View Full Version : game of thrones tonight, bisexuality spotted

Apr 16, 2012, 4:50 AM
Game of thrones, season 2, episode 3.
Did anyone see game of thrones tonight? The king makes out with his queen wife's brother for a bit; Next his queen wife tries to seduce him topless. He complains he has had too much wine; she says its ok, and her brother would be into helping them get started. He denies it at first, but she says 'save your lies for the court...' He can have her, both of them, whatever he likes, because he is a king...

Was kind of a nice implication of bisexuality in it, I enjoyed seeing the guys make out, and the woman's acceptation of them having sex together was really nice.
I wish more women were accepting, that is what I wish for... comments?

Long Duck Dong
Apr 16, 2012, 5:13 AM
I have heard a lot about game of thrones, and yeah sounds like the bisexual aspect is nice......

as for more women being accepting..... well more ladies need to be given the chance to be accepting of bisexuality and not be rubbished when they decline to have a bisexual partner or not being interested in a open relationship. not everybody wants a open relationship, and more often than not, having a bisexual partner can mean just that. that applies to males and females, not just males.

when people talk about wanting partners that are more accepting of bisexuality, they are often saying, more accepting of being in a open relationship with their partner fucking other people......

Apr 16, 2012, 7:46 AM
"I wish more women were accepting of bisexuality". OP

"when people talk about wanting partners that are more accepting of bisexuality, they are often saying, more accepting of being in a open relationship with their partner fucking other people......"

Well, then it seems to depend upon what and how you define "accepting". It would seem to me that the bold coloured definitions apply to what the OP is stating.

Do more women see it as proper for men to have sex with other men? (morally correct)

Do more women regard as true/ believe in men having sex with other men?

Do more women understand that men wanting to have sex with other men does not diminish their male partner's love for them?

Do more women agree than disagree that their male partners should have sex with other men like the female character stated?

If they do, then the concept of an "open marriage" would not factor people having sex with their same gender and not a factor in defining Open Marriage. The Queen character did not speak of Open Marriage at all. It was just seen as proper for men to have sex with each other. In this case, men having sex in her presence but there is no judgment or qualifying statement to state that men should only have sex with each other in front of women partners.

If bisexuality were accepted more, Open Marriage might be defined as having sex with another person of same gender as your spouse.
Men having sex with other men is just understood and agreed to as proper. (same application for women having sex with other women)

ac·cept (http://img.tfd.com/hm/GIF/abreve.gifk-shttp://img.tfd.com/hm/GIF/ebreve.gifpthttp://img.tfd.com/hm/GIF/prime.gif)v. ac·cept·ed, ac·cept·ing, ac·cepts
v.tr.1. a. To answer affirmatively: accept an invitation.
b. To agree to take (a duty or responsibility).
2. To receive (something offered), especially with gladness or approval: accepted a glass of water; accepted their contract.
3. To admit to a group, organization, or place: accepted me as a new member of the club.
4. a. To regard as proper, usual, or right: Such customs are widely accepted.
b. To regard as true; believe in: Scientists have accepted the new theory.
c. To understand as having a specific meaning.
5. To endure resignedly or patiently: accept one's fate.
6. To be able to hold (something applied or inserted): This wood will not accept oil paints.
7. To receive officially: accept the committee's report.
8. To consent to pay, as by a signed agreement.
9. Medicine To receive (a transplanted organ or tissue) without immunological rejection.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 16, 2012, 8:44 AM
trying to redefine marriage and open marriage in favour of the bisexual, would remove the right of choice for a non bisexual person, and create animosity towards bisexuals, as it creates a effect that is very similar to the days where females had no rights, they were shifted from the fathers house to the husbands house and told how they were answerable to the husband now......

in a day and age of equality and equal rights.... trying to change anything to create a situation that favours one person at the expense of the other person, is not going to help bisexuals at all.... it would create a situation where more people would say NO to being with bisexuals as they can see that they are the * lesser * partner....

if we want bisexuality to be more acceptable and accepted, then the last thing we need to be doing, is trying to present it as a situation where a partner has no say, no right of choice and there is no option for compromise in a relationship...... cos it would really put bisexuals in a bad light when it comes to potential partners and relationships

thankfully most bisexuals and non bisexuals, are more intelligent and understand that making open relationships and marriages work with communication, compromise and love, stands more chance of working, than telling potential partners that they have to accept a bisexuals right to have sex with other people, and expecting the person to say " thats fine, I didn't want a say in our relationship anyway, btw what time do you want dinner ? "

Apr 16, 2012, 9:22 AM
Yes I watched and it was nice. Another series that has some bisexual contact in it is spartacus vengance.

Apr 16, 2012, 9:26 AM
"trying to redefine marriage and open marriage in favour of the bisexual, would remove the right of choice for a non bisexual person, and create animosity towards bisexuals, as it creates a effect that is very similar to the days where females had no rights, they were shifted from the fathers house to the husbands house and told how they were answerable to the husband now......"

By non bisexuals, you mean monosexuals? Determining what marriage is; is exactly what Gays were all about with their battle for equality and same sex marriage. The concept that marriage is for monosexuals and bisexuals must fit into models created for heterosexuals is exactly what bisexual politics is about.

Yes, there may be animosity towards bisexuals who raise the issues of equality and how to alter perception about acceptance. Those who claim to be advocates for GLBT communities should be on the side of altering perceptions about bisexual men in the minds not only of women but men who are monosexuals and their perceptions about both women and men bisexuals.

To write about female rights (something wrong with calling them women?) is not relevant to the issue of this thread. The acceptance of bisexual men by women is the issue of this thread. Equality means that it would also apply to women bisexuals. Do monosexual men see women having sex with other women as proper?

"in a day and age of equality and equal rights.... trying to change anything to create a situation that favours one person at the expense of the other person, is not going to help bisexuals at all."

Are you that one person then? All bisexuals benefit from examining our needs and what political action is needed to improve our lives as bisexuals. To work towards equality for bisexuals in a monosexual dominated world. You, sir, seem to be anti bisexual rights..again. If you are truly bisexual like you claim you might discuss things in a framework as to improving bisexual men's lives rather than red herrings about monosexual women. Your words seem similar to the heterosexual argument that "marriage is for a man and a woman only". Rigid, and without equality for bisexuals.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 16, 2012, 9:51 AM
"trying to redefine marriage and open marriage in favour of the bisexual, would remove the right of choice for a non bisexual person, and create animosity towards bisexuals, as it creates a effect that is very similar to the days where females had no rights, they were shifted from the fathers house to the husbands house and told how they were answerable to the husband now......"

By non bisexuals, you mean monosexuals? Determining what marriage is; is exactly what Gays were all about with their battle for equality and same sex marriage. The concept that marriage is for monosexuals and bisexuals must fit into models created for heterosexuals is exactly what bisexual politics is about.

Yes, there may be animosity towards bisexuals who raise the issues of equality and how to alter perception about acceptance. Those who claim to be advocates for GLBT communities should be on the side of altering perceptions about bisexual men in the minds not only of women but men who are monosexuals and their perceptions about both women and men bisexuals.

To write about female rights (something wrong with calling them women?) is not relevant to the issue of this thread. The acceptance of bisexual men by women is the issue of this thread. Equality means that it would also apply to women bisexuals. Do monosexual men see women having sex with other women as proper?

"in a day and age of equality and equal rights.... trying to change anything to create a situation that favours one person at the expense of the other person, is not going to help bisexuals at all."

Are you that one person then? All bisexuals benefit from examining our needs and what political action is needed to improve our lives as bisexuals. To work towards equality for bisexuals in a monosexual dominated world. You, sir, seem to be anti bisexual rights..again. If you are truly bisexual like you claim you might discuss things in a framework as to improving bisexual men's lives rather than red herrings about monosexual women. Your words seem similar to the heterosexual argument that "marriage is for a man and a woman only". Rigid, and without equality for bisexuals.

by non bisexuals, I am refering to ANY person that doesn't use the label " bisexual " IE pansexuals, homosexuals, heterosexuals, omni sexuals...... as I tend to acknowledge the sexuality spectrum..... and being pan / omni sexuals are not monosexual, no... I was not refering to monosexuals, but any sexuality....

defining what marriage is for gays ?? I do not see gays trying to rewrite the definition of marriage as open marriage for gays.... I see them asking for the same rights of marriage that is afforded to people..... have I missed the gay community campaigning for bigamous / polygamous gay marriage or something...? cos I am sure.... very sure, they want the right of marriage between two people.... and the freedom to work out the details between the partners themselves....

the trouble with me... is I treat everybody equally,..... I do not treat bisexuals as some hypersexual type evolution of humanity.... its a annoying lil thing called equality and equal rights....... and I tend to see that a lot of people, LGBT and other, are campaigning for the same thing..... well here on earth, they are doing that..... so again, have I missed something and are people campaigning for a return to slave ownership and the right to put people in dog kennels or something ????.

if standing up for the rights of both partners in a relationship or marriage and respecting the rights of both partners, makes me a anti bisexual..... then I suppose that there must be a large number of bisexuals in happy and open relationships and marriages, that are anti bisexual too for respecting the rights of their partner to have a say in the relationship and not telling them that the rights of the bisexual are not negotiable....

have you talked this issue over with your partner / wife / husband etc... and seen how they feel about it ?

Long Duck Dong
Apr 16, 2012, 10:21 AM
Yes I watched and it was nice. Another series that has some bisexual contact in it is spartacus vengance.

my gay house mate watches that a lot.... apparently its a brilliant show and has some very erotic sex scenes in it, lol..... I quess that is why he is so quiet when he watchs it, he must be watching for the bi sex scenes lol

The Bisexual Virgin
Apr 16, 2012, 10:40 AM
Are you sure he was not just gay? and prefer men over women? And another thing, Damn it, I missed the season premiere of GoT, I hope I can catch a rerun.

Apr 16, 2012, 11:50 AM
Yes it would be nice if everybody was as accepting as that Queen. Love and marriage are not as shallow as some make it, thankfully. She could have easily made a big drama about it and started spiting both with rights etc, but chose to be an adult.
I hope more programs show this side to relationships, as mostly they portray them completely feked up juvenile drama-fests when a partner so much as kisses another. It's about time TV writers started treating the audience as if they've left the nursery.:)

Apr 16, 2012, 12:16 PM
Yes it would be nice if everybody was as accepting as that Queen. Love and marriage are not as shallow as some make it, thankfully. She could have easily made a big drama about it and started spiting both with rights etc, but chose to be an adult.
I hope more programs show this side to relationships, as mostly they portray them completely feked up juvenile drama-fests when a partner so much as kisses another. It's about time TV writers started treating the audience as if they've left the nursery.:)

Gear, in this case it's not the tv writers, it's the actual author George RR Martin. The series airs on cable which is much more lenient than regular broadcast tv. I wish I got the channel it came on as I would love to see it on tv rather than episodes as i find them on the pc, but I do have the books and they focus more on the incest than the free sex. In fact the witnessing of the incest led to a murder attempt of the witness. So it's not all fun and games on Game of Thrones, it's just based on a dark fantasy series and from all accounts makes for interesting viewing.

Apr 16, 2012, 12:53 PM
apparently the whole series is available online http://www.tubeplus.me/player/1914311/Game_of_Thrones/season_1/episode_1/Winter_Is_Coming/

vidxden is horrible, choose another mirror

good luck

Apr 16, 2012, 1:11 PM
They sure do have a lot of "buggerin' going on" in Game---I did miss last night's episode--didn't get home til quite late so I didn't even feel like catching it on the second airing or one of the west channels later----guess I am going to have to go hit ON DEMAND in a bit to see it I was hoping that they would have some sex of a bisexual nature at some point.

I have not read the books from which the series is derived--but know some who have--I need to get to it---those friends tell me that they have done a great job in the way they are doing the series--it's never possible to do with a movie or TV show of this sort to simply follow a book word for word, that is simply not possible---you have to take the essence of the work and translate it to the screen---with books and film being very different mediums.

Glad to know that there are other Game of Thrones fans here as well.

Apr 16, 2012, 5:21 PM
Gear, in this case it's not the tv writers, it's the actual author George RR Martin. The series airs on cable which is much more lenient than regular broadcast tv. I wish I got the channel it came on as I would love to see it on tv rather than episodes as i find them on the pc, but I do have the books and they focus more on the incest than the free sex. In fact the witnessing of the incest led to a murder attempt of the witness. So it's not all fun and games on Game of Thrones, it's just based on a dark fantasy series and from all accounts makes for interesting viewing.
Oh DD! For a moment I was actually praising TV writers!:( Well I should have guessed that an author was involved. I haven't seen it, but have heard of it on on-line streaming sites. I might give it a go after I finish watching the highly predictable 'Alcatraz'.:bigrin:
Here's the site, just in case you miss an episode: http://www.tubeplus.me/

Apr 16, 2012, 5:39 PM
Umm . . it's been pretty well established that the king is gay . . there's nothing bisexual about the situation.

Apr 16, 2012, 6:26 PM
The good word is that Benioff and Weiss are working on adapting another medieval screenplay. It is unclear if it will be for HBO or the big screen.
Their interpretation of A Song of Ice and Fire is astounding.

Apr 17, 2012, 2:45 AM
not entirely true, his queen offers that they can do it together.

Apr 18, 2012, 6:35 AM
Much more hotter bisexuality was in movie:
eleve libre (Private Lessons)
