalities for being considerate of others and policing themselves on the very first day they join the site. Impressive. Thank you.


Thanks Rhuth :)

Jun 16, 2006, 4:48 AM
I used to be a poster at Bisexual Playground 'til I got tired of it being nothing but a swinging site. They did do one thing I thought was good, however. Uploading pictures, you'd have to specify them as X or PG. A seperate photo gallery of each would be maintained. In profiles, PG pictures' thumbnails would be normally displayed. You could click to open up ther person's photo gallery if you wanted to see the X gallery.

Furthermore, the X galleries were off limits except to members, another thing I think was good. I think people would be a lot more candid with explicit pictures knowing only members were accessing them.

Jun 16, 2006, 4:55 AM
You all have good points here :)

I have an explicit profile, and I personally like explicit profiles. What I have done is create an avatar that warns people about what my profile contains, so they can choose not to look at it.

What do you think?

Lance :flag4:

Just one comment.


Sorry. Pet peeve. :tongue:

Jun 16, 2006, 5:27 AM
Just one comment.


Sorry. Pet peeve. :tongue:

LOL :cutelaugh

A reasonable request! Hows this...


Jun 17, 2006, 1:36 PM
I think that's a lot nicer :)
Just my :2cents:


Jun 17, 2006, 1:46 PM
I think the warning is a great idea! I'm not against X-rated profiles. Hey, to each his own. But often my 4-year-old is hanging around when I'm online (or doing anything) and I'd like to be able to look at profiles without having to wait until he leaves the room on the chance there may be explicit photos. :eek:

Jun 17, 2006, 2:25 PM
This is great, but I still can't read more about you without also having to see adult pics. That would have to be a system change.

Thanks for being so accomodating! Totally unexpected.

You all have good points here :)

I have an explicit profile, and I personally like explicit profiles. What I have done is create an avatar that warns people about what my profile contains, so they can choose not to look at it.

What do you think?

Lance :flag4:

Jun 17, 2006, 3:03 PM

I think I have a possible solution for that too! :)

If you are running a regular computer with monitor, and your display resolution is set to 1280 X 1025 or lower, I have placed a warning text on my profile with some spaces.

If you do not scroll past the warning, you should never see any xxx rated pics.

Try it out, works good for me. Just an idea :2cents:

Lance :-)

Jun 17, 2006, 3:09 PM
Good job. Thats works pretty well but would not expect most peple togo through all that trouble.

PS. Nice pics ;)


I think I have a possible solution for that too! :)

If you are running a regular computer with monitor, and your display resolution is set to 1280 X 1025 or lower, I have placed a warning text on my profile with some spaces.

If you do not scroll past the warning, you should never see any xxx rated pics.

Try it out, works good for me. Just an idea :2cents:

Lance :-)

Jun 17, 2006, 4:33 PM
I don't want to come off as a prude or anything, but I was wondering what others here felt about changing the way profile pictures are displayed.

Another site that I once belonged to would show an Adult Content Warning Thumbnail for pictures that had adult content instead of the thumbnail of the full monty or sex act. If you wanted to see that picture you just clicked the thumbnail and could see all the details.

I personally regularly look at profiles to learn more about the person I am chatting with or exchanging forum messages with and fairly often am given much more information than I want to know. :eek:

Am I being a prude or would others be interested in having the option to see the "good stuff" rather than having to? I don't know if it is even a possible option here one day, just curious as to what others think.

No, I don't think it's "prudish". It's a good idea IMHO. It wold be a cool feature to have here, I've seen it on other sites like Deviant Art.

Jun 17, 2006, 5:50 PM
You all have good points here :)

I have an explicit profile, and I personally like explicit profiles. What I have done is create an avatar that warns people about what my profile contains, so they can choose not to look at it.

What do you think?

Lance :flag4:

tom_uk and i chose to have a peek (after a long discussion and debate ;) )...

and were jolly glad we did...keep up the good work :bigrin:

j&t_uk :suave: xx

Jun 17, 2006, 5:54 PM
tom_uk and i chose to have a peek (after a long discussion and debate ;) )...

and were jolly glad we did...keep up the good work :bigrin:

j&t_uk :suave: xx

Thanks julie! :)

I just looked at your profile too! You are beautifully sexy! And tom, WOW, very sexy as well. Jess and I would love to party with you two! :three:

Lance :-)

Jun 17, 2006, 6:25 PM
I guess I am a bit confused here. We joined this site because we figured bisexuals were free spirited, open minded people. I want to see pics of other members, clean or explicit. We have both in our profile, you get to see the member in both states. I do not see anything wrong with explicit pics in profiles on an Adult website.

I love some of the pics we have seen. YUMMY! :three:

Jun 17, 2006, 6:44 PM
Just goes to show we are not all the same and not all here for the same reason.

I guess I am a bit confused here. We joined this site because we figured bisexuals were free spirited, open minded people. I want to see pics of other members, clean or explicit. We have both in our profile, you get to see the member in both states. I do not see anything wrong with explicit pics in profiles on an Adult website.

I love some of the pics we have seen. YUMMY! :three:

Jun 17, 2006, 6:50 PM
Believe me, I understand we are all here for our own reasons. My point is that we are all adults, and if you do not like those type of profiles, don't view them. You see thumbnails of the pics, so it is not a surprise at all.

It is hard enough for a bisexual couple to find like minded adults to share times with, both sexual and non-sexual. This place offers that, unlike other sites. That is why we belong here, and we love to meet open minded people!

Jun 17, 2006, 7:36 PM
You are missing the point I am trying to make. You can't tell a profile has adult pics until you open it and see the thumbnails.

I don't think you have to be subjected to adult images to be an open minded adult.

Believe me, I understand we are all here for our own reasons. My point is that we are all adults, and if you do not like those type of profiles, don't view them. You see thumbnails of the pics, so it is not a surprise at all.

It is hard enough for a bisexual couple to find like minded adults to share times with, both sexual and non-sexual. This place offers that, unlike other sites. That is why we belong here, and we love to meet open minded people!

Jun 17, 2006, 7:58 PM
I think I understand where they are coming from though. Everyone has to understand that some of us migrated over from Bisexualamerica.com and on that site there wasn't really this kind of issue, so for us it may seem a little confusing. I know that we have never come across a site like this where people didn't want to see those pictures and where people just wanted to talk about being bisexual. SO I can see where they are coming from in that sense. I also understand that this is a different site and we should try and be as accommodating as possible....take our profile when we first joined yesterday I had up r rated photos then I read this thread and decided that I would respect this site so we took them down and now they can be sent to someone on a request basis. So I guess all I am trying to say is that we understand both sides of the coin there.......and that is just my :2cents:


Jun 17, 2006, 8:10 PM
Good point, Deb! You are right, we were used to a different site, but, we have been members here for a year, just not active. Until we are told otherwise, we will include both types of pics here.

We totally respect others opinions, and it's all good! You are correct, you don't have to be subjected to those pics, but, they are allowed here. Unless that changes, our pics will remain, but, we will change them from time to time. :bigrin:

Jun 17, 2006, 8:19 PM
I hope I'm not putting words in Glantern's mouth, but I don't think he was directing his criticism at the people from Bi America. He was reacting to profiles that existed on here prior to the migration.


Jun 17, 2006, 9:14 PM
Right Johnny, that was not what I was intending at all, and I don't expect anyone to NOT post adult pics in their profiles.

This thread is just about the idea of one day maybe having the option to not HAVE to see the adult photos unless you want. This would allow us to pick and choose whose bit and pieces we see and when, if any.

I hope I'm not putting words in Glantern's mouth, but I don't think he was directing his criticism at the people from Bi America. He was reacting to profiles that existed on here prior to the migration.


Jun 17, 2006, 9:17 PM
I can concur with that, an option for public and private pics. We have seen other sites do this, and it makes sense. :bigrin:

Badd Cooter
Jun 17, 2006, 10:28 PM
AHEM.. Some valid points but in the end.. Is this NOT an adults only site ?? Sexually oriented??... Lighten up Peeps!!

Jun 17, 2006, 10:46 PM
From where I am reading it says "the bisexual community site" Top right corner of every page.

AHEM.. Some valid points but in the end.. Is this NOT an adults only site ?? Sexually oriented??... Lighten up Peeps!!

Jun 17, 2006, 11:04 PM
Personally, I enjoy seeing any pic, that is being offered. Like it has been stated, this IS an adult bi-sexually oriented site.

However, I took two minutes, to put a warning line at the end of my information, a few carriage returns, and a couple of extra ____'s. so unless you are REALLY lazy, all of my pics are still available


Thanks for a great site, webbie :bigrin:

Jun 18, 2006, 8:39 AM
Personally, I find it more irritating to pull a profile that contains absolutely no information about a person than one that perhaps exposes a nude body or what one may deem an explicit sexual act. When we register on Bisexual.com It clearly states that it is an internet community for “bisexual men, women and couples” and in bold print it also states “personal ads”
I’ve enjoyed the freedom of expression in these forums. My comprehension and personal understanding of bisexuality has grown on so many levels because of the uncensored expression. I respect the individual’s right to not post any information that seem fit, and by the same token, respect those that wish to express themselves in a different way. Many of the posts that I’ve written, have been written while sitting in a lawn chair poolside at a nudist resort. I’m a nudist that also happens to be bisexual and nudism isn’t necessarily sexual to those of us that practice nudism. We are very secure with our bodies at all stages of it’s expression.
It goes against my Sagittarian nature to be censored and freedom of expression is what has made this site what it is. It’s worked well for the near year that I’ve been visiting without any incident. I’ve never received a letter of Email from anyone protesting my nude picture and although I have at times in the past exposed more than I do now I have decided the content or simply put, self-censored myself. We’re all adults here and we all know what the human body looks like. Discretion should be used in any place or around anyone you would feel uncomfortable in exposing the human body to. Nudity exists here and as they say. ”if it ain’t broke..don’t fix it” :2cents:

Ambi :)

Jun 18, 2006, 9:04 AM
I apologize, I think the idea behind this has become blown out of proportion. I don't want anyone to feel like they need to censor themself or post warnings on their profiles.

This site is filling different needs for different people. Some would prefer to be able to read the site in front of their kids. Some would like to refer others here to learn more about what it is like to be bisexual. Some would prefer to leave some things to the imagination until they know someone better.

This thread was meant as a hypothetical question. I got my answer, yes some others would also prefer to not HAVE to see pics of every dude with a boner and a digital camera.

Quite often I want to see those pics too and I would prefer to have them there than not be there at all.

Jun 18, 2006, 9:57 AM

From what I understand, some of your concerns are already taken care of on this site, insofar as you cannot open people's profiles at all without being a member and logging in. The forum threads are excellent resources that we can refer people to, but for instance, if I ask my wife to read something on here about being bisexual, I don't think she needs to open people's profiles as part of that experience. The avatars are all g-rated.

In that sense, some of the safeguards that you seek are already in place. You just have to approach this site with the understanding that the profiles are not a place to exchange ideas; the profiles are largely there for the function of advertising our desirability to other people and that means a certain amount of explicit information.

Having said that, I have found it.... well, um, a little bewildering, I should say.... that so many male members put a picture of their penis and no other picture up. To each one's own, but I find it hard to drum up interest in someone if that's all that he's showing me; in fact, it's largely a turnoff.


Jun 18, 2006, 11:32 AM
Having said that, I have found it.... well, um, a little bewildering, I should say.... that so many male members put a picture of their penis and no other picture up. To each one's own, but I find it hard to drum up interest in someone if that's all that he's showing me; in fact, it's largely a turnoff.

Totally agree with this. Not interested in seeing just that. Since we are a couple seeking other couples like us, we want to see pics of both, and face shots do help.

They are considered personal ads, so the person or couple is really promoting themselves, and if happens to include nudity, that is cool with us. We like nudity!

Jun 18, 2006, 11:49 AM
This is where the confusion is. In some places it is called a profile, in others it is a personal ad.

I consider mine a profile, and when I view others I am usaully looking at them as profiles also, not personals.

All we can do is agree to disagree here. We are beating a dead horse at this point.

Jun 18, 2006, 12:43 PM
This is where the confusion is. In some places it is called a profile, in others it is a personal ad.

I consider mine a profile, and when I view others I am usaully looking at them as profiles also, not personals.

All we can do is agree to disagree here. We are beating a dead horse at this point.

Well, I don't think it's a dead horse yet...Maybe this is a mission for Drew.

Lifeline to Drew -- Question:

Is it possible to put more items under the member's screen names, in the little box that appears to the left of forum postings? Right now this is what appears:

screen name (with link to profile)
status (member, senior member, or supermember, etc)
avatar (if any)
couple/gender status
Join date
number of posts

It seems that Glantern and others would like to have more information about people, specifically on the forums, available generally, without any possibly troublesome images that would compromise our ability to share the forum threads with a wide audience.

From what I understand, they would like more information in order to contextualize the things that people write on the forums, also to show the world our diversity and more of who we are, without exposing them to pictures that are unnecessarily explicit for an open venue.

Maybe the solution is to add more details in the little box to the left of people's postings. Perhaps the following things?

Kinsey rating (if people opt to rate themselves)
marital status
how "out" they are
how long they've seen themselves as their current sexual identity

So for instance mine currently looks like the following

Some kind of supermember
[the pic of aquaman]
Upstate New York

M/F couple
Join date: Sep 2005
posts: 417

I wouldn't mind having another column in the empty space to the right (right justified) that could say:

35 years old
Kinsey 2
Married, 6 years
Out to everyone
switched from gay to bisexual, c. 1997-8

I'm sure this is too much information for some people, but I'm just throwing a few ideas out there. This way, many of the points of interest that Glantern and others want outsiders to see, to match people's postings, are available risk-free, without having to go into the profiles and possibly sexualize the more educational experience of reading the forums.


Driver 8
Jun 18, 2006, 4:47 PM
It goes against my Sagittarian nature to be censored and freedom of expression is what has made this site what it is.
I personally don't feel that this is a problem of freedom expression. If, for example, there's a checkbox in your account settings that says "Show nudity" and some people have it off, some people have it on, and some people turn it on and off, that doesn't prevent anyone from viewing or posting sexually explicit material. It just provides an easy filter for people who aren't interested, and, as has been observed on this thread or elsewhere, there are a number of people who would like some kind of filter.

Jun 18, 2006, 4:57 PM
I've got a few explicit photo's on my profile (just a warning), but I completely understand where some of you are coming from. Just a little warning somewhere would be perfect for those who aren't interested in seeing what err.. some people have to offer. :tong:

Jun 18, 2006, 5:11 PM
Having said that, I have found it.... well, um, a little bewildering, I should say.... that so many male members put a picture of their penis and no other picture up. To each one's own, but I find it hard to drum up interest in someone if that's all that he's showing me; in fact, it's largely a turnoff.
Heh... Those pics make me laugh. I keep thinking "Dude, I know you're a guy, I can see the little circle and arrow thingie, I expect you to have a cock, it'd be a surprise if you didn't have a cock, I don't need a picture to prove it." ;) I'm a whole-body person, a picture of just a cock does about as much for me as a close-up of a nipple or a pussy or, for that matter, an armpit, elbow, chin, or nostril.

Jun 18, 2006, 6:16 PM
Damn....I was just about to upload my armpit photos

does about as much for me as a close-up of a nipple or a pussy or, for that matter, an armpit, elbow, chin, or nostril.

Jun 18, 2006, 6:40 PM
Damn....I was just about to upload my armpit photos

Ewwwwww. I sure hope you shave.


Jun 18, 2006, 8:25 PM
Damn....I was just about to upload my armpit photos
Crap! I spoke too soon! :tong:

Jun 18, 2006, 11:28 PM
:eek: Wow, this thread got hot over the last 24 hours. LOL

Like any community, even on-line ones, it's all about mutual respect. We have no problems placing an XXX Profile warning on our profile/personal-ad, or whatever else you wish to call it.

It serves 2 purposes...

#1- It lets people who are just here for information or friendship know that we have an adult profile.

#2- It lets people who are here for sexual fun and friendship know that we are here for the same reason they are, and to please look us up! :)

No offense to anyone, but people like Jess and I utilize sites like this to help us meet open-minded people who are open to a sexual experience. In other words, we want to meet people outside of cyberspace. :bibounce:

Everyone who is in this great community is here for different reasons, and that is great! Have fun!

Lance & Jess :bipride:

Jun 21, 2006, 5:06 PM
I will update mine as to not offend anyone - only been having fun so far and wanted to share with all.
The one pic my GF Suzanne took as she came out of the bathroom, another was just a weeknd away with friends to show we are real.
Love you all,

Jun 21, 2006, 6:06 PM
Ewwwwww. I sure hope you shave.

I do! :)

I agree with Lance (great post, BTW) !

We have an adult profile, and if the site decided we needed to put a disclaimer on our profile, or personal ad, we would do so. Since I don't see that as a requirement, and we are not restricted on the type of photos we upload, or language we use, our profile will remain adult oriented.

We are members of this site to interact with the community, but, we also would like to meet open-minded people like Lance and Jess. Damnit, why do you both have to be so far away! We luv you guys!

We are enjoying the site and the people that are members here. Seems like it will be a nice community here!

Long Duck Dong
Jun 21, 2006, 11:08 PM
mmmm I can see both sides of the fence.... and i do disagree with some peoples responses....lol

ok here is how i see it... its a community site.... full of different opinions and ways of thinking....therefore we need to have different ways of using the site

it is a sexual site, yes.... and is full of adults ... indeed.....but drew set this site up as a community site.... I do not see a XXX rating on the site at all.....
and I am pretty damm sure that most of the site members do feel that having the option to have xxx rated profile pics shielded, is a fair and simple thing to ask for

i tend to see it as if people feel that their main claim to fame is the size of their penis or a close up of their vagina, then indeed they have the right to show it in their profiles..... however, those that do not wish to look at the persons nether regions....shouldn't have to.... in a sense its like buying meat from the butcher..... we all don't wanna also see the animal being slaughtered for the meat

I am impressed to see drews response earlier in this thread and his praise for the feedback about the site....drews vision for this site and the mutual respect between fellow members and drew, is one reason why bisexual.com is such a brillant site.....

Jun 21, 2006, 11:48 PM
Great Post! I agree Drew is the bomb!

Driver 8
Jun 22, 2006, 7:37 AM
Like any community, even on-line ones, it's all about mutual respect. We have no problems placing an XXX Profile warning on our profile/personal-ad, or whatever else you wish to call it.
I greatly appreciate you going the extra mile and doing this. I do want to point out, though, that profiles can be viewed from a lot of places that don't display the avatar, and, thus, the warning (for example, the links to ads in chat.)

Doesn't make you any less sweet for doing so, though ;)

Jun 22, 2006, 8:01 AM
I guess I am a bit confused here. We joined this site because we figured bisexuals were free spirited, open minded people. I want to see pics of other members, clean or explicit. We have both in our profile, you get to see the member in both states. I do not see anything wrong with explicit pics in profiles on an Adult website.

I love some of the pics we have seen. YUMMY! :three:

I completely agree, i also have bouth "g" & "x" in my profile. i have asked a couple memebers of this site for feed back and all has been positive reguarding my profile pics. i would have to say i am an anti-prude.


Jun 24, 2006, 1:31 AM
A simple solution...

Where the thumbs now appear in our profiles could there not just be a link to Adult Pictures? G-rated thumbs could stay where they currently are. Drew, is this possible?

I know I'd appreciate it. Not for me but for my wife. In the not to distant future I will be coming out to my wife. My intention is to have her log on to bisexual.com in order to understand the bi community and understand me (that's providing she doesn't go screaming out the front door back to her mother).

The one thing that got me to sign on to bisexual.com is that it is not just a vehicle to meet people for sex.I have found this to be the most educational site available for people trying to get a grip on there particular sexuality.

A simple separation of profile information and adult pictures is not an infringement on anybody's freedom of expression.

Mike W

Jun 24, 2006, 2:49 AM
I completely agree, i also have bouth "g" & "x" in my profile. i have asked a couple memebers of this site for feed back and all has been positive reguarding my profile pics. i would have to say i am an anti-prude.



Your profile rocks, and those pics... WOW! :tongue:

Lance :-)

Jun 24, 2006, 10:28 AM
This is exactly what I was trying to say. I think it also might make it easier for others to want to put up their non XXX pics up. I have actually considered taking mine down because it is a little embarrasing for me to be one of a few faces among a sea of hard cocks.

A simple solution...

Where the thumbs now appear in our profiles could there not just be a link to Adult Pictures? G-rated thumbs could stay where they currently are. Drew, is this possible?

I know I'd appreciate it. Not for me but for my wife. In the not to distant future I will be coming out to my wife. My intention is to have her log on to bisexual.com in order to understand the bi community and understand me (that's providing she doesn't go screaming out the front door back to her mother).
Mike W

Jun 24, 2006, 10:56 AM
A simple solution...

Where the thumbs now appear in our profiles could there not just be a link to Adult Pictures? G-rated thumbs could stay where they currently are. Drew, is this possible?

I know I'd appreciate it. Not for me but for my wife. In the not to distant future I will be coming out to my wife. My intention is to have her log on to bisexual.com in order to understand the bi community and understand me (that's providing she doesn't go screaming out the front door back to her mother).

The one thing that got me to sign on to bisexual.com is that it is not just a vehicle to meet people for sex.I have found this to be the most educational site available for people trying to get a grip on there particular sexuality.

A simple separation of profile information and adult pictures is not an infringement on anybody's freedom of expression.

Mike W


I sincerely hope your wife doesn't run out the back door. I'm rooting for you.

Maybe a little suggestion: for the time being, don't have her create a membership on the site yet. First let her read through the forums. She doesn't have to start leafing through people's personal ads/profiles yet, and the chatroom, especially lately, has been a little too colorful and fancy-free for the seriousness of a spouse wanting to work through difficult feelings.

I do think the discussion threads in the forums can help you guys out a lot, esp. since those are the most educational parts of the site, along with the bi web resources, the articles, and the advice on finding good books.

Some couples here have found the site very helpful, but for instance, I have not brought my straight spouse on here yet. I think the sexual content in people's profiles and some of the things we talk about might cloud her judgment just when she's come to accept my sexuality. If there were fewer adult photoes and less emphasis, in the personal ads, on people having hookups without their spouses, then I might bring her on the site. But I don't want to cramp people's freedoms, and in the end, I think of bisexual.com as much more of a resource for me than for her. But that's just me.

:2cents: :2cents:

Jun 24, 2006, 11:35 AM
A simple solution...

Where the thumbs now appear in our profiles could there not just be a link to Adult Pictures? G-rated thumbs could stay where they currently are. Drew, is this possible?

I know I'd appreciate it. Not for me but for my wife. In the not to distant future I will be coming out to my wife. My intention is to have her log on to bisexual.com in order to understand the bi community and understand me (that's providing she doesn't go screaming out the front door back to her mother).

The one thing that got me to sign on to bisexual.com is that it is not just a vehicle to meet people for sex.I have found this to be the most educational site available for people trying to get a grip on there particular sexuality.

A simple separation of profile information and adult pictures is not an infringement on anybody's freedom of expression.

Mike W I hear ya (and everyone else too - thanks for the input!). You are right in that my vision for this site is one that serves many purposes - I want it to be able to be used for advocacy, chat, entertainment, and different kinds of "hooking up", from casual sex to friendship to longterm relationships - and I want it to meet the needs of both men and women within that spectrum of relationships. I think the solution I am going to go with is similar to what you are saying and what others have suggested...

Whenever a member uploads a picture they will be asked to identify it as G-rated or X-rated (no nudity / nudity, repectively). Then each member will have their own setting under "My Account" where they can block thumbnails of the X-rated pics or not when viewing other member's profiles (there will be a "X" image or something in place of all nude thumbnails if the setting is ON). Either way, clicking on the thumbnail will open the picture to fullsize, but for folks with the "censor setting" ON the thumbnails will show no nudity. This will allow folks to view member profiles safely in a library or internet cafe or when kids are in the room (Just don't click on the thumbnails that show a big "X", until it is safe).

It's simple and should be very effective and, I think, addresses all concerns raised, while allowing the site to meet the different needs of the various types of relationships people seek.

It will take about 3 months to make this happen because we are going to do this as part of a major upgrade we are planning for the August to September timeframe.

Thanks again for everyone's thoughtful suggestions.

- Drew :paw:

Jun 24, 2006, 2:19 PM
That is awesome Drew!


I hear ya (and everyone else too - thanks for the input!). You are right in that my vision for this site is one that serves many purposes - I want it to be able to be used for advocacy, chat, entertainment, and different kinds of "hooking up", from casual sex to friendship to longterm relationships - and I want it to meet the needs of both men and women within that spectrum of relationships. I think the solution I am going to go with is similar to what you are saying and what others have suggested...

Whenever a member uploads a picture they will be asked to identify it as G-rated or X-rated (no nudity / nudity, repectively). Then each member will have their own setting under "My Account" where they can block thumbnails of the X-rated pics or not when viewing other member's profiles (there will be a "X" image or something in place of all nude thumbnails if the setting is ON). Either way, clicking on the thumbnail will open the picture to fullsize, but for folks with the "censor setting" ON the thumbnails will show no nudity. This will allow folks to view member profiles safely in a library or internet cafe or when kids are in the room (Just don't click on the thumbnails that show a big "X", until it is safe).

It's simple and should be very effective and, I think, addresses all concerns raised, while allowing the site to meet the different needs of the various types of relationships people seek.

It will take about 3 months to make this happen because we are going to do this as part of a major upgrade we are planning for the August to September timeframe.

Thanks again for everyone's thoughtful suggestions.

- Drew :paw:

Jun 24, 2006, 3:29 PM
How cool are you Drew!!!!! You're our hero!

Jun 24, 2006, 5:46 PM
As long as a google search for <username>, doesn't bring up the Adult profile pix... like it did the last time I checked mine...( which is why I removed my nakees until this is corrected ) I don't have any objections. I just hate surprises, particularly Google surprises. Gosh aren't those google spiders efficient!

I particularly like doing nakees, its the exhibitionist in me ;) I just don't want them available to any Joe with a search engine.

Jun 24, 2006, 6:08 PM
It's this kind of understanding and compromise by members and administrators that separates bi dot com from the rest. It truly is a unique thing you've created. And many lives are better for it.

Thanks Drew,

Mike W

I hear ya (and everyone else too - thanks for the input!). You are right in that my vision for this site is one that serves many purposes - I want it to be able to be used for advocacy, chat, entertainment, and different kinds of "hooking up", from casual sex to friendship to longterm relationships - and I want it to meet the needs of both men and women within that spectrum of relationships. I think the solution I am going to go with is similar to what you are saying and what others have suggested...

Whenever a member uploads a picture they will be asked to identify it as G-rated or X-rated (no nudity / nudity, repectively). Then each member will have their own setting under "My Account" where they can block thumbnails of the X-rated pics or not when viewing other member's profiles (there will be a "X" image or something in place of all nude thumbnails if the setting is ON). Either way, clicking on the thumbnail will open the picture to fullsize, but for folks with the "censor setting" ON the thumbnails will show no nudity. This will allow folks to view member profiles safely in a library or internet cafe or when kids are in the room (Just don't click on the thumbnails that show a big "X", until it is safe).

It's simple and should be very effective and, I think, addresses all concerns raised, while allowing the site to meet the different needs of the various types of relationships people seek.

It will take about 3 months to make this happen because we are going to do this as part of a major upgrade we are planning for the August to September timeframe.

Thanks again for everyone's thoughtful suggestions.

- Drew :paw:

Jun 24, 2006, 7:13 PM
I fucking like the pics. all of them. If someone has the confidence and comfort level to post an intimate pic of themselves.. then that is someone i'd like to know..

as far as some extra warning--
this IS an adult site.. that's all the warning we need, imo?
i could see if it were an ALL rated site, but it's not.

as far as censorship..not into that groove.
we are a community rooted in choice- and to take away something so relevant and empowering as being able to share our bodies is blasphemy to me.

I like the fact that i can share who i am physically with folks.. and weed out anyone who may or may not be attracted to me... b/c of my physicality..

to me it is empowering to have a pic of my body posted. and say directly... this is who i am.. take it or leave it.

for me it's all about accepting myself -who i am .. completely- not just being an exhibitionist.

Jun 24, 2006, 7:55 PM
I fucking like the pics. all of them. If someone has the confidence and comfort level to post an intimate pic of themselves.. then that is someone i'd like to know..

as far as some extra warning--
this IS an adult site.. that's all the warning we need, imo?
i could see if it were an ALL rated site, but it's not.

as far as censorship..not into that groove.
we are a community rooted in choice- and to take away something so relevant and empowering as being able to share our bodies is blasphemy to me.

I like the fact that i can share who i am physically with folks.. and weed out anyone who may or may not be attracted to me... b/c of my physicality..

to me it is empowering to have a pic of my body posted. and say directly... this is who i am.. take it or leave it.

for me it's all about accepting myself -who i am .. completely- not just being an exhibitionist.

You're right, it's all about choice. All this is doing is giving the members of this community a choice to view adult pictures or not.

Now, get down off your :soapbox: before you fall and hurt yourself.

Jun 24, 2006, 9:16 PM
I would like to thank Drew for his post here, it isn't often on other sites we belong to, that the admin takes the time to post his thoughts and suggestions. We appreciate it, and will accept the forthcoming changes.

It feels good to be here, part of the community, and we particularly like how everyone interacts here. We are members on a swing site, and we have lost any faith there. Our paid membership ends soon, and we will not be spending anymore $$$ there.

Lots of good ideas, and although we love seeing all the pics that people post, we can accept the rating system. The above site I mentioned completely botched the way they "approved" pictures, and banned x-rated pics completely.

I think we will be staying here! :cool:

Jun 25, 2006, 1:05 AM
For me it's like if people were posting tons of pictures of their elbows. Let's face it, it gets boring and predictable after a while. ;)

Though I give them credit. They're very brave to post those pictures in today's society.

Jun 25, 2006, 1:11 AM
You're right, it's all about choice. All this is doing is giving the members of this community a choice to view adult pictures or not.

Now, get down off your :soapbox: before you fall and hurt yourself.

i was just stating my opinion.. not trying to sway anyone else's point of view-
i'm sure no matter the end result we as a community will support it.

my soap box... lol
wouldn't be the first time i ever fell and got hurt eh..
but thanks for the heads up Mike, I appreciate it.

Jun 25, 2006, 1:26 AM
i was just stating my opinion.. not trying to sway anyone else's point of view-
i'm sure no matter the end result we as a community will support it.

Yes, we shall overcum.

my soap box... lol
wouldn't be the first time i ever fell and got hurt eh..
but thanks for the heads up Mike, I appreciate it.
LOLOLOL, I'm glad you took soapbox crack with the humour intended.

Mike W